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NC Manufacturing Infrastructure

Version 5 Release 14

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NC Manufacturing Infrastructure

Overview Conventions What's New Getting Started Manage Workbenches Manage Documents Set Up and Part Positioning Design Changes User Tasks Part Operations, Manufacturing Programs and Machining Processes Part Operation Machine Editor Manufacturing Program Auto-Sequence Operations in a Program Generate Transition Paths in a Program Create a Machining Process Organize Machining Processes in Catalogs Apply a Machining Process Apply Machining Processes Automatically Auxiliary Operations Tool Change Machine Rotation Machining Axis Change PP Instruction COPY Operator TRACUT Operator Copy Transformation Instruction Opposite Hand Machining Machining Entities Edit a Tool in an Operation Edit a Tool in the Resource List Edit a Tool Assembly in an Operation Edit a Tool Assembly in the Resource List Create a Tool Catalog from the Resource List Replace Tools in the Resource List Manage Tools in the Resource List and TDM Specify Tool Compensation Define the Tool Axis Create and Use a Machining Pattern Process Table Manufacturing View Define Macros on a Milling Operation Define Macros on an Axial Machining Operation

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Define Macros on a Turning Operation Build and Use a Macros Catalog Status Management User Parameters in PP Instructions Verification and Simulation Tool Path Replay Photo Mode for Material Removal Simulation Video Mode for Material Removal Simulation Check Machine Accessibility at Tool Axis Definition Generic Machine Accessibility (CATProduct) VNC Machine Accessibility (*.dev device) Program Output Interactive Generation of NC Output Batch Generation of APT Source Code Batch Generation of Clfile Code Batch Generation of NC Code Batch Generation of CGR File MfgBatch Utility for Generating NC Data Batch Queue Management NC Documentation Generation Import APT Source Workbench Description Menu Bar Toolbars Manufacturing Program Toolbars Auxiliary Operations Toolbar Transition Path Management Toolbar NC Output Management Toolbar Machining Features Toolbar Auxiliary Commands Toolbar Edge and Face Selection Toolbars Machining Process Toolbars Manufacturing Program Optimization Toolbar Machine Management Toolbar Measure Toolbar Specification Tree Customizing Machining General Resources Operation Output Program Photo/Video Build a Tools Catalog Access External Tool Catalogs Add User Attributes on Tool Types PP Word Syntaxes NC Documentation Workbenches and Tool Bars Reference Information NC Manufacturing Resources

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NC Machines Tool Assemblies Tools Inserts NC Macros Transition Path Management PP Tables and PP Word Syntaxes Feeds and Speeds NC Data Options APT Formats Generated APT Syntaxes NURBS Formats in APT Output APT Output Modifications Syntaxes Interpreted by APT Import Clfile Formats PLM Integration CATProcess Documents Support in SmartTeam CATProcess Documents Support in Process Engineer Methodology Machining Processes Knowledgeware in Machining Processes CATProduct and CATProcess Document Management Copy/Paste and External Referencing of NC Manufacturing Data Design Changes and Associativity Mechanisms Part Operation and Set Up Documents Material Removal Simulation Opposite Hand Machining User Features for NC Manufacturing Properties of a Machining Operation Glossary Index

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Version 5 Release 14

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Welcome to the NC Manufacturing Infrastructure User's Guide. This guide is intended for users who need to become quickly familiar with the NC Manufacturing Infrastructure Version 5. This overview provides the following information:

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure in a Nutshell Before Reading this Guide Getting the Most Out of this Guide Accessing Sample Documents Conventions Used in this Guide.

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure in a Nutshell

NC Manufacturing Solutions enable you to define and manage NC programs dedicated to machining parts designed in 3D wireframe or solids geometry using 2.5 to 5-axis machining techniques. It offers an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn graphic interface that makes it suitable for shop floor-oriented use. Moreover, its leading edge technologies together with a tight integration with Version 5 design methodologies and DELMIA's digital manufacturing environment, fully satisfy the requirements of office programming. NC Manufacturing is a unique solution that reconciliates office and shop floor activities. An integrated Post Processor engine allows the product to cover the whole manufacturing process from tool trajectory (APT source or Clfile) to NC data. NC Manufacturing Infrastructure offers the following main functions:

Common platform for 2.5 to 5-axis axis machining capabilities, which include mill, drill and turn operations Management of tools and tool catalogs Flexible management of the manufacturing program with intuitive and easy-to-learn user interface based on graphic dialog boxes Tight interaction between tool path definition, verification and generation Knowledgeware customization facilities through f(x) formula and Edit search facilities Seamless NC data generation thanks to an integrated Post Processor Access solution Automatic shop floor documentation in HTML format High associative level of the manufacturing program ensures productive design change management thanks to the integration with CATIA V5 modeling capabilities Based on the Process Product Resources (PPR) model, the manufacturing applications are integrated with Digital Process for Manufacturing (DPM).

Before Reading this Guide

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Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with basic Version 5 concepts such as document windows, standard and view toolbars. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide that describes generic capabilities common to all Version 5 products. It also describes the general layout of V5 and the interoperability between workbenches.

Getting the Most Out of this Guide

To get the most out of this guide, we suggest that you start reading and performing the step-by-step scenarios in the User Tasks section, which gives relevant information about the common functionalities of NC Manufacturing Solutions. The Reference section provides useful complementary information. The Workbench Description section, which describes the commands that are common to NC Manufacturing Solutions, and the Customizing section, which explains how to customize your Machining environment, and the Methodology section, which provides useful information about recommended work methods, will also certainly prove useful.

Accessing Sample Documents

To perform the scenarios, you will be using sample documents contained in the doc/online/mfgug_C2/samples or doc/online/mfgug_D2/samples folder. For more information about this, refer to Accessing Sample Documents in the Infrastructure User's Guide.

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Certain conventions are used in CATIA, ENOVIA & DELMIA documentation to help you recognize and understand important concepts and specifications.

Graphic Conventions
The three categories of graphic conventions used are as follows:

Graphic conventions structuring the tasks Graphic conventions indicating the configuration required Graphic conventions used in the table of contents

Graphic Conventions Structuring the Tasks

Graphic conventions structuring the tasks are denoted as follows: This icon... Identifies... estimated time to accomplish a task a target of a task the prerequisites the start of the scenario a tip a warning information basic concepts methodology reference information information regarding settings, customization, etc. the end of a task functionalities that are new or enhanced with this release allows you to switch back to the full-window viewing mode

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Graphic Conventions Indicating the Configuration Required

Graphic conventions indicating the configuration required are denoted as follows: This icon... Indicates functions that are... specific to the P1 configuration specific to the P2 configuration specific to the P3 configuration

Graphic Conventions Used in the Table of Contents

Graphic conventions used in the table of contents are denoted as follows: This icon... Gives access to... Site Map Split View mode What's New? Overview Getting Started Basic Tasks User Tasks or the Advanced Tasks Workbench Description Customizing Reference Methodology Glossary Index

Text Conventions
The following text conventions are used:

The titles of CATIA, ENOVIA and DELMIA documents appear in this manner throughout the text. File -> New identifies the commands to be used.

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Enhancements are identified by a blue-colored background on the text.

How to Use the Mouse

The use of the mouse differs according to the type of action you need to perform. Use this mouse button... Whenever you read...

Select (menus, commands, geometry in graphics area, ...) Click (icons, dialog box buttons, tabs, selection of a location in the document window, ...) Double-click Shift-click Ctrl-click Check (check boxes) Drag Drag and drop (icons onto objects, objects onto objects)

Drag Move

Right-click (to select contextual menu)

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What's New?
New Functionalities
NC Program Review From a Manufacturing Program or a Part Operation selection in the PPR tree, the new Process Table command activates a Process View in which the various operations of the Manufacturing Program or Part Operation are presented in a table format. If no pre-selection is performed, the Process Table shows the detail of all the Part Operations of the Process document.

Enhanced Functionalities
NC Resources
Machine definition For machines created using the Machine Tool Builder product, the Machine Editor is enhanced to centralize all NC output options. If such a machine is defined on the Part Operation, all options for NC data generation can be read automatically from the machine definition. Enhanced Tool Assembly definition Several diameters can now be defined on the tool holder of a tool assembly. Enhanced Tool Assembly Viewer Mill and Lathe tool assembly viewers are now updated according to geometry parameter modifications. Improved feeds and speeds units for tool definition New linear spindle speed attributes for cutting speeds (m/mn and ft/mn) and angular feedrate attributes for feedrates (feed/tooth * number of flutes). Better feeds and speeds management with TDM If the TDM connection is available, feeds and speeds are displayed according to the specified machine tool and material. Tool Corrector management with TDM If the TDM connection is available, capability to read tool correctors from TDM and assign them to tools.

Program Management
PPR tree ergonomy Contextual tree expand capabilities are provided. Highlight and focus has been improved. Improved Pack/Unpack of Tool Paths Multi-selection of operations to pack their tool paths. The Packed status of a tool path is indicated in the PPR tree. Enhanced PP instruction management You can now increase the size of dialog boxes displaying PP Instructions. A contextual menu with Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo/Select All commands provides edition facilities for PP instructions. Machining Axis System definition enhancement The origin of the Machining Axis System can be defined from a set of coordinates in addition to the point selection capacities that already exists. Tool Path Editor A new command in the Point Modification toolbar allows you to insert a point in the tool path. Also capability to create geometry from a tool path.

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Geometry Management
Edge selection The capabilities for selection of edges are now more consistent between Machining workbenches and machining operations. Easier Face selection New capabilities are offered when the Face Selection toolbar is displayed (selection by trap, paint stroke, and so on). Show/Hide capability for part and check surfaces For machining operations that use part and check surfaces, you can now choose to show or hide that geometry using toolbar icon commands. Remove unwanted geometry New capability in the Geometry Analyser dialog box allows you to remove unwanted or unused geometry (for example, lines that were automatically inserted in guides). Hybrid body support Solid and surface geometries can be created in a new body entity called 'hybrid body'. Machining workbenches support hybird bodies (for example, geometry to be machined or geometry selected as stock for material removal simulation).

Replay and Simulation

Enhanced tool positioning in tool path replay You can now display the tool at a selected point on the tool path. This behavior can be set under the Tools > Options > Machining > General tab. Better visualization of feedrate between two operations In a tool path replay, the path joining two operations is no longer displayed as a broken white line, but is colored as a rapid motion (red) or depending on the next motion (yellow for approach, for example). Customize colors of machining, approach and retract paths The colors of paths in the Different colors replay mode can now be customized under the Tools > Options > Machining > General tab. Improved tool path replay in By plane mode Visualization is improved: only the tool path of the current plane is displayed along with approach and retract motions. Geometry accuracy in Photo/Video You can now set the stock tessellation tolerance in the Part Operation dialog box. In previous releases, this tolerance was fixed at 0.2mm. Possibility to store several Video Results on a program A new setting in Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video allows you to have video results stored on more than one operation in the program. Optimized rendering for Video simulation of Turning operations The Optimized rendering for Video setting under Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video for improved simulation performance is now valid for turning as well as milling operations. Direct access to Video simulation from Manufacturing Program An icon command on the Manufacturing Program editor allows direct access to Video simulation.

NC Data Output
Remove GOTO before cycle statements For axial machining operations using SYNTAX output mode (CYCLE), you can now choose whether or not to output GOTO statements corresponding to Jump and Clearance motions. Tool Change Point management For machines created using the Machine Tool Builder product, the tool change point referenced in the Part Operation is read from the machine and cannot be edited. Tool Center Point output

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The tool center point for ball-end tool can now be set as Tool output point in Tools > Options > Machining > Output. APT output accuracy for large parts You can now specify different formats (number of digits and digits after the decimal point) for coordinates and vector components. Double points option for NC data output You can now choose to keep or remove points that are repeated after PP statements.

PLM Integration
Simplified user interface in Manufacturing hub context The user interface is simplified by removing fields requesting the user to specify input or output file paths. Document Chooser integration and support of DLNames You can now customize the document environment in order to select documents or paths using various interfaces (folder, SmarTeam, and so on). The interface can be customized for a folder or DLName path selection interface.

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Getting Started
Before getting into the detailed instructions for using NC Manufacturing products, this section deals with some important concepts about your working environment. Manage Workbenches Manage Documents Set Up and Part Positioning Design Changes

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Manage Workbenches
This section explains what happens when you open a design part and enter a Machining workbench (Prismatic Machining, for example), and how to switch to and from Machining and Design workbenches. 1. Select File > Open then select the desired CATPart document. 2. Select Machining > Prismatic Machining from the Start menu. The Prismatic Machining workbench appears. The part is displayed in the Setup Editor window along with the PPR specification tree.

The CATPart is automatically associated to the Part Operation and an instance of the part is created in the Product List. 3. Select Manufacturing Program.1 in the tree to make it the current entity. To insert program entities such as machining operations, tools and auxiliary commands you can either: q make the program current before clicking the insert program entity command

click the insert program entity command then make the program current.

4. Double click the Part entity in the tree to switch to a Mechanical Design workbench (such as Part Design or Wireframe and Surface Design depending on your configuration). 5. Double click a Machining entity in the tree to switch back to the Machining workbench.

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If the DELMIA Machine Tool Path Simulation product is installed, you can switch from a Machining workbench to the Machine Tool Path Simulation workbench by means of a contextual command. To do this right click the Manufacturing Program or a machining operation in the tree and select the Starts Machine Tool Path Simulation contextual command .

Please note the following points:


When you switch to the Machine Tool Path Simulation workbench you can use tools and tool assemblies directly from the resource list for clash checking. If a machining operation's tool path is manually modified in the Machine Tool Path Simulation workbench (for example, by jogging the machine), the operation's status changes from Computed to Modified. During a tool path replay, any zones where points have been modified, inserted or removed are displayed as dashed lines.

Please refer to the Machine Tool Path Simulation User's Guide in the DELMIA documentation for more information.

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Manage Documents

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This section shows how you can create a new CATPart document in the Product List dedicated for storing complementary geometry. 1. Select the Create a CATPart to store geometry checkbox in Tools > Options > Machining > General. 2. Open your design part and start the Manufacturing workbench as described in the previous section. Two CATPart documents are present in the Product list: the design part and a CATPart for storing Complementary Geometry in your Part Operation. This enables you to create geometry which may be necessary for your Manufacturing model without modifying the design part. This geometry can be created by switching to a Design workbench as mentioned in the previous section. NC Manufacturing allows you to work in a multi-model environment. The CATProcess references one or more CATPart and/or CATProduct documents. You can have links between a CATProcess document and:

CATPart and/or CATProduct documents (design part, associated geometry, stock, and so on) APT, Clfile or NC Code output (if associated using the CATMfgBatch utility) Packed tool path files stored on disk (if these tlp files were stored) CATPart documents relative to tool/tool assembly representation (if associated to a tool or assembly).

The links between documents can be visualized using the Edit > Links command.

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Set Up and Part Positioning

This task shows you how to manage part set up. You must create a CATProduct entity for each part set up you want to represent. 1. Enter an NC Manufacturing workbench and double click the Part Operation.1 entity in the tree.

The Part Operation dialog box appears. 2. Click the Product icon to associate a product to the part operation.

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3. Select a CATProduct from the Associated Product list, then click Open to display the corresponding part set up.

4. Click OK in the Part Operation dialog box. 5. Click the Part Operation icon to create the Part Operation.2 entity in the tree. 6. Associate another product to Part Operation.2 in the same way as described above. 7. Click OK in the Part Operation dialog box.

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To display the desired part set up, just select the corresponding Part Operation in the tree.

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Design Changes
This task shows you how to manage your design changes. For more information on this topic please refer to Design Changes and Associativity Mechanisms. 1. Create a Profile Contouring operation and replay the tool path. All the tabs of the Profile Contouring dialog box display a green status. The Profile Contouring entity is displayed in the tree with no related symbol. 2. 3. Switch to the window showing the CATPart design and modify the part geometry. Switch to the Setup Editor window. The Profile Contouring entity is now displayed in the tree with an Update symbol (or mask) 4. Double click the Profile Contouring entity to edit the operation. The Geometry tab has an orange status, indicating that the geometry has been modified. 5. Select the Analyze contextual command in the sensitive icon zone of the dialog box. The Geometry Analyzer dialog box appears showing the status of the referenced geometry. .


Click the Smart icon to highlight the geometry that was used in the operation before the part was modified. Geometry highlighted in this way helps you to analyze the design change.


Click OK to return to the Profile Contouring dialog box.

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Replay the tool path to make sure that the machining is consistent with the design change. You should check that there is no longer an Update symbol beside the Profile Contouring entity in the graph.

Analyze and Remove Geometry

You can analyze and, if needed, remove the geometry specified on a Machining Operation. In the Machining Operation editor, three icon commands appear at the bottom of the Strategy, Geometry, and Macros tab pages. They provide capability to:

preview the geometry specified by means of the current tab page preview the smart geometry by means of the current tab page remove the geometry specified by means of the current tab page.

To analyze one geometry aggregate (guiding element, for example), right click on the corresponding sensitive area of the Machining Operation editor and the Geometry Analyser dialog box appears.

In the Geometry Analyser dialog box, the same three icon commands as above are available. They provide capability to: q preview the geometry corresponding to the rows selected in the dialog box

preview the smart geometry corresponding to the rows selected in the dialog box remove the geometry corresponding to the rows selected in the dialog box. You can easily remove unwanted or unused geometry (short lines that were automatically inserted in guides, for example).

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The first column lists the geometry names (Guides 1-1, Guides 1-2, and so on when several geometric elements are defined on Guides 1, or Bottom when only one geometric element is defined on the Bottom). The second column lists the names of the referenced geometries: Edge, Face, and so on. The third column lists the geometry status: Up to date, Not up to date, or Not found. The columns of the Geometry Analyser dialog box can be sorted by clicking on the column header. Multi-selection is possible.

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User Tasks
The user tasks you will perform using CATIA NC Manufacturing products involve creating, editing and managing part operations, manufacturing programs and other entities of the CATIA manufacturing process. Part Operations, Manufacturing Programs and Machining Processes Auxiliary Operations Machining Entities Verification and Simulation Program Output

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Part Operations, Manufacturing Programs and Machining Processes

This section deals with creating and managing the following major entities of the NC Manufacturing environment. Create and Edit a Part Operation: Select the Part Operation icon then specify the entities to be referenced by the part operation: machine tool, machining axis system, tool change point, part set up, and so on. Create and Edit a Manufacturing Program: Select the Manufacturing Program icon to add a program to the current part operation then insert all necessary program entities: machining operations, tool changes, PP instructions, and so on. Auto-sequence Operations in a Program (P2 functionality): Verify the administrator's settings for sequencing rules and priorities. If you are authorized, you can adjust these settings before applying the Auto-sequencing to your program. Generate Transition Paths in a Program (P2 functionality): Automatically creates all necessary transition paths and machine rotations in the program according to the kinematics of the machine tool assigned to the Part Operation and user-defined transition planes. Create a Machining Process (P2 functionality): Select the Machining Process icon to create a machining process, which can then be stored as a catalog component. Organize Machining Processes (P2 functionality): In the Catalog Editor workbench, store the Machining Process as a Catalog component. Apply a Machining Process (P2 functionality): Select the Open Catalog icon to access the machining process to be applied to selected geometry.

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Part Operation
This task shows you how to create a part operation in the manufacturing process.

When you open a Machining workbench on a CATPart or CATProduct document, the manufacturing document is initialized with a part operation. 1. Select the Part Operation icon .

A new part operation is initialized in the manufacturing process and a Part Operation entity is added to the tree. To access the parameters of the part operation, double click the Part Operation entity in the tree or use the contextual menu. The Part Operation dialog box appears.

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Name and Comment

2. If needed, enter a new part operation name and assign comments to the part operation.

3. Click the Machine icon to assign a machine tool to the part operation.

Please refer to Machine Editor for more information.

Reference Machining Axis System

4. Click the Reference Machining Axis System icon to assign a reference machining axis

system to the part operation. The Machining Axis System dialog box appears. This is similar to the procedure described in Insert a Machining Axis Change. Output coordinates will be expressed in the reference machining axis system. If a local machining axis system is inserted in the program, coordinates will be expressed in the local axis system.

Part or Product
5. Click the Product icon to associate an existing product (CATProduct) or part (CATPart)

to the part operation. This procedure is described in Set Up and Part Positioning.

Geometry tab
6. Select the Geometry tab to associate the following geometry to the part operation:

Design part: Just click the Design Part icon

then select the desired geometry. This

is useful if you want to do material removal simulations later.


Stock: Just click the Stock icon

then select the desired geometry. This is useful for

certain surface machining operations and also for material removal simulations.

Fixtures: Just click the Fixtures icon

then select the desired geometry. This is

useful if you want to do material removal simulations later.


Safety plane: Just click the Safety Plane icon

then select the desired plane that

will be used as a global safety plane for the part operation.


Traverse box planes: Just click the Traverse box planes icon that define a global traverse box for the part operation.

then select 5 planes

Transition planes: Just click the Transition planes icon

then select the desired

planes that will be used as a global transition planes for the part operation.

Rotary planes: Just click the Rotary Planes icon

then select the desired planes that

will be used as a global rotary planes for the part operation.

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The generation of transition paths in the program takes into account:


Traverse box planes and Transition planes to create linear tool path motions Rotary planes to create machine rotations: r between machining operations

between tool change and machining operation.

The Safety plane is not taken into account for the generation of transition paths. When the geometry is selected, the identifiers are displayed in the corresponding fields and tool tips (see example below).

Position tab
7. Select the Position tab to specify the following reference positions on the part operation:

Tool change point For machines created using the Machine Tool Builder product, the tool change point is read from the machine and cannot be modified in the Part Operation. For Multi-slide lathe machines, the tool change point is read from the machine and cannot be modified in the Part Operation. Table center setup Home point You can select the checkbox to use the Home point defined on the machine.

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Simulation tab
8. Select the Simulation tab to specify the stock tessellation tolerance. In previous releases, this tolerance was fixed at 0.2mm.

Option tab
9. Select the Option tab to specify the following option:

Automatic stock selection for turning operations. This enables automatically updating the input stock for operations in a manufacturing program for turning (that is, turning operations and axial operations along the spindle axis). A lathe machine must be selected in this case.


Click OK to create the part operation. The tree is updated with the new entity.

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Machine Editor

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This task shows you how to use the Machine Editor to assign a machine to a Part Operation.


Click the Machine icon

in the Part Operation dialog box. The Machine Editor dialog box appears.


Select the desired machine tool in one of the following ways.


By clicking a Default machine icon

3-axis machine 3-axis machine with rotary table 5-axis machine horizontal lathe machine vertical lathe machine multi-slide lathe machine.

