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GOVERNOR, Orrice OF THE GovrRNoR February 12, 2009 EIA CERTIFIED MAIL #7006 2760 0004 7906 3553 Ms. Jennifer Peebles ‘Texas Watchdog $535 Memorial Drive, Suite F #601 Houston, Texas 77007 Dear Ms. Peebles: We received on January 71, 2009 your request under the Public Information Act (the "PIA") fo: the following information: All records of calendar information for Gov. Perry for the period Jan. 1, 2008- Dev. 31, 2008, including not only the governor's public schedule but also any and all private calendars and appointment records and mecting schedules, both on paper and in digital form We have compiled copies of the documents that are responsive to your request for information ur policy is to waive all charges for 50 pages ur less of responsive materials. However, if < request yields 51 or more pages of responsive materials, we collect from the requestor the charges stipulated by Subchapter F of the PIA and Scetions 111.63-71 of the Texas Adutinistrative Code. Your sequest yielded 382 pages of responsive material. The cost for copying thesc materials is $38.20 (at $0.10 per page), and we have received your payment. The documents are enclosed and are sequentially numbered -1- through -38?- If you have any questions or need additional information, you may contact me at the address below or at (512) 463-1788. BOG! WH a8 “Katherine R. Tite Assistant General Counsel Fae. Responsive Documents Post Ormce Box 12420 Austin, Texns 78711 (512) 463-2000 CVuwe/Piat 7- inc Gen ina ee PREAL BO 249-09 TUESDAY. JANUARY 1. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 253-09 WED? DAY, JANUAR State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLE S 23-09 THURSDAY. JANUARY 3, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:00 pan: PREBLE 25-09 FRIDAY. JANUARY 4. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATR SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLES 23-09 SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED . PREBLRS 42-09 SUNDAY. JANUARY 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NQO STATE SCHPDULED FVENTS PEEBLES 442-09 MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS. PEEBLES 23-09 TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry “EDULE Tc NO STATE PREBLBG 29-09 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2008 Schedule for Governor Rick Perry ‘Fe SCHEDULED EVENTS NOS’ ne PERBLES 42-09 ini THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 4:00 p.m. Meeting: Mark Hurd, President und CEO, HP 4:40 p.m. Phone Call: Secretary Michael Chertoff Meeting: Appointments 5:30 p.m. Meeting: Representative Mike Krusee 6:00 pm, AEA Reception Location: Hilton Hotel Austin 6:45 p.m, PEEBLES 23-09 EF 8 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry uy am, Photo Op: Texas Public Works Association Location: Capital 12:30 p.m, Mecting: Bartel Zachry Toca Capital 1:00 pam. Mccting: Brandon Williams Locats Cauitol PEEBLES 23-09 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS a PEEBLES £3-09 SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERTRS 2£9-09 =i MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 7:00 a.m. rs Praver Breakfast for Governor Elect Bobby Jindal ay Inn Select Executive Center Wayne Hamilton Scott Luther 1:10am, Driven w Louisiana State Capitol Hi:1Sam. Arrive at Louisiana State Capitol Address: 900 North 3" Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 11:30am, Inauguration: Governor Bobby Jindal Location: Steps of Louisiana State Capitol Conta Wayne Hamilton Advance: Scott Luther Press: OPEN 12-45 pan, Driven to Baton Rouge Metopolitan Airport 12:55 p.m. Arrive at Raton Rouge Metropolitan Aimpart Address: 4225 Chuck Yeager Avenue Baton Kouge, LA /U80/ 1:00 p.m, Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 2:40 p.m Arrive at Austin Ber Address: 10335 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78/19 245 p.m Driven to Governor's Residence 315 pm Atrive at Governor's Residence p.m. Phonc Call: Transportation Secretary Mary Peters Location: Governor's Residence raft: Tee hi PEEBLES 253-09 TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 WEDNESD. State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry N()S’ SOUP EVENTS Ho PEEBLES 23-09 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry EDULED EVENTS NO STATE SC -1s PREBLE £5-09 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry 12.20 p.m. Driven tw Southwest School of Art and Craft 1:45 p.m. Arrive at Southwest School of Art and Craft Address: 300 Augusta San Antonio, 78205 1:45 pan. Presentation: San Antonio Conservation Socicty Location: Coates Chapel Driven to Freeman Coliseum Arrive at Freensan Coliseum Address: 3201 East Houston Street San Antonio, TX 78219 3:00 pan, World Combat League’s Tribute to the Armed Forces Location: Brecman Colisenm PRERTRS 242-09 SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Ric! NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLES 44-09 SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERLES 23-09 MONDA 108 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry | Note: MLK, Jr, Day and State Holiday NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS PRE BDL Bo 29-09 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:25 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 an. 10:30 am. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 pan, 12:30 pm. 1:30 pam. 2:09 p.m. 2-348 pm. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Address: 1100 Congress Austin, TX 78701 Meeting: Rackspace Attendees. Graham Weston, Lanham Napier, Chris Shields Staff: Phil Wilson, Kris Heckmann Meeting: Representative Harvey Hilderbean Autendees: Representative Hilderbran, Jack Burch II, Guy Overby Staff: Ken Armbrister Meeting: Skipper Wallace Attendees: Skipper Wallace Staff. Brian Newby, Kris Heckinano Meeting: Jimmy Horn Attendees nuny Horn, Tennifeer Tarstina Staff Kris Heckmann Services Commission Mike Morrissey, Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Nora Belcher, Jessica Olson, Kristi Jordan Meeting: Commissioner Albert Hawkins Attendees: Commissioner Albert Hawkins Staff Rrian Newhy, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Nora Belcher, Jessica Olson, Kristi Jordan Meeting: Appointinents Staff: Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Ken Anderson, Teresa Spears, Gaby Fuentes, Bekki Lammert, Doris Scott, Manica Hearn, Mary Fraser, Keith Ingram Driven to Governor's Residence ‘rete wit Cinivernets Mecidance PEERLESS mratit m2'z WEDNES. State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:00 a.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 8:30 am. Artive at Austin Bergstrom Address: 10335 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 8:35 am. Wheels up for Addison Arrive at Addison Address: 4300 West Grove Addison, TX 75001 9:40 a.m, Driven to Rockwell Collins 9:35 a.m. Arrive at Rockwell Collins Address: 3200 E Renner Rd Richardson, TX 75082 10:00 a.m. Rockwell Collins Location: Rockwell Collins Facility 11:05 a.m. Driven to Addison 11:20 a.m, Arrive at Addison Address: 4300 West Grove Addison, TX 73001 11:25 am, Wheels up tor Austin Bergstrom 12:25 p.m, Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Address: 10335 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 12:30 p.m, Driven to Governor’s Kesidence 1:00 p.m. ‘Arrive at Governor's Residence PEEBLES 23-09 THURSDAY, JA State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:25 a.m, 10-54a.m 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m, 11:50 am. 12:20 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 1:15 pam. 1:20 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 pan. 3:08 p.m, +15 pm 3:20 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 415 pm 4:45 1m. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Address: 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, 1X 78701 Humanities Texas Award Location: Senate Chamber State Securities Board Honors Ken Anderson Location: Capitol Driven to Austin Bergstrom Ativeat Austin Berystiont Wheels up tor Uvalde Garner Ficld Arrive at Uvalde Garner Field Driven te Fist Baptist Church Arrive at First Baptist Church Address, 0 North High Sueet Uvalde, TX 78801 Funeral Service: Janev Katherine “Kate” Marmion Location: First Baptist Church Driven to Uvalde Garner Field Acrive at Uvalde Garner Field Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven te Governors Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence Zé PERERBLES 23-09 FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:40 a.m. 91am 9:15 a.m, 9:30 am. 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:35 p.m, 1:05 p.m. Driven to Doubletree Hotel Attive at Doubletree Hotel Address: 6505 North IH-35 Austin, TX 78752 Photo Op: Voice of Democracy Location: Doubletree Hotel Roonr Austin Room Conference ivi: Double Tree Hotel Room: Phoenix Ballroom VEW Li Driven tv Renaissance Hotel Arrive at Renaissance Hotel Address 9721 Arboretum Boulevard Austin, TX 78759 Meet & Greet: Mike Ogden & Transwestern Executives Location: Renaissance Hotel Room: Presidential Suite, Room 925 Photo Op: Representatives from “75 Best Companics to Work for in Texas” Location: Renaissance Ilotel Room: Atrium TX Association of Business Location: Renaissance Hotel Room: Ballroom Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor's Readence PREBLRS 49-09 SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS valli PEEBLES £3-09 SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 425-09 MONDAY. JANUARY 28. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCTIFDULED FYENTS | PEEBLES 25-09 | TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS 31 PREBLRS & a 1 e ‘© WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:25 a.m. Driven to Convention Center 8:55 aan Auive at Convention Center Address: 500 East Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 9300 am. Government Technology Conference Location: Convention Center Ballroom A Phone: 512-404-4212 10.40 ain. Driven to Four Seasons Hotel 10:55 a.m. Arrive at Four Seasons Hotel Address: 98 San Jacinto Blvd. Austin, TX 78701 11:00 am Meeting: Competitiveness Council Location: Four Seusuns Hotel Ballroom A Phone: 512-478-4500 12:05 pm. Driven to Capitol 12:10pm. Arrive at Capitol Address: 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 12:15pm. Videotaping: Guarding Texas Roadways Summit Atlendees: See attached list Staff: Andrew Barlow Contact: Rob Kepple 12:35 pm. Videotaping: Abilene Christian University Attendees: See attached list Stall Andrew Barlow Contact: Lynne Bruton 1:15 p.m. Phoue Call: Senator Steve Ogden Staff: Kris Heckmann, Ken Armbrister Contact: Jennifer 2:30 pam, Meeting: Congressman Michael McCaul Attendees: Congressman McCaul, Greg Hill Staff: Brian Newby Contact: Mary Ellen PRERLES 23-09 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2008 2/09 8:29 AM State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continucd) 2:55 p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence rs Residence 3:25 p.m. Artive at Gov RON a aM a PREADBO 29-09 THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2008 2/4/09 8-78 AM Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:10 p.m. 110 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 2:20 pan 2:30 p.m, 3:15 p.m, 4:00 pam. 4:20 p.m, 3:15 pam. 5:50 p.m. 5:55 p.m 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 pan RON Driven to Hirshfeld Moore House Arrive at Hirshfeld-Moore Hous: Branding “13-0” on Hide Location: Hirshfeld-Moore House Driven to Capitol Ative at Capitol Meeting: Cliff Johnson Stall Mike Morrissey Mceting: Representative Helen Giddings Staff Ken Armbrister, Brian Newby Meeting: TDI Briefing Sia Brian Newhy, Kris Ileckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey. Cassie Brown Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Muttissey, Cassie Brown Meeting: Appointments Statt: rian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Monica Hearn, Ken Anderson, Teresa Spears, Gaby Fuentes, Bckki Lammert, Doris Scott, Mary Fraser, Keith Ingram Driven tw Stephen F Austin Hotel Arrive at Stephen F. Austin Hotel Address. 701 Fast 7th Street Austin, TX 78701 TCCRI Cocktail Reception Location: ‘Stephen F. Austin Hotel Capitol Ballroom Driven to Governor's Residence Attive at Governor’s Residence Goveror’s Residence PRERLRES 23-09 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHBREDULED FYFNTS PRERL RS 42-09 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Ram 8:59 a.m. 9:00 au 12:20 pm. 12:50 p.m 6:50 p.m 6:35 p.m 7:00 pam. TBD p.m TBD p.m. Driven to Capital Arrive at Capitol Addiess. 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 Boy Scouty Annual Report to State Location: Capitol GPRR, House Chamber Driven to Governor's Residence Avive at Governor's Residence Driven to Bob Bullock Muscum Arrive at Bob Bullock Museum Address: 1800 N. Congress Avenue: Austin, TX 78701 Boy Scout Movie and Book Signing Location: Bob Bullock Museum Phone: 512-936-1639 Driven to Governur’s Residence iene Cede carer Bie ees ie PEEBLES 243-09 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NQO STATE SCUPDULED FYEFNTS PRERELRS 22-09 MOND FEBRUARY 4. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 34am 12:09 p.m, 12:10 p.m. 1:30 pm. 1:35 p.m, 1:50 p.m 2:00 p.m, 3225 pm 4:49 p.m, 4:50 p.m. 20 00m. Driven ta Austin Bergson Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/1XDOL Address 10355 Galf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 312-936-8900 Fax 512-936-9195, Wheels up for City of Edinbug Airport Aurive at City of Edinburg Airport Addi 1300 East FM 490 Fdinburg, TX 78741 Phone: 9356-2! Fax: 6d6- Driven to Cat Memorial Stadium Arrive at Cat Metuorial Stadiun Address: 1800 South Stadium Drive Edinburg, 'I'X 78539 Texas Legislative Medal of Honor: Sergeant Freddy Gonzalez, Location: Cat Memorial Stadium Driven to City of Edinburg Airport Auive al Arrive at City of Edinburg Airport Address: 1300 East FM 190 Edinburg, TX 78741 Phone’ 956-299-9047 Fax: 656-292-2016 Wheels up for Austin Bergsirant Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/ TXDOT Addhess: 10353 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 512-936-8900 Fax: 419-936-9195 Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor's Recidence PREBLES 23-09 ~3é TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:15 am. 10:45 a.m, Sam. Spm. 1:00 pam. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Meeting: Bill Meadows Staff Brian Newby, Kris Hecknwann, Ken Anderson Meeting: ‘Tom Clowe Staff Kris Heckimaun, Ken Anderson Photo Op: Sweetwater Javcees Outdvor Rotunda Ken Armbrister Briefing: TDHCA Staff: Brian Newby. Kathy Walt. Kris Heckmann, Mike Morrisscy, Cristen Wohlgemuth, Jackie King Meeting: TDHCA Attendees: Kent Conine, Michael Gerber Staff. Brian Newby, Kathy Walt, Kris Heckmann, Mike Morrissey, Cristen Wohlgemuth, Jackic King Driven lo Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence Goversar’a Residannx PREBI BO 29-09 WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry TATE SCHEDULED E ie PREBLRG 22-09 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry i am. 10:40 a.m, 10:50 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 11:50 am. 12:15 pam. 1:30 pam, 2:00 p.m 3:15 pam. 3245 pam, 4:00 pm 4:30 pam 6:30 pam. RON en to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Phone Call: Janet Crei: Staff Brian Mian lewby, Kris Heckmann Recording: Telephone Hold Messages Staff: Andrew Barlow, Adam Beaugh, Baylis Atherton Videotaping: Pastor John Hagee Stall Andrew Barlow Meeting: Appointments Staff: Brian Newby, Kathy Walt, Kris Heckmann, Ken Anderson, Teresa Spears, Gaby Fuentes, Bckki Lammert, Doris Scott Monica Hearn, Mary Fraser, Keith Ingram Briefing: TX Parks & Wildlife Department Staff: Brian Newhy, Kathy Walt, Kris Heckmann, Mike Morrissey, Toby Baker, Nora Belcher Meeting: TX Parks & Wildlife Depurtnent Attendees: Peter Holt, Carter Smith, Gene McCarty, Harold Stone Staff: Brian Newby, Kathy Walt, Kris Heckmann, Mike Morrisscy, Toby Baker, Nova Belcher Photo Op: Westlake High School Tennis ‘Tcam Tacation: 2! Rloar Steps Advance: Dan Paschal Meeting: Representative Mike Krusee Staff: Ken Armbrister, s Heckmann. Driven to Governor's Residence: (Drive Time: — 30 minutes) Manifest: GRP, DPS Arrive at Governor’s Residence Dinner Location: jars Residence Attendees: nd Becky Powell, Melinda and Guy Grace, Brian Newby and Sandy Swinnea Ceo Barc PERRBILES é2a-09 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:30 am. 10:00 a.m, 1005 am 11:20 a.m. 11:25 am, 11:35 a.m 12:00 pam, p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 pam, 1:35 p.m. 145 pm 1:50 pam. 3.05 pn. 3:10 pam, 3:40 p.m. RON Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Edinburg Internatio Arrive at Edinburg International Driven to Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector Headquarters Anive at Rin Grande Valley Borde: Patrol Sector Headqua ters Address: 44000 South Expressway 281 Edinburg, 1X Press Conference Location: Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol [leadquarters Driven to Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Arrive at Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Address: 5301 South Mccoll Road Edinburg. 