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Ejercicios A. pon los verbos en parntesis en Presente simple o presente continuo 1. Elizabeth is late. Yes, she .

(wait) for her sister. 2. What . (you, do)? Im sending an email. 3. Sarah . (not go, often) to the Cyber caf. 4. Hello! Where . (you, go) ? 5. I . (like) black coffee in the morning because it . (wake) me up. 6. Its very noisy! . (you have) a party? 7. Michael! Dinner! OK I . (come). 8. Who . (you, usually, give) presents at Christmas? 9. Restaurants . (stay) open late in Spain. 10. Johns in the kitchen. He . (cook) breakfast. 11. What . (you, think) about? 12. . (you / have got) any brothers and sister? 13. I (listen) to rap music when I . (want) to dance. 14. This place . (never, open) on Wednesdays. 15. How many people . (visit) this place every summer? 16. Patricia . (make) all of her own clothes. At the moment she . (make) a dress for herself. 17. What is that smell? Something . (burn) in the kitchen. 18. You can borrow my dictionary. I . (not / need) it at the moment. 19. Where . (you / go) now? I . (go) to the shops. 20. Why . (you laugh)? Because I . (like) this programme. 21. I . (study) now because Ive got a test in half an hour. 22. How often . (your friend, email) you? 23. Why . (be, your father) angry with you? 24. It . (rain). Lets go inside. 25. What . (you, think) about violence in sport? 26. I usually . enjoy Mexican food but I . (not enjoy) this meal at all. 27. Excuse me, . (you, know) how to get to Calle San Miguel?

28. He . (work) overtime this month because he . (save up) to buy a computer. 29. What . (you, listen) to? It sounds awful. 30. This cake . (to be) delicious. 31. He usually . (smoke) thirty cigarettes a day, but at the moment he . (try) very hard to cut down. 32. Hurry! The bus . (come). I . (not want) to miss it. 33. What time . (the next train, leave)? 34. Milena is excited. She . (think) about tonights party. 35. Christina . (work) for the Iberia airline. She is a pilot. 36. The art exhibition . (open) on the 4th of November and . (finish) the 15th of February. 37. The river Amazon . (flow) into the Pacific Ocean. 38. He normally . (learn) languages very fast, but he .(have) problems with Chinese. 39. I . (not like) my gym. I . (not, get) fit fast enough! 40. What . (Trina, do) at the moment? 41. Johann and I . (go) to the beach every weekend. 42. Have you finished your homework? No Ive got a problem. I . (not understand) this question. Can you help me? 43. . . (you, fly) to Dublin this weekend? 44. They always . (take) the bus to work. 45. . (you, remember) where I put my car keys? I . (think) they are on the table in the kitchen. 46. Nowadays there . (be) more cars on the roads than ever before. 47. The managers of the company . (meet) regularly. 48. Malvina . (rest) on the sofa. Shes tired. 49. Why . (those people, wait) outside the shop? Because its the first day of the sales. 50. . (the Johnsons ,go) to Italy this year? 51. Every winter, my family . (go) to Portugal for two weeks. 52. . . (you, do) anything at the moment?

53. The show . (start) at 8:30 pm. 54. Every year the weather . (change) in November. 55. Antonio . (write) another report this week. 56. . (you, watch) the horror film tonight on channel five? No, because I . have a judo class on Tuesdays. 57. The moon . (revolves) around the earth. 58. Silvia . (practice) the piano twice a day. 59. The school year usually . (begin) in September. 60. I . (have) a shower now. Please answer the phone. 61. She . (prefer) her coffee without sugar. 62. The plane . (not leave) until midnight. 63. Hurry up! We are late. Wait a minute. I . (look for)my umbrella. Why? It . (not rain). 64. What . (this word, mean)? 65. How many rooms . (this house, have)? 66. They . (think) of selling their house. 67. Elephants . (live) to be about as old as humans. 68. Our technology teacher . (not believe) in giving tests, only projects. 69. Jenny and her grandmother are very close. They . (phone) one another once a day. 70. Hold on a second, Mary. I want to turn off the gas, the water . (boil) over. 71. He is still ill but he . (get) better slowly. 72. My boss . (always complain) about the amount of talking in the office. 73. Gonzalo wont be in the office next Tuesday; he . (take) the day off. 74. Aurelio . (look) for work as a translator. He . (speak) three languages fluently.

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