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By clicking the

icon then selecting a Generic machine

A generic machine is a CATProduct representation that was created using the Machine Tool Builder product. Available machine types are:

3-axis machine with no rotary axis 3-axis machine with 1 rotary axis on table 3-axis machine with 2 rotary axes on table 3-axis machine with 1 rotary axis on table and 1 rotary axis on head 3-axis machine with 1 rotary axis on head 3-axis machine with 2 rotary axes on head 5-axis continuous machine (without generation of ROTABL or ROTHEAD instruction).

Each machine contains all the necessary NC parameters and kinematic definition data for the Part Operation.

By clicking the

icon to select a machine directly from the PPR tree.

The characteristics of the selected machine are displayed and the following parameters can be edited to correspond to your actual machine tool.

Machine Name and Comment

If needed, enter a new name for the machine and assign comments to it.

Numerical Control
Numerical Control parameters such as PP words table, NC data type and format. You can also specify the following.

Whether a GOTO or FROM instruction is to be generated in the output APT source for the Home Point (Home point strategy combo). The rapid feedrate. This is used to compute accurate machining time (in tool path replay and NC documentation, for example) and can be used to replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files. Whether axial/radial transitions are to be used between the end of one operation and the start of the next operation (Axial/radial movement checkbox).

Tooling parameters including the Tools catalog.

Spindle parameters.

Turret parameters for vertical and multi-axis lathe machines.

Rotary Table or Rotary Data

For 3-axis machine with rotary table, rotary table parameters. For machines with more than one rotary axis on head or table, parameters are given for each axis.

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Cutter compensation options for 3D contact compensation:


Choose the 3D contact compensation mode from the combo: None, Contact, or Tip & Contact.
Select the checkbox to impose 3D contact compensation to all operations supporting this mode whatever the choice defined at machining operation level. Note that if the options are set as follows, 3D contact compensation can be managed at machining operation level.

In this case a Compensation tab appears in the Strategy page of the machining operation editor. Please note that some machining operations propose cutter compensation modes other than 3D contact (2D radial profile, for example). The table below specifies the modes available for each machining operation that supports compensation.

NC Output
For generic machines created using the Machine Tool Builder product, the Machine Editor centralizes all NC output options. If such a machine is defined on the Part Operation, all options for NC data generation can be read automatically from the machine definition.

Please note that generic machines (CATProducts) adhere to the Instance/Reference mechanism described in CATProduct and CATProcess Document Management. A generic machine is added to the ResourceList in flexible mode. This means that any modification to the machine in the CATProcess is valid only for that instance of the machine in that CATProcess: the modification is not propagated to the reference (that is, the CATProduct file).

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Click OK to validate any modified machine parameters and assign the machine to the Part Operation. The Part Operation dialog box is displayed again. The Resource List is updated with selected machine.

Example of a selected Default machine:

Example of a selected Generic machine:

In this case the machine appears directly in the 3D viewer. It is possible to use the Hide/Show contextual command on the machine nodes in the tree to hide all or part of the machine.

Machining Operations Supporting Cutter Compensation

The following table specifies the Compensation output modes available for each operation. Cutter compensation instructions are generated on the NC data output depending on the selected mode as follows:

2D radial tip Compensation is computed in a plane normal to the tool axis, and activated with regard to a cutter side (left or right). The radius that is compensated is the cutter radius. Output is the tool tip point (XT). 2D radial profile Compensation is computed in a plane normal to the tool axis, and activated with regard to a cutter side (left or right). The radius that is compensated is the cutter radius. Output is the tool profile point (XP). 3D radial Compensation is computed along a 3D vector (PQR), normal to the drive surface, in contact with the flank of the tool. The radius that is compensated is the cutter radius. Output is the tool tip point (XT) and PQR vector. Tool axis vector (IJK) is output in multi-axis. 3D contact Compensation is computed along a 3D vector (XN), normal to the part surface, in contact with the end of the tool. The radius that is compensated is the corner radius. Output is the contact point (XC) and XN vector. The tool tip point (XT) may also be given if this choice is set on the machine. Tool axis vector (IJK) is output in multi-axis.

Machining Operation Profile Contouring (between planes) Pocketing Circular Milling Sweeping Between Contour Spiral Milling Z Level Sweep Roughing Face Isoparametrics Multi Axis Sweeping Multi Axis Curve (Contact)

2D radial tip Yes Yes Yes -

2D radial profile Yes Yes Yes -

3D radial -

3D contact Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure
Multi Axis Contour Driven Multi Axis Helix Multi Axis Flank Contouring -

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Yes Yes Yes Yes -

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Manufacturing Program
A number of capabilities are available for managing manufacturing programs.

Create Edit Insert entities Reorder using Copy / Paste or Drag / Drop Delete.

This task shows you how you can edit a manufacturing program. When you open an NC Manufacturing workbench on a CATPart document, the manufacturing document is initialized with a manufacturing program. When you select the Manufacturing Program icon , a new program is initialized in the part

operation and a new Manufacturing Program entity is added to the tree. Open the HoleMakingOperations.CATPart document, then select a Machining workbench from the Start menu. 1. Double click the Manufacturing Program in the specification tree. The Manufacturing Program dialog box appears. Rename the program and add a comment as shown below then click OK.

2. 3.

Create a drilling operation on the circular pattern of 6 holes. Create a spot drilling operation on the circular pattern of 6 holes and the rectangular pattern of 10 holes.

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Create another drilling operation on the rectangular pattern of 10 holes. The three operations are assigned the same default tool.


Edit the spot drilling operation to assign a spot drill tool. Each operation now has an associated tool change.


Right click the first Drilling operation and select the Cut command.

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Right click the second Drilling operation and select the Paste command. The program is reordered. You can delete unnecessary tool changes to give the following result.

The same result could have been obtained by using the drag and drop capability. The Manufacturing Program dialog box includes the following icon commands for: If the DELMIA Machine Tool Path Simulation product is installed, you can switch from the Machining workbench to the Machine Tool Path Simulation workbench by means of the Starts Machine Tool Path Simulation command. To do this right click the Manufacturing Program or a machining operation in the tree and select: direct access to Video mode material removal simulation for the program.

direct access to Tool Path Replay for the program.

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Auto-Sequence Operations in a Program

This task shows how to optimize the order of operations in a program according to pre-defined sequencing rules. The Sequencing rules have been set up by the administrator. The Program settings under Tools > Options > Machining are described in Program settings. Make sure that the document in the sequencing rules path is accessible in Read/Write. A sample sequencing rules document is delivered with the product at the following location: ../startup/Manufacturing/samples/AutoSequence/AllSequencingRules.CATProduct. 1. Create a program containing the following operations.

2. Select the Rules Manager icon

to to visualize the administrator's sequencing rule settings.

Change these settings as follows: q de-select all rules except for Sort by operation type and Sort by increasing tool diameter

click the [...] button to visualize the sequencing priority between operations. Make Facing the highest priority machining operation in the list by assigning a priority of 50. Spot drilling remains unchanged at 40 and Drilling remains unchanged at 25.

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3. Select the Auto Sequence icon

to display the Auto Sequence dialog box. Click the Select

All button to select all the operations of the program.

Click Apply to sequence the operations according to the defined rules and priorities.

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4. The program is re-sequenced as follows.

You can click Undo if you want to cancel the auto-sequence results. It is possible to impose a constraint (called strong precedence) to force a group operations to remain together after sequencing. Applying a strong precedence constraint means that in addition to imposing an order between two operations A and B, it is not possible to have another operation C between them. The sequence A - C - B is not allowed, only A - B is allowed if a strong precedence exists between A and B. For this, a parameter named Strong must be added to operation B. For example, in auto-sequencing this could be used to prevent inserting a threading operation between a drilling operation and a reaming operation. Machining axis changes are taken into account in auto-sequencing without having to impose strong precedence criteria.

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Generate Transition Paths in a Program

This task shows how to generate all necessary transition paths between operations in a program. This is done by taking the selected machine's kinematic characteristics and specified transition planes into account. For more information, please refer to Transition Path Management in the Reference section. Select File > Open then select the Stepped.CATPart document. You may need to use the Fit All In icon to view the part correctly in the window.

Select Start > NC Manufacturing and select the desired workbench (Prismatic Machining, for example). 1. Double click the Part Operation to display the Part Operation dialog box. Click the Machine icon and select a generic milling machine (CATProduct). This procedure

is described in the Machine Editor. A suitable machine for this scenario is jomach35.1.CATProduct which is a 5-axis machine delivered in: ..\startup\Manufacturing\Samples\NCMachineToollib\DEVICES. Click OK to validate the machine selection. 2. In the Part Operation dialog box, click the Traverse box planes icon that define a traverse box for the part operation. then select 5 planes

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Click OK to validate the Part Operation parameters.

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Click OK to validate the modifications to the Part Operation. You may want to position the part on the machine, although this is not necessary for the rest of this user scenario. To do this: q double click the Machining Axis System label in the 3D view. Select the origin point in the dialog box that appears and select the point in the model to reposition the machining axis system on this point select the Workpiece Automatic Mount icon the machine. to automatically mount the workpiece on


Click the Manufacturing Program icon then create 2 Drilling operations in the program (on Hole1 and Hole9, for example).

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Right click the program and select the Compute Tool Path contextual command.


Select the Generate Transition Paths icon

. The Transition Paths dialog box appears. Select

the manufacturing program to be processed and set the desired options.

Please refer to Transition Path Options in the Reference section for a description of the proposed options. Click OK to validate the options and start generating transition paths.

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The program is updated with the generated transition paths.


Select the program the select the Replay icon

to verify the generated transition paths.

The figure below illustrates that the transition path between the 2 operations respects the traverse box defined on the part operation. Please note that the retract and approach paths are perpendicular to the traverse box planes as specified in the Transition Paths dialog box.


To illustrate the effect of the traverse box with retract and approach paths along the tool axis:

select the Update Transition Paths icon

to display the Transition Paths dialog box

change the Approach/Retract option to Along operation tool axis select the program click OK to update the transition paths.

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10. To obtain the transition path in the figure below: q edit the Part Operation to specify an additional transition plane (inclined plane in figure)

update the transition path using the Update Transition Paths icon

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You can use the Remove Transition Paths icon paths.

to remove all generated transition

A transition path can include linear transitions and/or machine rotations as follows: Linear transition A Machine rotation i Machine rotation j Machine rotation k Linear transition B Machine rotations can be generated depending on the machine and rotary plane referenced in the Part Operation, and the options selected in the Transition Paths dialog box. A machine with rotary table is required. If a transition path includes at least one machine rotation, it can be browsed. Just double click the Transition Path (Ext Rotation) entity in the tree to display a dialog box like the one shown below.

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Create a Machining Process

This task shows how to create a machining process containing a sequence of axial machining operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling, and Tapping. For each operation you can associate Knowledgeware expressions such as formula and checks and specify a tooling query. This enables to establish relations on data such as features, machines, and tools that are not yet known at machining process build time. For example, you can use this capability to determine the depth of cut from the hole depth. In addition, you can use f(x) capability to link the various parameters of machining operations. For example, for an machining process where a rework phase follows a roughing phase, the offsets of the rework can be determined from the offsets used in the roughing step. Click here to see how you can make use of Knowledgeware functionalities in machining processes. A formula is an expression associated to a machining operation or a machining feature attribute, which will be converted to a f(x) formula when the machining process is applied. A check is a logical expression associated to the corresponding machining operation. In a check, and and or operators are available. Between several checks, an and operator is applied. When the machining process is applied, the checks list is solved, a logical status is returned, and the operation is created if the status is true. A tooling query comprises one or more expressions that are used to find an appropriate tool for a given operation. Select an NC Manufacturing workbench from the Start menu. No CATPart or CATProcess is needed at this stage. If the Machining Process toolbar is not already displayed, select it using View > Toolbars. Make sure that Start Edit mode is set in Tools > Options > Machining > Operations.

Initialize the Machining Process with Machining Operations

1. Select the Machining Process View icon . The Machining Process View dialog box appears.

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Select the Machining Process icon as shown.

. The dialog box is updated with a new machining process


Select the Spot Drilling icon. The Spot Drilling dialog box appears. At this stage you can set certain parameters such as feeds and speeds and machining strategy. However, there is only limited access to geometry parameters and it is not possible to specify a tool.


Just click OK to add a reference Spot Drilling operation to the machining process.

The reference operation has an associated Tooling Query. 5. In the same way add Drilling and Tapping operations to the machining process by selecting first the Drilling icon then the Tapping icon. The Machining Process View dialog box is updated as shown.

Associate Formula to the Machining Operations

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Right click the Spot Drilling operation in the Machining Process View and select the Edit Formula contextual command. The Formula Editor dialog box appears. Define a formula as shown below. It corresponds to the following criteria: the tool tip approach clearance is half the depth of the Spot Drill machining feature.


Click OK to assign the formula to the Spot Drilling operation. You can assign formula to the Drilling and Tapping operations in the same way.

Associate Checks to the Machining Operations

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Right click the Spot Drilling operation in the Machining Process View and select the Edit Checks contextual command. The Checks Editor dialog box appears. Define a check as shown below. It corresponds to the criteria: the Spot Drilling operation is only available for design holes with a diameter greater than 2mm.

Define Tool Queries for the Machining Operations

9. Double click the Tooling Query associated to the Spot Drilling operation. The Tool Query Definition dialog box appears. Define a simple tooling query as shown below. It corresponds to the criteria: find a spot drill in the ToolsSampleMP tool repository whose name is Spot Drill D10.

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10. Click OK to assign the tooling query to the Spot Drilling operation. You can assign tool queries to the Drilling and Tapping operations in the same way (to find tools Drill D10.5 and Tap D12, for example). Through the Copy/Paste mechanism, you can manage more than one Tooling Query on an operation. When you instantiate the Machining Process, the first query is executed. If there is no tool found, the next query is executed and so on until a result is obtained or the last query is reached. This enables you to query several tool catalogs, different tool types, and have less constrained queries. 11. Select File > Save As to save the machining process in a CATProcess document (called AxialMachiningProcess1.CATProcess, for example). 12. Right click the Machining Process in the Machining Process View and select the Save in Catalog contextual command.

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The Save in Catalog dialog box appears. Click the [...] button and specify a new catalog name (catalogAxialMP1.catalog, for example).

Click OK to save the machining process as a component in the specified catalog. The following are initialized automatically:

family name: Machining Process component name: name given to the machining process using File > Save As.

However, you can change family or component in the Catalog Editor workbench. Click here to see how you can organize machining processes in a catalog using the Catalog Editor workbench. Please refer to Apply a Machining Process for information about applying machining processes to geometry such as design features and hole patterns.

Please note when you use string parameters in Checks, Formulas, Tool Queries or Power Search for Holes, be careful to put the value in double quotes ("). For example: Hole.Hole type = "Countersunk" In the same way as machining operations, machining axis systems can be used in machining processes. The Formula Editor, Checks Editor and Tool Query dialog boxes have several common areas:

1. All expressions of the current entity (tool query or machining operation and for a machining operation, either formulas or checks). 2. The commands list. 3. Area for editing the current expression with restrictions and help for using operator, function and unit combos. To validate an edited expression, you have to select the Add button. 4. All the possible attributes that you can use in an expression, according to the Knowledgeware description: r the different Knowledgeware packages which group a set of object types: the Machining Resources, Machining Features and Machining Activities packages are always available

the object types list for the selected package the attributes list for a selected type: select an attribute to insert it in the expression.

5. For the Tool Query dialog box, a fifth area allows you to define the tool type and tool repository.

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In the same way as for machining operations, you can associate a check on a machining process. Just right click the machining process in the Machining Process View and select the Edit Checks contextual command. You can then constrain the domain of application of the machining process in the Checks Editor dialog box. Parameters can be added on machining operations and features in the Knowledge Advisor workbench. In this case the Machining Process View displays a generic node named Parameters under the machining object node. Under this generic node appears the parameter node with its name, its value and/or its formula (depending on the Knowledge parameter display setting).

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Organize Machining Processes in a Catalog

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This task shows how to organize machining processes in a catalog file. A catalog file allows you to display the machining processes list by means of the Catalog Editor workbench. Also, you use catalog files to interactively apply a machining process. Select the Infrastructure > Catalog Editor workbench from the Start menu. All CATProcess documents containing machining processes to be used in the catalog should be open. 1. In order to store a machining process as a catalog component, select the Catalog Editor workbench from the Start > Infrastructure menu. 2. Click the Add Family icon to create a component family.

The Component Family Definition dialog box appears. 3. Enter a name for the component family (for example, AxialMachiningProcesses). 4. Double click the AxialMachiningProcesses component family in the graph. 5. Click the Add Component icon to create a catalog component.

The Description Definition dialog box appears. 6. Click Select external feature, then select AxialMachProcess1 in the Machining Process View of your AxialMachiningProcess1.CATProcess document.

7. Click OK to make the machining process a component of the catalog component family. 8. Select File > Save As to save the catalog (catalogAxialMP1.catalog, for example). Please refer to Apply a Machining Process for information about applying machining processes to geometry such as design features and hole patterns.

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Apply a Machining Process

This task shows how to apply a machining process to selected geometry. Open the desired CATPart document, then select the desired NC Manufacturing workbench from the Start menu. The machining process application uses a standard mechanism of instantiation of features from a feature reference. In this case, the feature reference is the machining process to be applied. When you apply a machining process, the following steps are executed for each operation:

Default mapping execution in case of geometry selection Checks execution Tool query execution Cutting conditions execution Formula solving.

1. Select the Open Catalog icon . Use the Catalog Browser to open the catalogAxialMP1.catalog you created in the previous task. 2. Double click the AxialMachiningProcesses component family. 3. Double click the machining process to be applied: AxialMachiningProcess1. The Insert Object dialog box appears allowing you to apply the machining process. Two input types can be defined:

Geometry to machine Insertion level in a program.

The default Geometry to

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machine is the Manufacturing View. If this is not redefined by selecting a geometry feature, you are in settings mode. In this case and if a geometry reference is used in checks, tool queries or formula, an error message is issued. Note that for drilling machining processes, from any selection, if it is linked to a design pattern, this pattern is taken as selected geometry. The program input only appears if the insertion into program mode is activated. If no operation is yet inserted and only one Manufacturing Program is created, then that Manufacturing Program is the default program input. 4. Select the geometry to be machined. This may be either a design feature or a machining pattern.

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Then click OK in the Insert Object dialog box. 5. The program is updated with the operations contained in the machining process: q Spot Drilling

Drilling Tapping.

These operations reference the selected geometry and make use of the formula and checks defined in the machining process. In addition, the tool queries are resolved so

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that each operation references the desired tool.

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Apply Machining Processes Automatically

This task shows how to apply all the machining processes of a catalog on a set of selected features. Open the HoleMakingOperations.CATPart document, then select NC Manufacturing > Prismatic Machining from the Start menu. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the Machining Processes Application icon Manager appears. Select the features to be machined. You can do this using the Manufacturing View, Edit Search facilities, and so on. The Machining Processes Instantiation Manager is updated. Specify the insertion level in the program. This is usually the Manufacturing Program where you want the machining operations to be added. Select the machining process catalog. . The Machining Processes Instantiation


Click OK to apply all the machining processes of the catalog to the selected features. The Manufacturing Program is updated with the created machining operations.

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Auxiliary Operations
This section shows you how to insert auxiliary operations in the NC manufacturing program. Insert Tool Change: Select the Tool Change icon then select the tool type to be referenced in the tool change. Insert Machine Rotation: Select the Machine Rotation icon then specify the tool rotation characteristics. Insert Machining Axis Change: Select the Machining Axis Change icon then specify the characteristics of the new machining axis system. Insert PP Instruction: Select the PP Instruction icon then enter the syntax of the PP instruction. Insert COPY Operator (P2 functionality): Select the COPY Operator icon then select the reference operation. You can then specify the number of copies and the characteristics of the transformation. Insert TRACUT Operator (P2 functionality): Select the TRACUT Operator icon then select the reference operation. You can then specify the characteristics of the transformation. Insert Copy Transformation Instruction (P2 functionality): Select the Copy Transformation icon then select the reference operation. You can then specify the number of copies and the characteristics of the transformation. Opposite Hand Machining: for machining symmetrical parts.

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Insert a Tool Change

This task shows how to insert tool changes in the program. You can either add tool changes locally or generate all necessary tool changes automatically in the program. To add a tool change locally: 1. In the specification tree, select the program entity after which you want to add the tool change. 2. Select the desired icon in the Tool Change toolbar. The corresponding dialog box appears for defining the tool change.

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3. Select the Tool tab page You can do this by either: q creating a new tool

in order to specify the tool to be referenced by the tool change.

selecting another tool that is already used in the document selecting another tool either in the document or in tool catalogs by means of a query.

This is the same procedure as described in Select or Create a Tool. 4. Select the Tool Assembly tab page if you want to:

create a new tool assembly. In this case a tool assembly is added to the Resource List. Please refer to Edit a Tool Assembly in the Resource List for more information about how to specify the geometric and technological characteristics of the a tool assembly. select a tool assembly that is already used in the document. .

5. Select the Syntax tab page


Select the Initialize from PP words table checkbox to consult the tool change syntax defined in the PP table that is referenced by the Part Operation. Otherwise, enter a PP instruction for your tool change. This user-defined syntax has no link with the PP table and its validity is not checked by the program. If the PP Instruction comprises a sequence of PP word syntaxes, you can choose the sequence to be used by means of the Sequence number spinner. to visualize the tool at the tool change point.

6. Click OK to create the tool change in the program. You can click the Replay icon This point is specified in the current Part Operation. To generate tool changes automatically: 1. Right click the Manufacturing Program entity in the specification tree and select Generate Tool Changes from the contextual menu. The program is updated with all necessary tool changes. Each generated tool change is inserted just before the first machining operation in the program that requires the tool change. Program after tool change generation: Initial program: MO1 using Tool1 Generated Tool change1 PP instruction MO1 using Tool1 MO2 using Tool2 PP instruction PP instruction Generated Tool change2 MO3 using Tool2 MO2 using Tool2 MO4 using Tool3 PP instruction MO3 using Tool2 Generated Tool change3 MO4 using Tool 3 To delete tool changes that were automatically generated: 1. Right click the Manufacturing Program entity in the specification tree and select Delete Generated Tool Changes from the contextual menu. All tool changes that were automatically generated are removed from the program.

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Insert a Machine Rotation

This task shows how to insert a machine rotation in the program. You can either add machine rotations locally or generate all necessary machine rotations automatically in the program. Either the program or a program entity must be current in the specification tree. 1. To add a machine rotation locally: In the specification tree, select the program entity after which you want to add the machine rotation, then select the Machine Rotation icon .

The Machine Rotation dialog box appears. 2. Select the Properties tab page to specify the characteristics of the Machine rotation. 3. Select the rotary direction: q Clockwise

Counter-clockwise Shortest.