1X. Phone. 956-661-7100 Meeting Location: Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Driven to Edinburg International Autive at Edinburg International Wheels up for Austin Rergstram Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence Governor’s Residence PRERERS 29-09 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 2008 Schedule far Governor Rick Perry NO Sra Tre SCHEDULED EVENTS. PEEBLES £39-UY9 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS PREBL BO 29-09 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 2:05 a.m. 9:35 a.m. 9:40 a.m, 15am 10:40 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. 1770 pan 12:25 pm 1:20 p.m. 1:25 pm, 1:55 pm Driven to Austin Bergsiram Avrive at Austin BergstronvTXDOT Adare: 10355 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 512-936-8900 Fax: 512-936-9195, Wheels up for Dallas Love Anive at Dallas Love/Business Jet Address: 8611 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, ‘IX 75209 Phone: 914-953-8777 Fax: 214-654-1656 Driven to Moiton H, Meyerson Symphony Center Arrive at Morton I]. Meyerson Symphany Center Address 2301 Flora Street Dallas, TX 75201 Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Annual Luncheon Location: Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center 214-670-3600 214-070-4334 Driven to Dallas Love Arrive at Dallas Love/Business Jet Address: 8611 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, TX 75209 Phone: 214-353-8777 Fax: 214 654-1696 Wheels up for Austin Bergsirom Arrive at Austin Rergstran/TXDOT Address: 10355 Golf Course Road Austin, 1X /8719 Phone: 512-936-8900 Pax 512-936-9195 Driven to Capito! Arrive at Capitol PEEBLES 23-09 AY. FEBRUARY 11, 2008 Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continued) 2:00 p.m. 2:15 pam 3:00 p.m 3. we p.m. 4:05 pom. 2/409 §:30 AM Meeting: Ken Anderson Meeting: LCRA Attendees: Tom Mason, Becky Klein Staff Brian Newhy, Crisien, Woblgemiuth Contact: Lindsay Becky Kicin Meeting: Bill Strickland, Manchester Bidwell Attendees: Bill Strickland, Georgina Gutierrez, ‘lim Mattox Staff: Kathy Walt Contact: Tim Matiox Driven to Governor's Residence reiueer Chemmenzce'n Tietaaouen: PREALBO 429-09 TU AY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:15 p.m. Driven to Capitol 12-20 pm Atrive at Capital 1:00 p.m, Mecting: TEA Briefing Stall Brian Newby, Kara Belew, Melis: a Oehler 1:30 p.m. Meeting: Commissioner Robert Scott, TEA Kara Relew, Melissa Oehler Contact Pan Franco 2:30 p.m. Mecting: Joc McGrath, Unis; Attendees’ Tor McGrath, Randy Hendricks, Reginald Drake, Andrea MeWilliams Staff: Brian Newby Contact Delibie 3:15 p.m. Meeting: Racing Commission Staff: Rrian Newby, Kris Heckmann, David Cabrales 4:00 p.m. Meeting: Steve McCraw Staff: Brian Newby 4:20 p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence 450 pin Arrive at Govemor’s Residence 5:30 p.m. Phone Call: Congressman Mike Burgess Location: Governor's Residence Contact: A tranta Stanhane 's Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey, Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey, PEEBLES 25-049 WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Per 9:15 a.m 10:45 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:20. a.m. 1 a.m. 1:05 p.m. 2:35 pm 2:45 pam, Driven to Mrs. Baird’s Bakery Arrive at Mrs. Baird's Bakery Address: 512 South Gevers San Autoniu, TX 78203 Nv ird’s 100" Anniversary Location: Mrs, Baird's Bakery Phone: 210-533-5181 Driven to Riverwalk Marriott Arrive at Riverwalk Marriott Address. 711 East Riverwalk San Antonio, TX 78205 UNCF's Si Texas Governor's Lune) Location: Riverwalk Marriott Phone: 210-224-4555 Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Gavernar’s Residence y Times 5! y Magazine Interview Location Gavernor's Residence Pinte Deborah Solomon PREBLES a 1 ° © z THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:25 a.m. Driven to Fire Station, #44 Aurive at Fire Station, #44 Address: 11612 Four Iron Drive Austin, TX 78750 10:00 a.m. Press Conference: Texas Round Up Location: ire Station, #44 12:05 p.m. Driven to Capitol 1210 pan Anrive at Capital 12:30 pam. Photo Op: NY ‘limes Sunday Magazine Photographer. Matthew Maliou Staff: Robert Black, Scott Luther Contact: Matthew Mahon 1:00 p.m. Meeting: Minister Tariq Ikram Attendees: See attached list Staff: Brian Newby Contact: Nasru Rupani Meeting: John Young, CEO of Energy Future Holdings Attendees: John Young, James Huffines, Curt Scidlits Staff: Brian Newby Contact Andy O’Brien TBD p.m. Driven to Governor’s Residence (Drive Time - 25 minutes) Manifest: GRP, DPS TBD om. Aisin at CARs Dees PEEBLES 23-09 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHUFDULED FYEFNTS és PRERERS 29-09 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PREBLBRG 49-09 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:45 p.m. Driven to Mansion at Judges’ Hill 715 pm Anive al Mausian al fudges? Hill Address; 1900 Rio Grande Austin, 1X 7/87/05 7:30 p.m. Capitol City A&M Club Hosts Coach Mark Turgeon Location: Mansion at Judges? Hill Driven to Governor's Residence a i PREBLES 29-09 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCTIEDULED EVENTS BEOL BS £9-U9 TURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS 35 PRREBLRG 49-09 WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. = S34 PRERTRS 42-09 ‘THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry N() TEDUL PREBLE 29-09 NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLE G 21-09 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO) STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERERS 25-09 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2000 State Sehcdule for Governor Rick Perry 6:25 pm Driven ta White House 630 pam. Arrive at White House Address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20001 7:00 pan Dinner: 100" Anniversary of the Nati jovernors Association TBD p.m. Driven to Sofitel Lafayette Square TBD p.m. Arrive at Sofitel Lafayette Square 806 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Address: PEEBLES 23-09 MONDAY. FEBRUARY 285, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:00 wan Driven to White House 9:05 a.m. Arrive at White House Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Wa gion, DC 20006 9:15 am. Photo Op and i: PUTUS and Governors 5:20 p.m. Driven to National Building Museum 5:25 p.m. Arrive al National Building Museam, Address: 401 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 3:30 p.m, “A Celebration of America's Leaders” Gala with Special Guest President « rc W,. Bush PREREBILES 22-09 TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FYENTS 60 PREERILES ea-049 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 = 6 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11230 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 110 pm 1:30 p.m. 1:45 pam. 2:15 pam. 3:00 pam. 4:30 pan. 9:05 pm. 9:33 pm. RON Driven to ‘Ihe Four Seasons Hotel Arrive at The Four Seasons Hotel Address: 98 San Jacinto Blvd Austin, TX 78701 TexasUnc Partnership Council Roundtable Meeting and Luncheon Location The Four Seasons Iotel Waterloo Room Phone: 512-478 4500 Driven to Capitol Anvive at Capitol Vidcotaping: Opportunity Austin 2.0 Attendees. Russ Rhea, Julia Hilder, Fim Canning Staff: Andrew Buriow, Scott Luther Contact: Nan Matthews Photo Op: Friends of the Governor's Mansion Attendees: See attached Staff: Scott Luther Contact: Jane Karotkin Meeting: South African Ambassador Welile Nhlapo Awendees: Ambassador Welile Nhlupo, Mr. Hendrik DuToit, Ms. Leruto Mataboge, Representative Helen Giddings Staff: Brian Newby Contact Sarah Wheland Mecting: Denver Moore, Ron Ilall, Ron Lewis Staff. Kiis Heckiuaun Contact: Ron Lewis Appointments Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Monica Hearn, Ken Anderson, Teresa Spears, Gaby Fuentes, Bekki Lammert, Doris Scott, Mary Fraser, Keith Ingram Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor's Residence Cieente Rawtensn PREBLES 23-09 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 29. 2008 State Schedule fur Goveraor Rick Perry & loam Driven to Capitol 8:45 a.m. Arrive at Capitul 9:00 a.m. Meeting: Rducation Sceretary Margaret Spellings Attendees: Secretary Spellings, David Dunn Staff: Brian Newby Comact: Vina-Marie Henry Susan Rerchelmann: 1:55 p.m. Driven to Govemnor’s Residence 9:25 pm. Arrive at Governor's Residence 4:30 p.m. Driven to Austin Rergstram 5:00 p.m. Atrive at Austin Bergstrom/TXDOT Address 10335 Golf Course Koad Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 312 936-9199 Fax: 412-936-9195 5:05 punt Wheels up for Fort Worth Meacham Field 6:00 p.m. Arrive at Fort Worth Meachau Field Address: 200 Texas Way Fort Worth, TX 76016 Phone: 817-624-8438 Vax: 817 295-9278 6:05 p.m. Driven to Clibum Residence 6:25 p.m. Arrive at Cliburn Residence Address: 23 Westuvet Fort Worth, TX 76107 Dinner: $0" Anniversary of Van Cliburn wii International Competition La ian: Cliburn Residence 6:30 pam, g the Tehaikovsky 10-00 p.m. Driven to Fort Worth Meacham Field 10:20 p.m. Arrive at Fort Worth Meacham Field/Texas Jet Address: 200 Texas Way Fort Worth, TX 76016 Phone: 817-624 84. Tee Q17.905-9978. -6:° PEEBLES 25-09 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2008 2/4/09 8:31 AM Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continued) 10:25 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 11:20 pan, Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/TXDOT Address: 10335 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone 512.936.9199 Fax: 512 936 9195 1195 pm Driven to Governor's Residence nm. Arrive at Clovernor’s Residence PREBLES 22-09 SATURDA ARCH 1. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTAT VUEDUL) NTS PREALBA 29-09 SUNDAY. MARCH 2, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS —6¢ PEEBLES 23-09 MONDAY. MARCH 3, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1%Fam Driven to Headliners Clubs I35am. Arrive at Headliners Club Address 991 West 6" Street Austin, TX 78701 12:00 p.m. Gnvernar Briscne Tribute Luncheon Location: Headliners Club 1:00 p.m, Driven to Governar’s Residence (Drive Tine ~ 30 minutes) Manifest: GRP, Josh Havens, DPS 1:30 p.m Arrive at Gavernar’s Residence RON Governor’s Recidenre PRERTR GS 292-09 TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE S MeEDULED FYENTS PEEBLES 2£9-U9 SDAY. MARCH 5, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11230 an. 1140 am, 5:35 pam. 5:50 p.m. 6:00 pam, 7:50 pam 8:00 p.m, 8:30 pam, Driven to Dallas Petroleum Club Arrive at Dallas Petroleum Club. Address: 2200 Ross Avenue Dallas, TX 75201 rd Club Luncheon Location: Dallas Petroleum Club Driven to Home of Lyn and John Muse Arrive at Home of Lyn and John Muse Address: 4800 Preston Road Dallas, TX 73203 ‘2008 Medal of 'reedom Dinner Loca Home of Lyn and John Muse Driven to McFarlin Auditorium Arrive at McFarlin Auditorium Address: 6405 Boaz Lanc Dallas, TX 75205 2008 Medal of Frecdom Award Presentation Bo Mob At. deltaic Lees PREADRBO 29-09 THURSDAY. MARCH 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:25 a.m. 8:55 a.m, 9:00 a.m. 9:30 aun. 10:00 am, 11:00 a.m. 12:00 pan 1:00 pan. 1:30 pam. 2:00 p.m. 3:50 p.m. 4:20 pan. 6:25 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 pam Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Phone Call: Eduardo Aguirre, US Ambassador to Spain Staff: Brian Newby Briefing: PU Staff: Brian Newby, Kathy Walt, Kris Heckmann, Mike Morrissey. Donna Nelson Meeting: Barry Smitherman, PUC Staff: Brian Newhy, Kathy Walt, Kris Heckmann, Mike Morrissey, Donna Nelson Meeting: Cole Blue Aueuding: Cole Blue, Wendy Blue, Alan Blue Staff. Kris Heckmann Meeting: Dr. Thomas Hatfield Staff: Kris Heckmann Commissioning Oath: Dr. William Betts Attending: Dr. William Betts, Judith Betts, Kathryn Retts, Todd Paricio, Captain Rosa Rodtiguez, Daniel Wall, Captain Luis Rocha, First Sergent Jo Macias Meeting: Dr. Abdulrahman Al Shaya, Consul General Saudi Arabla Attending: Consul General Alshaya, (1)Gcott Connor Staff: Brian Newhy, Romina Rlack Phone Call: Governor Linda Lingle, Hawaii Staff: Brian Newhy Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence Driven to Siegele Residence Arrive at Siegele Residence Di Location: Slesele Residence PEEBLES 25-09 Ps THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2008 24/09 8:39 AM State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continued) TBD p.m. Driven w Governur’s Residence TBD pm. Arrive at Governor’s Residence PEEBLES 25-09 FRIDAY. MARCH 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS, -72 PREAL BO 49-049 ae SATURDAY, MARCTI 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6.00 aan. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 6:30 a.m Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Inited Airlines. 7:10 a.m. Wheels up for Baltimore Washington International 115am, Arrive at Baltimore Washington International 11:35am. Driven to Sofitel 12:25 p.m. Arrive at Sofitel Address 806 15" Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Driven to The issance Washington 6:35 p.m. Arrive at The Renaissanee Washington Address: 999 9" Street, NW. Washington, DC 20001 6:35 pm. Cocktail Hour Location: The Renaissance Washington Open Arca Outside Grand Ballroom 7:00 psm, Dinner The Renaissance Washingion Grand Ballroom IBD p.m. Driven to Sofitel Hotel TBD p.m. Arrive at Sofitel Hotel Address: 806 15" Street, NW. Washington. DC 20005 PREBLBA 29-09 SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATRE SCHEDULED F NTS ae PEEBLES £3-09 MONDAY. MARCH 10. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREEBLBA £9-U9 TUESDAY. MARCH 11, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PEEBLES £3-09 WEDNESDAY. MARCH 12. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:05 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 1:30 pan. 2:00 pam, 2:45 pam. 3:30 p.m, 4:45 pam. 245 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 7:30 p.m 8-00 nm, Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Briefing: Brazos River Authority Staff: Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey, Auburn Mitchell, Jessica Olsen Meeting: Appointments Staff: Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Monica Hearn, Ken Anderson Teresa Spears, Gaby Fuentes, Mary Fraser, Bekki Lammert, Doris Scot, Keith Ingram Meeting: Jolin Goudish, COO, US Steel Attendees: John Goodish, Paul Vercher Jr., Jack Erskine, Victoria Ford Staff: Kris Heckmann, Donna Nelson Contact Vieturia Ford, 512-360-3927 m Mccting: Brazos River Authori Atteulers —— Cluistupher DeCluiu, Phil Ford, Matt Philips Saf: Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt. Mike Morrissey. Auburn Mitchell, Jessica Olsen Contact Clnisiupher DeClui Phil Ford Meeting: Senator Juan “Chuy" Hinojosa & Hidalgo County Judge J.D, Salinas Attendees: See attached list Staff Kiiy Heckut Contact: Elva Ken Armbrister, Michael Schuttloffel Driven to Stephen F Austin Hatel Arrive at Stephen F. Austin Hotel Address: 701 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 lute to Texas M Location: ‘Stephen F, Austin Hotel Capitol Ballroom Phone: 512-457-8800 Driven to Governor's Residence Ua a ca ae PRERBLES 22-09 =F THURSDAY. MARCH 13, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Ferry 1:35 pm. Driven to Capitol 3:05 p.m Arrive at Capitol 3:30 pan Briefing: ERS Staff: Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann. Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey, Natalie: Forester, Brian Guthrie 4:00 pm. Mecting: ERS Attendees: Anu Fuelbery, Bill Ceverha Staff: Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey, Natalie Forester. Brian Guthric Contact: Stacey (Fuelherg) Bill Ceverha TBD p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence TBD ym. Arrive at Governor’s Residence PEEBLES 23-09 FRIDAY. MARCH 14. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick lerry NO STATE SCHFDIT FD FYENTS PEEBLES 49-09 SATURD. ARCH 15. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATEF SCHEDULED FYENTS “se PRERERS 22-09 SUNDAY. MARCH 16. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Riek Perry NOSTATF SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERL RS é£3-09 MONDAY. MARCH 17, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCLTIED! EDPVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 TUFRSDAY, MARCH 18, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1740p Driven to Austin Municipal Court 1:10 p.m. Arrive at Austin Municipal Court Address: 700 East 7" Street Austin, TX 78701 1:15 pan dury Duty Locatioi Austin Municipal Court TAN pm Driven to Governus's Residen TBD p.m. tos it Coca’ Resse PEEBLES £43-09 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS eee PEEBLES 23-09 THURSDAY. MARCH 20. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:25 am. 8:55 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 11:30 am, 12:30 pam. 1:30 pam. 245 pam. 2:15 pm, 3:00 p.m, 3:30 pam, pm. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Vets for Freedom Heroes Bus Tour Location: Capitol South Steps Press Briefing Staff: Robert Black, Allison Castle, Aaron Demerson, Mike Morrissey Meeting: Sada Cumber Attending: Sada Cumber Staff: Kathy Walt Meeting: Sada Cumber & Dr. Mahmoud Eboo Attending: Sada Cumber, Dr Mahmoud Ebou Staff: Kathy Walt, David Bichler, Romina Black Meeting: Tony Morris Staff. Kris Heckmann, Meeting: Tom Pauken Stall Brian Newby Videotaping: SATAT Staff: Andrew Barlow Videotaping: Texas Great American Tribute Staff Andrew Barlow Vidcotaping: Texas Racing Commission Staff Andrew Barlow Richard Perez Richard Perez, Chris Shields Brian Newby, Kathy Walt 1, Meeting: Chinese Cansul Gene: Madam Quio, Hong Attending: Madam Quio, Hong, Mr. Yao, Wenliang , Mr. Chen, Guang: Ms. Vivian Lee Staff. Brian Newby, Romina Black Meeting: David Nance Staff Kris Heckmann Driven to Governor’s Residence: PEEBLES 223-09 THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continued) 4:25 p.m. Arrive at Governor's Residence RON Chivenine'c Revulanpe: PEEBLES 23-09 FRIDAY. MARCH 21. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED FYENTS PREBL BO 29-09 SATURDAY. MARCH 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. oan PEEBLES 23-09 SUNDAY. MARCH 23, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED Bs PREADBOA £9709 MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATR SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:15 am. 9:45 am. 2:15 pam, 3:00 p.m. 3:30 pam 5:00 p.m. 5:05 pm 5:20 p.m, 5:35 pam 6:05 p.m. Driven to Capitol Anrive at Capitol Mccting: Victoria Delegation Attenu: Representative Geanie Morrison, Will Armstrong, Don Pozzi, Dale Fowler, Randy Vivian Staff: Ken Armbrister, Donna Nelson Contact Lisa Vidcotaping: Texas 4-H Attendees: Toby Lepley, Austin Movie, Angel Fatworini Staff: Andrew Barlow Contact: Toby Lepley Videotaping: RunTex Attendees: Jen Ohison Staff: Andiew Barlow Contact: Jen Ohison Meeting: Senator Robert Duncan Attendees: Senator Robert Duncan, Cory Pomeroy Staff: Kris Heckmann, Ken Armbrister Contact: Cary Pomeroy Driven to PacSat Arrive at PacSat Address 1099 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 Interview: Kudlow and Company Location: PacSat Phone: 312-474-1283 Driven to Governor’s Residence Arrive at Governor's Residence PRERBLRES 22-09 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10: 1, 10:15 a.m. 11:00 aan. 11:30 a.m. 3:00 pm. 3:30 p.m, 8:50 pam 0:20pm. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Briefing: Homeland Security Staff: Kathy Walt, Robert Black. Allison Castle, Steve McCraw Interview: Fox News Attendees: Kris Gutierrez, Maggic Linchack Staff Steve McCraw, Allison Castle Contact: Kris Gutierrez Meeting: Thailand Delegati Auendees; See attached I Staff: Brian Newby Contact: Kay Kramer Rujikorn Saengchantr Photo Op: Business Facilities Publi: tion Attendees: Ted Coene, Bob Daemmrich Staff: Scott Luther Contact: Allison Ler : Appointments Brian Newhy, Kris Heckmann, Monica Hearn, Ken Anderson, Teresa Spears, Gaby Fuentes, Mary Fraser. Bekki Lammert. Doris Scott, Keith Ingram Driven tu Governor's Residence ‘Meslaie at (acess Decaicnse PRERBLES 29-09 THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9.00 a. Driven tv Austin Bergstrom 9:30 a.m. Arrive at Austin BergstronvSignature Services Addhess 4391 Genetal Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 512-530-5451 Pax 545 9:33 am. Wheels up for West Houston Aiport 10:25am, Arrive at West Houston Airport Address 18000 Groeschke Road Houston, TX 77084 10:30 a.m. Driven to Community Medical Center 10:55 a.m. Arrive at Coumuuity Medical Center Address: 11226 South Wilcrest Drive Houston, 1X 77079 11:00 a.m. t Anniversary of Community Medical Center Location: Community Medical Center Savoy Ranquet Hall Phone: 281-977-7462 2:05 pm. Driven to West Houston Airport 2:35 p.m. Arrive at West Houston/West Houston Airport Address: 18000 Groeschke Read Houston, TX 77084 Phone: 281 492-2130 Fax: 281-4 02K 2:40 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 190 pm Auive at Austin Bergstrom/Signature Services Address: 4321 General Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone 512-530-5451 Fax: 312-530-5450 3:35 p.m. Driven to Governor’s Residence “Arrive at Governor PEERLES 23-09 FRIDAY. MARCH 28. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Fam Diiven to Shoreline Christian Cenver 9:55 a.m. Arrive at Shorcline Christian Center Address 13201 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78728 10:00 a.m. DPS Graduation Ceremony Location: Shoreline Christian Center Phone: 512-310-2244 11:35 am. Driven to Capitol 11:55 a.m Arrive at Capitol 12:35 p.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 1:05 p.m. Arrive at Austin Bergstron/TXDOT Address: 10335 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 512-936-9199 Fax: 512-936-9195 1:10 pan. Wheels up for Easterwood Field 1:40 p.m Atrive at Easterwood Field/General Aviation Address: 1770 George Bush Drive West College Station, TX 77845 Phone: 979-845-4811 Fax: 979-845-6453 1:45 pm Driven to TIPS Site 1:55 p.m. Arrive at TIPS Site Address 500 Raymond Stowzer Parkway (Adjacent to the Animal Life Care Center) College Station, TX 77840 2:00 p.m. Groundbreaking Location: TIPS Site 2:50 p.m. Driven to Easterwood Field (Drive Time Manifest: GRY, Josh Havens, Krista Piferrer, DPS 3.00 p.m. Arrive at Easterwood Field/General Aviation Address: 17/0 George Bush Drive West College Station, TX 77845 Phone 979-845-4811 poe avacececaues 10 minutes) PEERLE 23-09 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2008 2/09 8:10 AM Stale Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continued) 3:05 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Vi pm Arrive at Austin BerystronvTXDOT Address: 10335 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone. 512-936-9199 Fax: 512.936 9195 3:40 pm Driven to Governor's Residen AIO pm, Arrive at Governor’s Ree PREBLEROG 42-09 SATURDAY. MARCH 29, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry TE SCHEDULED FYENTS ~9e PREBIL BD 29-09 SUNDAY, MARCH. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 MONDAY. State Schedule fe CH 31, 2008 Governor Rick Perry N TATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERTERS 29-09 TUESDAY. APRIL 1. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:15 am. 9:45 am, 10: 10:30) a.m. 10:50 a.m, 12:30 pm. 2:55 pam. 3:20 pan. 3:05 p.m. 5:35 p.m, RON Driven to Capital Arrive at Capitol Meeting: Becky Klein, LCRA Videotaping: Gary Warner Videotaping: Rie Williamson Photo Op: Brenham Maifest Association Meeting: Ken Anderson Photo Op: Follv Magazine Phutu Op: Baver Executives Driven to Governor’s Residence rive at Governor's Residence Chaernaete Besitencc. PREBLES 23-09 -100 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:05 a.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 10:35 um, Arrive at Austin Bergstrom 10:40 a.m. Wheels up fir Lubbock International Airport 12:05 p.m. Arrive at Lubbock International Airport 19.10 pan, Driven to Texas Tech Student Union Arrive at Texas Tech Student Union Address: 15" and Akron Lubbock, TX 79409 12:30 p.m. Luncheon Location: —‘exas Tech Student Union 2:00 p.m Press Conference: ETF Announcement Location: Texas Tech Student Union 2:40 p.m. Meetin munvellor Kent Hance & Harold Simmons Location: Texas Tech Student Union 3:15 pm Driven to Office of Representative Carl Isett 3:25 pam, Arrive at Office of Representative Carl Isett Adddtess: 1001 Main Street Lubbock, TX /Y4U1 3:30 p.m. Meeting: Representative Carl Isett Location: Office of Representative Carl Isett TBU p.m. Driven to Tanhhack International Airport TBD p.m Arrive at Lubbock International Airport TRAD pn Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom TBDp.m. Arrive at Austin Beiystium TBD p.m. _Driven to Governor’s Residence TBD p.m. ‘Artive at Governor's Residence PREADBA 29-09 THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry 3:50 p.m. Driven to Hirschfield- Moore House 6:20 p.m. Attive at Hirschifield-Muore House Address: 817 Lavaca Street Austin, 1X 787/01 6:40 pan, CARPOOL 3™ BI-Annual Endowment Reception Location: Hirschficld-Moore House Driven to Governor's Residence besarte. Arrive at Governors PREBELRS 29-09 FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:30am, 17.00 pan 12:10 pam, 12:30 p.m, 1:00 pam. 1:30 pam. 3:10 p.m. 6:30 p.m, 6:35 pm. 6:45 pm 7:00 p.m, 9:05 pm. 9:15 pm 9:20 p.m. 10:40 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 11S pam. RON Driven to Capitol Antive al Capitol Meeting: Keith Self, Collin County Judge Photo Op: Wylie ISD Destination Imagination Teams Meet cxas Family Land [eritage Ceremony Driven to Governor’s Residence : James Huffines Arrive at Governor's Residence Driven to Austin Beiystiuin Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Rio Grande Valley international Arrive at Rio Grande Valley International Driven to Marine Military Academy Auive at Marine Military Academy wo Jima Award Driven to Rio Grande Valley International Arrive at Rio Grande Valley Intemational Wheels up from Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governai's Residence Artive at Governor’s Residence Thiuncinie Rastenca “10 2 PEEBI RS 29-09 SATURDAY. APRIL 5. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED FV) WTO -10¢ PRERERS 29-09 1 04 SUNDAY. APRIL 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCIIEDULED FY! YTS, PEEBLES 25-09 MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULE FYENTS =1905 PEEBLES 22-09 TUESDAY. APRIL 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Driven to PacSat Arrive at PucSat Address: 1005 Congress Avenue Austin, ‘FX 78701 6:10 pam. Live TV Interview: Kudlow & Company (CNBC) Location: PacSat, Suite 560 Phone: 512-474-1283 Contact: Cory Kirk 770 pron Driven to Four Seasons Hotel (Drive Time — 5 minutes) Manifest: GRP, Josh Havens, DPS Arrive at Four Seasons Hotel Address: 98 San Jacinto Blvd. Austin, 1X /8 701 7:30 pam. Sam Houston Society Dinner Location: Four Scasons Hotel San Jacinto Rallronm Phone: 312-478-4500 TBD p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence THE) 4.5m. eeion at Cae ele ~106 PEEBLES 23-09 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. -1ic PEEBLES £5-U9 ~10% THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:25 a 8:45 a.m. 9:45 am, 11:30 aan. 1:00 p.m, 1:30 pm. 2:45 p.m, Driven te Capital Arrive at Capitol Swearing In: Doug Foster Attendees: See attached list Staff Scott Luther Contact: Doug Foster TY Interview: Barry Navis, KENS, San Antonio Auendees: Barry Davis sta Robert Black, Steve MoCraw, Allison Castle Contac: Barry Davis Bricling: TX Higher Education Coordinating Board Staff Brian Newhy, Kris ileckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey, David Young Meeting: TX Tigher Pducation Coordinating Board Auendees: Raymund Parades, Robert Shepard, Whit Rider Staff: Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Kathy Walt, Mike Morrissey, David Young Judy (Paredes) Robert Shepard Cont Meeting: Speaker Tom Craddick Attendees: Speaker Tom Craddick, Terral Smith, Steven Raines, Alexis Del.ce, Non Green Staff: Brian Newby, Kris Heckuiann, Mike Morrissey, Robert Black Contest: Liewtlon PEBBLES 23-09 -10S FRIDAY. APRIL 11, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO 8TATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLES 23-09 -110 SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 2:30 pm 6:45 p.m. 7:15 pam 7:30 p.m. 9:13 p.m. OAS p.m. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol MOU Signing Ceremony: His Mighness The Aga Khan & UT Auendees: His Highness The Aga Khan Staff Romina Black, Robert Black, Eric Bearse Contact: Romina Rlack Eric Bearse Driven to Governor’s Residence Driven to TDS Ranch Auive at TDS Rauch Address: 11508 Carl Road Buda, TX 78610 Golden Jubilee Texas Gala Location: TDS Ranch Site Contact: Dura Jackson Contact: Romina Black Dav ‘hler Staff: Romina Black, David Elchier Driven to Governor’s Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residenec PEEBLES £5-09 SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS wll: PREBERRG 22-09 wll. MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Riek Perry NO ST. SCHEDULED FVENTS PRERERS 429-09 TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 215 pan Driven to Capitol 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Capitol 3:00 p.m, Swearing In: Commissioner Tom Pauke! Location; Senate Chamber 3:35 p.m. Meeting: Appointments 4:30 pam. Meeting: Kutie Stavinoha 5:00 p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence On.m. Arrive at Governor's PEEBLES 29-09 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 7:30 a.m. 73 8:00 a.m, 8:10 am, 8:20 am. 8:35 a.m. O05 am Driven to Clear Channel Studios Arrive at Clear Clamel Studios Address: 3601 South Congress Avenue, Building F Austin, 1X 78704 Live TX Round Up Interview: KASE Live TX Round Up fiierview: KVET RM/AM Live TX Round Up Interview: The River Driven to Governor's Residence he aaa Cees TIT: Ns icine wll PREBLES 23-09 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS -11° PEEBLES 23-09 FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:30 a.m. 9:55 am. 10:00 a.m, 11:30 a.m. 1:10 pm. 1:35 p.m. 2:05 p.m, 2:55 p.m. 3.15 pan Driven to Cavanaugh Flight Museum. Auive at Cavanaugh Flight Museum Adare: 4572 Claire Chennault Street Addison, 1X /5U01 Private Tour with The Doolittle Raiders iders 66" Anniversary Reunion Luncheon ‘The Doolittle Driven to Dallas Love Field Arrive at Dallas Love Field Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor's Residence Aaitveek Clans Wieilince ~ilé PREBLRG 42-09 945am 10:19 a.m, 10:30 aa. 11:35 am. 13:05 p.m TURDAY, APRIT. 19, 2008 8. patna ARNE es State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Driven ty Texas State Cemetery Arrive at Texas State Cemetery Addiess 909 Navasota Austin, TX 78702 mum Veteruny Memori Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence ne a PREBL BS 23-09 -11 SUNDAY, APRIT. 20. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:00am. Driven to Camp Mabry 10:20am Atrive at Carp Mabry Address: ‘West 35th Street Austin, TX 78763 Lieutenant General Brevet Promotion Ceremony: Major General Richard Building 8, Auditorium Phone: 512-782-5001 TBD p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence TRD nm. Arrive at Governors Residence PRERLRES £29-09 MONDAY. APRIL 21, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:40 pan 6:38 pam. 7:00 pan. 8:30 p.m. 10-00 p.m. Driven to Aggie Park Arrive at Aggie Park Addiess 6205 West Avenue San Antonio, TX 78213 Augie Muster 2008 Location: Aggie Park Phone: 210-341-1393 Driven to Governor's Residence Anive at Gover re Po pcalei Tae PREREL RS 29-09 TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:55 a.m, Driven to Hilton Austin 12:25 p.m. Arrive at Hilton Austin Address: 40U East 4" Street Austin, TX 78701 12:30 pam, ransportation Korum Lacation: Hilton Austin Room: Ballroom, 4" Floor Phone: 312-482-8000 Fax: 512-469 01078 1:15 p.m. Driven to Capitol 1:20 pam, Arrive at Capitol 1:30 pam. Videotaping: Rnviranmental Pxcellence Awards Attendees: Andy Saenz, Grace Montgomery Faulkner, Ted Hazen, Dana Macomb, James Bowen Staff: Andrew Barlow, Scott Luther Contact Andy Saenz 2:00 pam. 2 Staff. Brian Newby, Kris Heckmann, Teresa Spears Contact: Beau White, 512-304-5 /98 m 2:30 pan. Meeting: Jim Lee Staff: Kris Heckmann, Mike Morrissey Contact: Jim Lee 8:30 p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence )-O0 pom. Arrive at Governor’s Resid i PREBLES 23-09 “127 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSITATE SCHEDULE FVYENTS PEEBLES 23-09 w12: THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PRRERELRS 25-09 FRIDAY. APRIL 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11-00 an, Driven Wo TDS Ranch 11:30 a.m. Arrive at TDS Ranch Address: 11508 Carl Road Buda, 1X /8610 11:30 a.m Clay Stoppers Shoot Out Location: TDS Ranch Phone: 512-421-1307 TBD pm. __ Driven to Governor's Residence TBD pan. Attive at Governor's Residence 5:59 pm, Driven to Bob Bullock State History Museurn 6:25 pam. Arrive at Bob Bullock State History Muscum . Address: 1800 North Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 6:30 p.m, ‘cxas Round-Up Reception Location: Bob Bullock State History Museum 1" Floor Lobby 9:05 p.m. Driven to Guvernor’s Residence om. pawine a) Clipse < Raetdanse PREBERS é2-U9 SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:55 am. Driven to Capital South Steps 7:25 a.m. Arrive at Capitol South Steps Address: 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701 72M a.m. 2008 Texas Rai Up Location: ‘Capito! South Steps TBD a.m. Driven to Governor's Residence TBD am. Arion nt averse: Westies 12! PRERE BO 29-09 SUNDAY, APRIL. 27, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO SCHEDULED EV! wld: PRERLRS 429-09 MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:00 p.m, Luncheon 1:45 pam, Driven to Capitol Arvive ut Capitol Méstiag: Néhatin Radway Riis ~12é PREBI Ro 49-09 TUESDA RIL 29, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:40 a.m. 11:10 am. 11:15 an, 12:00 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 12.40 pau 12:45 p.m. 5 p.m. 2:35 p.m. 3:05 p.m 3:10pm 4:15 p.m 4:20 pm. 430 pan 4:30 pam. Driven to Four Scasons | lotel Arrive at Four Seasons Hotel M. iy: Lt. Govern vid Dewhurst Goyernor’s Business Council heon Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Meeting: Ross Wilson Meeting: Speaker Tom Craddick & Lt. Governor David Dewhurst Driven to Austin Bergstrom ve at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Abilene Regional Arrive at Abilene Regional Driven to Office of Representative Susan King Auive al Office of Representative Susan King Meeting: Representative Susan King PREBLES 23-09 ~128 APRIL 30, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry GAS am 6:40 a.m, 6 Ln. 8:30 a.m. 8:50 a.m, 95 Ln 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m, 12.00 pau 12:05 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:40 pm 1:10 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:30 pm 6:10 p.m, 7:00 pan. IBD p.m. TBD p.m. TAD pm TRD yam Driven to Dewhletree Hotel Arrive at Doubletree Hotel onal Duy of Praver: Texas State Praver Breakfast Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Meeting: Representative Warren Chisum & TCCRI Board Members Meeting: Appointments Photo Op:Texas Environmental Excellence Award Kecipients Driven to TXDOT Artive at TXDOT Meeting Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor's Residence Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for George Bush Intercontinental Arrive at George Bush Intercontinental Driven to Continental Airlines Hangar Arrive at Continental Airlines Hangar Gathering of Eagles Wheels up for Austin Rergstram Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governors Residence Aidoa at Recaniwak Dds: PREBLRS 4a-049 THURSDAY. MAY 1. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:15 a.m. 11:45 am, 12:15 p.m, TBD p.m. 2:10 p.m. 2:40 pan, 4:10 p.m. 4:10 pam, TBD p.m. TBD p.m TBD p.m. TBD p.m TBD p.m TBD p.m. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Special Olympics Torch Lighting Ceremony Mccting: 1'CEQ Commissioner Buddy Garcia Briefing: Ethanol Waiver (T)Phone Call: FPA Administratur Steve Johnson Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Tyler Pounds Field Arrive at Tyler Pounds Ficid Driven to Rick’s on the Square Arrive at Rick?s on the Squae ife and Representative Leo Berman Driven to Tyler Pounds Field Arrive at Tyler Pounds Field Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governar’s Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence -129 PRERERS 49-09 mi St FRIDAY, MAY 2. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-0 SATURDAY, MAY 3. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS “13: PRERERS 492-09 713% SUNDAY. MAY 4, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHUBPRDIULPD FYEFNTS PEEBLES 23-09 “133 MONDAY. MAY 5, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry R45 aan 9:15 am. 9:20 a.m. 10:20 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 10:40 a.m, 10:45 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 11:55 a.m. 12:00 pan. 3:25 p.m. 395 pan. 3:40 p.m. Driven ( Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/Atlantic Aviation Addvess 4309 General Aviation Avenue Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 800-727-2376 Fun. 512-330-7002 Wheels up for Tyler County Airport Arrive at Tyler County Airport Address: 338 County Road 2025 Woodville, TX 75979 Phone: OO 283 7623 Driven ta Texas Star Café Arrive at lexas Star Café Address: 205 Suuth Wheeler (Highway 69) Colmesneil, TX 75938 Meeting: Senator Robert Nichols and Representative Jim McReynolds Location Texas Star Café Phone: 409-837-4444 Driven to First Baptist Church of Woodville Arrive at Pirst Baptist Church of Woodville Address: 205 West Wheat Woodville, TX 75979 Boy Seout Lunch Location: First Baptist Church of Woodville Phone: 409-283-2589 Driven to Tyler County Airport Arrive at Tyler County Airport Address: 338 County Road 2025 Woodville, TX 75979 Phrorse: 409-283-7623 Whecls un tor Downtown Beaumont PREBERRS 25-09 =134 MONDAY. MAY 5, 2008 24/09 8:50 AM State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 4:10 pam. 4:30 pam, TBD p.m, TBD p.m. TBD p.m. TBD p.m TBD p.m. TBD p.m. RON Arrive at Downtown Reaumonl/Beaumont Wings Address: 455 Keith Road Beaumont, 1X 77713 Phone: 409-866-0084 Fax: 409-860-3939 Driven to Rao’s Bakery Arrive at Rao’s Bakery Address: 4440 Dowlen Road Beaumont, TX 77706 Meeting: Representative Tuffy Hamilton and Representative Joe Deshotel Locution: Rao’s Bakery Driven to Downtown Reaumont/Reaumont Arrive at Downtown Beaumont/Bcaumont Wings Address: 455 Keith Road Beaumont, TX 77713 Phone: 409-866-UU84 Fax: 409-860-3939 Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Anive at Austin Bergstrom/Adantic Aviation Address: 4309 General Aviation Avenue. Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 800- 376 Fax: 512-530-700 Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor's Residenee Governor's Residence PRERBLES 23-09 TUESDAY, MAY 6. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:35 a.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 10:05am, Arrive at Austin Bergstronv’XDU'T Address’ 19335 Golf Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone 512-936-9199 Fax 419-936-9195 10:10am. Wheels up for Dallas Love 11205 a.m Arrive at Dallas Love/Business Jet Address: 8611 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, TX 75209 Phone: 214-353-8777 Fax: 214-654-1656 111041, Driven to The Fairmont Hotel 1:25am. Arrive at The Pairmont Hotel Address: 1717 North Akard Dallas. 1X /32U1 1b:Wam, Circle Ten Whitney M. Young, Jr, Service Awards Location: ‘The Fairmont Hotel Room: Regency Ballruum Phone: 214-720-2020 12:50 p.m Driven to Sammy's RRQ 12:55 p.m. Arrive at Sammy's BBO. Address: 2126 Leonard Street Dallas, TX 75201 Brauch, Senator Rovee West. Senator John 1:00 p.m. Meeting: Representative Carona Location: Sammy’s BBQ Phone: 214-880-9064 2:00 p.m. Driven to Dallas Love 215 pan Auive at Dallas Love/Business Jet Address: 8611 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, ‘I'X 75209 Phone 214-353-8777 Fay: 314-654-1656 -135 PRERERS 23-09 “136 TURSDAY, MAY 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 2:20 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 3:13 p.m, Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/TXDOT Address: 10335 Golt Course Road Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 512-936-9199 Fax: 512-936-9195 3.20 pan. Driven to Governor's Residence Driven to RunTex Arrive at Run’ ex Address: 2201 Lake Austin Blvd Austin, TX 78703 6:30 pam, Bucky & Dob’s Tit for Life Training Group Location: RunTex Phone: 512 477-9464 71S pan Driven t Four Seasons 7 Arrive at Four Seascins: Address: 98 San Jacinto Austin, TX 78701 7:30pm, THBU v Dinner Location: Four Seasons Room: San Jacinto Ballroom Phone: 512-478-4500 8:35 p.m, Driven to Governor's Residence at Cavernar’e Racidanna OS nm. PRERLES 22-09 wTsi WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 2008 Stute Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:45 a.m, 9:1 m. 9:30 am. 9:40 am. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m, 11:20 a.m. 11:30 ..m, 11:40 um. 11:50 a.m. 12:00 p.m, 12:10 pau, 12:30 p.m. 12:40 pam, 2:10 pam, 0 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:15 pan, 8:05 p.m. 8:20 om. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Photo Qp: New Braunfels High Sehuol Team Tennis Photo Up: Liberty Hill High School l'oothall Team Press Conference: State Champion Day Location: Capitol South Steps Meeting: Netherlands Ambassador Phate Op: Lamar Consolidated High Schuol Football Team Photo Up: Hereford High School Girls Crass Country Team Photo Op: Munday High School Football Team Photo Op: Lake Travis High School Foutball Team Photo Op: Wimberley High School Volleyball Team Photo Op: Brazos High School Boys Cross Country Team Phoio Op: Seven Lukes High School Boys Cross Country Team Photo Up: Richland Springs [igh School Foathall Team Photo Op: Individual Cross Country Champions Meeting: Meredith Garcia Photo Up: Moticy County High School l’ootball Team Photo Op: Lindsay High School Girls Cross Country Team Photo Op: Farmersville High School Fuo(Ull Team Meeting: Lynn Tilton, CEO, MD Helicopters Driven to Governor's Residenee ‘Arrive at Governorte Residence PEEBLES 23-09 THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:45 a.m. 10:15 a.m, 12:30 p.m. 1:00 pam. 1:45 p.m. 3:15 pun. 345 p.m. pm, 4:30 pan 6:15 p.m 6:25 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 pan. 945 pn Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Intern Reception Meeting: Nucor Steel Meeting: Jeff Sandefer Meeting: Ben Turner Videotaping: Patriot Guard Riders Videotaping: Solar San Antonio Meeting: Mark Jacobs, CEO, Reliant Energy Driven to our Seasons. Arrive at Four Seasons Address: 98 San Jacinta Austin, TX 78701 sovernor Jose Natividad Gonzales Paras of Nuevo Leon Location: Four Seasons Room: Stone’s Crossing Phone: 512-478-4500 Dinner: VivaAerobus Location: Four Seasons Room: Shoreline Grill Phone: 312-477-3300 Driven to Guvernor's Residence Kitten ab T came Dexia a: w13 PREERELRS 25-09 er FRIDAY. MAY 9. 2008 State Schedule for Gavernor Rick Perry 975 am 10:55 a.m. 11:00 aan. 12:30 p.m. 1:30 pm 3:00 p.m. Driven to National Museum of Pacific War Arrive at National Muscum of Pacific War Address: 311 East Austin Fredericksburg, TX 78624 Groundbreaking Ceremony: National Museum of Paclfle War Location: Pacifie War Museum Phone: 830-997-4379 Driven to Cotton Gin Village Arrive at Cotton Gin Village Address: 2805 South Highway 16 Fredericksburg, 'I'X 78624 Lunch: Doug Miller and Representative Harvey Hilderbran Location: Cotton Gin Village Room: Cabernet Grill Phone: 830-990-5734 Driven ta Governor's Residence ‘Arrive at Governor’s Reeidence PRERBLRS é1-09 SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:45 a.m. Driven to Travis County Courthouse 7S am, Arrive at Travis County Courthouse Address: 1000 Guadalupe Street Austin, TX 78701 7:20 a.m. Vote 0am. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 8:10am. Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/Signature Address: 4321 General Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 312-530-5451 Fax: 312-530-3450 RIS am, Wheels np fir A. L. Mangham, Jr, Regional 9:00 a.m, Arrive at A. L. Mangham, Jr. Regional Address" 5650 Terry Crawford Drive Nacogdoches, TX 75964 Phone: 936-560-9567 Fax 936-360-3216 9:05 a.m. Driven to Stephen F. Austin State University 9:15 a.m, Arrive at Stephen F. Austin State University Address: 2500 N. University Drive Nacogdoches, TX 75961 9:30 a.m. Stephen F. Austin University Commencement TBD p.m. _Driven to A. L. Mangham, Jr. Regional TAD pm Aniveat A T. Manghain, Jt. Regional/City of Nacogdoches Address: $650 Terry Crawford Drive Nacogdoches, IX 7564 Phone 946-500-9567 F: 936-360-3216 TBD p.m. Wheels up for Austin Res TBD p.m. Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/Signature Address: 4321 General Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone 519-530-3441 Bias 519.530.5450 rae PRERELRS 29-09 SATURDAY. MAY 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continued) TBD p.m. Driven to Governer’s Resiclence TBD om. eertuens Conmaennas Tieailannk’ 714: PREBLES 23-09 w1hi SUNDAY, MAY 11. 2008 State Schedule for Gavernor Rick Perry NOSCHEDULED PREALRS 29-09 MONDAY. MAY 12, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:00 p.m. d p.m. 12:45 pam 1:15 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30pm 3:35 pam, 4:35 p.m. 440 pan 4:55 p.m. $:00 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6:15 pm 6:40 pam, 7:30 pam. 9:35 p.m 9:50 p.m, 9:55 p.m. 10:55 pan 11:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Visi/Phow Op: Lexington Middle Schoo! Student Council & National Junior Honor Socicty Meeting: Pierre Grandjouan, Consul General of France Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Dallas Love Field Arrive at Dallas Love Field Driven to Rosewood Crescent Hotel Arrive at Rasewooul Crescent Hotel US Spain Business Development Reception Driven to Four Seasons Hotel Autive al Four Seasons Hotel ‘atrons Reception Dr. Vovoda Shoichire Dinner Driven to Dallas Love Field Arrive at Dallas Love Field Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor's Residence doreive at GoveriniZe Boatence ae PREERLES 23-09 TUESDAY. MAY 13. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCULPDULED FYENTS ~14s PRERLRS 29-09 ~14° WEDNESDAY. MAY 14, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Driven io Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom 2:35 p.m. Wheels up for Laredo International 3:55 p.m Antive at Laredo Titer atic 4:00 p.m. Uriven to Home of Senator Judith Zatti 4:10 p.m. Arrive at Home of Senator Judith Zaffirini 4:10 p.m. Meeting: Senator Judith Zaffirint, Representative Richard Raymond, Representative Ryan Guillen 7:05 p.m. Dr to Laredo Tnternational 7:15 p.m. Arrive at Laredo International 7:20 pan, Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 8:20 p.m. Arrive at Austin Rergstram 8:25 pam. Driven to Governor's Residence Anive at Governor's Residence PRERBUBSO 29-09 146 THURSDA State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREREBLRGS 42-09 FRID. 8:20 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 9:00 a.m, 10:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m, ! am 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. RON a.m. MAY 16,2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Pe Driven to Capital Artive at Capitol 53” Texas Game ¥ n Cadet Class Commissioning Visit: Dan and Dawn Haley Swearing In: Ashicy Morgan Photo Op: West University Elementary 4" Graders Driven to Shoreline Grill Arrive at Shoreline Grill TechNet Luncheon Goveror’s R; am PREBLE RA 29-09 -14§ SATURDAY. MAY 17. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 m1 eS SUND. AY 18. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERTERS 42-049 MONDAY. MAY 19, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11-40am Driven to Avery Ranch Gulf Club 12:25 p.m. Arve at Avery Ranch Golf Club Address: 10500 Avery Club Drive Austin, TX 78717 ean: Cris Love, Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament Avery Raneh Golf Club Lake View Room 512-248-2442 12:30pm. Lu Location 1,05 p.m, Driven to Capitol 1:35 p.m. Arrive at Capitol 2:30 pam. Meeting: Attorney General Grey Abbott Videotaping: Higher Ed Summit Meeting: TEA Commissioner Robert Scott Meeting: Stefanie Sanford Driven to Governor's Kesidence Ge. al Cisne er esidenes PEEBLES 253-09 TUESDAY. MAY 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:23 a.m, 10:55 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p. Driven w Sheraton Austin Hotel Arrive at Sheraton Anstin Hotel Address: 701 East 11" Sweet Austin, 1X 78701 13" Annual Governor’s Criminal Justice Volunteer Serviec Awards Location: Sheraton Austin [otel Room: Salony A-D Phone: $12-478-1111 Driven to Gavernar’s Residence eerive:ot Gavernne’a “15: PRRAL RS é2-09 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:95 pam. 1:25 p.m 1:30 p.m. Driven to Stephen f°. Austin Hotel Arrive at Stephen F, Austin Hotel Address: Higher Education Summit Location: Stephen I’, Austin Hotel Room: Rallroom Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Meet Appointments Meeting: Riley Couch Driven to Governor's Residence Rg ma ae -152 PREAL BO 29-09 THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:90 a.m. Drtven to Capitol 10:00 a.m, Arrive at Capitol WS Photu Op: Student Board of Regents 1:30 am, Phone Calt: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor 11:45 a.m. Appointee’s Training Seminar 12:15 p.m. Videotaping: OneStar Videotaping: Texas Silver Haired Legislature Meeting: Transportation Meeting: Termite Watkins sud Karen Lee Ausand. Appointce’s Reception 7:00 pm, agic Scout Court of Honor Ceremony Driven to Governor's Residence R24 pm Aniive at Governor's Residence RON Lor ea EE aces PRERBLDRS 42-049 FRIDAY, M. 008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 SATURDAY, MAY 24, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERLES 422-09 SUNDAY, MA State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVE PREBLE 29-09 MONDAY. MAY 26. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:00 p.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 12:30 p.m, Arrive at Austin Bergstrom 1.05 pan Wheels up for Dallas Love Field 2:05 p.m, Arrive at DFW 2:20 p.m, Driven to DFW National Cemetery 2:45 p.m. Arrive at DFW National Cemetery 3:00 p.m. Memorial Dav Service 4:35 pam, Driven to Frontiers of Flight Museum 4.55 pan. Anvive al Frontiers of Flight Museum 5:00 pam. Texas National Cemetery Foundation Memorial Day Reception 3:55 p.m. _Driven to Dallas Love Field 6:00 pam Arrive at Dallas Lave Field 6:25 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 7:15 pam. Arrive at Austin Bergstrom 7220 pm Driven ta Governor's Residence 750 nm. Aeriuea Pampers Wahid; PRERERS 29-09 T VIAY 27. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Videotaping: Brazoria County Day Videotaping: Texas Teachers Training Program 3:15 p.m. Photo Op: Morgan Mill Junior High 8:10 p.m, Driven to Governar’s Residence R40 pm. Arrive at Governor’s Residence PREBLE 23-09 WEDNESDAY. MAY 28. 2008 2109 8:51 AM State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:10 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:05 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m, 12:45 p.m 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:10 p.m 2:40 p.m, 3:50 p.m. 610 pm 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m, 10:35 p.m. 11:00 o.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Houston Hobhy Arrive at Houston Hobby Driven lo Second Buptist Church Arrive at Second Baptist Church Funeral Service: Michael Stevens Driven to Molina’s Arrive at Molina’s Lunch with Senator Kyle Janck Diiven to Houston futercoutinental Arrive at Houston Intercontinental Wheels up for Mexico City International Avtive at Mexico City International Driven to Hacienda Los Morales Arrive at Hacienda Los Morales Dinner Driven to Sheraton Maria Isabel givrive at Pheraton hilevia‘testel w139 PRERBLES é£3-09 ~16C THURSDAY, MAY 29. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:10 a.m. 8.25 wan. 8:30 am. 9:45 am. 11:00 a.m. 12:35 p.m. 12:55 p.m, 1:00 p.m. 2:00 pm. 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:20 pan, 5:05 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8.35 pam 9:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Driven to Club de Industriales Arrive at Club de Industriales Breakfast with Mexican Cabinet Members Meetings with Mexican Cabinet Members Meetings with Mexican Cabinet Members Driven to Los Pinos Residence Arrive at Los Pinos Residence Meeting: President Relive Calderon Lunch with President Felipe Calderon Driven to Hotel Presidente Intercontinental Arrive at Hotel Presidente Intercontinental Press Ui ¢ Driven to Mexico City International Arrive at Mexico City Tntei national Wheels up for San Antonio International Arrive at San Antonio International Driven to Governon’s Residence « frvelseine i anmeuree Tr ahaa: PRREBLRS 45-09 FRIDAY. MAY 30. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin BergstronvSignature Address: 4321General Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 312-530-5451 Fax: 312-530-5450 9:30 a.m. Execution Briefing: Derrick Sonnier 10-0 a.m Wheels up for Dallas Love Field 10:49 am. Arrive at Dallas Love Field/Business Jet Address 8611 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, TX 75209 Phone: 214 353.8777 Fax: 214-654-1656 11:07am, Live Phone Interview: Ricci Ware Show 4:40 pn Driven to Four Seasons Hotel 5:10 p.m, Arrive at Four Seasons Hotel Address 4150 North MacArthur Boulevard Irving, TX 75038 60 pm iven to Frontiers of Flight Museum 6:9 p.m. Arrive at Frontiers of Flight Muscum Address 6911 Lenunon Avenue Dallas, TX 75209 7:00 pan. Frontiers of Flight Museum 2008 Fundraising Gala TBD p.m. Driven to Dallas Love Field TBD p.m. Arrive at Dallas Love Field/Business Jet Address: 8611 Lemmon Avenuc Dallas, TX 75209 Phone: 214-353-8777 Fax: 214 654 1656 TED pai Wheels up for Austin Berustrom PRERLES 29-09 7162 ERIDAY, MAY 30. 2008 24/09 8:51 AM State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry (Cuntinued) TBD p.m. Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/ Atlantic 4viation Address: 4309 General Aviation Avenuc Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 800-727-2376 Fax: 312-530-7002 TBD pm. Driven to Governor's Residence TAD nm. Arnve at Gavermor’s Residence PRERLES 23-09 SATURDAY. MAY 31. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry rNTS NOSTATE SCIUFEDULED F’ PRERERS 29-09 ~16! SUNDAY. JUNE 1, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NQ STA’ SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBL ES 29-09 MONDAY, JUNE 2. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m, 7:05 a.m. 755 am 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstronv/Signature Address: 4321 General Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 512-530-5451 Fax: 512-530-5450 Wheels up for Houston Hobby Anive at Houston Hobby/Million-Air Address: 8501 Telephone Road Houston, TX 77061 Phone. 713-640-4000 Fax: 713-640 1000 Driven to George R. Brown Convention Center Arrive at George R. Brown Convention Center Address: JOO} Avenue of the Americas Houston, TX 77010 Windpower 2008 Conferenve & Exhibition Driven to Renewable Fuels Campus Arrive at Renewable Fuels Campus Address: 13605 Industrial Road Houston, TX 77015 Green Hunter Encrey Press Conference -16° PRERBLES 23-09 TL SDAY, JUNE 3, 2008 State Schedule for Guvernur Rick Perry 8: 9:10 a.m, 7:50 pam, 7.55 pan. 8:00 pm, p.m, 10:40 pam Driven to Ambassador's Kesidence Arrive Ambassador's Residence Address: 41 Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore Paris, France 75008 Driven to Cercle Interallie Arrive at Cercle Interallié Address: 33 Rue du Faubourg Saint-l lonaré Paris, France 75008 Dinner: Hosted by Fret nerican Foundation Location: Cercle Interallié Driven to Ambassador's Residence Antive Ainbassador’s Residence Address: (1 Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore Pare Trance 74002 ~16¢ PRERLES 29-09 ~16: State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:40 am. 9:55 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 12:30 p.m. TBD pau TBD pam. 8:00 p.m. Driven to Suez Paris {leadquarters Arrive at Suez Paris Headquart Address: 16 Rue de la Ville ?Eveque Paris, France 75008 Meeting: Dirk Reeuwsaert, President & CRO. Suez Energy Iniermational Location: Suez Paris Headquarters Driven to Ambassador's Residence Arrive Ambassador's Residence Addres 41 Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore Paris, France 75008 Driven ta Roland Garros Stadium, Artive Roland Garros Stadium Address: 2 Avenue Gordon Bennett Paris, France 75016 Lunch: Moet Hennessy Location: Roland Garros Stadium Driven to Anibassador's Residence Arrive Ambassadar’s Residence: Address: 41 Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore Paris, France 75008 Dinner: Hosted by Ambassador Craig & Mrs. Debbie Stapleton Loeation: Arabnereerts Dastdancn PEREBLEG 22-09 ibe THURSDAY. JUNE 35. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:45 a.m, TAS a.m, 7:30 a.m, 9:52 am. 10:05 aw 10:54 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 11:30 am, 12:30 p.m. 1:10pm 5:40 pm. 5:45 pam. Driven to Paris Montparnasse | rain Station Arrive at Paris Montparnasse Train Station Address: 17 Boulevard Vaugirard Paris, France 73015 Depart Paris Mont | Et 2 Arrive at Nantes Train Station Depart Nantes Train Station Arrive at La Baule Les Pins Driven to Alantia Congress Center Arrive at Atlantia Congress Center Address: 119 Avenue du Marechal de Lattre de Tassisny La Baule, France 44500 Live Interview: CNBC Europe Location: Atlantia Congress Center World Investment Conference Organizing Committee Location: Atlantia Congress Center 1:05 pam. Driven to Hermitage Barriere La Baule Hotel Arrive Hermitage Rarriere-La Baule Hotel Address: 5 Esplanade Lucien Barriere La Baule, France 44504 World Investment Conference: Transatlantic Cooperation Location: Hermitage Barricre-La Baule Hotel : EuroNews Hermitage Barricre-La Baule Hotel Intervi Location: Interview: Dallas Morning News Location: Hermitage Barricre-La Baule Hotcl Driven to Atlantia Congress Center Arrive at Atlantia Congress Center Audhess 119 Avenue du Mavechal de Lutue de Tassigny La Baule, France 44500 Mecting: Christine Lagarde, French Minister for Economy and Finance Locate hthnta Cisne Tecieet PRERBLES 22-09 ‘THURSDA JUNE 5, 2008 State Schedule for Gevernor Rick Perry (Continued) 6:00 pam, 6:20 p.m, 6:45 p.m, 650 pm 7:25 p.m 8:00 pam 8:35 p.m. World Investment Conicrence: ‘Iransatlantic Groen Piatform Ta Atlantin Congress Center Driven to Saint-Nazaire Montoir Airport Arrive at Saint-Nazaire Montoir Airport Wheels up for Caen Carpiquet Airport Arrive at Cacn Carpiquet Airport Address: Route Caumuut Carpiquet, France 14650 Driven to Hotel Mercure Omaha Reach Arrive at Hotel Mercure Omaha Beach Address: 14520 Port en Bessin Por en Beccin France ~16s PEEBLES 25-09 FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 910 am, 9:20 a.m. 9:30 am, 10:30 a.m. 10:55 a.m, 11:00 a1. IBD p.m. 4:15 pm. 4:30 5:00 pan. 630 pm ON in mH Driven to Normandy American Cemetery Arrive at Normandy American Cemetery Address 17710 Colleville sur Mer Colleville sur Mer, France WwW ying Location: Nermandy American Cemetery Driven to Pointe du Hoc Arrive at Pointe du Hoc Visit: Pointy du Hoe Driven to St. Mere Eglise Arrive at St. Mere Eslise Wreath Laying Location: former Cemetery D-Dav Commemoration Ceremony/Mass Location: Town Square Driven to Sheraton Paris Airport Hotel Yet ee Rina Emme cinat dintal 170 PREBL BO 29-09 SATURDAY, JUNE 7. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:25 am. Driven to Parts Charles de Gaulle Airport 8:35 a.m, Arrive at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport 9:35 am. Wheels up for Stockholm Arlanda Airport 12:05 p.m. Arrive at Stockholm Arlanda Airport l2"Sp.m. Driven to The Grand Hotel 1:30 pan. Arrive at The Grand Howe! Address: Sodra Blasiehoimshamnen & Stockholm, Sweden 10327 1:50 p.m. Driven to Governor Unckel’s Residence 14pm Autive at Governor Unckel’s Resideuce: Address: Tessin Palace Slottsbacken 4 (Old Town) Stuckhulin, Sweden ) p.m. 2; Stockholm County Governor Per Unckel Location: Governor Uuckel's Residence 1BD p.m. Dni to The Grand Hotel TBD p.m. Arrive at The Grand Hotel Address: Sodra Blasichalmshamnen & §$.103 27 Stockholm. Sweden PREEBIRS 492-09 w17: SUNDAY, JUNE 8. 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PEEBLES 23-09 MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:45 am. 9:00 a.m, 10:15 a.m. 10:25 am. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 am. 11:55 a.m. 12:00 p.m 1:20 p.m. 1:25pm 1:30 p.m 2:05 p.m. 225 pm 2:30 pan 4-05 nm Driven to Ministry of Finance Building Arrive at Ministry of Finance Building Address: Drotninggatan 21 S-11 52 Stockholm, Sweden Meeting: Mats Odell, Minister for Local Government & Finanelal Markets Location: Ministry of Finance Driven to US Embassy Atvive at US Embassy Address: Dag Hammarskjdlds vag 31 §-115-89 Stockholm, Sweden Meeting: US Ambussador to Sweden Michael Wood Location: US Embassy Driven to Prime Minister's Building Arrive at Prime Minister’s Building, Address: Rosenbad 4 Stockholm, Sweden 11152 Lunch: Hosted by Director General for Trade. Mr. Anders Ahniid Location: Prime Minister’s Building Driven to Ministry for Foreign Affairs Arrive at Ministry for Foreign Affairs Address: Gustav Adolfs Torg 1 A-LLJ 25 Stockholm, Sweden Meeting: Mr. Carl Bild(, Minister for Foreiyn Affairs Location: Ministry for Foreign Affairs Driven to Karolinska Institute Arrive at Karolinska Institute Address: Nobels vag 5 Solna (Northern Stockholm) Visit: Karolinska Tustitute Location: Karolinska Institute Driven to The Grand Ilotc] PREBLE £9-09 wid MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry (Continued) 4:20 p.m Arrive at The Grand Hotel Address Sedia Blasicholmshamnen & Stockholm, Sweden 10327 450 pan Driven ty Conference Center ‘Strandvagen 7A* Arrive at Conferenee Center *Strandvagen 7A” Address Strandvagen 74 $-115- 27 Stockholm, Sweden 4:00 p.m. AmCham “Green is Gold in Texas” Conference Center ‘Strandviigen 7A’ 6:50 pm. Driven to The Royal Opera House Arrive at ‘he Royal Opera House Address Kail XIPs Tory, Stockholm, Sweden 7:00 psm. Dinner: Hosted by Chairman of the AmCham Board Bengt Sjogren, Location: Operakallaren, The Royal Opera House TBD p.m Driven to The Grand Hutel TBD p.m. Arrive The Grand Hotel Address Sodia Blasieholmshamnen 8 €.103 97 Stackholm Sweden PEEBLES 23-09 TU Y. JUNE 10. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:23 a.m, Driven to Stockholm Arlanda Airport 8:10am. Arrive at Stockholm Arlanda Airport 9 10am Wheels up for Newark Liberty Aipost 12:00 p.m, Arrive Newark Liberty Airport 2:15 pam, Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 5:16pm Arrive Austin Bergstrom 245 p.m. Driven to Randall's 6:00 pun Asrive at Randall's 6:05 pm. Vote 6:15 pam, Driven to Governor's Mansion 6% pn Arrive at Governor's Mansion 6:30 p.m, (1) Briefing 6:50 p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence 7-90 om. Arrive at Governor'se Recidence PREBLRG é3-09 DAY, JUNE 11, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Driven to Governor's Mansion Anive at Governor's Mansion 9:30 am, Press Conference 10:00 a.m. Driven to Capitol 10:05 am. Anive at Capitol 10:05 a.m, OFFICE TIME 10:35 a.m, Pardon for Innocence 103 Sam. Execution Briefing: Karl Eugene Chamberlain 145 p.m. Meeting: Appointments 2:30 p.m. Farewell Meeting: Pat Pound 3:30 p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence 4:00 p.m. Aviva at Gavcenne's decidence -176 PREBE RG 29-09 -177 THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry PREGBE RA 29-09 -17& FRIDAY. JUNE 13. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:30 p.m, Driven to Capitol 7:00 p.m, Arrive at Capitol 7:30 pam Republic of Texas Maturevele Rally 8:05 p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence Erriun at Csvernonte tectionse PREBLRA 29-09 SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 720 am Driven to Capital Arrive at Capitol Capitol TBD a.m. Driven wo Governor's Residence TAD a m. Arrive at Governor’s Residencc wilds PRERRLRES 429-09 SUNDAY. JUNE 15, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS lel PREBEL BRO 29-09 18: MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Driven to AMD, Building S00 Arrive at AMD, Building 500 Address: ‘T/L Southwes: Parkway Austin, TX 72745 3:45 pm. Reception: AMD Austin Lone star Campus Grand Upcning Location: AMD, Building 500 Phone: 512-602-1000 6:00 p.m. Execution Briefing: Charles Dean Hou Location: AMD, Building 500 6:30 pm. AMD Austin Lone Star Campus Grand Opening Location: AMD, Building 500 Room: MP Room 774 pm Driven tw Governor's Residence Janae nom. Arrive at Governor’s PREREL BO 29-09 ~18% TU State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry SDAY,. JUNE. 17, 2008 NO TE SCHEDULED EVENTS PRERT RS 42-09 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:30 am, Driven to Capitol 9.00 aan Antive al Capitol 9:15 am. Mccting: Maximus 10:00 a.m. 10:50 a.m, 11:00 a.m. 1:1V am, 11:20 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:40 am, 11:50 am. 12:00 p.m. 12:10 pam, 12:20 pam, 17:30 pan 1:0 p.m. 1:20 pam. 1:30 p.m. 1:40 pam. 1:50 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:20 p.m. pm. State Champion Press Conference Location: House Chamber Photo Op: Swimming Photo Op: Wrestling Photo Up: T'cnnis Photo Op: Debate Photo Op: Girls Track Photo Op: Girls Field Photo Op: Boys Track Phata Op: Boys Field Photo Up: Girls Basketball Photo Op: One Act Play Photw Op: Gulf Photo Op: Academics Photo Op: Boys Basketball Photo Op: Academics Photo Op: Onc Act Play Photo Op: Girls Basketball Videotaping: Brazoria County Day Videotaping: Alternate Teacher Certification Driven to Austin Bergstrom PEEBLES 22-09 185 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 2008 24/09 9:10 AM State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry (Continued) 4:33 p.m. Arrive al Austin Berystiom/Atlantic Aviation Address: 4309 General Aviation Austin, TX /8/19 Phone: 800-797-2976 Fax: 512-530-7002 5:00 p.m. Wheels up for Mesquite: Metro 5:45 p.m. Arrive at Mesquite Metro Addtess, 1340 Airport Blvd Mesquite, TX 75181 Phone: 912-216-4130 Fax 979-216-4149 5:50 p.m. Driven to Rosewood Corporation’s Seagoville Ranch GS pm. Arrive at Rosewood Corporation's Seagoville Ranch Address: 680 Martin Lane Combine, TX 75159 6:30 p.m. ‘Trinity, jin vation Foundation Location: Raxewand Corporation's Seagoville Ranch R15 p.m, Driven to Mesquite Metro 8:40 p.m. Arrive at Mesquite Metro Address: 1340 Airport Blvd Mesquite, TX 75181 Phone: 972-216-4130 Fax: Yl2-216-4149 8:45 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 9:30 p.m. Arrive at Austin Bergstrom/Atlantic Aviation Address: 4309 General Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone, 800-727-2376, Fax: 512-530-7002 9:35 pan Driven to Governor's Residence TENE en. ‘Arrive ot Governor’s Residence PRERDL RS 249-09 nt THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry O15am Driven te Capitel 9:45 am. Arrive at Capitol 10:00 a.m. Meeting: Pearson’s Education 10:40 am. Press Rriefing: Cammercial Drivers Licenses 10:50 a.m. Mccting: Border Patrol Scetor Chicts 11:00 a.m, Press Conference: Commercial Drivers Licenses 11:35 a.m. Meeting: Commissioner Flizabeth Ames Meeting: Larry Hutto Photo Op: Petra McCann Meeting: Alan Pohinsky & Reth Anderson 4:45 p.m. Driven to Governor’s Residence Dom. “Arrive at Governor’s Recidence PREBLES 23-09 -186 FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NC ET SCTIFDULED FYFNTS PREBLE RS 292-09 SATURDAY. JUNE 21, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULPEL mie PEEBLES 23-09 188 SUNDAY. JUNE 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHED yey mo PEEBLES 25-09 -189 MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:30... Driven io Capitol 11:00 a.m Arrive at Capital 11S am, Photo Op: Karate Kids of America 12:00 p.m, 2008 American Legion Auxiliary Bluebonnet Girls State Officials 1:15 pam. Meeting: Joel Allison 1:45 pam. Photo Op: Dr. Kathleen Gilmore TBD p.m. Driven to Governor's Residence TRAD nm Aiveat Gouvenure Ree eae PREBLE 25-09 TUESDAY. JUNE 24. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:25 am. 6:35 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m, 1pm 1:30 pm. 4:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6.30 pan 6:30 pm. Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Washington Dulles Arrive at Washington Dulles Driven to National Press Club Arrive at National Press Club Press Conference Arrive at National Press Club Interview: CNBC Driven to CNN Studies Arrive at CNN Studios Interview: CNN Driven to CBP Headquarters Arrive at CRP Headquarters Meeting: US Customs & ion Commissioncr W. Ralph Basham Driven to Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center Ative al Driven o Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center -hrati f the Lone Star State ~190 PEEBLES 22-09 DNESDAY, JUNE State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry 10:45 a.m, Driven to National Mall 10:55 a.m. Arrive at National Mall 11:00 a.m, Opening Ceremony: 5. nian Folklife Kestival 12:35 p.m. Driven to Washington Dulles 1:25 p.m Arrive at Washington Dulles. 2:00 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom 4:20 p.m. Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor’s Residence: hielo ne Casmnniats Dealdacns PEEBLES £39-U9 THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EF PRERLES £.1-09 PRIDAY, JUN 27. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:35 au 10:05 a.m. 10:10 a.m, 11:10 a.m, W:l5 am. 11:30 am. 11:30 a.m, L 50 p.m. 12:55 p.m, 1:00 pan. 1:45 p.m 2:00 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 7:05 pm 3:10 pm. 3:40 nm. Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Corpus Christi International Arrive at Corpus Christi International Driven to Water Steet Seaftand Co Arrive at Water Street Seafood Co. Lunch: Representatives Solomon Ortiz. Jr. Abel Herrero, & Juan Garcia Driven to Omni Rayfioni Arrive at Omni Bayfront American Legion 90" Annual Department Convention Driven to Corpus Christi Internacional Arrive at Corpus Christi International Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Auive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor's Residence: ‘Arrive at Governor's Residence: PREBLERG CI OF: SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 2008 Stute Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:20 p.m. Driven to Texas State Cemetery 3:30 p.m. Arrive at Texas State Cemetery 4:00 p.m. Graveside Service: Representative Ruddy West a PREALBA 29-09 DAY, JUNE 29. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULI ENTS wld: PEEBLES 23-09 . ~196 MONDAY. JUNE 30, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 TURSDAY, JULY 1, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. w19" PRERERS 49-09 WEDNESDAY. J Y 2, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:20 a.m, 8:50am 8:55am. 9:45 am. 9:55 am, 10:05 am. 10:10 a.m. 10:30 a.m 11:20 a.m. 11:30 a.m, 11:30 am. 12:35 pm, 12:45 p.m. 12:50 p.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom Atrive al Austin Bergstron/Signature Address: 4321 General Aviation Austin, ‘IX 78719 Phone 5 3 Fax: 512-531 50 Wheels up for City of Edinburg Arrive at City of Edinburg Address, 1300 Fast FM Road 490 Phone: Tax: Driven to The University of ‘cxas — Pan American Arrive at The University of Texas - Pan American Address: 1201 West University Drive Fainburg, TX 78 Meeting: Raimundo Deltino, Chairman of Santana Tevtiles Press Conference: Project Denim Driven to The Social Club Arrive at The Social Club Address 205 Conquest Boulevard Edinburg, TX 78539 Lunch; Senators Chuy Hinojosa aud Eddie Luciv: Representatives Aaron Pena. Veronica Gonzales Kino Flores, Rene Olivera. Rvan Guillen, Driven to City of Pdinburg Arrive at City of Edinburg Address: 1300 Fast FM Real 490 Edinburg, TX 78741 Phone: 956.292 2017 Fax: Wheels up for Austin Bergstr 713% PEEBLES 223-09 AY. JULY 2, 2008 244/09 9:19 AM Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:40 p.m, Arrive at Austin BergstronySignature Address: 4321 General Aviation Austin, TX 78719 Phone: 512 530 5451 Pax §12-530-5450 Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Videotaping: World Book Encyclopedia Driven to Governor's Residence 6:05 p.m. Arrive ut Governor's Residence RON (Covernor’s Residence a Ml PEEBLES 253-09 -200 THURSDAY, JULY State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREADBO 29-09 FRIDAY, JULY 4. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry e SCHEDULED EVENTS -20: PEEBLES 23-09 203 SATURDAY, JULY 5, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PRERLRS 42-09 JULY 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS -20 PEEBLES £5-U09 -20: MONDAY. JULY 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLES 23-09 TUESDAY, JULY 8. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:25 a.m. 11:10 am, 11.45 aan, 11:35 am. 12:00 p.m. 1:05 pan 11S pm. 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 pm. 4:45 p.m. 5.15 pu. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capital Execution Briefing Photo Op: McGee Family Visit: Peggy Harris Meeting: Grupo Ferrovial Driven tu Four Seasons Arrive at Four Seasons sOne Lunch Driven te: Capital Arrive at Capitol Meerlng: Appointments Meeting: Seatt Caven Meeting: Clayton Williams Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor's Residence -205 PEEBLES 23-09 ~206 State Schedule for Governor Rick Peri 7:10 a.m. 735 am. 7:40 a.m. 11:45 am, 11:50am. 12:40 p.m. 12:40 pan. 1:10pm 1:25 p.m. 1:30 p.n, 4:05 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 4:40 pam. 350 p.m. 6:55 pm. 7:00 p.m. 9.20 p.m. 9:25 p.m Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Washington Dulles Arrive at Washington Dulles Driven to Office of State-Ferieral Rel: Arrive at Office of State-Federal Relations Brie! 1 Driven to Ariel Rios Building Arrive at Ariel Rios Building Meeting: EPA Administrator Steve Johnson Driven to CNBC Studios Arive at CNBC Studios Interview: CNBC's “Closing Bell with Maria Bartiromo” NBC Nightly News Driven to Washington Dulles Attive at Washington Dulles Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Avrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor's Residence varrbue at Goveraes Residence: PREAL RS 25 THURSDAY, JULY 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:10 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 11:40 a.m, 1:10 pam. 1:45 p.m, 8:25 p.m. O88 na Driven to Marriott Rivercenter Arrive at Marriott Rivercenter San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Luneheon Meeting: John Steen Driven to Governor's Residence a a ae a et -20 PREBLRS 49-09 -208 FRIDAY. JULY 11, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:00 a.m. Driven to Capitol 9:30 am, Arrive at Capitol 9:35 am Briefing: Competitiveness Counell 10:30 am. Meeting: Sanjay Puri 11:00 a.m, Phone Interview: ESPN Magazine 11:20.a.m. Meeting: Appointments 11:30 a.m, Bricting: Ul Chancellor Search Process 12:30 p.m, Driven to Governor's Residence 1-00 p.m. Athy al Governare Recuiler PEEBLES 253-09 -20$ SATURDAY. JULY 08 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO SCHEDULED RVENTS PREBLES 23-09 -21¢ Y. JUL 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 MONDA’ ULY 14. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS wai: PEEBLES 23-09 TUESD, JULY 15. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:30 p.m 1:00 p.m. 1:18 pan 2:00 pam. 2:45 p.m, 3:15 p.m Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Meeting: Rucing Commission Meeting: Power Generation Issues Meeting: PUC Commissioner Julic Parsley Website Videotapings Phone Hold Recording Meeting: Paul Carrozza & Craig Keeland Videotaping: Texas Municipal Police Association Driven to Governor’s Reside “Arrive at Governor's Re: -212 PREBLRG 49-09 e213 WEDNESDAY, JULY 16. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:15 a.m. Entertainment Software Associ n FA Summit 11:30am. Lunch: E3 Industrv Leaders PREBERS 29-09 melt THURSDAY, JULY 17. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:15am. Driven to Capitol 10:45am. Anive at Capitol 11:00 a.m, Meeting: Chairman Muhammed Mian Soomro 1:00 p.m, ‘Videotaping: People with Disabilities Luncheon 1:15 pam Videutuping: EcoDevo Las Vegus Conference “addick Mecting: Speaker Lom PRERALRS 452-09 FRIDAY. JULY 18. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED PRERTRS 49-09 ~216 SATURDAY. JULY 19. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NQO STATE SCTIFDULFD FVYENTS PRRERLRS 22-09 SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PRERELRS 22-09 MONDAY. JULY 21. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry EDULED EVEN NO STAT! 721% TUESDAY, JULY 22. 2008 Stale Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:10 p.m. 340 pm 6:40 pam. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 pam 7.20 p.m. 7-30 7m, Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capital Driven to Guero’s Taco Bar Arrive at Guero's Taco Bar ke Club Run Texas Traini Driven to Governor’s Residence Arrive at Governor's Residence ~21% PREBLES 23-09 -22 WEDNESDAY, JULY 23. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9: Suan 9:45 am. 9355 am. 10:15 x. 11:00 am, 11:40 a.m, 12:25 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. pm. 2:15 pam, 3:25 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:50 pam, Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Photo Op: TSDAR Videotaping: America’s Lnergy Coast Leadership Forum Videotaping: Texas Veterans Leadership Program Meeting: David McGregor TAEA Reception Execution Briefings: Sonnler & Davis Press Briefing Photo Op: Uno Press Conference: Hurricane Dolly Meeting: Mary Katherine Stout & Lynn Altemeyer Photo Op: Tejano Music National Convention Swearing In: Hope Andrade, Secretary of State Driven to Horizon Film & Video Arrive at Horizon Film & Video Videotaping: Woodrow Wilson Award Driven to Governar’s Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence PEERLES £3-09 THURSDAY. JULY 24. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry ir a.m. 11:2 am, 11:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m 12:50 pan. 1:00 p.m. 2:15 pm. 2:20 pan. 2:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4.45 pan. 4:50 p.m, S00 m. ‘iven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up for Mid-Valley Airport Arrive at Mid-Valley Airport Briefing: Hurricune Dolly Arrive at Mid-Valley Airport M ig: Hurricane Dolly Press Conicrence: Hurricane Dolly Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Attive al Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor's Residence ‘Revise of Cinwacacitic ation ~22. PREBLE S éa-09 FRIDAY. JULY 25, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry eA TS NOSTATE SCULDULE PEBBLES 2£5-09 =z SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBL RG 49-09 mies SUNDAY. JULY 27. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOW SCHEDULED FVYENTS PREBLES 23-09 22% MONDAY. JULY 28. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES £3-09 226 TUESDAY. JULY 29. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDIILED FVENTS. PEEBLES 23-09 WEDNESDAY, JULY 30. State Schedule for Goyernor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PEEBLES 23-09 THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EY rt ~22é PREBLE 29-09 -22¢ UGUST 1. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLE 29-09 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FYVENTS -23¢ PREBLRS 49-09 SUNDAY, AUGUST 3. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS i ile PREBILBS 25-09 MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:18 pam. 145 pan 2:00 pm. 2:30 pm, 2.35 pan. 4:10 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 4:45 p.m 6:00 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6:15 pm 6:00 p.m, 645 pan, 6:55 p.m 7:00 p.m. 8:15 pm 8:20 p.m. £50 nm. Driven to PacSat Studios Arrive at Pi Studios Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Driven to Austin Ti Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Wheels up far Paris Airport Arrive at Paris Airport Driven to Starrett Funeral Home Avvive at Stanett Funeral Home Visitation: Johnny Stallings Driven to Paris Airport Arrive at Paris Airport Wheels up for Austin Rergstran Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governur’s Residence Aiur ot Cinusenai’a Hesitense ~23¢4 PEEBLES 23-09 TUESD. Y, AUGUST 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:00 a.m. 8:00 8:15 am, 8:30 pm. 8:40 aan. 9:00 am. 11:00 a.m, 11:25 a.m, 11:45 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 pam, 3:33 pam. Driven to Capitol Briefing: Tropienl Storm Eduoard Phone Interview: Bucky & Boh Arrive at Capitol Phone Interview: KTRH with JP and Lana Execution Briefings: Medellin & Chi Videotaping: Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon Meeting: Dianne Delisi Summer Intcrn Reception Meeting: Communications Director Applicant Videotaping: National ACS Summit Mecting: Appointments Driven to Governor's Residence at Govewnce es Resience “235 PREBL BO 229-09 ~23! WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:45 am. Driven to Capitol 9:13 am, Capitol 9:30am. Meeting: Ken Trogdon & Larry James 10:15a,m, Execution Bricfings: Dorsey & Kodrigucz 11:00 a.m, Meeting: Zin Smati, President & CEO, Suez Energy 11:30 a.m. Meeting: Robert Eckels 11:55 am. Driven to Hilton Downtown 12:00 p.m, Arrive at Hilton Downtown 12:00 p.m. Competitiveness Council 12:55 p.m. Driven to Capitol 1.00 pan. Active at Capitol 1:15 pm. eeting: Representative Mike Krusee 1:45 p.m, Meeting: Representative Car! Isett 2:15 pan Briefing: Border Governor's Conference 5:05 p.m Driven to Gavernar’s Residence SAS wien: ‘feembow at CanGarne's asians PREBL BA £3-09 ~23- THURSDAY. AUGUST 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:15 p.m. Phonc Call: EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson 3.25 pan, Driven to CNN Center 3:45 pam Arrive at CNN Center 4:00 p.m. CNN Am ain PEEBLES 43-09 236 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. PRERERS 22-09 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHIFDUL FED FYEFNTS PEEBLES £9-09 SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCUPDIULED PYVENTS -23% PEEBLES £3-09 ~239 MONDAY, AUGUST 11. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:00 am, Audio Recording: K 0725 an Antonis PEEBLES 23-09 TUESDAY. AUGUST 12. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED PFVENTS ~24l PERALBGS 23-09 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:00 pam, 3:50 p.m. 4:00 pm 4:00 pam, 5:30 pm, 7:00 p.m 7:25 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:25 p.m. 8:30 pan 10:30 p.m 11:00 0. Meeting: Cheryin Townsen Driven to Universal Studios Arrive at Universal Studios sovernors” iscussion Meeting: US Border Governors & DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff 72:3D Show & Formal Welcome by Governor Schwarzenegger Driven to Globe Theatre Arrive at Globe Theatre Private VIP Reception: Border Governurs Conference Driven to Schwarzenegger Kesidenee Arrive at Schwarzenegger Residence {Private Di Governai Driven to Hilton Universal City “Arrive at Hilton Univereal Cirv -24 PREBLE 29-09 THURSDAY. AUGUST 14. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:45 a.m. 9:50 a.m, 10:00 a.m 11:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:53 pam, 6:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. 6:45 p.m. Driven to Universal Studios Arrive at Universal Studios Opening Ceremonies: Border Governors Conference Driven to Los Angeles International Airport Arrive at Los Angeles International Airport Wheels up fir Austin Rergsiom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Governor's Residence Arrive at Governor’s Residence PREBLRS 41-09 FRIDAY. AUGUST 15, 2008 State Schedule far Governor Rieck Perry 11:20 a.m, en to Rudder Auditorium 1:00 p.m ive at Rudder Auditorium 1:00 p.m. Meat & Greet: Armstrong Family 2:00 p.m. Memorial Service: Ambassador Anne Armstrong TBD p.m. Driven to Thigpen Residence TBD p.m. open Residence ~24a> PRERTRS é3-09 SATURDAY. AUGUST 16, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS 264 PEEBLES 23-09 SUNDAY, AUG! State Schedule in Gover nor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. “£85 PREBLE 29-09 MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2008 State Schedule for Governor pm. 1:05 p.m 1:15 p.m. 1:50 p.m, 1:55 p.m. 2:00 pan. k Perry Driven to Austin Police Department Arrive at Austin Police Department Press Conference: Blue Alert Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Photo Shout: Austin Christian Furmily Magazine Swearing In: Donna Neison Driven to PacSat Arrive at PacSat terview: CNBC Mad Money Driven to Governor's Residence Arce at Gavercnnets Decadence ~Zal PRERBLES 22-09 TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:05 a.m. Driven to Capitol 10-48 am Anive at Capital 10:45 am, Meeting: TEVA 11:304.m. Meeting: Bill Powers 12:05 pm. Meeting: Emilia Gunzilez, Governor of Julisco 1:40 pam. Mecting: Constituent Writers 2:30 p.m. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 3:00 p.m. Anive at Austin Barysuiuin 3:40 p.m, Wheels up for Urlando International 7:20 p.m. Arrive at Orlando International 7:40 p.m Driven to Peabody Hoiel SO: Meee at Peano Ene “24 PRERERS 292-09 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry 8:30 a.m. 8:35 a.m. R24 aan 9:23 am. 9:45 a.m. 12:20 pau 2:00 p.m. 2:15 2:45 p.m 2:45 pam. 3:00 pam. 3:30 pam. 4:00 pam. |S p.m. 5:05 p.m. ERE Driven to Orange County Convention Center Arrive at Orange County Convention Center Veterans of Fureiy 3109" National Convention Driven to Urlando International Arrive at Orlando International Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven to Capitol Avrive at Capital Videotaping: Governor Dolph Briscoe Videotaping: Special Olympics International Torch Run Conference Meeting: Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) Execution Briefing: Jeffrey Wood Meeting: John Montford Driven to Governor’s Residence i gl PON ees TP ~24& PREERERS 45-09 THURSDAY. G JST 21, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:55 a.m, 12.25 pan 12:50 pm. 1:40 pm. 150 pan 2:00 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 2:15 pan 3:10 pam. 3:20 p.m, 3:25 p.m. 4:00 p.m, 4:05 p.m. 4.25 pan. 4:30 pam. 4:55 p.m. 50 pm 5:00 pam. 6:05 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 7-50 pm RIN) aim. Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergson Wheels up tor Big Spring MeMahon- Wrinkle Arrive at Big Spring McMahon Wrinkle Driven to Setles Hol Arrive at Settles Hotel Media Avail Driven to Big Spring MeMahon-Wrinkle Arrive at Big Spring McMahon-Wrinkle Wheels up for Lubbock inteiiational Arrive at Lubbock Intcrnational Driven to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Ative at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Event: Anita Thigpen Perry School of Nursing Driven to Chancellor's Residence Avive at Chancellor's Residence Reception: Anita Thigpen Perry School of Nursing Driven to Lubbock International Arrive at Lubbock International Wheels up for Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin Bergstrom Driven ta Gavernor’s Residence Teenie pce ek Cosmas “24s PREBLBGA 49-09 FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry UEDULED EVENTS NO STATI wal PRERT RS 22-09 725: SATURDAY. AUGUST 23. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:38 p.m, 5:55 p.m. pn. 6:00 pan. TBD p.m. TRD pn. Driven to Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Arrive at Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Interview: Promotional Video for Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities Graduation: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disab: Driven to Governor's Reside Areive at Govemor’s Residence PREBLES 23-09 7252 SUNDAY. AUGUST 24, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 MONDAY. AUGUST 25, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:45 p.m. Driven to Capitol I:1Spm. Arrive at Capitol 1:30 p.m. Meeting: Jimmy Horn 2:15 pam. Photo Op: Deaf-Blind, Mulli-Haudicapped Association of Texas 24S pam, Swearing In: Andres Aleantar PON Governor's Residence PREBLBRO 29-09 TUESDAY, State Schedule for Governor Rick l’erry #20 am. Driven to Austin Bergstrom 7:50 a.m. Arrive at Austin Berystron/TXDOT 7iham Wheels up for Waco TSTC 8:35 a.m. Arrive at Waco TSTC/Servion 8:40 am. Driven to Cesa: Chavez PDS Middle School R55 a.m. Arrive at Cesar Chavez PDS Middle School 9:00 a.m. DATE mts 9:30 a.m. Driven to Waco TSTC 9:45 am. Arrive at Waco TST C/Servion 9:50 am. Wheels up for Abilene Regional Airport 10:45 a.m. Arrive at Abilene Regional Ainport/Abilene Acro 10.50 aan Driven ta Clack Middle School 110 am, Arrive at Clack Middle School L1s15 am. DATE Grants 11.50 2m Driven to Abilene Regional Airport 12:10 p.m Arrive at Abilene Regional Airporl/Abilene Aero 12:15 p.m, Wheels up for Midland Intermational 11S pan Arrive at Midland Intemational/Avion Flight Center 1:20 p.m, Driven to Viola M. Coleman High School 1:45 p.m, Arrive at Viola M. Coleman High School 2:00 pm 2:35 p.m, Driven to Midland International 2:55 p.m. Ative at Midland International/Avion Flight Center 3-00 p.m. Wheels up for Austin Rergstram PRERBELRS 22-09 TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2008 State Schedule for Gavernor Rick Perry (Continued) 4:20 p.m. Arrive at Austin Bergstron/TXDOT 4:25 p.m. Driven wo Governor's Residence Dee es Beak ctl: “25° PRERE RS 22-09 256 LIST 27, 2008 overnor Rick Perry 9:30 am, DATE Grants" San Antonio 12:00 p.m. DATE Grants. Houston 2:30pm. DATE ints- Dallas PEEBLES £3-09 ‘THURSDAY, AUGUST 28. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:05 a.m, 9:35 a.m. 940m 10:40 a.m. 10:45 a.m, 10:45 a.m Sam. 11: 0 a, 12:05 p.m 12:15 pam. 12:20 p.m. 1:20 p.m 1 p.m, EU, a. ae. Driven to Austin Bergstrom Arrive at Austin BerystrouvAtantic Aviation Wheels up for Maverick County Memorial International Arrive at Maverick County Memorial International Airport/Brave Aci Service, Driven to Maverick County Detention Center Phone Call; FEMA Administrator David Paulison Arrive at Maverick County Detention Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Maverick County Detention Cent Driven to Maverick County Memorial Intemational Airport Arrive at Maverick County Memorial International AirporyBravo Avro Service Wheels up for Austin Bergstiom Arrive at Austin BergstronvAtlantic Aviation Driven to Governor's Reside! Antigen ai Qoavenwre Bes PRERBERS 42-09 FRIDAY. AUGUST 29, 2008 State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry 9:45 a.m, 9:50 a.m. 10:00 aan, 10:10 a.m, it:tS am, 11:45 am. 12:45 p.m. 2:40 p.m, 3.00pm p.m. 4:05 p.m. 4335 nm. Driven to Capitol Arrive at Capitol Videotaping: MSCA Videotaping: PWC CHRISTUS Health Video Taping Videutuping: Student Youth Travel Association Appointments Driven to DPS Headquarters Avrive at DPS Headquarters Bricfing: Hurricane Gustay Driven to Governor's Residence “Arrive at Governor's Residence ~258 PEEBLES 23-09 -259 SATURDAY, AUGUST 30. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLES 23-09 ~26C SUNDAY. AUGUST 31, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:49 am, Phone Call: Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal 10:00 a.m, Briefing: Hurricane Gu 10:30 a.m. Video Teleconference: President George W. Bush & Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal PEEBLES 239-09 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry | Nove. Tarluy iv. sinte htiday in observance of Labor Day 10:20 nam. Greeting: President George W. Bus! 10:45 a.m. Bricting: Hurricane Gustav 11:10 a.m. Statement: Hurricane Gustay 11:20 a.m, Greeting: Emergency Management Council 12:40 pan. Briefing: Alamo Regional Command PEEBLES 23-09 726: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVE PREARBA 29-09 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 20 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:00 arm. Visit: Hurricanc Gustay Evacuccs and Voluntcers 26; PEEBLES 23-09 “26! THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 2008 Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO OTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 ~26° TPRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Meeting: Senator Chris Harris & Senator Florence Shapiro 10:15 a.m. PREBLE RS 49-09 =Z26¢ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATF SCHEDIILED FVENTS PREBLES 23-09 ~267 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHUPEDITTED FYENTS PEEBLES 23-09 266 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 2:00 pam, TEF Announcement: Martifer Meeting: Senator Kel Seliger. RepresenGative David Swinford and 4:20 p.m. Representative John Smithee PREBLESO 22-09 TURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:30 vam, 10:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Lisa 1:45 pam, 2:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. BO as case Videotaping: ‘exas Council on Family Violence Execution Briefings: Charles Hood Meeting: Dr. Ken Shine Luncheon: TPP sts Dr. Art Laffer Videotaping: Career Colleges & Schouls of Texas Mevting: Representative Warren Chisum Photo Op: Texas ESGR Videotapine: Coneressional Medul of Houor 26% PEEBLES £5-09 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 2008 State Schedule for Gavernor Rick Perry i145am. ‘TexasOne Lunch 1:00 p.m. PSA Taping: CALA 6:30 p.m. Dallas Symphony a~2it PEEBLES £3-09 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:15am, Briefing: Hurricane Ike 10:30 a.m. Conference Cull: Hurricane The 11:30 a.m. Press Conference: Hurricane Ike- Austin 5:00 p.m. Phone Cail: HHS Secretary ~27. PEEBLES 23-09 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:45 am, Live Interview: KTRH Good Morning News with JP and Laua 1:40 pam. Phone Call: Steve WV 2:20 p.m, Live Interview: CNN Newsroom PM with Rick Sanchez Live Interview: MSNBC Daytime News with Norah O'Do: Live Interview: CNBC Live Interview: FOX News with Neil Cav Live Interview: Hannity and Colmes PEEBLES 23-09 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:13 p.m. Briefing: Hurricane The 1:30pm. Press Conference: I 4200 pm. Interview 7275 PEEBLES £3-U9 wi7i SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:00 a.m. Wheels up for Flyover 11:00 a.m. Wheels up for Flyover 11:30am, Press Conference: Hurricane Ike- Galveston 12:30 p.m. —_ Briefing: Hurricane Ike 12:48 pan. Press Confer othe Hanon PEEBLES 23-09 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:50 a.m. Phone Call: Hurricane Ike Briefing Live Interview: CNN American Morning Interview: FOX and Friends usiness Money for Breakfast ve Interview: FO, 8:00 a.m. Live Cull In: KTRH Houston - Good Morning News with JP and Lana 10:30 a.m. Conference Call: Hurr e Tke- Austin 11:30 am. Press s Hurri ike- Austin 0 p.m. PEEBLES £29-U09 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:05 am. Briefing: Hurricane Ike Houston 10:18am, Briefing & Statement: Hurricane Ike- Galveston 2-00 nm. Precution Briefine: William ~eie PEEBLES £3-09 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:00 a.m. Live Call: KTRH with JP and Lana chant 12:00 pam. otaping: Walt Cun PRR ALB 29-09 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:45 aa. 9:30 am. 10:00 a.m. 1:15 pam 1:30 pam, 3:15 p.m. 3:35 pam. Meeting: NOMA Videotaping: Tech Titans Awards Gala Swearing In: Hope Andrade Briefing: Hurricane Ike- Angleton Press Conference: Murricane Ike- Angleton Briefing: Hurricane Ike- Livingston Phone Cull: Hucricane Ike Press Coniers e ‘icanc [ke- Li neston ~278 PEERLES 25-049 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:15 am. 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Live Call: KTRH_ Gand Morning News with JP and Lana Phone Call: Congressman Solomon Ortiz Dinner: Dr. Denton Cooley. | aoe ee 25-09 -280- | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:30 a.m. Hurricane Ike Briefing & Press Conference- Beaumont | | | | | | | 11:20 a.m. Hurricane Ike Briefing & Press Conference- Anahuac | | 1:20 p.m. Visit: Hurricane Ike Medical Special Needs Sheiter- College Station | | | | PEEBLES 23-09 Tana SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLESG £3-U9 ~282 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER. State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:00 p.m. Briefing: Texas Disaster Relief Fund 1:30 p.m, Press Conference: Texas Disaster Relief Fund PSA 2:15 pam. Meeting: Michael Vivio 3:00 p.m. Videotaping: Texas Parks and Wildlife 3:30 p.m. Photo Op: Pflugerville Girl Scout Troop ‘ayac Accociation of Realtors 0 p.m. Videotapin: PEEBLEG 29-09 28° TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:20 a.m. Visit & Media Avail: Hurricane Ike General Population Shelter- San Antonio 12:35 p.m. Briefing & Press Conference: Hurricane Ike- Richmond 331 fine & Press Conference: Hurricane Ike- Montgomery HEE PEBBLES £9-09 2008 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:50 a.m. 9:10 aan. 9:15 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 1:15 p.m. Briefing: Hurricane Ike Meeting: HUD Secretary Steve Preston & FEMA Deputy Administrator Adi arvey Johnson Press Conference: Hurricane Ike Disaster Housing Assistance Program: Houston Briefing & Presy Conference: Hurricune Ike- League City Briefing & Press Conference: Iurricane Ike- Liberty fine & Press Conference: Hurricane Ike- Ki PEEBLES 429-09 28> THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 235. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:00 p.m. Briefing: Fitness 1:45 p.m. Meeting: Appointments Strategy 2:45 pam. Meeting: Aubrey McClendon 3:45 p.m, Meeting: Representative Vicki Truitt hr e Vote PEBBLES 23-09 286 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 2/4/09 9:28 AM State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 2:00 p.m. ter ity Medical Center's Roberts [lospital 7:00 p.m. ing: 2008 Texas State Fair PREBLE 422-09 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS ~250 PEBBLES 239-09 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS oe PEEBLEG 29-09 725% MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:30 a.m, Location: Hyatt Regency Austin 12:30 p.m. Phone Call: OMB Director Jim Nussle 1:00 p.m. Texas Economic Development Conference Location: Hilton Downtown 2:30 p.m. Meeting: French Ambassador Pierre Vimont 3:00 p.m. pau PEEBLES £3-09 ee TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:15 am. Arrive at Capitol 9:30 a.m. Meeting: Judge Carlas Cascos Press Conference: Border Security Council Report 12:15 p.m. Announcement: Statewide Gang Initiative Location: San Antonio Police Department HQ 3:00 p.m. Event: 3" Annual Gang and Youth Violence Conference Location: Arlington Conference Center PEEBLES 29-09 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 20pm. R Interview an PERBBLBEG 29-09 ee THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 29-09 a ee FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED F' PEEBLES £9-U9 SATURDAY. OCTOBER 4. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NQ STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEBBLES Z£9-09 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:30a.m. Indianapolis Colts vs. Houston ‘Texans Location: Reliant Stadium PEEBLES 29-09 MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:45 a.m, Press Briefing- Capitol 12:00 p.m. Economic Meeting- Capitol ~296 PREBLBGO £9-U09 lan TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Hall of Fame 1:30pm. Texas W Texas Woman's University- Denton Location: 6:30 pam. Les Femmes du Monde Woman of the Year Award Location: Northwood Club- Dallas PEEBLBEO 29-09 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:45 pam. Meeting: Appointments Location: Capitol 3:15 pan. Interview: San Antonio Business Journal Location: Capito! 4:00 pau. Meeting: Wayne Roberts Location: Capitol 4:20 p.m. Videotaping: Alliance for Life Location: Capitol 4:45 p.m. Phone Call: Admiral Jay Cohen, DHS Location: Canitol ~23e PEEBLES 23-09 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:10 am. Clean Carbon Policy Summit Location: Omni Hotel qnouncement 12:15 pan. NBAF San Antonio City Hall 7295 PEEBLES £2-U9 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 7:30 p.m. The Association of Former Students’ Distinguished Aiumni Gala Location: Brezoc County Exnosition Comnley PEBBLES 23-09 SATURDAY. OCTOBER 11. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS an PREBLEG £9-U09 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 12, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 23-09 MONDAY. OCTOBER 13, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 2:30 p.m. Execution Briefing Location: Capitol 4:00 p.m. Phone Cull: OMB Direetor Jim Nussie Loeation: Canitol has PREBLEG 29-09 ~30! TUESDAY. OCTOBER 14, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick P 11:55am. Associated General Contractors Annual Trade Show Luncheon Location: Austin Convention Center 3:15 pm, Meeting: UTMB Location: Capitol 4:15 p.m. Meeting: Budget, Planning & Policy New Employees Location: Capitol egislative Caucus Reception 5:15 p.m. PEEBLES £3-09 —30: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 15, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:15 p.m. Luncheon: Greater Houston Partnership Location: George R. Brown Convention Center- Houston 3:30 p.m, Visit: Tara Energy Location: Tarn Energy Heudquarters- Houston 5:30 pam, VIP Reception: Texas Conference for Women Location: Vic & Anthonv’s- Houston PEEBLEG 29-09 306 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:35am, The Texas Conference for Womer, Location: George R. Brown Convention Center- Houston 12:00 p.m. Luncheon: Texas Chemical Council Meeting Location: Hilton Hobby Hotel- Houston 2:30 pam. Meeting: Joel Staff. Reliant Energy Location: Inn at the Ballpark- Houston 3:30 p.m. Meeting: David McClanahan, CenterPoint Energy Location: Inn at the Ralinark- Houston PEEBLES £2-09 ERIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS Wine PEEBLES 423-09 -308 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES £3-09 ee SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED E' PREBLEG £5-U9 ee MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 4:45 p.m. PEEBLES 22-09 ae TUESDAY. OCTOBER 21, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:00 a.m. Announcement: Triton Financial Classic Location: Stephen F, Austin Hotel 9:40 a.m. Execution Briefing: Joseph Ray Ries Location: Stephen F, Austin eater Dallas Chamber of Commerce Sheraton 12:00 p.m. Addres Location ped Radio Interview: Jon-David Wells. “The Wells Report.” KLIF 3:00 pam. vei Fee PEEBLBG £9-U9 WEDNESDA CTOBER 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:30a.m, Execution Briefings: Bobby Wayne Woods & Eric Charles Nenno 12:40 p.m. TTARA Annual Meeting Location: Four Seasons Hotel- Austin 1:30 p.m, Photo Op: Texas Olympiuns- Stue Cupitol 4:15 pam. Stop By: 2008 Permian Basin International Oil Show Loeation: Ector County Coliseum Cumplex- Odessa fee PREBLESG 425-09 eae ‘THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:25 a.m. Vote Location: Travis County Courthouse 11:30am, Meeting: Texas A&M Students cation: ‘State Capitol 2:00 p.m. ETF Announcement: UTEP Water Desalination Location: UTEP, Geological Sciences School 3:00 p.m. si Texas Tech Medical School Location Texas Tech Medical School, Medical Education Building Fort Bliss ea 4:00 p.m. Stop + ocation: PEBBLES 29-09 ae FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry ing In: John Steen- State Capitol 11:30 a.m. Su PEEBLES 2597-U9 SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULE EVENTS hn! B- PEEBLES £3-09 nl SUNDAY. OCTOBER 26. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 4£3-U09 MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS a PREBLEBG £3-U9 TUESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:00 a.m. Grand Opening: Katy Freeway Location: Beltway 8, Northbound Flyover 3:30 p.m. Ribbon Cutting: Warehouse Kingdom Location: Warehouse Kingdom, Warehouse Units J9 & J10 ree PREBLES 49-U%9 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29. 2008 State Schedule for Governar Rick Perry 10:45 a.m. Announcement: Gang Strategy Location: San Antonio Police Department 3:13 pan, Announcement: Gang Strategy Location: Pe ee ee bt PREBLBG 29-U9 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:30 a.m. Meeting: David Cabrales Location: Capitol 11:00 a.m. Meeting: Joe Barger Location: Capitol 11:40 a.m. : Joc Domino Capitol 12:10 p.m, Videotaping: ‘Texas Life Science Conference Location: Capitol 6:30 p.m. Dinner: Friends of the Governor’s Mansion Picnic Location: Governor's Residence PREBLES 25-09 a FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:10 a.m. Call-in Interviey ET. Buel nd Bob Show 10:00 a.m. Feanomic Roundtable Location: Capitol 11:15am. Meeting: Secretary of State Hope Andrade Lor on: Canitol PREBLERS £5-0%9 32. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:15 a.m. Texas Book Festiy: Location: Authors Coffee ‘Ur im PREBLEG 29-09 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:05 a.m. Susan Location: South Coneress Avenue & Rarton Sprines w32: PEEBLES 4£97-U%9 MO. Y, NOVEMBER 3, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:00 pm, Execution Briefing: Elkie Lee Taylor Meeting: Susan Weddington Videotaping: Texas Motion Picture Alliance 1:55 p.m. Videotaping: Texas Archive of the Moving image 2:15 p.m. PSA Audio Taping: Bloud Drive Challenge xac State Cemetery Videotanin: PEEBLES 43-09 -32: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS PREBLES £5-0% WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS. ~32¢ PRESLES £9-U9 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:15 a.m. Execution Briefings: George Whitaker, III & Denard Sha Manns 11:15am. Videotaping: Medina Children’s Home ‘exus A&M Chancellor’s Century Club ee eT 11:40 a.m, Luncheo: Location: PEEBLES £2-09 ~32% FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:00 a.m Dedication Opening: Terrabon Location: Advanced Biofuels Research Facilitv- Brvan PEEBLES £9-U9 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 1:30 p.m. Branding of the Hide TS, Spence Park. Northeast Corner. 7325 PREBLBES 429-09 330 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry Tt NO STATE SCHEDULE! PEEBLES £97-U9 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:15 a.m. 3:00 p.m, Meeting: Swedish Ambassador Jonas Hafstrom Location: Crescent Club Press Conference: Texas Veterans Leadership Program T oeatio One AT&T Plaza ea PEEBLESG 25-09 ae TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 45-09 -333 VEMBER 12. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EF’ PREBLEG 45-09 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS “33! PREBLES 23-U9 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS ene ’ PEEBLBEG 29-09 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULE FVE PEEBLBEG Z29-U9 SUNDAY, NOV. State Schedule f 6:45 am, BER 16. 2008 y Governor Rick Perry PREBLBEG 29-09 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:00 a.m. 12:20 pam, 12:45 pan. 1:30 p.m. 2:30 pm, 2°40 p.m. Scminar: Appointces Training Meeting: Representative Fred Hill Meeting: Maltese Delegation Execution Briefing: Eric Dwayne Cathey, Rogelio Cunnady, Robert Jean Hudson Canyass: Special Election Audio Recording: Camp Phoenix Turkev Trot 33 PEEBLES TUESDA OVEMBER 18. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:30 a.m, Fundraiser Luncheon: TAASA honoring Mica Mosbucier Locatiol River Oaks Country Club PEEBLES £5-U9 State Schedule for Governor Rick Per 9:30 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:50 pam. ’, NOVEMBER 19, 2008 Canvass: General Electio Location: Capitol Meeting: Dr. Diana Natalicio Location: Capitol Videotaping: Texas Rose Festival Location: Rose Museum Videotaping: Brookshire Grocery Company Greeting Ei yg icy Ta PEEBLES £5-09 THURSDAY State Schedule for Governor Rick Pe OVEMBER 20, 2008 10:00a.m. Swearing In: Ralph Sheffield 2:00 p.m. Press Conf : Hurricane [ke eren Location: Houston Transtar 4:45 pam. Meeting: Sugar Land Mayor James Thompson Locatio1 Sugar Land City Hall 7:30 p.m. Ron Stone Awards a a a +34. PEEBLES 25-09 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS -342- PEEBLES 25-09 -343- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES £5-U9 34) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 4£9-U9 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 2:30 pam. Meeting: Richard Fisher Location: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 6:15 p.m. Dinner: BPP Location: Peace Mansion 38: PEEBLES 429-09 340 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:30a.m. Press Briefing: Federal Carbon Legislation 11:00 a.m. Videotaping: OneStar Foundation 11:15 a.m. Videotaping: ‘Texas vs. Nation Bowl 11:40 a.m. Meeting: Consul General of Qatar, Yousef AlKhater 1:00 p.m, Swearing In: Brandy Marty 1:45 p.m. Press Conference: Federal Carbon Legislation 3:00 p.m. Meeting: Appointments 4:00 pan. Videotaping: Texas Workforce Commission Videotaping: FOX 4 Anchor. Clarice Tinsley Videotaping: Texas Round- PEEBLES 29-U9 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCIIEDULED EVENTS wall dha PEEBLES 23-09 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:30 a.m. 18" Annual Thundercloud Subs Turkey Trot/3 Mile Run Location: Waterloo Pa' 12:00 p.m. Corps of Cadets March In InterContinental Stephen F. Austin 34 PEEBLES 29-09 re FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCIIFDULED EVENTS PEEBLES £93-09 ~390 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Pe: NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES £5-U9 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCIIFDULED EVENTS aoe PREBLES 29-09 MONDAY. DECEMBER 1. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:00 a.m. Meeting: Chairman Ren Bernanke Location: Hilton Downtown 12:30 p.m. Bernanke Event Location: Hilton Downtown 2:18 p.m. Intern Reception 3:00 oom. Videotanine: Wii Game Console PEEBLES £93-U9 Ina TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:00 2.n. Meetin; Location: President-elect Obama & VP-elect Biden Independence Park 11:45 a.m. Independence Park 12:15 pau. Location: Independence Park 3:30 p.m, Live Call: Fox News. Your World With Neil Cavuto Austin Bergstrom/Atlantic Aviation 4:20 p.m. Meeting: Congressman Lamar Smith 4345 p.m. Vidcotaping: Christmas/Holiday Greeting 6:00 p.m. ress Christmas Party Betsv’s PREEBLEG £9-U9 ba DNESDAY, DE BE 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 10:30 a.m. Economic Roundtable Location: Capitol Phone Interview: Bob Babbitt Location: Capitol Videotuping: Chrisunas/Holiday Greeting Location: Capitol 2:00 p.m. Christmas Open House Location: Capitol 4:15 p.m. Interview: Gardner Selby Local Capitol PEEBLBEG 29-09 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 7:57 a.m, Live Radio Interview: KTR (Houston) with JP and Lana Location: CGovernor’s Residence ~33° PEEBLESG 429-09 FRIDA =326 ’, DECEMBER 5. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:00 am. 9:45 aan. 10:00 a.m, 11:15 am, 12:00 p.m. Texas Investment Conference Location: AT&T Executive Conference Center Videotaping: Christmas/Holiday Greeting Conference Call: DHS NBAF Announcement Videotaping: Woodrow Wilson Award for Peter Holt & Red McCombs Pre-Session Legislative Conference & New Member Orientation Location: AT&T Executive Conference Center PEEBLES 295-09 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE. EDULED EVENTS PREBLES £3-0%9 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 7, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS ~33¢ PEEBLES £59-U9 MONDAY. DECEMBER 8. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS ine PEEBLES 45-09 rah TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:00 a.m. Christmas Coffee: Location: Governor’s Residence 5:00 p.m. Meeting: BPP Staff Location: Acton School 7:00 p.m. Location: ‘our Seasons PREBLESG 29-UY9 —36. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 pam, 3:30 pm, 4:00 p.m. 5:10 pm. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Breakfast: IexasOnc Partnership - Location: Four Seasons Meeting: Pardons Location: Four Seasons Luncheon: Governor’s Business Council Annual Meeting Location: Four Seasons Press Conference: Capito! Steps Challenge Location: Capital Meeting: Dassault Falcon Jet Corporation Location: Capital Videotaping: Texas State Cemetery Locativt: Capital Photo Op: ‘liger Den 1/Pack 163 Location! Capitol Interview: Russel! Gold, Wall Street Journal Location: Capital ‘TexasOne Holiday Party Pan eee ae at PEEBLBG 23-09 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:15 pan PEEBLES £3-U9 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 7:45 a.m. Live Interview: FOX & Friends with Gretchen Carison. Steve Doocy and mead Fox Studios 7363 PREBLES 45-09 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry ree NO STATE SCHEDULED EV 364 PEEBLES 25-09 TBD Meeting: wunort Governor Eduardo Bours Castelo 36. PREEBLES 245-09 rene MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry TBD Meeting: Sonora Governor Eduar eee PEEBLES 245-09 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 6:00 p.m. Dinner Meeting: Stelmach. Premier of Alberta Location: Il Forks =3¢ PEEBLES 29-09 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:30 am. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:45 pam, Meeting: Jay Kimbrough Location: Capitol Swearing In: Dr. Richard Box Location: Capitol Economic Roundtable Location: Capitol Phone Interview: Christy Hoppe, Dallas Morning News UE a ~368 PRESLEG £9-U9 ~36° THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 11:00 a.m, CANCELLED: Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting: C&J Energy Services Location: C& Energy Services 2:30 pam. Press Conference: Choose Life License Plate Location: Capitol 4:45 p.m. ‘Meeting: Teresa Spears & Keith Ingram Location: Capitol 5:15 p.m. Holiday Reception: Texas A&M University System Ue Pee PREBLEG £95-09 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 19. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 7:40 am. Live Radio Interview i KVET’s Bucky and Bob ae PEEBLES 43-09 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NOSTATE SCHEDULED EVENTS eae PERBBLBG £9-U9 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO ST, SCHEDULED EVENTS PREBLESG £5-U%9 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 8:30am, Meeting: Dr. Francisco Cigarroa Location: Capitol 10:45 a.m. Meet & Greet: TxDOT Employees Location: TxDOT et PREBLES 25-U9 ae TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS PEEBLES 25-09 WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED FVENTS mee PEEBLEG 29-09 Ten ‘THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS PEEBLES 29-U9 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 12:30 p.m. Paul Burka. Texas Monthly Nuevo Leon PREBLEBGO £9-09 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry 3:30 p.m. Award Presentation: BSA National Honor Medal with Crossed Palms Loeation: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Dav Saints PREBLES £45-U9 SUNDAY, DECE Vo State Schedule fur Governor Rick Perry 10:00 a.m, Canvass: SD 17 Location: Governor's Residence w375 PEEBLES 29-U9 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS —~350 PEEBLES 25-09 ‘TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30. 2008 State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS Te PEEBLES 25-09 WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER State Schedule for Governor Rick Perry NO STATE SCHEDULED EVENTS

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