4. Enter the value of the rotary angle. The machine table is rotated by this angle about the rotary axis (A, B or C). This axis is defined on the machine referenced by the Part Operation. The rotary type is set to Absolute in this version. 5. Select the Syntax tab page

Select the Initialize from PP words table checkbox to consult the machine rotation syntax defined in the PP table that is referenced by the Part Operation. Otherwise, enter a PP instruction for your machine rotation. This user-defined syntax has no link with the PP table and its validity is not checked by the program.

6. Click OK to accept creation of the machine rotation in the program. 1. To generate machine rotations automatically: Right click the Manufacturing Program entity in the specification tree and select Generate Machine Rotations from the contextual menu. The program is updated with all necessary machine rotations.

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2. To delete machine rotations that were automatically generated: Right click the Manufacturing Program entity in the specification tree and select Delete Generated Machine Rotations from the contextual menu. All machine rotations that were automatically generated are removed from the program.

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Insert a Machining Axis Change

This task shows how to insert a machining axis change in the program. Output coordinates are computed in the current machining axis system as shown in the example below. Tool path computed in machining axis system AXS1 with origin (0,0,0): $$*CATIA0 $$*AXS1 $$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 GOTO/ -40.00000, -30.00000, 20.00000 GOTO/ -40.00000, 30.00000, 20.00000 Same tool path computed in machining axis system AXS2 with origin (0,0,20): $$*CATIA0 $$*AXS2 $$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 20.00000 GOTO/ -40.00000, -30.00000, 0.00000 GOTO/ -40.00000, 30.00000, 0.00000 Either the program or a program entity must be current in the specification tree. 1.

Select the Machining Axis Change icon at the Geometry tab page .

. The corresponding dialog box is displayed directly

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You can define your axis system with the help of the sensitive icon in the dialog box. 2. 3. In the Axis name field, you can enter a name for the machining axis system being created. This name will be displayed beside the representation of the axis system in the 3D view. Select the symbol representing the origin in the sensitive icon, then select a point or a circle to define the origin of the machining axis. In addition to point selection, you can also specify a point by means of its coordinates as follows: q right-click the symbol representing the origin in the sensitive icon

select the Coordinates contextual command enter the point coordinates in the dialog box that appears.

Coordinates are expressed in the absolute axis system.

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Select one of the axes (Z, for example) in the sensitive icon to specify the orientation of that axis. The following dialog box appears.

The Z axis is the privileged axis. You should define it first, then specify the X axis. The XY plane is perpendicular to the Z axis. 5. Select the desired method to specify the axis orientation using the combo: q Manual. In this case, choose one of the following: r Components to define the orientation by means of I, J and K components

Angles to define the orientation by means of a rotation specified by means of one or two angles: Angle 1 about X, Angle 2 about Y Angle 1 about Z, Angle 2 about X Angle 1 about Y, Angle 2 about Z

Selection. In this case just select a line or linear edge to define the orientation. Points in the View. In this case just select two points to define the orientation.

Just click OK to accept the specified orientation. 6. Repeat this procedure to specify the orientation of another axis (X, for example). The specified origin along with the X and Z axes are sufficient to define the machining axis system. You can also define a machining axis by selecting one of the triangular areas in the sensitive icon. In this case you must select an existing axis system and position it by selecting a point in the 3D view.

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You can click the Origin checkbox if you want to specify an origin statement in the NC data output. For certain machine types it may be useful to specify an origin number and group. This will result in the following type of output syntax: $$*CATIA0 $$Origin.1 $$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 ORIGIN/ 0.00000,0.00000,0.00000, 1, 1 This output is for an origin with coordinates (0,0,0) and whose origin number and group are both equal to 1.


Select the Syntax tab page


Select the Initialize from PP words table checkbox to consult the Machining Axis Change syntax defined in the PP table that is referenced by the Part Operation. Otherwise, enter a PP instruction for your machining axis change. This user-defined syntax has no link with the PP table and its validity is not checked by the program.


Click OK to create the machining axis change in the program. A feature representation of the corresponding Machining Axis System is created in the 3D view. Please note the following: q It is possible to analyze the geometry referenced by a machining axis system. This geometry may be a point, line, surface, or an axis defined in the design part. Right click any sensitive area in the dialog box icon, and select the Analyze contextual command. The Geometry Analyser dialog box appears giving the referenced geometry, its name and status.

A machining axis system can be shared by several machining axis change operations. Machining axis systems can be listed in Manufacturing View using the Sort by Features command.

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Insert a PP Instruction
This task shows how to insert a PP instruction in the program. Either the program or a program entity must be current in the specification tree. 1. In the specification tree, select a reference program entity. The PP instruction will be added after this entity in the program. 2. Select the Post-Processor Instruction icon .

The Post-Processor Instruction dialog box appears, allowing you to enter the syntax of a PP instruction. 3. Enter one or more PP word syntaxes directly in the text area as shown below.

4. Click the

icon to access the PP Words Selection Assistant dialog box.

The content of the PP words table that is referenced in the current part operation is available for selection in this dialog box.

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5. Select the desired major word. If syntaxes are defined for this major word in the table, they are also available for selection. Your selection is displayed in the Current Selection area. If the selected syntax contains parameters (&RVAL, for example ), you will be prompted to complete the syntax with numerical values. Pease refer to PP Tables and Word Syntaxes for more information. Click Apply to add the selected syntax to the PP instruction.

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6. Click OK to create the PP instruction in the program.

Please note the following points: q You can display the syntax of the PP instruction in a larger, resizable dialog box (16 lines of 72 characters) by clicking on the Larger View icon.

A default contextual menu providing edition facilities is available by right-clicking in the text area (Undo/Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete/Select All). A Refresh icon is available to refresh the PP word syntax to take into account parameter modification in the other tab pages of the editor. You can define a PP instruction that references user parameters created in a design part, and output the result in the APT source when the PP instruction is processed. The program does not check the validity of your syntax.

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Insert a COPY Operator

This task shows how to apply a COPY Operator to operations in the program. Open the CopyTransfoSample.CATPart document. 1. Create a first Pocketing operation on the first square cut-out. Create a second Pocketing operation using a different tool on the first triangular cut-out. To create these pockets, make sure that the Island Detection contextual command is not active when define the pocket bottom. Right click the Manufacturing Program and select the Compute Tool Path contextual menu. Select the Compute if necessary option in the pop-up that appears. In the specification tree, select the second Pocketing operation. Select the COPY Operator icon .

2. 3.

A COPY Operator is inserted in the program after Pocketing.2 and the COPY Operator dialog box appears.


Select the

icon to create an INDEX instruction. Select an entity in the specification tree

program to specify the location in the program. In this scenario, select Tool Change.1 to insert the INDEX instruction before the tool change.

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The COPY Operator will apply to the two tool changes and the two pocketing operations. 5. 6. Set the desired number of copies to 3. Set the Transformation type to Translation. Choose the Translation type to Absolute Coordinates. Specify the translation by setting the Distance along X to -100mm.

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Click the Replay icon

to visualize the tool path resulting from the defined COPY Operator.

The possible transformation types are as follows. q Translation: choose the desired translation type then specify the translation by: r either giving X, Y, Z components in the absolute or the current machining axis system

or clicking the Direction area to select a linear geometric element for the direction and giving a length.

Rotation: click the Axis area to select a linear geometric element as the axis of rotation then give a rotation angle. If a circular edge is selected, the normal axis of the circle is used. Mirror: click the Mirror area to select a planar geometric element as the axis of symmetry. Axis to axis: click the From area to select a first machining axis system then the To area to select a second machining axis system. The first axis system will be transformed into the second axis system. Affinity: select a Machining Axis System and define 3 scale factors to be applied along each of its axes: x,y,z. The transformation matrix in the selected Machining Axis System will be:

Scale: select a planar surface or a point and a scale factor to be applied along the normal projection on the selected element. Matrix: This transformation will be defined by the matrix definition of the transformation in the absolute Axis System, the current Machining Axis System, or a selected Machining Axis System. In case of definition of the matrix in the absolute Axis System or in the current Machining Axis, the matrix of the transformation is stored in the model in the absolute Axis System (it is invariant in this Axis System). Choosing one or the other mode only changes the display of the coordinates of the matrix. Out of a current Machining Axis System context, the Absolute Axis System will be used to display the matrix.

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In case of definition of the matrix in a selected Machining Axis System, the matrix of the transformation is stored relatively to this selected Machining Axis System.

You can create an INDEX/NOMORE instruction in the program by clicking the


You can select an existing INDEX to be associated to the COPY operator by clicking the icon. 8. 9. If needed, select the Syntax tab page COPY operator. Click OK to create the COPY Operator in the program. to consult the syntax that will be applied for the

Status management
COPY Operator will show an Exclamation mask

in standard cases:

a reference geometry has been deleted INDEX and INDEX/NOMORE are inconsistent.

COPY Operator will show an Update mask


in standard cases:

reference geometry has been modified a parameter has been modified.

COPY Operator can be computed if all the referenced operations:


are Up to date or Locked have a Tool Path.

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Insert a TRACUT Operator

This task shows how to apply a TRACUT Operator to operations in the program. Open the CopyTransfoSample.CATPart document. 1. Create a first Pocketing operation on the first square cut-out. Create a second Pocketing operation using a different tool on the first triangular cut-out. To create these pockets, make sure that the Island Detection contextual command is not active before you define the pocket bottom. Right click the Manufacturing Program and select the Compute Tool Path contextual menu. Select the Compute if necessary option in the pop-up that appears. In the specification tree, select Tool Change.1. Select the TRACUT Operator icon .

2. 3.

A TRACUT Operator is inserted in the program before Tool Change.1 and the TRACUT Operator dialog box appears.


Select the

icon to create a TRACUT/NOMORE instruction. Select an entity in the

specification tree program to specify the location in the program. In this scenario, select Pocketing.2 to insert the TRACUT/NOMORE instruction at the end of the program.

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The TRACUT Operator will apply to the two tool changes and the two pocketing operations. 5. Set the Transformation type to Translation. Choose the Translation type to Absolute Coordinates. Specify the translation by setting the Distance along X to -100mm.

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The possible transformation types are as follows. q Translation: choose the desired translation type then specify the translation by: r either giving X, Y, Z components in the absolute or the current machining axis system

or clicking the Direction area to select a linear geometric element for the direction and giving a length.

Rotation: click the Axis area to select a linear geometric element as the axis of rotation then give a rotation angle. If a circular edge is selected, the normal axis of the circle is used. Mirror: click the Mirror area to select a planar geometric element as the axis of symmetry. Axis to axis: click the From area to select a first machining axis system then the To area to select a second machining axis system. The first axis system will be transformed into the second axis system. Affinity: select a machining axis system and define 3 scale factors to be applied along each of its axes: x,y,z. The transformation matrix in the selected machining axis system will be:

Scale: select a planar surface or a point and a scale factor to be applied along the normal projection on the selected element. Matrix: This transformation will be defined by the matrix definition of the transformation in the absolute axis system, the current machining axis system, or a selected machining axis system. In case of definition of the matrix in the absolute axis system or in the current machining axis system, the matrix of the transformation is stored in the model in the absolute axis system (it is invariant in this axis system). Choosing one or the other mode only changes the display of the coordinates of the matrix. Out of a current machining axis system context, the absolute axis system will be used to display the matrix. In case of definition of the matrix in a selected machining axis system, the matrix of the transformation is stored relatively to this selected machining axis system.

6. 7.

If needed, select the Syntax tab page TRACUT operator.

to consult the syntax that will be applied for the

Click OK to create the TRACUT Operator in the program.

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To visualize the tool path resulting from the defined TRACUT Operator, select the first tool change in the program then click the Replay icon .

Make sure that the TRACUT display mode is active in the Tool Path Replay dialog box. Replay the tool changes and pocketing operations.

Close the dialog box at the end of the replay.

Status management
TRACUT Operator will show an Exclamation mask

in standard cases:

a reference geometry has been deleted.

TRACUT Operator will show an Update mask


in standard cases:

reference geometry has been modified a parameter has been modified.

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Insert a Copy Transformation Instruction

This task shows how to apply a Copy Transformation instruction to operations in the program. Open the CopyTransfoSample.CATPart document. 1. Create a first Pocketing operation on the first square cut-out, then a second Pocketing operation on the first triangular cut-out. To create these pockets, make sure that the Island Detection contextual command is not active when define the pocket bottom. 2. In the specification tree, select the second Pocketing operation. Select the Copy Transformation Instruction icon .

A Copy Transformation instruction is inserted in the program after Pocketing.2 and the Copy Transformation dialog box appears. 3. Click the Add Operations icon tree. then select the two Pocketing operations in the specification

The Copy-Transformation will apply to these two operations. Selected operations must have the same tooling

The Move Up down in the list.

and Move Down

icons allow you to move the selected operation up or

The Delete icon

allows you to delete selected operations.

4. Set the desired number of copies to 3. 5. Set Ordering to Each operation N times.

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6. Set the Transformation type to Translation. Choose the Translation type to Absolute Coordinates. Specify the translation by setting the Distance along X to -100mm.

7. You can click Replay to visualize the tool path resulting from the defined Copy-Transformation. With the Each operation N times Ordering setting, the transformation is applied to the 3 square cut-outs first then to the 3 triangular cut-outs.

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With the All operations N times Ordering setting, the transformation is applied to the first set of square and triangular cut-outs, then the second set, and finally the third set.

The possible transformation types are as follows. q Translation: choose the desired translation type then specify the translation by: r either giving X, Y, Z components in the absolute or the current machining axis system

or clicking the Direction area to select a linear geometric element for the direction and giving a length.

Rotation: click the Axis area to select a linear geometric element as the axis of rotation then give a rotation angle. If a circular edge is selected, the normal axis of the circle is used. Mirror: click the Mirror area to select a planar geometric element as the axis of symmetry Axis to axis: click the From area to select a first machining axis system then the To area to select a second machining axis system. The first axis system will be transformed into the second axis system.

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Scale: select a Machining Axis System and define 3 scale factors to be applied along each of its axes: x,y,z. The transformation matrix in the selected Machining Axis System will be:

Affinity: select a planar surface, a linear edge, or a point and a scale factor to be applied along the normal projection on the selected element. Matrix: This transformation will be defined by the matrix definition of the transformation in the absolute Axis System, the current Machining Axis System, or a selected Machining Axis System. In case of definition of the matrix in the absolute Axis System or in the current Machining Axis, the matrix of the transformation is stored in the model in the absolute Axis System (it is invariant in this Axis System). Choosing one or the other mode only changes the display of the coordinates of the matrix. Out of a current Machining Axis System context, the absolute Axis System will be used to display the matrix. In case of definition of the matrix in a selected Machining Axis System, the matrix of the transformation is stored relatively to this selected Machining Axis System.

8. Click OK to create the Copy Transformation instruction in the program.

NC Data Output Considerations

Allow Copy Transformation to produce an output during MfgBatch taking into account specificities of the referenced machining operations (Cycle syntax or Goto statements, Compensation, Profile, Tip/Axis, Contact/Norm, PQR, and so on). During NC Code generation, the tool path of the Copy Transformation of an ordered list of machining operations, will for each of its sub-paths corresponding to a specific reference machining operation read the complementary information on this machining operation to associate then to the particular treatment of this sub-path. If the Cycle Syntax is ON on a reference machining operation, the sub-path will be output is this mode. The tolerance and discretization step of reference machining operation are taken into account to process double points for this sub path. If profile data exist on a reference operation, the sub path will be output in this mode. Compensation data will be read for this sub path on the reference machining operation. The output of the Copy Transformation will take into account both data available in the tool path and in the reference machining operations. If a Copy Transformation referenced various machining operations with specific data varying from each other, each sub path of the Copy Transformation will be treated specifically. Machining operations using CYCLE syntaxes and GOTO statements can be mixed in a Copy Transformation: its output will be composed of CYCLE syntaxes and GOTO statements.

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Status Management
Copy-Transformation will show an Exclamation mask

in standard cases:

a reference geometry has been deleted all referenced operations have been deleted.

Copy-Transformation will show an Update mask


in standard cases:

reference geometry has been modified a referenced operation has been modified or deleted a parameter has been modified.

Copy-Transformation can be computed if all the referenced operations:


have the same tooling are Up to date or Locked have a Tool Path.

Copy Transformation and the Tool Path Editor

You can create a Copy Transformation in the program when using the Tool Path Editor. Before cutting an area of the tool path, you can choose to copy the area in the specification tree as follows:

Select the Area Selection Option icon in the Tool Path Editor toolbar, Select the Copy transformation checkbox in the Selection Options dialog box that appears. Select the Cut icon and select an operation in the specification tree.

The Copy Transformation is created after the selected operation.

In this case the the Copy Transformation dialog box includes a Tooling tab page

This allows you to change the tool or tool assembly of the Copy Transformation created with the

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Tool Path Editor's Cut command. Double click the Copy Transformation instruction and select the Tool tab that appears. Modify the tool as desired. in the dialog box

Click OK to accept the tool modification and update the PPR tree.

Previous Version Instruction

A Copy-Transformation instruction created in R9 which has lost its reference operation (operation deleted or replaced by a tool path by means of Add Tool Paths command in R9) behaves like a Copy Transformation instruction created using the Tool Path Editor and the Cut command.

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Opposite Hand Machining

This task shows how to easily and quickly define the complete manufacturing program of a symmetrical workpiece, when a symmetrical half of the workpiece is already programmed. More information can be found in the Methodology section. Open the ProcessDEMO.CATProcess document. The associated part is Left_Hand_Part.CATPart. The Left Program contains 3 machining operations for machining a left hand part.

To machine the symmetrical right hand part, proceed as follows. 1. Copy the Left Program in the Part Operation using Edit > Copy and Paste commands. Rename the new program as Right Program (using Edit > Properties).


Select the Right Program node in the tree and select the TRACUT Operator icon

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In the TRACUT Operator dialog box, select the Transformation type to Mirror. Click the Mirror selection field then select the YZ plane as the symmetrical plane. Click OK to create the TRACUT operator.


Select the Right Program node in the tree and select the Opposite Hand Machining Options icon . In the dialog box that appears, make sure that Reverse Machining Conditions command can be applied to all the operations types in the program.


Select the Reverse Machining Conditions icon

A message box appears giving the result of the command: numbers of operations processed and number of operations updated.


Right click the Right Program node in the tree and select the Compute Tool Path contextual command. The tool paths of the Right Program are recalculated. Right click the Right Program node in the tree and select the Replay Tool Path contextual command. Make sure that the TRACUT display mode is active in the Replay dialog box.


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The replay shows the result of the opposite hand programming.


Save your document (ProcessDEMOResult.CATProcess, for example). In most cases, your program may need to be finalized by means of some local editing. You can use:

the Reorder Operations List command operations

to reverse the order of one or more groups of

the Inverse Macros command operation.

To inverse the approach and retract macros on an

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Machining Entities
This section deals with creating and managing the specific entities of the machining environment (other than machining operations and auxiliary commands). Resources: q Edit the Tool of a Machining Operation: Double click the machining operation in the program and select the Tool tab page to edit the tool characteristics or search for another tool.

Edit a Tool in the Resource List: Double click a tool in the resource list and edit the tool characteristics in the Tool Definition dialog box. Edit a Tool Assembly in the Resource List: Double click a tool assembly in the resource list and edit the tool characteristics in the Tool Definition dialog box. Create a Tool Catalog from the Resource List: Right click a tool in the resource list then select the Send to Catalog contextual command Replace Tools in Resource List: Click the Replace Tools icon to rename tools already used in your document. Manage Tools in the Resource List and TDM:

access TDM and import a pre-defined tool list to the resource List create a tool list in TDM from selected tools in the resource List.

Specify Tool Compensation Information: Double click a tool referenced in the program or resource list and specify the tool compensation information in the Compensation tab page of the Tool Definition dialog box . Define the Tool Axis: Select the Tool axis symbol in the machining operation editor, then use on of the available modes to specify the orientation of the tool axis.

Machining Features: q Create and Use a Machining Pattern: Select Insert > Machining Feature > Machining Pattern then select a pattern of holes to be machined.

Manufacturing View: Select a feature using the Manufacturing view and create operations based on this feature.

Macros: q Define Macros on a Milling Operation: Select the Macros tab page when creating or editing a milling operation, then specify the transition paths of the macros to be used in the operation.

Define Macros on an Axial Machining Operation: Select the Macros tab page when creating or editing an axial machining operation, then specify the transition paths of the macros to be used in the operation. Define Macros on a Turning Operation: Select the Macros tab page when creating or editing a turning operation, then specify the transition paths of the macros to be used in the operation. Build and Use a Macros Catalog.

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General capabilities: q Manage the Status of Manufacturing Entities: Use the status lights to know whether or not your operation is correctly defined.

Design or User Parameters in PP Instruction and APT Output.

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Edit the Tool of a Machining Operation

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This task shows you how to edit the tool of a machining operation. A machining operation always has a tool assigned to it (default tool, for example). You can modify this tool in several ways:

edit its characteristics, thereby creating a new tool replace it by selecting another tool that is already used in the document replace it by selecting another tool by means of a query. then

1. Double click the operation in the program. The machining operation dialog box appears. Select the Tooling tab page select the Tool tab .

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2. To create a new tool:

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If you want to change tool type, select the icon corresponding to the desired tool type. In this case the corresponding tool representation appears in the 2D viewer.

Double click the geometric parameter that you want to modify in the 2D viewer, then enter the desired value in the Edit Parameters dialog box that appears. Modify other parameters in the same way. The tool representation is updated to take the new values into account. Click More to expand the dialog box to access all the tool's parameters. Modify the values as desired. Use the spinner to increment the Tool number. Enter a name for the new tool.

3. To select a tool that is already used in the document: q Select the button opposite Name.

Select the desired tool from the list of tools already used in your document. The tool representation is displayed in the 2D viewer. It can be edited as described above.

4. To select another tool by means of a query: q Click the Select a tool with query icon opposite Name. The Search Tool dialog box appears.

Use the Look in combo to specify where you want to search for the tool: r in the current document

in a tool catalog in an external tool database such as the TDM (Tool Data Management) or CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing database.

If you want to change tool type, select the icon corresponding to the desired tool. You can do a quick search in the Simple tab page by means of a character string on the tool name or a value for the tool's nominal diameter. The tools meeting the simple search criteria are listed. Select the desired tool from the list and click OK. The tool representation is displayed in the 2D viewer. It can be edited as described above.

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You can search a tool using finer constraints by selecting the Advanced tab page. The example below shows the result of a search for a tool with body diameter between 8mm and 12mm in the catalog ToolsSample02.

5. Click OK to confirm using this new tool in the operation. Cutting conditions (feeds and speeds) can be included in a tool catalog and in the TDM. Please refer to Feeds and Speeds for more information. The TDB can allow several cutting speed and feedrate data for each tool. This information is displayed at tool selection time.

The feed and speed information of the selected tool is used in the machining operation definition.

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Realistic DXF user representation of tools can be selected from the TDB. These can be used in tool path replay as well as Photo and Video simulations.

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Edit a Tool in the Resource List

This task shows you how to edit a tool that is already used in your document. 1. To edit a tool in the resource list right click it and select the Edit NC Resources contextual command. The Tool Definition dialog box is displayed allowing you to edit the tool's geometric, technological, cutting condition, and compensation characteristics.

2. If needed, enter a new name for the tool. You can also assign a comment. 3. If needed, use the spinner to increment the Tool number. 4. Click More to expand the dialog box to access the Geometry, Technology, Feeds & Speeds, and Compensation tab pages.

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5. You can specify the tool geometry in two ways: q double click a parameter in the large tool icon and enter the desired value in the Edit Parameter dialog box that appears

or enter the desired values in the Geometry tab page.

The icon representation of the tool is updated with these values. 6. Click the Technology tab and enter the desired values for the tool's technological parameters.

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7. Click the Feeds & Speeds tab and enter the desired values for the tool's cutting conditions.

The units associated to each attribute are set using the Tools > Options > General > Parameters & Measure > Units tab page. For cutting speeds, you can to choose the industry standard unit you are accustomed to: m/mn or ft/mn. These are linear cutting speeds. The Feedrate attribute used in previous releases is replaced by Feedrate per tooth. A new Feedrate attribute representing the global feedrate of the tool is added. If you modify Feedrate per tooth, the global Feedrate is updated using the formula: global feedrate = feedrate per tooth * number of flutes. If you modify global Feedrate, the Feedrate per tooth is updated using the formula: feedrate per tooth = global feedrate / number of flutes. 8. If tool compensation is required, click the Compensation tab. You can either edit an existing compensation site or add another site, if other sites are proposed. See Specify Tool Compensation for more information.

Right click the desired line to either edit or add tool compensation data. The Compensation Definition dialog box appears. Enter the desired values for the tool's compensation sites.

See Specify Tool Compensation for more information.

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9. Click OK to accept the modifications made to the tool. A CATPart or CATProduct representation can be assigned to the tool by means of the Add User Representation contextual command in the Resource List. When a Photo or Video simulation is done, the CATPart is searched for sketches representing the profiles of cutting and non-cutting parts of the tool. Please refer to user-defined tool profiles in simulation for the rules for defining these profiles.

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Edit the Tool Assembly of a Machining Operation

This task shows you how to create and edit the tool assembly of a machining operation. You can modify this tool assembly in several ways:

edit its characteristics, thereby creating a new tool assembly replace it by selecting another tool assembly that is already used in the document replace it by selecting another tool assembly by means of a query.

1. Double click the operation in the program. The machining operation dialog box appears. Select the Tooling tab page then select the Tool Assembly tab .

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2. To create a new tool assembly: q Enter a name for the new tool assembly. A tool assembly representation appears in the 2D viewer.

Double click the geometric parameter that you want to modify in the 2D viewer, then enter the desired value in the Edit Parameters dialog box that appears. Modify other parameters in the same way. The tool assembly representation is updated to take the new values into account. Click More to expand the dialog box to access all the tool assembly parameters. Modify the values as desired. Use the spinner to increment the Tool number.

3. To select a tool assembly that is already used in the document: q Select the button opposite Name.

Select the desired tool assembly from the list of tool assemblies already used in your document. The tool assembly representation is displayed in the 2D viewer. It can be edited as described above.

4. To select another tool assembly by means of a query: q Click the Select a tool assembly with query icon opposite Name. The Search Tool Assembly dialog box appears.

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Use the Look in combo to specify where you want to search for the tool: r in the current document

in a tool catalog in an external tool database such as the TDM (Tool Data Management) or CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing database.

If you want to change the tool type associated with the tool assembly, select the icon corresponding to the desired tool. You can do a quick search in the Simple tab page by means of a character string on the tool assembly name. The tool assemblies meeting the simple search criteria are listed. Select the desired tool assembly from the list and click OK. The tool assembly representation is displayed in the 2D viewer. It can be edited as described above.

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You can search a tool assembly using finer constraints by selecting the Advanced tab page. The example below shows the result of a search in the TDM catalog for a tool assembly whose tool has a nominal diameter greater than 5mm.

5. Click OK to confirm using this new tool assembly in the operation.

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Edit a Tool Assembly in the Resource List

This task shows you how to edit a tool assembly that is already used in your document. 1. To edit a tool assembly in the Resource List right click it and select the Edit NC Resources contextual command. The Tool Assembly Definition dialog box is displayed allowing you to edit the tool assembly's geometric and technological characteristics.

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If needed, enter a new name for the tool assembly. You can also assign a comment.

3. 4. 5.

If needed, use the spinner to change the Tool number. Click More to expand the dialog box to access the Geometry and Technology tab pages. You can specify the tool assembly geometry in two ways: q double click a parameter in the 2D viewer and enter the desired value in the Edit Parameter dialog box that appears

or enter the desired values in the Geometry tab page.

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In both cases the 2D viewer is refreshed after each modification to a geometric parameter.

You can use the Tool holder stages spinner to define between two and five stages on the tool holder of the assembly. For two stages, specify the two tool holder diameters (D2 and D3) and two cone diameters (d1 and d2). Suitable values for the cone diameters allow the stages to be tapered.

For five stages, specify the five tool holder diameters (D2 to D6) and five cone diameters (d1 to d5). Suitable values for the cone diameters allow the stages to be

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Click the Technology tab and enter the desired values for the tool assembly's technological parameters.


Click OK to accept the modifications made to the tool assembly. A CATPart or CATProduct representation can be assigned to the tool assembly by means of the Add User Representation contextual command in the Resource List. In this case, if a component (tool, for example) of the assembly has a user representation, it will not be taken into account.

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Create a Tool Catalog from the Resource List

This task shows you how to create a tool catalog from selected tools in the resource list. A tool catalog can contain tool assemblies, tools and tool inserts. 1. Select tools in the resource list, then right click to select the Send to Catalog contextual command.

The Save in Catalog dialog box is displayed allowing you to create a new tool catalog or overwrite an existing one..

2. To create a new tool catalog, click the [...] button to navigate to the desired folder and enter a name for the catalog. To overwrite an existing tool catalog, click the [...] button to navigate to the desired catalog. 3. Click OK to create the new or updated catalog. The resulting tool catalog appears in a new Catalog Editor window.

You can also build a tools catalog by customizing an Excel file and a VB macro file.

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Replace Tools in the Resource List

This task shows you how to rename tools already used in your document. You can do this: q automatically by means of new references listed in a tool replacement catalog

manually by entering new names in a dialog box. icon.

1. Click the Replace Tools

The Replace Tools dialog box is displayed.

2. In the Tool Table combo choose either Manual Mode or a tool replacement catalog. You must have previously prepared this catalog with the desired names. A sample catalog is delivered in .../Startup/Manufacturing/Tools/ToolsReplacement.catalog. 3. Using the manual mode: q select a tool to be renamed in the list then enter the new name in the To area

if needed, change other tool references in the same way click OK to update all the tools in the document with the new references.

4. Using the tool replacement catalog:

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when you select the desired catalog, all the new tool references are listed opposite the old references click OK to update all the tools in the document with the new references.

An example of the PPR tree before and after the update is shown below:

Note that tool path storage information is not modified by this update.

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Manage Tools in the Resource List and TDM

This task shows you how to: q access TDM and import a pre-defined tool list to the PPR Resource List

create a tool list in TDM from selected tools in the PPR Resource List.

Import a tool list from the TDM to the Resource List

1. Open an NC Manufacturing workbench (no CATPart or CATProduct document is needed at this stage). The manufacturing document is initialized as follows.

2. Select the Import/List Tools icon

in the Auxiliary Commands toolbar.

The Search Tool dialog box appears. Select TDM from the combo list.

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Select the Tool List Mode Access icon

that appears at the end of the line of icons.

The Tool List Selection dialog box appears showing the tool lists currently in the TDM database. 4.

5. Filter the list. The example below shows how to enter a string to display the tool lists referenced by a given machine (the % character represents a character string).

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6. Select the desired tool list and click OK. The Search Tool dialog box is updated.

If Tool preview after selection is set in Tools > Options > Machining > Resources, an image is displayed of any tool selected in the Search tool list. Please refer to Resource settings. 7. Select the tools that you want to import to the resource list and click OK. The PPR Resource List is updated with the selected tools.

Create a tool list in the TDM from tools selected in the Resource List

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1. Select the tools in the PPR Resource List that you want to include in a TDM tool list.

2. Right click the selected tools and select the Create TDM Tool List contextual command from the NC Resources menu. 3. The Tool List Definition dialog box appears. Enter an identifier for the new tool list. Also enter names for the NC program, part, and NC machine. Click Create.

4. Select the Import/List Tools icon

in the Auxiliary Commands toolbar.

The Search Tool dialog box appears. Make sure TDM and the Tool List Mode Access icon selected.


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Click the [...] button opposite Tool List ID. The tool List Selection dialog box appears. 5. If needed, enter the % character in the Tool List ID field to display all the existing tool lists.

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6. Select the tool list that you have just created (identifier A_TOOL_LIST) to check that this list contains the tools that you selected from the PPR tree.

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Specify Tool Compensation

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This task shows you how to specify tool compensation information. 1. Select the Compensation tab page of the Tool Definition dialog box. 2. Right click the desired compensation site to either edit or add tool compensation data. The Compensation Definition dialog box is displayed allowing you to specify the tool's compensation characteristics.

3. You can associate the following information to each compensation site on a tool: q corrector identifier

corrector number radius number (if Radius compensation is allowed on the machine referenced by the part operation) tool diameter in order to specify the exact location of the compensation site (if allowed for the tool). Site P2 of a drill, for example.

The following tool types have only one compensation site. This is the site P1 located at the extremity of the tool.

End mill

Face mill

Boring tool

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Reamer Thread mill

The following tool types have more than one compensation site. Some sites are defined by means of a diameter value.


Multi-diameter drill

Center drill

Spot drill

Boring and chamfering tool


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Conical mill


Two sides chamfering tool

4. Click OK to update the tool with the desired compensation information. It is possible to define tool compensation site numbers for all machining operation types, if tool compensation numbers are already defined on the tool used by the machining operation. In general, the tool compensation site number used by the operation can be specified. For operations such as Boring and Chamfering, Chamfering Two Sides or Contouring (when a T-slotter is used), two tool compensation site numbers can be used during machining. Lathe tools have nine compensation sites P1 to P9. Their position depends on the type of insert used on the tool. Please refer to the Lathe Machining User's Guide for more information about cutter compensation.

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Define the Tool Axis

This task shows how to define the tool axis orientation by means of the Tool Axis dialog box. 1. Select the tool axis symbol in the machining operation editor. The Tool Axis dialog box appears. Several modes are proposed for defining the tool axis. 2. Select one of the modes that are proposed for defining the tool axis.

Select Manual from the combo, then choose one of the following:

Components to define the tool axis orientation by means of I, J and K components.

Angles to define the orientation by means of a rotation specified by means of one or two angles.

Angle 1 about X, Angle 2 about Y the tool axis is a rotated an Angle 1 about the x-axis, then rotated an Angle 2 about the y-axis

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Angle 1 about Z, Angle 2 about X the tool axis is a rotated an Angle 1 about the z-axis, then rotated an Angle 2 about the x-axis Angle 1 about Y, Angle 2 about Z the tool axis is a rotated an Angle 1 about the y-axis, then rotated an Angle 2 about the z-axis.

Select Selection from the combo, then: q if you select a line or linear edge, the tool axis will have the same orientation as that element

if you select a planar element, the tool axis will be normal to that element.

Points in the view

Select Points in the View from the combo, then select two points in the 3D viewer to define the tool axis orientation.

Feature defined
Select Feature defined from the combo, then select the machining feature in the 3D viewer. For example, if you select an axial machining feature then the axis of the feature is taken as the tool axis. The tool axis is visualized by means of an arrow. The direction can be reversed by clicking Reverse Direction in the dialog box. You can also choose to display the tool at the Default position or at a User-defined position. For a user-defined position, click the [...] button and select the desired position in the 3D viewer. 3. Click OK to accept the specified tool axis orientation. When a generic machine with 1 or 2 rotary axis on the head is referenced by the Part Operation, you can check machine accessibility when defining the tool axis of a machining operation. The Tool axis dialog box includes more options in this case. Please refer to Check Machine Accessibility at Tool Axis Definition for more information.

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Machining Patterns
This task shows you how to create a machining pattern, then use it by referencing it directly in a drilling operation. A machining pattern is a specific machining feature that represents hole positions to be machined. Create a machining pattern 1. Select the Machining Pattern icon . The Machining Pattern dialog box is displayed.

Click the No Point sensitive text in the dialog box. The Pattern Selection dialog box appears. It lists any available design and machining patterns. In the figure below, there are no machining patterns: Machining Pattern.1 is waiting to be created.

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Select one of the design features and close the dialog box. The points in this design pattern will be used to create the machining pattern. You can also select points in the 3D view to be included in the machining pattern. It is possible to reference in a machining pattern one or more 3D Wireframe features (that is, Projection, Symmetry, Rotation and Translation operators) containing at least one point. 2. The Machining Pattern dialog box is updated with the number of selected points.


Click OK to create the machining pattern.

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Use a machining pattern in a machining operation 1. Select the Drilling icon page. This tab page includes a sensitive icon to help you specify the geometry of the hole or hole pattern to be machined. 2. Select the red hole depth representation then select the machining pattern from the combo list. The pattern is highlighted in the model. . The Drilling dialog box appears directly at the Geometry tab


Click OK to create the drilling operation: the holes of the machining pattern will be drilled by this operation.

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Process Table
This task shows you how use the Process Table. This table gives a tabular view of the Process, or a given Part Operation or a given Manufacturing Program. It provides an alternative view to the PPR tree. From a Manufacturing Program or a Part Operation selection in the PPR tree, the Process Table command activates a Process View in which the various operations of the Manufacturing Program or Part Operation are presented in a table format. If no pre-selection is performed, the Process Table shows the detail of all the Part Operations of the Process document. 1. Open the Processfinal.CATProcess document. The Setup Editor window appears showing the PPR tree as follows. The part is displayed held in place by fixtures, with the stock hidden.

2. Right-click the Part Operation in the tree, then select the Process Table command

from the contextual menu. The

Process Table appears presenting the Part Operation, the Manufacturing Program and the various operations in a table format.

3. Right-click in the Process Table to access a number of commands q Column Filter


Column Order Select by String

These commands allow you to customize the table to your needs.

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Column Filter
Select the columns that you want to include in the Process Table. You can use the Cntl and Shift keys to make multiple selections.

Column Order
You can change the order of the filtered columns in the Process Table by selecting a line and moving it in the list by means of the Up / Down buttons.

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Select by String
You can use the pop-up that appears to search for any character string in the Process Table (tool change, for example). Compared with the Process Table shown above, the following table has re-ordered columns and all Tool Changes are highlighted using the Select by String command.

Note that if you right-click and selected line or lines in the Process Table, you access an edit contextual menu similar to the one you can access in the PPR tree. For example, in the case of selected Tool Changes, the following menu is displayed:

Any modifications done using these commands are propagated into the PPR tree.

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Manufacturing View
This task shows you how to use the Manufacturing View for feature based NC programming. You can display the Manufacturing View sorted by Features, Operations, Patterns, Tooling or Machining Features. Just right click the Manufacturing View to access the following menu:

You can delete unused machining features from the Manufacturing View using the following contextual commands:

1. Select the Manufacturing View icon

to display the Manufacturing View.

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2. Select a feature in the View (Hole5, for example).

The operations to be created will be attached to this feature. 3. To attach a spot drilling operation to the feature, select the Spot Drilling icon Drilling dialog box appears. Select the Geometry tab page. This tab page includes a sensitive icon to help you specify the geometry of the hole or hole pattern to be machined. 4. Click the 1 Point sensitive text in the dialog box, then select the points to be included along with Hole5 in the machining pattern (Hole6, Hole7, Hole8, for example). . The Spot

The icon is updated with this information.

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5. Click OK to create the Spot Drilling operation, which is created with Machining Pattern.1 comprising 4 holes. The Manufacturing View is updated.

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6. Select the Drilling icon

In Geometry tab page of the Drilling dialog box, click the No Points sensitive text in the dialog box, then select Machining Pattern.1 from the displayed list.

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7. Click OK to create the Drilling operation, which is created with Machining Pattern.2, which references Machining Pattern.1 for the position of the four holes in the pattern. The Manufacturing View is updated.

8. Replay the two operations in the program to check that they both use the selected machining pattern based on the initial feature selection. If you edit the Machining Pattern.1 (to include more points, for example) both the Spot Drilling and Drilling operations will be updated. You can use the contextual menu to sort the Manufacturing View by Patterns.

The machining pattern nodes can be expanded to show machining pattern geometry, machining pattern technology, and axial operation information. Right clicking the machining pattern gives access to contextual commands for copying and creating new patterns. Machining pattern nodes are also displayed in the Manufacturing View sorted by Machining Features.

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If the Part Operation contains parameters, relations or formula, these will be displayed in the Manufacturing View sorted by Features.

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Parameters can be added on machining operations and features in the Knowledge Advisor workbench. In this case the Manufacturing View sorted by Machining Features displays a generic node named Parameters under the machining object node. Under this generic node appears the parameter node with its name, its value and/or its formula (depending on the Knowledge parameter display setting).

In the Manufacturing workbench, by double clicking on the parameter, edition becomes available. If a formula has been added on the parameter, it is also editable by double clicking on the parameter, then clicking the f(x) button.

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Define Macros on a Milling Operation

This task shows you how to define macros on a milling operation.

of the machining operation editor. In this example you will This is done using the Macros tab page add circular approach, circular retract, and linking macros to a Profile Contouring operation.

Predefined Macros
You can use predefined macros. These are made up from one or more paths in a specific order. Just select the desired mode in the Current Macro Toolbox. You can then adjust parameters of the macro (such as path length and feedrate).

User-Built Macros
You can also build your own macros using the Build by user mode. Depending on the context, you can use the following icons to specify macro paths:

tangent motion normal motion axial motion circular motion ramping motion PP word motion perpendicular to a plane axial motion to a plane distance along a given direction tool axis motion motion to a point. In addition, the following icons allow you to:

remove all macro paths remove current macro paths copy the paths defined on the Approach macro on to the approach paths of other macros or copy the paths defined on the Retract macro on to the retract paths of other macros.

Macro Edition
A sensitive icon representing the elementary paths of the macro will help you to build or edit your macro. The current macro path is colored violet. Right-clicking a macro path gives you access to a contextual menu.

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Deactivate: Deactivates the selected macro path. Activate: Activates a path that was previously deactivated. Feedrate: Allows you to modify the feedrate type associated to the selected macro path by making a selection in the sub-menu. If local is selected, you can assign a local feedrate value. Parameter: Gives access to parameters of the selected macro path. Delete: Deletes the selected macro path. Insert: Inserts a macro path depending on the type chosen in the sub-menu.

Inherited Macros
If you create a machining operation and there are other operations of the same type in the program, the new operation will inherit the macros used in the most-recently edited operation of the same type. An operation is considered edited when you click OK to quit the operation definition dialog box. Create a Profile Contouring operation as described in the Prismatic Machining User's Guide. 1. 2. Double click the Profile Contouring operation in the specification tree to edit that operation.

Select the Macros tab page in the operation definition dialog box. The initial status of all the macros in the Macro Management list is Inactive. Right click the Approach macro line and activate the macro by means of the Activate command. In the Current Macro Toolbox select the Circular horizontal axial mode. A sensitive icon representing the 3 elementary paths of this macro appears.


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Double click each elementary path to display a dialog box that allows you to specify the exact characteristics the path. The following dialog box allows you to specify the exact characteristics of the circular path.

Set the values of the circular approach paths so as to have a 10mm vertical path followed by a 15mm radius circular path. 5. You can then click the Replay icon Up to date. 6. 7. Activate the Retract macro in the Macro Management list and create a circular retract macro in the same way. Select the Linking Retract macro line in the Macro Management list, then in the Current macro Toolbox select the Axial mode. to check the circular approach. The status of the macro becomes

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Double click the displayed value, then assign a 20mm value to the retract path.


Select the Linking Approach line in the Macro Management list, then select the Axial mode. Assign a 20mm value to the approach path.

10. In the Options tab, click the Cornerized clearance with radius checkbox, then enter a corner radius value of 3mm.

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11. Click Replay to validate the tool path.

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In the Replay dialog box select the By colors mode in order to visualize feedrate changes. The tool path is displayed with the following colors: q Yellow: approach feedrate

Green: machining feedrate Blue: retract feedrate Red: Rapid feedrate White: user-defined feedrate.

Please note that transition paths are represented by dashed white lines. The status of the macros are now Up to date.

12. Click OK to accept the modifications made to the operation. The operation is updated with the specified macros.

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PP Words in Macros
You can insert PP words in macros by double clicking the green X symbols in the sensitive icons. The PP Words Selection dialog box is displayed. You can enter the syntax in the following ways:

enter one or more PP word syntaxes directly in the text field click the icon to access the PP words table that is referenced in the current part operation. You can

then select predefined syntaxes from this table using the dialog box that appears.

For Pocketing and Profile Contouring operations, you should select the NC_CUTCOM_ON instruction in the list of available syntaxes if you want the program to interpret cutter compensation automatically (that is, by a CUTCOM/LEFT or CUTCOM/RIGHT instruction). If you choose different syntax in the list, it will be used as selected. The methodology for this is described in the section "How to Generate CUTCOM Syntaxes" in the Prismatic Machining User's Guide.

Default Linking Macros in Case of Collision

If a user-defined linking macro is not collision free, a default linking macro is applied.

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Define Macros on an Axial Machining Operation

This task shows you how to define macros on an axial machining operation.

This is done using the Macros tab page

of the machining operation editor.

Macro Types
The following macro types can be defined on axial machining operations:

approach retract linking clearance, which can be used to define the feedrate on the horizontal path between two machining positions.

User-Built Macros
You can use the following icons for specifying your macro paths:

axial motion PP word motion perpendicular to a plane axial motion to a plane distance along a given direction tool axis motion motion to a point. In addition, the following icons allow you to:

remove all macro motions remove current macro motion copy the motions defined on the Approach macro on to the approach motions of other macros or copy the motions defined on the Retract macro on to the retract motions of other macros.

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Macro Edition
A sensitive icon representing the elementary paths of the macro will help you to build or edit your macro. The current macro path is colored violet. Right-clicking a macro path gives you access to a contextual menu.

Deactivate: Deactivates the selected macro path. Activate: Activates a path that was previously deactivated Feedrate: Allows you to modify the feedrate type associated to the selected macro path by making a selection in the sub-menu. If local is selected, you can assign a local feedrate value. Parameter: Gives access to parameters of the selected macro path. Delete: Deletes the selected macro path. Insert: Inserts a macro path depending on the type chosen in the sub-menu

Inherited Macros
If you create a machining operation and there are other operations of the same type in the program, it will inherit the macros used in the most-recently edited operation of the same type. An operation is considered edited when you click OK to quit the operation definition dialog box. Create a Drilling operation as described in the Prismatic Machining User's Guide. 1. 2. Double click the Drilling operation in the specification tree to edit that operation.

in the operation definition dialog box. The initial status of Select the Macros tab page all the macros in the Macro Management list is Inactive. Right click the Approach macro line and activate the macro by means of the Activate command.


In the Current Macro Toolbox, select the Add Axial Motion icon representing the elementary paths of the macro appears.

. A sensitive icon

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4. 5.

Double click the displayed value in order to edit it. A dialog box appears to allow you to specify the desired distance (30mm, for example). You can then click the Replay icon becomes Up to date. to check the axial approach. The status of the macro


Activate the Retract macro in the Macro Management list, and create a 30 mm axial retract motion in the same way.

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Activate the Linking Retract macro in the Macro Management list, and create a 25mm axial retract motion for the linking macro. In the same way create a 25mm axial motion for the approach portion of the linking macro. You can then click the Replay icon macros change to Up to date. to check the defined motions. The status of the

Note that if a jump distance is defined on the operation, it will be used in preference to the linking macro. Similarly if local entry/exit distances are defined on the operation, they will be used in preference to the linking macro.

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Click Replay to validate the tool path.

In the Replay dialog box select the By colors mode in order to visualize feedrate changes. The tool path is displayed with the following colors:

Yellow: approach feedrate Green: machining feedrate Blue: retract feedrate Red: Rapid feedrate Purple: plunge feedrate White: local feedrate.


Click OK to accept the modifications made to the operation. The operation is updated with the specified macros.

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PP Words in Macros
You can insert PP words in macros by double clicking the green X symbols in the sensitive icons. The PP Words Selection dialog box is displayed. You can enter the syntax in the following ways:

enter one or more PP word syntaxes directly in the text field click the icon to access the PP words table that is referenced in the current part

operation. You can then select predefined syntaxes from this table using the dialog box that appears.

For Circular Milling operations, you should select the NC_CUTCOM_ON instruction in the list of available syntaxes if you want the program to interpret cutter compensation automatically (that is, by a CUTCOM/LEFT or CUTCOM/RIGHT instruction). If you choose different syntax in the list, it will be used as selected. The methodology for this is described in the section "How to Generate CUTCOM Syntaxes" in the Prismatic Machining User's Guide.

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Define Macros on a Turning Operation

This task shows you how to define macros on a turning operation.

of the machining operation editor. In this example This is done using the Macros tab page you will add approach and retract macros to a Longitudinal Rough Turninging operation.

Predefined Macros
You can use predefined macros such as Direct or Axial radial approach. These are made up from one or more paths in a specific order. Just select the desired mode in the Current Macro Toolbox.

You can then adjust parameters (such as feedrate) of the macro.

User-Built Macros
You can also build your own macros using the Build by user mode. Depending on the context, you can use the following icons to specify macro paths:

tangent motion normal motion circular motion PP word motion perpendicular to a plane distance along a given direction motion to a point.

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In addition, the following icons allow you to:

remove all macro paths remove current macro paths copy the motions defined on the Approach macro on to the approach motions of other macros or copy the motions defined on the Retract macro on to the retract motions of other macros.

Macro Edition
A sensitive icon representing the elementary paths of the macro will help you to build or edit your macro. The current macro path is colored violet. Right-clicking a macro path gives you access to a contextual menu.

Deactivate: Deactivates the selected macro path. Activate: Activates a path that was previously deactivated. Feedrate: Gives access to feedrates for the selected macro path. Parameter: Gives access to parameters of the selected macro path. Delete: Deletes the selected macro path. Insert: Inserts a macro path depending on the type chosen in the sub-menu.

Inherited Macros
If you create a machining operation and there are other operations of the same type in the program, the new operation will inherit the macros used in the most-recently edited operation of the same type. An operation is considered edited when you click OK to quit the operation definition dialog box.

Interruptible Macros
Linking macros, which are available for Rough, Groove, Recess and Ramp Turning operations, can be interrupted. Interrupt conditions can be defined in the Options tab of the Current Macro Toolbox. This allows the user to interrupt an operation when the foreseeable lifetime of the insert is not long enough to complete machining. This is useful for machining very hard materials. Create a Longitudinal Rough Turning operation as described in the Lathe Machining User's Guide. 1. 2. Double click the Longitudinal Rough Turning operation in the specification tree to edit that operation. in the operation definition dialog box. The initial status of Select the Macros tab page all the macros in the Macro Management list is Inactive.

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Right click the Approach macro line and activate the macro by means of the Activate command. In the Current Macro Toolbox, select the Axial radial mode. A sensitive icon representing the paths of the approach macro appears.


Select the point symbol in the sensitive icon then select a point in the 3D window. The radial and axial paths of the macro are calculated from the selected point to the start point of the operation.


You can then click the Replay icon becomes Up to date.

to check the approach motion. The status of the macro


Right click the Retract macro line and activate the macro by means of the Activate command. In the Current Macro Toolbox, select the Radial axial mode.


Select the point symbol in the sensitive icon then select a point in the 3D window. The axial and radial paths of the macro are calculated from the end point of the operation to the selected point.

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Click the Replay icon date.

to validate the tool path. The status of the macro becomes Up to

In the Replay dialog box select the By colors mode in order to visualize feedrate changes. The tool path is displayed with the following colors: q Yellow: approach feedrate

Green: machining feedrate Blue: retract feedrate Red: Rapid feedrate White: user-defined feedrate.

Please note that transition paths are represented by dashed white lines. 9. Click OK to accept the modifications made to the operation. The operation is updated with the specified macros.

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PP Words in Macros
You can insert PP words in macros by double clicking the green X symbols in the sensitive icons. The PP Words Selection dialog box is displayed. You can enter the syntax in the following ways:

enter one or more PP word syntaxes directly in the text field click the icon to access the PP words table that is referenced in the current part operation.

You can then select predefined syntaxes from this table using the dialog box that appears.

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Build and Use a Macros Catalog

This task shows you how to build a macros catalog from the sample catalog MACRO_Settings.catalog delivered with the product in the folder \Startup\Manufacturing\Macros. You will then assign macros from the new catalog to a machining operation. Create a Profile Contouring operation as described in the Prismatic Machining User's Guide. 1. Double click the Profile Contouring operation in the specification tree. 2. Select the Macros tab page in the operation definition dialog box. The initial status of all

the macros in the Macro Management list is Inactive.

3. Click the Read macro from catalog icon

. The Catalog Browser dialog box appears. If

needed, navigate to \Startup\Manufacturing\Macros\MACRO_Settings.catalog to make it the current catalog.

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4. Double click the Approach family. The AppSTD macro is listed.

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Double click the AppSTD macro. The Macros tab page in the Profile Contouring dialog box is initialized with the AppSTD macro.

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5. Edit the AppSTD macro as shown below and rename it Modified AppSTD.

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6. Click the Save macro in catalog icon

. The Save in Catalog dialog box appears. To create a

new catalog, click the [...] button and create a new catalog (MACRO_Settings_User.catalog in \Startup\Manufacturing\Macros, for example)

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7. Repeat this procedure to create user macros in MACRO_Settings_User.catalog for Retract and Return in a Level macros.

Please note that macro types such as Return in a Level, Linking, Return between Levels, and Return to Finish Pass include both approach and retract motions. The approach and retract motions of these macro types can be similar (for example, a circular approach and a circular retract) or different (for example, an axial approach and a circular retract). When this type of macro is read from a catalog, the entire macro entity comprising the approach and retract components is retrieved. icon to create a Pocketing operation, then select the Macros tab in the Pocketing dialog box.

8. Double click the

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9. Click the Read macro from catalog icon

. The Catalog Browser dialog box

appears. Navigate to \Startup\Manufacturing\Macros\MACRO_Settings_User to make it the current catalog.

10.Double click the Retract family. The Modified RetSTD macro is listed.

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Double click Modified RetSTD. The Macros tab page in the Pocketing dialog box is initialized with the Modified RetSTD macro.

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Keep the Catalog Browser dialog box open and repeat this procedure to assign the Approach and Linking in a level macros to the Pocketing operation.

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11.Click OK to update the Pocketing operation with the macros from the user-defined catalog. To assign a catalog macro to an operation, you can: q select the operation in the specification tree

select the Open Catalog icon

from the Auxiliary Commands toolbar

select the desired macros from the Catalog Browser.

Whenever a macro catalog is created, an associated CATProcess document with the same name is also created in the same folder. It contains data about macro features and so it must not be deleted.

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Status Management
This task shows you how the status of manufacturing entities is managed. 1.

Select the Pocketing icon

The Pocketing Definition dialog box appears directly at the Geometry tab page.

The status light on the tab is red machined by the operation.

indicating that you must specify the geometry to be

A symbol on the Pocketing entity in the specification tree also indicates that the operation definition is incomplete. 2. Select the required pocket geometry. The status light switches to green on the tab .

The status lights on the Strategy , Feeds and Macros tab are all green indicating that default values are already set for operation creation. You can of course modify these values. Just select the corresponding tab to access these parameters.

is orange. This indicates that, although default The status lights on the Tooling tab tooling is set for the operation, you may want to modify or change the tool or tool assembly for a more suitable one.

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When all the status lights are green you generally have sufficient conditions to create the operation.

Just click OK to create the operation. Remember that you should always check the operation's tool path by means of a replay.

The symbol on the Pocketing tree entity is removed when the operation definition is complete. The operation name in the specification tree is appended with the text Computed after a replay is done on the operation.

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User Parameters in PP Instructions

This task shows how to define a PP instruction that references user parameters created in the design part, and output the result in the APT source during the PP instruction processing. 1. Create PP instruction The PP instruction created in the NC program will contain the name of the parameters to be processed. To be able to identify these parameters, there is a syntax rule. For example, it is not easy to identify the parameters to process if the PP instruction contains: INSERT GLengthZHeight To be consistent with the other NC parameters, the %( characters are used to identify the beginning of the parameter and the ) character is used to identify the end of the parameter. Pease refer to PP Tables and Word Syntaxes for more information. Select the PP Instruction icon box that appears. . Enter the syntax in the Post-Processor Instruction dialog

Click OK to create the PP instruction in the program.

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Generate APT source During APT code generation, when the PP instruction is processed, the batch program will retrieve the parameters to process. Then a search is done in the design parts related to the Part Operation being processed to find the user parameters and corresponding values. These values will be output in the APT source code. The APT source file generated corresponding to this example (if Length is 80.5mm and Height 75.8mm) will be the following: PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Post-Processor Instruction.1 $$ Start generation of : Post-Processor Instruction.1 INSERT G80.5 Z75.8 $$ End of generation of : Post-Processor Instruction.1 The name of the parameter to be retrieved during the processing is the name of the parameter that is created or displayed with the f(x) function. In the case of a Product referencing several parts, the parameter Length of Part1 is identified by Part1\Length. This name will have to be used in the PP instruction definition. The main advantage of this is that the user parameters can be added in the PP table in order to reuse them later, or in other NC commands.

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Verification and Simulation

This section shows you how to use the verification and simulation tools provided with NC Manufacturing. Replay Tool Path: Select the Tool Path Replay icon then specify the display options for an animated tool path display of the manufacturing program of machining operation. Simulate Material Removal in Photo Mode: Select the Photo icon in the Tool Path Replay dialog box to run a photo simulation of the material removal. Simulate Material Removal in Video Mode: Select the Video icon in the Tool Path Replay dialog box to run a video simulation of the material removal. Check Machine Accessibility at Tool Axis Definition: Select a generic machine, define the machining axis system, then use the Workpiece Automatic Mount icon of the Machine Management toolbar. Check Accessibility on a Generic Machine or a VNC Machine.

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Replay a Tool Path

This task shows you how to replay the tool path of an operation. Please note that a number of settings for customizing Tool Path Replay are available in the Tools > Options > Machining > General tab. 1. Select an operation in the program, then select the Tool Path Replay icon the operation and select Tool Path Replay from the contextual menu. The operation's tool path is computed interactively and a progress bar appears giving the status of the computation. You can interrupt the computation by clicking Cancel. . You can also right-click

The following dialog box appears at the end of the computation. It contains a number of command icons for managing the tool path replay and material removal simulation. The name of the current operation appears in the title bar.

Information that appears in this dialog box includes:


current feedrate current tool tip position (X, Y, Z) and tool axis orientation (I, J, K) machining time and total time Total time is machining time plus non-machining time (that is, time spent in transition paths and so on). These times are displayed in hh:mm:ss format.

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2. Choose the desired Replay mode by selecting one of the drop down icons: Point to Point


Plane by Plane: The tool path of the current plane is displayed. Approach and retract paths are displayed in a lower intensity.

Feedrate by Feedrate

Syntax by syntax. The replay stops each time a PP instruction is met and the syntax of the instruction is displayed on the trajectory (for example, CYCLE/DRILL,0.000,1.000). 3. Choose the desired Tool Visualization mode by selecting one of the drop down icons: Tool displayed at last position only

Tool axis displayed at each position

Tool displayed at each position.

4. Choose the desired Color mode by selecting one of the drop down icons: Tool path displayed in same color (green by default)

Tool path displayed in different colors for different feedrates. The colors are initialized as follows but they can be customized under the Tools > Options > Machining > General tab. Yellow: approach or lead-in feedrate Green: machining feedrate Blue: retract or lift-off feedrate Red: Rapid feedrate Cyan: finishing feedrate Magenta: plunge feedrate Cyan: chamfering feedrate Magenta: air cutting feedrate.

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Please note that a transition path from operation A to operation B is represented by a dashed line whose color depends on the feedrate. This feedrate is determined as follows:

If a clearance macro is activated operation B, the feedrate of the clearance path is used for the transition path. If no clearance macro is activated on operation B, the feedrate depends on the setting of the Set Rapid feedrate at start of operations option in the Generate NC Output dialog box. r If the option is set, a Rapid feedrate (red) is used for the transition path

If the option is not set, the first feedrate defined on operation B is used for the transition path (for example, yellow for approach or green for machining).

5. For surface machining type operations only, choose the desired Point Display mode by selecting one of the drop down icons: Trajectory of the contact point is displayed

Trajectory of either the tool tip or the tool center point is displayed

Trajectories of the contact point and either the tool tip or the tool center point is displayed Trajectory of either the contact point or either the tool tip or the tool center point is displayed. 6. Choose the desired TRACUT Display mode by selecting one of the drop down icons: TRACUT instructions are taken into account to display the tool path

TRACUT instructions are not taken into account to display the tool path.

7. You can control the tool path replay using the following control buttons and keyboard shortcuts: or F5 key to position the tool at the operation start point

or F6 key to run the replay backward

or F4 key to request a pause in the replay

or F7 key to run the replay forward

or F8 key to go to the operation end point. If the F7 or F6 key is kept pressed:

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for point by point, plane by plane, feedrate by feedrate, and syntax by syntax, replay steps are done continuously one after the other for continuous replay, the animation speed increases at each refresh.

You can customize the function keys to the replay buttons in the CATMfgReplayToolPathPanel.CATRsc resource file.

8. Click OK to quit the replay mode.

Tool Path Replay Considerations


If the operation has been deactivated by means of the Deactivate command, it cannot be replayed. If you want to replay the operation, you must reactivate it using the Activate command. Similarly, if the manufacturing program has been deactivated, it cannot be replayed. If you want to replay the program, you must reactivate it. If a Profile Contouring operation was created with the cutter profile output option, both the cutter profile and tip trajectory will be displayed in the replay. If a user-defined tool representation is related to the operation, that tool will be displayed in the replay. You can also access the Replay dialog box directly from the operation's definition dialog box. You can select several machining operations in the specification tree in order to simultaneously replay the tool paths associated to these operations. You can also replay the tool path of a manufacturing program. When replaying large tool paths, you can control the animation speed using the Animation speed slider: r in the first half of the slider, speed goes from one point to 10 points

in the second half of the slider, speed goes from 10 points to N/10 (where N is the total number of points).

Tool Path Computation when Hidden Geometry is Present

The following rules summarize the tool path computation behavior depending on the Hide/Show status of selected elements.

Rule 1: If you select a Body or OpenBody, and use it as Part, Check or Fixture in a machining operation, the tool path will use the Body or OpenBody, regardless of whether it is in Show or Hide status.

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Rule 2: If you select a Body or OpenBody, and use faces (which are sub-elements of this Body or OpenBody) as Part, Check or Fixture in a machining operation, then only the sub-elements which are in Show status will be used during tool path computation. Hidden sub-elements will be ignored in the computation. Rule 3: If you select explicitly a set of faces and use them as Part, Check or Fixture in a machining operation, the tool path will use these faces, regardless of whether they are in Show or Hide status.

Material Removal Simulation

You can use the Photo commands to simulate the material removed by machining operations in Photo mode (this is a P2 functionality). You can use the Video commands to simulate the material removed by machining operations in Video mode (this is a P2 functionality).

Machine Accessibility
You can use the Check Reachability icon to check the accessibility of the part on a machine. Please refer to Accessibility on a Generic Machine (this is a P2 functionality).

Start Machine Tool Path Simulation

If the DELMIA Machine Tool Path Simulation product is installed, you can use this icon to switch to the Machine Tool Path Simulation workbench. Please refer to the Machine Tool Path Simulation User's Guide for in the DELMIA documentation more information.

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Photo Mode for Material Removal Simulation

This task shows you how to simulate the material removed by a machining operation in Photo mode. Please refer to:

Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video tab for information about the available customizing facilities Material Removal Simulation for information about the methodology to employ for user representation of tools, stock considerations, and so on.

Note that:

check surfaces are not taken into account in Photo mode you can only simulate operations whose tool axis is the same as the Z-axis of the Part Operation's machining axis system.

Select an operation in your program, then select the Tool Path Replay icon

. You can also right-click the operation in

the tree and select Tool Path Replay from the contextual menu. A dialog box appears for managing the replay and simulation. 1. Select the Photo icon material removal. . The Setup Editor window switches to a window entitled Photo that shows the result of the

If needed, you can update the program data and the display by clicking on the Photo icon again. At any time you can pick on the surface of the workpiece. A dialog box appears giving information about the pick point.

The operation used for removing material. The normal deviation between the workpiece and the design part.

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The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the pick point. The tool used for machining.

2. Zoom in the rounded corner of the Photo, and right-click Closeup.

The Closeup shows a more precise Photo of the rounded corner.

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3. Select the Analyze icon

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Just right-click anywhere on the stock to return to the original Photo. to analyze the result of the simulation. This is done by comparing the machined part with the design part. The Analysis dialog box appears.

4. Select the desired fault types to be analyzed and specify the Tolerance for the comparison. The fault filter setting permits three types of faults: Remaining Material: areas where the tool has left behind material on the workpiece. Gouge: areas where the tool has removed excess material from the workpiece. Tool Clash: areas where the tool collided with the workpiece during a rapid move. Remaining material, tool clashes and gouges will be displayed as colored zones according to the specified tolerances. 5. Click the Apply button. The machined part is compared with the design part based on the specified settings. Any point on the machined surface of the workpiece is considered to be part of a fault if the normal distance (normal deviation) to the design part surface is greater than the specified tolerance. Results of the comparison are reflected on the workpiece, based on the extent of severity of the fault and the customized color settings.

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The list of detected faults are listed in the Fault combo box.

The faults are ordered in such a way that Tool Clashes appear at the top of the list followed by Gouges then Remaining Material. The gouges and remaining material are in turn sorted on the basis of decreasing fault area. On selecting a fault from the Faults combo box, the region corresponding to the fault is indicated by a "Fault Indicator" bounding box on the workpiece. Other detailed information about the selected fault is displayed. When a Photo mode analysis is performed on vertical walls (walls parallel to the Z-axis of the Part Operation's machining axis system), the results of the analysis such as Pick Point Information, Analysis, Fault will not be accurate. This is a program limitation. 6. Click Cancel to quit the Analysis mode and return to the dialog box for managing the replay and simulation. 7. Click OK to quit the dialog box.

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Video Mode for Material Removal Simulation

This task shows you how to simulate the material removed by a machining operation in Video mode. Please refer to:

Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video tab for information about the available customizing facilities Material Removal Simulation for information about the methodology to employ for user representation of tools, stock considerations, and so on the NC Manufacturing Verification User's Guide for more information about the additional capabilities available if the NC Manufacturing Verification product is installed. Open the Processfinal.CATProcess document. The Setup Editor window appears showing the PPR tree with the Manufacturing Program.


The part is displayed held in place by fixtures. The stock is in Hide mode.

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Right-click the Facing.1 operation in the tree, then select the Tool Path Replay command contextual menu. The Replay dialog box appears.

from the

There are three Video simulation modes: Full Video: video simulation for complete program or part operation (depending on setting) Video from Last Saved Result: video simulation from saved result of the previous video simulation. Mixed Photo/Video: photo simulation is up to the operation just before the selected operation, then video simulation is done on the selected operation. The rest of the scenario illustrates how to use Full Video and Video from Last Saved Result.

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3. Select the Full Video icon

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. The Setup Editor window switches to a window entitled Video.

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Select the Video Options command


to display the Video Options dialog box.

Select the Stop at tool change checkbox if you want the video to stop each time a tool change is encountered in the program. Select the desired Collisions detection option to either: r ignore collisions during the Video simulation

stop the Video simulation at the first collision continue the Video simulation even when collisions are detected. In this case, you can consult the list of collisions at the end of the simulation.

Select the Touch is collision checkbox if you want touch (or contact) type of collision to be detected. Select the Video simulation in protected mode checkbox to continue the Video simulation by skipping any cuts that cause errors.

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5. Press the

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control button to run the material removal simulation of the Facing.1 operation.

You can use the Tool animation replay buttons or keyboard shortcuts to control the material simulation video: or F5 key to position the tool at the start of the simulation

or F6 key to run the simulation backward

or F4 key to request a pause in the simulation

or F7 key to run the simulation forward

or F8 key to run forward up to the end of simulation. No intermediate graphics update is made to save on rendering time. A progress indicator shows the computation progression and the final machined stock appears. If the Replay mode is set to:

Point to Point, the number of points value is taken into account. Continuous, the slider position is taken into account for adjusting the speed of the simulation. For improved performance, intermediate graphics is not updated when the slider is used to increase simulation speed. to associate the video result to


Click the Associate Video Result to Machining Operation icon

the operation. Please note that Video results are stored in the NC Code output directory. A check-mark appears on the Facing.1 operation in the tree. Click OK to quit the Replay dialog box. 7. Right-click the Pocketing.2 operation, then select the Tool Path Replay command .

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Select the Video from Last Saved Result icon previous saved result.

. A material removal is displayed starting from the

The figure below shows the state of the replay at the end of the Pocketing.1 operation.

The figure below shows the state of the replay at the end of the Pocketing.2 operation.

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Repeat the sequence of steps described above to associate the video result to the Pocketing.2 operation. Then run the simulation up the the last operation in the program.

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10. Click the Video Collision Report icon the video simulation.

to display a dialog box showing any collisions detected during

Note that:

the Collision detection setting must be set to Continue. the tool holder is taken into account during collision checking.

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11. If needed, save the Video result in an external file in cgr format. This result can be used as a stock in another part operation. Click the Save Video Result in cgr icon .

The Save Machined Workpiece dialog box appears allowing you to save the result of the simulation video in a cgr (Catia geometric representation) type file.

12. Click OK to quit the Replay dialog box.

Video Mode Considerations


The Video result may become incoherent if operations used in its creation are modified. Incoherent Video results should be removed by the user. The Remove Video Result contextual command allows you to remove a Video result that is associated an operation. An operation that has an associated Video result is indicated by a checkmark in the tree. For lathe operations, collisions are detected between the part and the 2D profile of the tool insert and holder. The 3D volume is collision checked for tool user representations.

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Check Machine Accessibility at Tool Axis Definition

This task shows how to check machine accessibility when defining the tool axis of a machining operation. This can be done on a generic machine with 1 or 2 rotary axis on the head. 1. Open the AccessibilityChecking.CATPart document, then select NC Manufacturing > Surface Machining from the Start menu. 2. To assign a machine the the Part Operatoin: q Double click the Part Operation in the tree.

Click the Machine icon

in the Part Operation dialog box. icon then select the XYZCA.CATProduct machine

In the Machine Editor dialog box, click the Click OK in the Machine Editor dialog box.

in the ..\startup\Manufacturing\Samples\NCMachineToollib\DEVICES folder.


3. In the Part Operation dialog box click the Machining Axis icon

. Select the axis system on the

part as the machining axis system. 4. Click OK in the Part Operation dialog box: the machine is added to the Resource List. The machine and the part are displayed together in the 3D window.

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Select the Workpiece Automatic Mount snaps onto the machine table as follows.

icon of the Machine Management toolbar. The part

6. Select the Sweeping icon page

Note that you can use the contextual menu in the 3D window to hide parts of the machine (for example, to display the machine head only). . In the Sweeping dialog box that appears, select the Strategy tab . Click on the tool axis symbol in the sensitive icon.

The Tool Axis dialog box appears. 7. Select the Manual mode and activate the Machine rotary axis checkbox. Select the Display tool and Display machine checkboxes. Click the User-defined position [...] button and select a position on the face to be machined. This is the position that the machine will try to reach. The machine is positioned according to the current tool axis definition.

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8. Enter values for the rotary axis 4 and 5 to vary the machine head position.

9. Continue to enter values for the rotary axis 4 and 5 to find the best position for machining. Note that the I, J, K components of the tool axis are updated in accordance with the entered angle values. You can check visually that the position is collision free.

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10.Click OK in the dialog box to return to the Sweeping operation editor to continue definition of the machining operation. The machine head returns to its original position.

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Generic Machine Accessibility (CATProduct)

This task shows how to check accessibility on a generic machine. This involves:

loading part and opening the desired NC workbench using the command of the Machine Management toolbar for automatically mounting the part on the machine checking accessibility at the current tool position by means of a replay. Open the AccessibilityChecking.CATPart document, then select NC Manufacturing > Prismatic Machining from the Start menu. Double click the Part Operation in the tree. In the Part Operation dialog box click the Machine icon .

1. 2.

In the Machine Editor dialog box, click the

icon then select the Mill_5axis.CATProduct

3. 4.

machine in the ..\startup\Manufacturing\Samples\NCMachineToollib\DEVICES folder. Click OK to assign the machine to the Part Operation. In the Part Operation dialog box click the Machining Axis icon . Select the axis system on the part as the machining axis system. Click OK in the Part Operation dialog box: the machine is added to the Resource List. The machine and the part are displayed together in the 3D window.


Select the Workpiece Automatic Mount table (parent object) as follows.

icon. The part (child object) snaps onto the machine

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You can use the Fit All In icon 6. 7.

to reframe the part in the 3D window

Create a machining operation (a pocketing operation, for example). Activate the Replay dialog box, then click the Check Reachability icon machine can effectively reach the part at the current tool position. A Check pop-up appears indicating whether the position is reachable:

to verify that the

If reachable, then the tool, part and machine are displayed at that position. If the position is out of limits or unreachable, then the part and machine are displayed with the tool at the home position.

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Click OK in the Check dialog box to return to the replay mode.

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VNC Machine Accessibility (*.dev device)

This task shows how to check accessibility on a VNC machine. This involves: q customizing the machine tool environment

loading part and opening the desired NC workbench using the commands of the Machine Management toolbar for:

importing resources positioning the part on the machine table attaching the part on the machine table

checking accessibility at the current tool position by means of a replay. Select Tools > Options from the menu bar. Select the Compatibility category in the tree to the left. In the Root Libraries field of the DELMIA D5 tab page, enter the path of a library that will allow importing DELMIA/Deneb device files (for example, ..\startup\Manufacturing\Samples\NCMachineToollib). Click OK to validate this choice.


2. 3.

Open the AccessibilityChecking.CATPart document, then select NC Manufacturing > Prismatic Machining from the Start menu. Select the Resource Context icon to import a VNC machine.

In the dialog box that appears, select Files of type: (*.dev) Deneb devices then open the machine in the NCMachineToollib\Devices folder. This machine is added to the Resource List. 4. Double click the Part Operation in the tree, then click the Machine icon .

In the Machine Editor dialog box, click the 5.

icon then select the Makino_5.1 VNC machine in

the tree. Click OK to assign the machine to the Part Operation. Click OK in the Part Operation dialog box: the machine is added to the Resource List. The machine and the part are displayed together in the 3D window.

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Select the Snap


icon then position the part on the machine table as follows.

Select the part in the 3D window. A square symbol appears. Use the mouse to move the symbol and click when the square is located on the underside of the part.

An orientation symbol and the Define Reference Plane dialog box appear. Click OK in the dialog box.

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Select the machine table in the 3D window. A square symbol appears. Use the mouse to move the symbol and click when the square is located on the center of the table.

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An orientation symbol and the Define Reference Plane dialog box appear. Click OK in the dialog box. The part is then snapped onto the table.

Click the Select icon

to exit the Snap command. then attach the part and the machine as follows.


Select the Attach icon


Select the table (parent object) then the part (child object).

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Click OK in the Child Selection dialog box. to reframe the part in the 3D window.

You can use the Fit All In icon 8. 9.

Create a machining operation (a pocketing operation, for example). Activate the Replay dialog box, then click the Check Reachability icon machine can effectively reach the part at the current tool position. A Check pop-up appears indicating whether the position is reachable:

to verify that the

If reachable, then the tool, part and machine are displayed at that position. If the position is out of limits or unreachable, then the part and machine are displayed with the tool at the home position.

10. Click OK in the Check dialog box to return to the replay mode.

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Program Output
This section shows you how to use the various tools provided with NC Manufacturing for producing output data. Generate NC Output in Interactive Mode: Select the Generate NC Code Interactively icon then select the manufacturing program to be processed and define processing options.

Generate APT Source Code in Batch Mode: Select the Generate NC Output in Batch Mode icon then select the manufacturing program to be processed and define the APT source processing options. Generate Clfile Code in Batch Mode: Select the Generate NC Output in Batch Mode icon then select the manufacturing program to be processed and define the Clfile processing options. Generate NC Code in Batch Mode: Select the Generate NC Output in Batch Mode icon then select the manufacturing program to be processed and define the NC code processing options. Generate a CGR File in Batch Mode: Select the Generate NC Output in Batch Mode icon then select the manufacturing program to be processed and define the CGR file processing options. MfgBatch utility program that allows you to generate NC data files from a manufacturing program by means of an executable program under Windows or a shell under UNIX.

Batch Queue Management: Manage tool path computation outside the interactive CATIA session, with the possibility of scheduling the execution of several batch jobs. Generate NC Documentation: Select the Generate Documentation icon to produce shop floor documentation in HTML format. Import an APT Source into the Program: Select the APT Import contextual command to insert an existing APT source into the current manufacturing program.

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Generate NC Output Interactively

This task shows you how to generate NC data from the program in interactive mode. For best results, you should first verify the operations of your program by means of a replay or simulation. There should be no operations to be updated or in an undefined state. The procedure for generating NC data in interactive mode is the same as in batch mode. However, in interactive mode:

it is the current CATProcess document that is processed Save input CATProcess means Save As Lock operations checkbox can be set even if Save document is not activated.

1. Select the Manufacturing Program entity in the tree, then select the Generate NC Code Interactively icon . You can also use the right mouse key on the Manufacturing Program entity to select Generate NC Code Interactively. The Generate NC Output Interactively dialog box appears.

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You can choose to process one part operation or one or more machining programs in the current CATProcess document. 2. Depending on the desired NC data type the procedure is the same as that described in: q Generate APT Source Code in Batch Mode

Generate Clfile Code in Batch Mode Generate NC Code in Batch Mode Generate a CGR File in Batch Mode.

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3. Click the Output File [...] button to select the folder where you want the file to be saved and specify the name of the file. 4. Click Execute to generate the NC data.

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Generate APT Source File in Batch Mode

This task shows you how to generate NC code in APT format from the manufacturing program or part operation in batch mode. Always save your program modifications before generating the NC code. For best results, you should first verify the operations of your program by means of a replay or simulation. There should be no operations to be updated or in an undefined state. 1.

Select the Generate NC Code in Batch Mode icon

. The following dialog box appears.

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In the In/Out tab page...

2. Select the manufacturing document to be processed using the Input CATProcess [...] button. The current document is proposed by default. Select the type of NC entity to be processed. This can be:

one part operation in the input CATProcess. In this case all the manufacturing programs of the selected part operation will be processed. one or more manufacturing programs in the input CATProcess.

3. 4.

Select APT as the NC data type that you want to generate. Select the desired One file... option to generate a single APT source: q for all the selected manufacturing programs

for each selected manufacturing program or for each machining operation in the selected manufacturing programs. Please note that this option is not supported in programs containing Copy or Tracut Operators.


To store the resulting NC data file at the same location as the input CATProcess, just select the Store at same location as the CATProcess checkbox. Otherwise, specify the Output file where you want the NC data to be written using the [...] button. A default name is proposed for the output file (for example, Process1_Manufacturing_Program_1.aptsource). This name can be modified directly in the Output File text field.

6. 7.

Select the Replace like-named file checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named APT source. If needed, you can choose to write the CATProcess document after processing. Just select the Save Input CATProcess checkbox and specify where you want to save it using the [...] button. Select the Replace like-named CATProcess checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named CATProcess document. You can attach the generated output file to the first selected manufacturing program by selecting the Associate output NC file to the program checkbox. The output file can be accessed by right-clicking the manufacturing program and selecting the Display NC File contextual command.

8. 9.


You can select the Lock operations checkbox to lock all the machining operations after processing. Please refer to Locked Machining Operations for more information.

In the Tool Motions tab page...

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Specify the options to be used for processing the tool motions.

Some of these options can be set to take machine characteristics into account (for example, Circular Interpolation). Please refer to NC Data Options for more information.

In the Formatting tab page...

12. Specify the formatting options. These options determine how information is to be presented on the output file (for example, information statements to be presented with the PPRINT syntax).

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Please refer to NC Data Options for more information. 13. Click Execute to generate the APT source file.

Please refer to Syntax of Generated APT Instructions for more information about the NC data output. A log file is also generated in the resulting NC data folder. It contains machining time information similar to that obtained during the interactive tool path replay.

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Generate Clfile Code in Batch Mode

This task shows you how to generate NC code in Clfile format from the program in batch mode. Always save your program modifications before generating the NC code. For best results, you should first verify the operations of your program by means of a replay or simulation. There should be no operations to be updated or in an undefined state. In order to generate clfile output, the PP table associated to the machine must be accessible in read mode. Otherwise an error message is issued in the log file. 1. Select the Generate NC Code in Batch Mode icon . The following dialog box appears.

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In the In/Out tab page...

2. Select the manufacturing document to be processed using the Input CATProcess [...] button. The current document is proposed by default. Select the type of NC entity to be processed. This can be:

one part operation in the input CATProcess. In this case all the manufacturing programs of the selected part operation will be processed. one or more manufacturing programs in the input CATProcess.

3. 4.

Select CLF as the NC data type that you want to generate. Select the desired One file... option to generate a single clfile: q for all the selected manufacturing programs

for each selected manufacturing program or for each machining operation in the selected manufacturing programs. Please note that this option is not supported in programs containing Copy or Tracut Operators.


To store the resulting NC data file at the same location as the input CATProcess, just select the Store at same location as the CATProcess checkbox. Otherwise, specify the Output file where you want the NC data to be written using the [...] button. A default name is proposed for the output file (for example, Process1_Manufacturing_Program_1.clfile). This name can be modified directly in the Output File text field.

6. 7.

Select the Replace like-named file checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named clfile. If needed, you can choose to write the CATProcess document after processing. Just select the Save Input CATProcess checkbox and specify where you want to save it using the [...] button. Select the Replace like-named CATProcess checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named CATProcess document. You can attach the generated output file to the first selected manufacturing program by selecting the Associate output NC file to the program checkbox. The output file can be accessed by right-clicking the manufacturing program and selecting the Display NC File contextual command.

8. 9.


You can select the Lock operations checkbox to lock all the machining operations after processing. Please refer to Locked Machining Operations for more information.

In the Tool Motions tab page...

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Specify the options to be used in the processing.

Some of these options take machine characteristics into account (for example, Circular Interpolation). Please refer to NC Data Options for more information.

In the Formatting tab page...

12. Specify the formatting options. These options determine how information is to be presented on the output file (for example, information statements to be presented with the PPRINT syntax).

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Please refer to NC Data Options for more information. 13. Click Execute to request computation of the Clfile code. Please refer to Clfile Formats for more information about the NC data output. A log file is also generated in the resulting NC data folder. It contains machining time information similar to that obtained during the interactive tool path replay.

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Generate NC Code in Batch Mode

This task shows you how to generate NC code from the manufacturing program or part operation in batch mode. Post Processors are provided by Cenit, Intelligent Manufacturing Software (IMS), and ICAM Technologies Corporation. For information about how to acquire Post Processor parameters files that provide machine specific NC code output, please contact your IBM representative. Select the type of Post Processor solution using Tools > Options > Machining > Output tab. If the output option is set to None, you will not be able to generate NC code.

Cenit Post-Processor Solution

Sample Cenit Post Processor parameter files are delivered with the product in the folder \Startup\Manufacturing\PPPar which provides NC output for various machine types. To execute your own PP you must copy it into this folder. You can use PPs that include external macros. In this case, you should define them in the PP in: Modify postprocessor // Define NC-blocks // Index : MACRO APT WORDS and then copy these macros in the same folder as the PP.

IMS Post-Processor Solution

Sample IMS Post Processor parameter files are delivered with the product in the folder \Startup\Manufacturing\IMSPar which provides NC output for various machine types. To execute your own PP you must copy it into this folder. The IMSPar folder must be accessible in Read/Write mode.

ICAM Post-Processor Solution

Sample ICAM Post Processor parameter files are delivered with the product in the folder \Startup\Manufacturing\ICAMPar which provides NC output for various machine types. To execute your own PP you must copy it into this folder. Always save your program modifications before generating NC code. For best results, you should first verify the operations of your program by means of a replay or simulation. There should be no operations to be updated or in an undefined state. 1. Select the Generate NC Code in Batch Mode icon . The following dialog box appears.

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In the In/Out tab page...

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Select the manufacturing document to be processed using the Input CATProcess [...] button. The current document is proposed by default. Select the type of NC entity to be processed. This can be:

one part operation in the input CATProcess. In this case all the manufacturing programs of the selected part operation will be processed. one or more manufacturing programs in the input CATProcess.

3. 4.

Select NC Code as the NC data type that you want to generate. Select the desired One file... option to generate a single NC code file: q for all the selected manufacturing programs

for each selected manufacturing program or for each machining operation in the selected manufacturing programs. Please note that this option is not supported in programs containing Copy or Tracut Operators.


To store the resulting NC data file at the same location as the input CATProcess, just select the Store at same location as the CATProcess checkbox. Otherwise, specify the Output file where you want the NC data to be written using the [...] button. A default name is proposed for the output file (for example, Process1_Manufacturing_Program_1.CATNCCode). This name can be modified directly in the Output File text field.

6. 7.

Select the Replace like-named file checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named NC code file. If needed, you can choose to write the CATProcess document after processing. Just select the Save Input CATProcess checkbox and specify where you want to save it using the [...] button. Select the Replace like-named CATProcess checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named CATProcess document. You can attach the generated output file to the first selected manufacturing program by selecting the Associate output NC file to the program checkbox. The output file can be accessed by right-clicking the manufacturing program and selecting the Display NC File contextual command.

8. 9.

10. You can select the Lock operations checkbox to lock all the machining operations after processing. Please refer to Locked Machining Operations for more information.

In the Tool Motions and Formatting tab pages...

Certain option settings may have an influence on the generated NC code. Please refer to NC Data Options for more information.

In the NC Code tab page...

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11. Use the combo to select the desired Post Processor parameters file.

12. Click Execute to request computation of the NC code.

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Generate a CGR File in Batch Mode

This task shows you how to generate a CGR (CATIA graphic representation) file from the program in batch mode. Always save your program modifications before running a batch execution. For best results, you should first verify the operations of your program by means of a replay or simulation. There should be no operations to be updated or in an undefined state. The batch report includes a log file. In Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video, if Collision Detection is set to Continue, the log file will contain the list of detected collisions. For example: Collision number 1 Dynamic Solid : T1 End Mill D 10.CUT Static Solid : Stock Collision Point 23.388212 7.778961 15.000000 Machining Operation :Pocketing.2 The CGR file can be used in a CATProduct. For example, this can be useful when the result of a previous process is to be used as the stock of the next process. 1. Select the Manufacturing Program entity in the tree, then select the Generate NC Code in Batch Mode icon . The following dialog box appears.

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In the In/Out tab page...

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Select the manufacturing document to be processed using the Input CATProcess [...] button. The current document is proposed by default. Select the type of NC entity to be processed. This can be:

one part operation in the input CATProcess. In this case all the manufacturing programs of the selected part operation will be processed. one or more manufacturing programs in the input CATProcess.

3. 4.

Select In Process Model (CGR) as the NC data type that you want to generate. Select the desired One file... option to generate a single cgr file: q for all the selected manufacturing programs

or for each selected manufacturing program. Please note that this option is not supported in programs containing Copy or Tracut Operators.


To store the resulting NC data file at the same location as the input CATProcess, just select the Store at same location as the CATProcess checkbox. Otherwise, specify the Output file where you want the NC data to be written using the [...] button. A default name is proposed for the output file (for example, This name can be modified directly in the Output File text field.

6. 7.

Select the Replace like-named file checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named cgr file. If needed, you can choose to write the CATProcess document after processing. Just select the Save Input CATProcess checkbox and specify where you want to save it using the [...] button. Select the Replace like-named CATProcess checkbox if you want to authorize overwriting an existing like-named CATProcess document. You can select the Lock operations checkbox to lock all the machining operations after processing. Please refer to Locked Machining Operations for more information.

8. 9.

In the Tool Motions and Formatting tab pages...

Certain option settings may have an influence on the generated CGR file. Please refer to NC Data Options for more information. The NC Code tab page is not useful for generating CGR files. 10. Click Execute to request computation of the CGR file.

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure

MfgBatch Utility for Generating NC Data

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MfgBatch is a utility program that allows you to generate NC data files from a manufacturing program referenced by a CATProcess. You can run this program using one of the Generate NC Data commands in your NC workbench. This is described in the following user tasks:

Generate APT Source Code in Batch Mode Generate Clfile Code in Batch Mode Generate NC Code in Batch Mode Generate APT Source Code in Interactive Mode.

You can also run MfgBatch as an executable program under Windows or a shell under UNIX. In this case MfgBatch uses an input text file called FT05 containing a set of keywords similar to the keywords of the equivalent Version 4 utility. This document describes how to define the FT05 input file and run MfgBatch. 1. Defining the FT05 file MfgBatch uses an input text file containing keywords that describe the processing to be done. It is largely derived from the CATIA Version 4 FT05 file. The available keywords are described below. Sample FT05 for generating an APT file: *REA E:\tmp *MOD Processinfra1.CATProcess *PRG Manufacturing Program.1 *WRI E:\tmp *MEM aptcub1.aptsource *APT 1 *REP Y *PPR 3 *RUN Sample FT05 for generating an NC Code file: *REA E:\tmp *MOD Processinfra1.CATProcess *PRG Manufacturing Program.1 *WRI E:\ *MEM test1.CATNCCode *ISO CNT *REP Y *PPR 3 *PPN NUM1060_5X *STX N *RUN Do not use the character $ in path names, as this character may be interpreted as an environment variable. 2. Running MfgBatch A CATIA V5 environment is needed in order to run MfgBatch. The entry point is the MfgBatch.exe executable program (under Windows) or shell (under UNIX). You should create a RunMfgBatch.bat file under Windows or a file under UNIX. The three arguments required for running the utility are: environment name: -env environment_name environment directory or folder: -direnv environment_location full name of the FT05 file: -ft05 file_name Running MfgBatch under Windows Here is an example of the RunMfgBatch.bat file you need to create. It must be accessible in your user path. "C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B14\intel_a\code\bin\mfgbatch.exe" -env CATIA.V5R14.B14 -direnv "C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B14\CATEnv" -ft05 %1 In this example, CATIA Version 5 is installed at C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B14.

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You will find this information in the Properties menu of the icon that is used to start CATIA. The executable program is run by specifying the required arguments. The %1 parameter represents the FT05 file name. How to use it: RunMfgBatch FT05_file_name Example: RunMfgBatch e:\users\myself\Drilling_1_ft05.txt Running MfgBatch under UNIX Here is an example of the file you need to create. It must be accessible in your user path. #!/bin/ksh set -x /home/data/TESTR9164/aix_a/code/command/catstart -env CATIA_P1.V5R14.B14 -direnv /CATEnv -run " -ft05 $1" In this example, CATIA Version 5 is installed at /home/data/TESTR9164. This is followed by a reference to the Operating System which can be:

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aix_a hpux_a irix_a solaris_a.

You will find this information in the /CATEnv directory in the environment_name.txt files. The shell is run by specifying the required arguments. The $1 parameter represents the FT05 file name. How to use it: FT05_file_name Example: /u/users/myself/Drilling_1_ft05.txt 3. Results For the command: RunMfgBatch d:\dir\fichierFT05.txt with: *WRI E:\tmp *MEM aptcub1.aptsource results are:

a first LOG file: d:\dir\fichierFT05.txt.LOG a result file: E:\tmp\aptcub1.aptsource a second LOG file: E:\tmp\aptcub1.LOG

If an error occurs, you should first look at the LOG files which give a diagnostic about the problem encountered (for example, syntax error or file not found). The following keywords can be used in the FT05 file. Note that, compared with a CATIA Version 4 FT05 file, only 3 letter keywords can be used in Version 5. Basic APT processing: *REA CATProcess read directory (required keyword)

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*MOD *PRG *WRI *MEM *APT 1 *APT 2 *REP *PPR n or *PPR nnn CATProcess name (required keyword)

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Manufacturing program to be processed (required keyword) Write directory for the generated file (APT, NC code or Clfile) Generated file name APT processing. Copy and/or Tracut instructions will not be processed. In this case there will be Copy or Tracut statements remaining in the generated APT source. APT processing. Copy and/or Tracut instructions will be processed. In this case there will be no Copy or Tracut statements remaining in the generated APT source. If output file already exists with same name, allows replacing it (Y/N) Display mode for General information (such as tool names), Part operation comments, and Machining operation names. (1: PPRINT, 2: no comments, 3: $$). For example: *PPR 1 will give General information, Part operation comments, and Machining operation names as PPRINT *PPR 121 will give General information, and Machining operation names as PPRINT and Part operation comments as $$ *PPR 333 will give General information, Part operation comments, and Machining operation names as $$.


Command to start processing (required keyword). CATProcess write directory CATProcess name If CATProcess already exists with same name, allows replacing it (Y/N). Circular interpolation mode (0: no circle, 1: CIRCLE only, 2: CIRCLE or CYLINDR). 3 axis or 5 axis (POINT/AXIS) Clfile processing (replaces *APT) NC code processing (replaces *APT) Post-processor name Syntax to be used or not for Cycles (Y/N) Compute only, no generation of APT, NC code or Clfile. Force compute. Tool Output Management (1: Tip, 2:Tool center). File Operation Management (1: output one file per program, 2: one file per operation). Home Point Management (2: write home point of the machine in FROM or GOTO according to the machine parameter). Lock operations. Rapid feedrate at start of each operation. Rapid defined according to the value defined on the machine feedrate. No GOTO statement is to be included before each tool change. Remove GOTO statements before axial machining operations. Remove double points after PP commands. Remove aligned points. Format for point coordinates N=total number of digits for each point coordinate D=number of digits after the decimal point for each point coordinate. Format for axial components N=total number of digits for tool axis vector component D=the number of digits after the decimal point for tool axis vector component.

Possibility to write CATProcess after processing:

Other keywords:


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Manage Batch Queue

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This task shows how to use the batch queue management functionality. You have the possibility of managing tool path computation outside the interactive CATIA session, with the possibility of scheduling the execution of several batch jobs. Capabilities include:

possibility to select machining operation, manufacturing program or Part Operation immediate or differed execution mode management and edition of the list of computations to be done batch monitoring during execution possibilty to an output NC file (APT, clfile, or NC code) with your job.

Always save your program modifications before computing NC data. For best results, you should first verify the operations of your program by means of a replay or simulation. There should be no operations to be updated or in an undefined state. 1. Click the Manage Batch Queue icon 2. Click Create a Job icon . . The NC Batch Management dialog box appears.

The Job Definition dialog box appears allowing you to select either a program or part operation in the Process List by means of the [...] button.

Click the File Generation button Just click OK to add the defined job to the list in the NC Batch Management dialog box. Clicking the File Generation button allows you to request an output NC file (APT, clfile, or NC code) with your job. The NC file parameters are defined in a similar way to that described in Generate APT Source File in Batch Mode. A different output type can be requested for each job. Otherwise, only the tool path will be computed. The figure below shows the NC Batch Management dialog box when two programs have been selected for processing. Note that an APT output file has been requested for each job. The status column shows that the two programs are waiting to be computed.

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The Properties icon

allows you to modify the selected job.

The Delete Current Job icon

allows you to delete the selected job

The Move Up

and Move Down

icons allow you to move the selected job up or down in the list.

The Delete All icon

allows you to delete all the jobs in the list.

3. Select the desired batch mode: q Deferred: the computation will start at the designated time

Immediate: the computation will start as soon as you click the Activate button.

4. Click the [...] button to specify the desired location of the log file. 5. When the job list is defined, click Activate to execute the jobs in the specified order. When a job is finished, you can click the Synchronize icon Clicking the Stop button stops the execution of the job list. A job may have one of the following statuses: Waiting, Started, Computed or Synchronized. To know the status of the jobs, just select a job in the list. In the figure below the status column shows that the first program has been computed. to synchronize the computed tool path with the CATProcess.

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The second program has also been computed and the resulting tool path is synchronized with the CATProcess. The operations in the program now have Computed status in the specification tree:

6. You can consult the log file using the Log button. 7. Click OK to quit the NC Batch Management dialog box.

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Generate NC Documentation
This task shows how to generate NC documentation in HTML format. You can use the following scripting languages, depending on the platform you are running on: q BasicScript 2.2 SDK for UNIX (BasicScript is a registered trademark of Summit Software Company)

VBScript, short for Visual Basic Scripting Edition, for Windows (Visual Basic is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation).

Users on Windows must have Windows Scripting Host installed. You should have previously customized a CATScript file that defines the layout of the document you want to generate. Samples are delivered with the product in \Startup\Manufacturing\Documentation. 1. Select the Generate Documentation icon .

The Process Documentation dialog box appears.


Select the CATScript file by clicking the Browse button on the right of the Script field. In this version, just leave Process as the Process name.

3. 4.

Specify the folder and file where the documentation is to be generated by clicking the Browse button on the right of the Path field. Click OK to generate your documentation. An extract from a Sample Shop Floor Documentation delivered with this User's Guide is given below. Please note that the documentation can include machining times for machining operations and manufacturing programs.

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Import APT Source File

This task shows how to import an APT source file into the program. An ordered sequence of operations is created in the current program from information in the APT file.

Created Operation Types

The following types of operation can be created:

Tool Change Machining Axis Change Table/Head Rotation APT Import, which references a tool path comprising linear and circular displacements and PP words.

Tool Change Operation

A Tool Change operation is created whenever a CUTTER statement appears in the APT file:

If the CUTTER statement has 7 parameters (milling), the created tool is an APT Tool and is characterized by the 7 APT parameters. If the CUTTER statement has 1 parameter (turning), an assembly with a lathe tool is created. The parameter in the CUTTER statement represents the Nose Radius.

Machining Axis Change Operation

A Machining Axis Change operation is created whenever the following statements appear in the APT file:


The matrix associated with the Machining Axis Change operation is generated from the parameters associated with the *CATIA0 or ORIGIN statement. Note that the first *CATIA0 met will generate a Machining Axis Change operation only if the associated matrix parameters are different from the machining axis system referenced by the Part Operation.

Table/Head Rotation Operation

A Table/Head Rotation is created whenever a ROTABL statement appears in the APT file. The rotation matrix associated with the Table/Head Rotation operation is generated from the parameters associated with the *CATIA0 syntax that logically follows the ROTABL statement.

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APT Import Operation

The purpose of the APT Import is to store a tool path created from parameters included in the APT file.

Creation Conditions for a New APT Import

A first APT Import operation (with a current tool path) is created when the APT file is opened. A new APT Import operation is created when the following parameters are decoded in the APT file:

CUTTER (after creation of a Tool Change operation) *CATIA0 or ORIGIN (after creation of a Machining Axis Change operation) ROTABL (after creation of a Table/Head Rotation operation) FROM TLAXIS OPERATION NUMBER or OPERATION NAME type comment.

Interpreted Parameters
The other interpreted parameters for the created tool path are as follows:

GOTO and GODLTA for linear displacements INTOL, OUTTOL, AUTOPS, PSIS, INDIRV and TLON for circular displacements MULTAX for 5-axis tool paths FEDRAT and RAPID for feedrate descriptions SPINDL for spindle speed descriptions UNITS for the current unit (mm, inch, and so on) TOOLCENTER, CONTACTPOINT and TOOLEND. These are description of the tool center point, contact point, and end point (or tip).

Syntaxes that do not include recognized parameters are stored as is in the tool path and are generated as is in the APT file (for example, this is the case for PP words and comments).

The following limitations apply. Please refer to Syntaxes Interpreted by APT Import for more information.

The APT file is not imported if it contains OUTPUT PROFILE, TOOL FLANK OUTPUT, TOOL CENTER OUTPUT, PQR OUTPUT, or NURBS statements. During APT Import, all tool motions are considered as Tip positions. This is a limitation which is due to the fact that in the APT source file, no compensation data is written. Consequently, it is not possible to: r detect that the position is not the tip position, and

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compute the tip point corresponding to the position written in APT source file.


Right click the Manufacturing Program entity in the specification tree and select Import APT, Clfile or NC Code File from the contextual menu. A dialog box appears allowing you to select the type of NC data file to be imported:

APT Clfile NC code.

Select APT. The Read NC File dialog box appears.

2. 3.

Navigate to find the folder in which the desired APT file is stored. Select the APT file in the displayed list then click Open to insert it in the program. An APT Import entity is added to the specification tree. You can right-click the APT Import entity in the tree to access a contextual menu that allows you to: q replay the APT source

replace the associated tool rename or assign a comment to the APT source file.

Please note that the machining time displayed after replaying an imported APT source may not be the exact value. This is because there is no distinction between machining and transition feedrates in the APT source. For an imported APT source, machining time is computed by taking the smallest feedrate value as machining feedrate and bigger feedrate values as transition feedrates. If this is the case for the APT source under consideration, the machining time will be correct.

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Workbench Description

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This section contains the description of the menu commands and icon toolbars that are common to the Machining products. The Advanced Machining workbench below is shown as an example.

Menu Bar Toolbars Specification Tree

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NC Manufacturing Menu Bar

The various menus and menu commands that are common to NC Manufacturing products are described below. Start File Edit View Insert Tools Window Help

Tasks corresponding to general menu commands are described in the Version 5 Infrastructure User's Guide.

Edit Menu
Please note that most of the commands in the Edit menu are common facilities offered by the Version 5 Infrastructure. The NC Manufacturing edit commands available depend on the type of object being edited: Manufacturing Program or other entity.

Edit > Manufacturing Program.x object

Command... Deactivate/Activate Description... Deactivates the program for replay or NC output. It can be made active again with Activate. Hides the child nodes of the program. They can be visualized again with Show. See Replay the Tool Path. Allows you to choose a tool path computation mode for the program: either compute if not already done or force computation even when tool path exists. Removes computed tool paths from the program. Locks all the machining operations of a program. Locked operations can be unlocked with Unlock Children Removes all saved material simulation Videos from the program. See Generate NC Code for the Program. See Tool Change. See Tool Change. See Machine Rotation. See Machine Rotation. See Import an APT file.

Hide/Show Children

Tool Path Replay Compute Tool Path

Remove Tool Path Lock/Unlock Children

Remove Video Result

Generate NC Code Interactively Generate Tool Changes Delete Generated Tool Changes Generate Machine Rotations Delete Generated Machine Rotations Import APT, Clfile or NC Code File

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Display NC File

If an NC file is associated to the program, allows the display of that file. See Display NC File command. Deletes indices not used by a Copy operator.

Delete Unused Indices

Edit > Part Operation.x object

Command... Definition Description... Accesses the Part Operation dialog box. Activate/Deactivate Deactivates the Part Operation. It can be made active again. Show/Hide Hides the child nodes of the part operation. Children They can be shown again. Assign Machine Allows assigning a generic machine (CATProduct) to the Part Operation. Assign Machine Allows assigning a machine from the Resource from PPR List to the Part Operation.

Edit > Machining Operation.x object

Command... Definition Description... Accesses the operation's definition dialog box.

Deactivate/Activate Deactivates the operation for replay or NC output. It can be made active again. Hide/Show Children Hides the child nodes of the operation. They can be shown again. Replace Tool Allows replacing a tool on an operation. Replay Tool Path Compute Tool Path See Replay the Tool Path. Allows you to choose a tool path computation mode for the operation: either compute if not already done or force computation even when tool path exists. Removes computed tool paths from the operation. Allows compressing an operation's tool path information in an external tpl-suffixed file. Unpacking is also possible. Several operations can be selected for packing. In this case, one tpl file is created for each operation. In the PPR tree, a mask symbol on the operation indicates that it is packed. Locks the computed machining operation. It can be unlocked using Unlock. Removes a saved material simulation Video from the operation.

Remove Tool Path Pack/Unpack Tool Path

Lock/Unlock Remove Video Result

Edit > Manufacturing View.x object

Command... Sort by Features Sort by Patterns Sort by Operations Sort by Tooling Description... Sorts the view by features. Sorts the view by patterns. Sorts the view by operations. Sorts the view by tooling criteria.

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Sort by Machining Features Delete Unused

Sorts the view by machining features. Deletes unused machining features. You can delete either all unused machining features or all unused machining features of a given type.

Insert Menu
Command... Description... Creates Machining Operations in the program. This Machining Operations is described in the User's Guides of the various NC products. Auxiliary Operations Insert > Auxiliary Operations Machining Features Insert > Machining Features

Insert > Auxiliary Operations

Command... Tool Change Machine Rotation Machining Axis Change Post-Processor Instruction COPY Operator TRACUT Operator Description... Creates a Tool Change Creates a Machine Rotation Creates a Machining Axis Change Creates a PP Instruction Creates a COPY Operator. Creates a TRACUT Operator.

Copy Transformation Creates a Copy Transformation Instruction. Instruction

Insert > Machining Features

Command... Milling Features Description... Creates Milling type Machining Features in the program. This is described in the User's Guides of the relevant NC products. See Machining Pattern. Creates a Machining Axis System feature, which is referenced in the Machining Axis Change auxiliary operation.

Machining Pattern Machining Axis System

Tools Menu
Please note that most of the commands available in the Tools menu are common facilities offered by the Version 5 Infrastructure. Specific NC Manufacturing commands are described in the present document.

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Command... Formula Image Macro Utility Customize Visualization Filters Options Standards Conferencing

Description... Allows editing parameters and formula. Allows capturing images. Allows recording, running and editing macros. Allows access to batch utilities. Allows customizing the workbench. Allows management of visualization filters.

See NC Manufacturing Settings. Allows access to standards (general, drafting, and so on). Allows access to the Conferencing capability.

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NC Manufacturing Toolbars
The NC Manufacturing Infrastructure provides a number of icon toolbars that are common to all the NC machining products. These are described below. Manufacturing Program Toolbars Auxiliary Operations Toolbar Transition Path Management Toolbar NC Output Management Toolbar Machining Features Toolbar Auxiliary Commands Toolbar Edge and Face Selection Toolbars Machining Process Toolbars Manufacturing Program Optimization Toolbar Machine Management Toolbar Measure Toolbar

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Manufacturing Program Toolbar

The Manufacturing Program toolbar contains the following commands for creating manufacturing program and part operation entities.

See Part Operation See Manufacturing Program

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Auxiliary Operations Toolbar

This toolbar contains commands for creating auxiliary operations in the program.

See Machine Rotation See Machining Axis Change See Post-Processor Instruction See COPY Operator. See TRACUT Operator. See Copy Transformation Instruction. See Opposite Hand Machining. The following toolbar is accessed from the drop-down icon in the Auxiliary Operations toolbar.

It contains icons for creating and editing Tool Change operations as follows. Please note that the icon representing a Tool Change operation in the tree looks like this: .

See Drill tool for more information about this resource See Tap tool for more information about this resource See Thread Mill tool for more information about this resource See Countersink tool for more information about this resource See Reamer tool for more information about this resource See Spot Drill tool for more information about this resource See Center Drill tool for more information about this resource See Multi-Diameter Drill tool for more information about this resource See Boring and Chamfering tool for more information about this resource See Two-Sides Chamfering tool for more information about this resource See Boring Bar tool for more information about this resource See Counterbore Mill tool for more information about this resource See End Mill tool for more information about this resource See Face Mill tool for more information about this resource See Conical Mill tool for more information about this resource

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See T-Slotter tool for more information about this resource.

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Transition Path Management Toolbar

This toolbar contains the commands for automatically creating all necessary transition paths in the program according to user-defined transition planes and necessary machine rotations.

See Generate Transition Paths in a Program. Generate Transition Paths Remove Transition Paths Update Transition Paths.

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NC Output Management Toolbar

This toolbar contains the following tools to help you validate the tool path and generate NC output.

See Replay Tool Path See Generate NC Code in Batch Mode See Generate NC Code Interactively See Manage Batch Queue See Generate NC Documentation Screen capture for associating a JPEG image to an activity (that is, part operation, manufacturing program, machining operation, and so on). During NC Documentation generation, an IDL interface can be called in order to read the image associated to the activity. A URL link must be made from the HTML documentation to the image in order to retrieve it in the generated HTML documentation.

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Machining Features Toolbar

This toolbar contains commands for managing machining features. The commands available depend on the Machining workbench (the figure below illustrates the toolbar for Prismatic Machining).

The commands that are common to all workbenches are: See Machining Patterns Machining Axis System See Manufacturing View.

Commands that are specific to a Machining workbench are described in the user's guide of the corresponding product.

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Auxiliary Commands Toolbar

This toolbar contains a number of auxiliary commands.

Open Catalog. See procedure for Applying machining processes. Import/List Tools. See procedure for searching tools described in Select or Create a Tool. Replace Tools. See procedure described in Replace Tools.

The Activity Selection sub-toolbar offers a choice between:

No Display of Tool path or Geometry of selected operation

Display Tool Path of selected operation

Display Geometry of selected operation. Update Status of Selected Activities. Allows manual update of activity status in tree. This command is available when the Update Activity Status Automatically checkbox is not selected in the Tools > Options > Machining > General tab. Process Table. See procedure dealing with Process Table. Gantt Chart This command is available for machines that have multiple turrets.

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For machining operations that use part and check surfaces, you can now choose to show or hide that geometry using commands of the Hide/Show Geometry as follows:

Hide/Show part elements

Hide/Show check elements

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Edge and Face Selection Toolbars

A number of geometry selection commands are available for selecting parts, check surfaces, drives, and so on. Please note that any hidden geometry selected using these commands is not taken into account in subsequent tool path computations. For more information, please refer to the rules described in Tool Path Computation when Hidden Geometry is Present.

Edge Selection Toolbar

The Edge Selection toolbar contains commands to help you select edges of contours when specifying geometry in machining operations. Please note that only some of the following commands and options are available for some operations (5-axis Flank Contouring, for example).

Display options panel icon allows you access to the following dialog box for specifying Link types, propagation domains, and propagation parameters.

Link types: You can apply a global link type for managing gaps during contour selection by choosing one of the following:

Automatic: contour selection is propagated up to a selected edge

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No link: gaps are not filled Line insert: a line segment is used to fill a gap Linear extrapolation: two extrapolated line segments are used to fill a gap Radial axial: for geometry in turning operations, a radial-axial transition is inserted Axial radial: for geometry in turning operations, an axial-radial transition is inserted.

Reverse Propagation: During edge selection, you can click this button to reverse the direction in which the following edges are to be selected. Propagation Domains: By default, only the edges included in the current Body (or OpenBody) can be selected. You can add other bodies by clicking the Add button and selecting new bodies in the 3D viewer. You can remove selected bodies by rightclicking the Propagation Domains area and selecting the Reset contextual command. During automatic propagation, if there are more that one possible edges for selection, the best candidate is selected according to the following criteria:

the gap between the last selected edge and the candidate edge must be less than the Maximum gap the angle between the tangent of the candidate edge and the tangent to the last selected edges must be less than the Maximum angle. If there still more that one candidates, the one that makes the smallest angle is preferred.

Max Steps forward: When navigating on a belt of edges, propagation stops when the number of steps (or edges) forward is reached. In this case the label Next? appears at the end of the last selected edge to prompt a user action. Steps Back: When resetting previous edge selections, this parameter specifies the number of edges (or steps) that will be reset. Navigate on Belt of Edges icon allows you to select all edges that are tangent to the one you have selected. q Select an edge and then click the icon. Navigate on Edges Until an Edge icon allows you to select all edges that are tangent between start edges and a stop edge. q Select two edges that are tangent (to give the direction of selection) and then click the icon.

Select a third edge where you want selection to end.

Close Contour with Line icon. q Select a contour or series of lines to form a contour and click on this icon. A straight line is inserted from the beginning of the contour to the end of it. Insert Lines on Gaps icon allows you to create a line between two points. q Click the icon then select one point as the beginning of the line and then select a second point for the end of the line. Reset Selection to Step Back icon resets the previous edge selections. The number of edges that are reset is determined by the number of Steps Back given in the Options dialog box.

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Reset Selection to Stop Edge icon resets the last edge selections up to the last stop edge. Reset All Selections icon resets all selections made with the Edge Selection toolbar. Accept Geometry Selections icon allows you to accept selected geometry and exit the selection mode. Cancel Geometry Selections icon allows you to refuse any selected geometry and exit selection mode.

Face Selection
The Face Selection toolbar and Tools Palette appear when face selection is necessary for machining operations.

Face Selection Toolbar

The Face Selection toolbar contains commands to help you select faces when specifying geometry in machining operations.

Navigate on Belt of Faces icon allows you to select all faces that are adjacent to the one you have selected. q Select two adjacent faces and click the icon. All adjacent face are selected. Navigate on Faces Until a Face icon allows you to select all faces that are adjacent between start faces and a stop face. q Select two faces that are adjacent (to give the direction of selection) and then click the icon.

Select a third face where you want selection to end.

Navigate on Faces icon allows you to select all faces which are tangent to a selected face. q Select a face and then click this icon. Preview the Contour icon allows you to highlight the contour of selected faces. Select Faces in a Polygon Trap icon allows you to select all faces that are situated entirely within a polygon. q Select the icon.

Click the places in the viewer where you want the corners of the polygon to be. Double click to end corner definition.

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Select Normal Faces icon lets you select faces that are: q normal to a main axis.

parallel or perpendicular to a face that you select as reference.

The Define Normal Faces dialog box appears when you click the icon.

The By Axis tab allows you to select all of the flat faces that are normal to a main axis.

The Reference body is No selection. Make sure it is selected (as in the image) and click on the part to machine in the viewer. Choose an axis then click OK. The faces normal to the axis you chose in the viewer are selected. Click OK in the Face Selection toolbar to confirm your selection.

The By Face tab allows you to select flat faces with reference to a face that you choose.

Select a part as the Reference body. Click in the Reference face box the select the face on the part that you want to use as reference. Choose whether you want to select faces that are perpendicular or parallel to that face. Click OK to select these faces. Click OK in the Face Selection toolbar to confirm your selection.

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Retrieve Faces of Same Color icon allows you to select all faces of a given color. q Select a face of a given color and then click the icon. All faces of that color are selected.

Note that you can define the color of a face via the Edit/Properties menu item when the face is selected. Selection Sets icon allows you to select faces belonging to previously created selection sets. This action is a shortcut to the Selection Sets item in the Edit menu. q Click on the icon and select the selection set you want to use in the displayed dialog box.

Press Close.

Reset All Selections icon. q Click the icon to reset all selections made with the Face Selection toolbar. Accept Geometry Selections icon allows you to accept selected geometry and exit selection mode. Cancel Geometry Selections icon allows you to refuse any already geometry and exit selection mode.

Tools Palette
The Tools Palette toolbar contains icon commands to help you multi-select face elements.

Select enables you to select elements or deselect elements in the 3D geometry or in the specification tree. Use the Ctrl key to select several elements, and the Shift key to deselect already selected elements. Selection Trap enables you to select elements by drawing a trap. Elements must be entirely located inside the trap to be selected. Intersecting Trap enables you to select elements by drawing a trap. Elements can either be located inside the trap or be intersected by the trap to be selected. Polygon Trap enables you to select elements by drawing a closed polygon. Any element inside the polygon will be selected. Paint Stroke Trap enables you to select elements by drawing a paint stroke across them. Outside Trap Selection enables you to select elements outside the trap. Any object strictly outside the trap will be selected. Intersecting Outside Trap Selection enables you to select elements outside the trap. Any object strictly outside or partially outside the trap will be selected.

Interruption Feedback

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In some cases when automatic propagation is interrupted, a label appears at the extremity of the last selected edge. For example:

Next? This means that the maximum number of steps forward has been reached. Angle This means that the maximum angle is not respected or there is an ambiguity. Tolerance This means that the maximum gap is not respected. Closed Loop This means that the the contour is closed.

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Machining Process Toolbars

The Machining Process toolbar is available for P2 products and contains the following tools for creating and viewing machining processes.

Displays the Machining Process View. See procedure described in Create a Machining Process. See Create a Machining Process.

The Standard Machining Processes toolbar contains the following commands.

Machining Processes Application: Applies all the machining processes of a catalog on a set of selected features. Standard Drilling: Inserts a Drilling operation in the program with a pre-selected tool according to the selected geometry.

Axial Process for Design Holes Applies a generic drilling process dedicated to all design holes with operations according to the hole type. Standard Multi-Axis Flank Contouring: Inserts a Multi-Axis Flank Contouring operation in the program with a pre-selected tool according to the selected geometry.

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Manufacturing Program Optimization Toolbar

This toolbar contains the commands for optimizing the order of operations in the program according to predefined sequencing rules.

See Auto-sequence operations of a program according to predefined rules.

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Machine Management Toolbar

This toolbar is available for P2 products and contains the following tools for checking accessibility on the NC machine.

Resource Context. Imports resources such as an NC machine. Workpiece Automatic Mount. Automatically mounts the workpiece on the machine for current part operation. Snap. Snaps resources together. Align on Machine commands. Aligns objects using various methods: q Align Side: aligns the side of a selected object with respect to a reference plane.

Align Center: aligns the center of a selected object with respect to a reference plane. Distribute: evenly distributes 3 or more elements with respect to a reference line or plane. Rotate to Align: rotates a selected object with respect to a reference plane.

Attach. Attaches selected objects together and creates Child/Parent link between them.

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Measure Toolbar
This toolbar contains the following tools for measuring.

Measure Between measures between two elements. For more information please refer to the procedure described in Measuring Properties. Measure measures an element. For more information please refer to the procedure described in Measuring Distances and Angles between Geometrical Entities.

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Specification Tree
The Process Product Resources (PPR) specification tree is the same for Machining workbenches.

Process List
Process List starts with a Root process node. It gives all the machining operations, associated tools, and auxiliary operations that are required to transform a part from a rough to a finished state.

Part Operation defines the manufacturing resources and the reference data. Manufacturing Program is the list of all of the operations and tool changes performed. The example above shows that: r Drilling.1 is complete and the tool path has not been computed

Drilling.2 is complete and the tool path has been computed Drilling.3 does not have all of the necessary data (indicated by the Exclamation mask Drilling.4 has been deactivated by the user (indicated by the Inactive mask ) ). )

Drilling.5 has been modified and needs to be recomputed (indicated by the Update mask

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Product List
Product List gives all of the parts to machine as well as CATPart documents containing complementary geometry.

Resources List
Resources List gives all of the resources such as machines, tools, and tool assemblies that can be used in the process. Contextual commands are available by right-clicking in the Resources List. You can edit a tool or tool assembly by means of the Edit NC Resources contextual command. Note that a resource in the list cannot be edited by double clicking it. You can save a tool or tool assembly in a catalog by means of the Save in Catalog contextual command. You can assign a user-defined representation (CATPart or CATProduct) to the tool or tool assembly by means of the Add User Representation contextual command. You can delete unused resources from the list by:

selecting all the resources of the same type (all the tools, for example) right-clicking and selecting the Delete Unused Resources contextual command.

Expanding the Tree

The following behavior is aimed at improving performance:

Only Part Operations and Programs are shown when you open your document. You can expand the tree level by level: r Programs are shown when you expand the Part Operation level

Tool changes are shown when you expand the Program level.

You can expand the tree as follows using using contextual menus: r Expand Tree from Part Operation to Tool changes

Expand Tree from Manufacturing Program to Machining operations Expand Tree from Tool Change to Tool paths.

The View > Tree Expansion menu provides a number of standard commands (such as expanding or collapsing the entire tree).

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The tasks in this section describe ways in which you can customize your NC Manufacturing environment. Machining Build a Tools Catalog Access External Tool Catalogs Add User Attributes on Tool Types PP Word Syntaxes NC Documentation Workbenches and Tool Bars

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Customizing Settings for Machining

This section describes how to customize settings for Machining. Before you start your first working session, you can customize the settings to suit your working habits. Your customized settings are stored in permanent setting files: they will not be lost at the end of your session. 1. Select Tools > Options from the menu bar: the Options dialog box appears. 2. Select the Machining category in the tree to the left. The options for Machining settings appear, organized in tab pages.

3. Select the tab corresponding to the parameters to be customized. Parameters in this tab... General Resources Operation Output Program Photo/Video 4. Set these options according to your needs. 5. Click OK to save the settings and quit the Options dialog box. Allow you to customize... general settings for all Machining products tooling, feeds&speeds and resource files machining operations PP files and NC data output manufacturing programs (sequencing, and so on) material removal simulation

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This document explains how to customize general settings for Machining products.

Select the General tab, which is divided up into areas. Parameters in this area... Performance Tree Display Color and Highlight Tool Path Replay Complementary Geometry Design Changes Allow you to customize... settings for optimized performance display of the specification tree colors of displayed geometry and parameters tool display during tool path replay handling of geometry necessary for manufacturing use of the Smart NC mode and enhanced detection of design changes.


Click the Optimize button in order to automatically set a number of the Machining options for optimized performance. These options are listed in the Information dialog box that appears:

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If you click Yes, these options will be set as described in the dialog box. Note that, if needed, you may locally reset any of these options. If you click No, the options will remain with their current settings. The Information box also lists some recommendations for manually setting other options that have an influence on performance.

Tree Display

Select the checkbox if you want the status of activities in the tree to be updated automatically. If this checkbox is not selected:

you can update activity status manually in your workbench using the Update Status icon Commands toolbar.

in the Auxiliary

the status of the activity after a manual update is masked at the first action on the node (for example, edit, replay, collapse/expand of a parent node). To retrieve the status of the activity you must select the Update Status icon again.

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If this checkbox is not selected, performance is improved. By default, the checkbox is not selected.

Color and Highlight

Select the colors to be used for identifying the various manufacturing entities by means of the combos. Note that for Geometry that is not found or not up to date, you can select the colors used to display the valuated parameters in the corresponding Operation or Feature dialog boxes. For certain entities, you can select the corresponding checkbox to use highlighting. Performance is improved when all the Highlight checkboxes are selected.

Tool Path Replay

Display tool near cursor position on tool path

Select this checkbox if you want to display the tool near your cursor position on the trajectory during a tool path replay

Display tool center instead of tool tip

Select this checkbox if you want to display the tool center point instead of the tool tip during a tool path replay

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Display circles
Select this checkbox if you want to display each circular trajectory as a circular arc instead of a set of discretization points. The extremities of the circular arc are indicated by means of 'O' symbols. This allows better control of the Point by Point replay mode, where it is necessary to make several interactions to replay a circle (because of its representation by a set of points). With the graphic representation as a circle, only one interaction is necessary to perform the replay. By default, these checkboxes are not selected.

Color of feedrates
Select the colors to be used for identifying the various feedrate types by means of the combos. The selected colors will be displayed in the Different colors replay mode.

Complementary Geometry

Select the checkbox to create a CATPart dedicated to manufacturing-specific geometry in the Product List of the PPR tree. By default, the checkbox is not selected.

Design Changes

Smart NC mode
Select this checkbox to activate the Smart NC mode. In this mode, an image of the geometry selected in machining operations is kept to allow analysis of design changes. Performance is improved when this checkbox is not selected.

Optimized detection of design changes

Select this check box to enable a geometrical comparison mode in order to more precisely determine the design change status of machining operations. By default, these checkboxes are not selected.

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This document explains how to customize resource settings for Machining products.

Select the Resources tab, which is divided up into areas. Parameters in this area... Catalogs and Files Tool Selection Automatic Compute from Tool Feeds and Speeds Tool Query Mode in Machining Processes Instantiation Allow you to customize... the path name for resource files the selection of tools the update of feeds and speeds according to tooling data tool queries in machining processes

Catalogs and Files

Enter the path of the folder containing tool catalogs, PP tables, macros, and machining processes. You can choose a folder by clicking the [...] button. You can concatenate paths using:

a semi colon (;) character for Windows NT platforms. a colon (:) character for UNIX platform.

For example, if the concatenated folders E:\DownloadOfCXR12rel\intel_a\startup and e:\users\jmn\NC in the figure above contain PP tables, then those PP tables will be available for selection in the Part Operation's Machine Editor dialog box. Please note that:

PP tables must be contained in folders named Manufacturing\PPTables tools must be contained in folders named Manufacturing\Tools.

Tool Selection

Automatic query after modification

Select this checkbox if you want to to activate an automatic query after each modification of a tool parameter. Performance is improved when this checkbox is not selected.

Tool preview after selection

Select this checkbox if you want to preview the tool after selection. By default, these checkboxes are selected.

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Automatic Compute from Tool Feeds and Speeds

Feedrate attributes of the operation

Select this checkbox if you want the Automatic Update of Feedrates option to be set by default in the Feeds and Speeds tab page of machining operations. This option allows feedrates of operations to be automatically updated whenever feedrate information on the tool is modified.

Spindle attributes of the operation

Select this checkbox if you want the Automatic Update of Speeds option to be set by default in the Feeds and Speeds tab page of machining operations. This option allows spindle speeds of operations to be automatically updated whenever speed information on the tool is modified. By default, these checkboxes are selected.

Tool Query mode in Machining Processes Instantiation

Select the type of Tool Query to be executed when a Machining Process is instantiated:

automatically computed Tool Query interactively defined Tool Selection in case of multiple results interactively defined Tool Selection if no tool is found.

Depending on the selected option, the Advanced tab page of the Search Tool dialog box shows the solved Tool Query for each operation in the Machining Process. By default, the Automatic Tool Query option is selected. In the example below, you can choose one of the tools found in the ToolsSampleMP, or use the Look in combo to select a tool from the current document or another tool catalog.

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This document explains how to customize machining operation settings for Machining products.

Select the Operation tab, which is divided up into areas. Parameters in this area... Default Values Allow you to customize... the use of default values

After Creation or Machining Process (MP) what happens after creating machining operations or machining processes Instantiation When Copying Display User Interface the duplication of geometry links tool path displays of operations dialog boxes of 3-axis surface machining operations.

Default Values

Select the checkbox if you want operations to be created with the values used in the current program. The values and units of attributes at the creation step of an operation are set to the values and units of the last edited and validated operation whatever its type (that is, exit the operation definition dialog box using OK). Otherwise the default settings delivered with the application are used. By default, this checkbox is selected.

After Creation or Machining Process (MP) Instantiation

Select the desired checkboxes to specify conditions to be applied when you create machining operations or machining processes.

Sequence machining operation

Machining operations are automatically sequenced in the current program after creation. Otherwise, sequencing can be managed in the feature view.

Search compatible tool in previous operations

When creating an operation, if a compatible tool exists in a previous operation of the current program, it will be set in the new operation. Otherwise, the operation will be incomplete.

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Use a default tool

When creating an operation, a search is done in the document to find a compatible tool. If no compatible tool exists, a default one is created in the document and set in the created operation. If checkbox is not selected, no tool will be defined on the operation.

Start edit mode (not available for machining processes)

When creating a machining operation, Edit mode is automatically started to allow modifying parameters of the created operation. Otherwise, the operation is added to the program but the machining operation editor is not started. By default, these checkboxes are selected.

When Copying

Select the checkbox if you want geometry links to be duplicated in a copied operation. Otherwise the geometry must be defined for the copied operation. Performance is improved when this checkbox is not selected. By default, this checkbox is selected.


Select the checkbox if you want to display tool paths of operations in the current Part Operation. By default, this checkbox is not selected.

User Interface

Select the checkbox if you want to have the possibility of simplifying the dialog boxes of machining operations (that is, you can display the minimum number of parameters necessary for a correct tool path). This setting is available for 3-axis surface machining operations only. By default, this checkbox is not selected.

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This document explains how to customize data output settings for Machining products.

Select the Output tab, which is divided up into areas. Parameters in this area... Post Processor Tool Path Storage Tool Path Edition During Tool Path Computation Tool Output Point Tool Output Files ... Location Allow you to customize... the type of PP files to be used for generating NC code output and the path where these files are located the tool path storage capability the tool path edition capability contact point storage type of tool output point default paths for NC output files storage.

Post Processor

Select the desired Processor option:


None: no Post Processor is defined. NC code output is not possible in this case Cenit: you can choose from among the Post Processor parameter files proposed by Cenit to generate your NC code IMS: you can choose from among the Post Processor parameter files proposed by Intelligent Manufacturing Software (IMS) to generate your NC code ICAM: you can choose from among the Post Processor parameter files proposed by ICAM Technologies Corporation (ICAM) to generate your NC code.

Enter the path of the folder containing Post processors. You can choose a folder by clicking the [...] button. File concatenation is possible. By default, the None option is selected.

Tool Path Storage

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Select the desired option to store tool path data either in the current document or in an external file (as a tpl file). For operations with large tool paths (more than 100 000 points), tool path storage in an external file is recommended. By default, the Store tool path in the current document option is selected.

Tool Path Edition

Select the checkbox if you want to be able to edit tool paths even when the operation is locked. This capability is available only for activities with a tool path node in the specification tree. By default, this checkbox is selected.

During Tool Path Computation

Select the checkbox if you want to store contact points in the tool path. Performance is improved when this checkbox is not selected. By default, this checkbox is selected.

Tool Output Point

Select the desired option to select one of the following as output point:

tool tip tool center point tool center point for ball end tools (that is, any tool with the Ball-end tool attribute selected or an end mill whose nominal diameter is equal to twice the corner radius).

Performance is better when the Tool Tip option is selected. By default, the Tool Tip option is selected.

Default File Locations

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Specify default locations for storing Tool Path files, NC Documentation, and NC Code output. You can store tool paths files (tpl files) in the same folder as the CATProcess by selecting the checkbox. This allows you to store these files according to your CATProcess context. Otherwise, you can choose another location by clicking the [...] button. For NC Documentation, and NC Code output you can choose a folder easily by clicking the [...] button. You can customize the extension to be used for NC Code output (by default, the suffix used is CATNCCode). By default, the Tool path: Store at same location as the CATProcess checkbox is not selected.

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This document explains how to customize manufacturing program settings for Machining products.

Select the Program tab to customize program auto-sequencing rules and priorities. These settings are mainly intended for the administrator. Make sure that the document in the sequencing rules path (AllSequencingRules.CATProduct in the example below) is accessible in Read/Write.

Auto Sequencing

Access to sequencing rules settings

Select the Access to sequencing rules settings checkbox to authorize user access to sequencing rules. You can then specify the path for the rules base You can choose a rules base easily by clicking the [...] button. By default, this checkbox is selected.

Display sequencing rules and priorities

Select the Display sequencing rules and priorities checkbox to authorize the display of sequencing rules and priorities in the user's view. In this case two more checkboxes can be selected in order to:

allow the user to filter rules allow the user to modify rule priorities.

By default, these checkboxes are selected.

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This document explains how to customize material removal simulation settings for NC Manufacturing products.

Select the Photo/Video tab, which is divided up into areas. Parameters in this area... Simulation at Video Photo Performance Color Positioning Move Allow you to customize... material removal simulation at program of Part Operation level Video material removal simulation options Photo material removal simulation options settings that influence performance color during material removal simulation allowed tool axis variation between two operations

Simulation at

Select the desired option to perform material removal simulation at either Program or Part Operation level. Depending on the selected level, simulation begins either from the start of the manufacturing program or from the start of the Part Operation. Best performance is obtained with Program level. By default, the Program level option is selected.


Stop at tool change

Select the Stop at tool change checkbox if you want the Video simulation to stop each time a tool change is encountered in the program. By default, this checkbox is not selected.

Collision detection
Select the desired Collisions detection option to:

ignore collisions during the Video simulation

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stop the Video simulation at the first collision continue the Video simulation even when collisions are detected. In this case, you can consult the list of collisions at any time during the simulation.

Best performance is obtained when collisions are ignored. By default, the Ignore option is selected.

Touch is collision
Select the Touch is collision checkbox if you want touch (or contact) type of collision to be detected. By default, this checkbox is selected.

Multiple Video result on program

Select the Multiple Video result on program checkbox if you want to store video results on more than one operation in the program. By default, this checkbox is not selected.


Select the desired Fault box type for examining remaining material or gouges:

Transparent: to display a transparent bounding box Wireframe: to display a wireframe bounding box None: if no bounding box is required.

Best performance is obtained when no bounding box is required and the checkbox is not selected. By default, the Wireframe option is selected. Select the checkbox to compute all information at picked point. By default, this checkbox is not selected. Best performance is obtained when Fault box: None is selected and the checkbox is not selected.


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Tool and faceting

There are three methods of tool faceting used in Video simulation: Standard, Smaller and Larger. The number of facets for a tool representation is determined by the chord deviation that is set for the tool diameter (0.005% of the tool diameter).

Smaller: The picture shows a rough approximation of a tool with six facets. Note that the chord deviation is always inside the actual circle, and that the points are always on the circle (accurate).

This is the most accurate method for the Arc through Three Points command.

Standard: The picture shows a rough approximation of a tool with six facets. Note that the chord deviation is partly inside and partly outside the actual circle, and that the points are not always on the circle.

This is the best method for material removal simulation. However, this is not suitable for the Arc through Three Points command.

Larger: The picture shows a rough approximation of a tool with six facets. Note that the chord deviation is outside the actual circle, and that the points are not on the circle.

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This is not suitable for the Arc through Three Points command. However, it can be useful for gouge detection.

By default, the Standard option is selected.

Photo resolution
Best performance is obtained when the Photo resolution is set to 0. In this case, a detailed simulation of a portion of the part can be obtained using the Closeup command. Increasing the resolution improves machining accuracy and gives a very detailed simulation. However, this requires increased memory and computation time. By default, this resolution is set to 0.

Tool axis interpolation angle (5-axis only)

Specify the maximum angle that the tool axis is allowed to vary between two consecutive points. Best performance is obtained for an angle of 10 degrees. Decreasing the angle improves the precision of the simulation. However, this requires increased memory and computation time. By default, this angle is set to 1degree.

Optimized rendering for Video

Set the Optimized rendering for Video checkbox to obtain an optimized rendering that improves Video simulation performance. Otherwise, more realistic colors are obtained with a slightly degraded performance. Milling, drilling, and turning operations are supported. By default, this checkbox is selected.


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Set the tool (and associated machined area) color to be the same as or different from the last tool, or have different colors for all tools. Best performance is obtained with same colored tools. By default, the All different option is selected. Assign colors to the different tools using the associated color combo. Assign colors to tool holders, parts, and fixtures using the associated color combos.

Positioning Move

Set the Maximum tool axis variation that is to be allowed between the end point of an operation and the start point of the next operation. If the tool axis varies by an amount greater than the specified value, then the tool is positioned at the start of the following operation. By default, this angle is set to 1degree.

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Build a Tools Catalog

This task shows you how to build a customized tools catalog. You will have to customize an Excel file and a VB macro file in order to build your tools catalog. 1. Edit an Excel file with the desired tool descriptions.

The characteristic attributes of each tool type are described in Tools. You can include user-defined tool representations in your catalog. You do this by associating a CATPart document containing this representation to the desired tool in the last column of the Excel file. The user-defined tool representation will be displayed in the tool path replay. 2. Save the tool descriptions as a csv type file. 3. Edit the VB macro file to specify the input and output files. An example is shown below: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '' VBScript for Manufacturing Tools catalog generation. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Language="VBSCRIPT" Sub CATMain() csvFile ="MyCatalog.csv" catalogFile ="MyCatalog.catalog" 'Get the outputDir and inputDir environment variables inputDir = "HOME\Catalog" outputDir = "HOME\Catalog" 'Creates a catalog document Dim Catlg As Document Set Catlg=CATIA.Documents.Add("CatalogDocument") InitData1=inputDir & "\" & csvFile Newcata1=outputDir & "\" & catalogFile 'Calls CreateCatalogFromcsv method on Catlg (ENDCHAPTER) Catlg.CreateCatalogFromcsv InitData1 , Newcata1 Catlg.Close End Sub

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4. In your Version 5 session, select Tool > Macro > Macros. The Macro dialog box is displayed.

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5. Select the VB macro file that you edited previously, then click Run.

The tools catalog is created (MyCatalog.catalog) along with a report file ( You can check this in the Search Tool dialog box.

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Access to External Tool Catalogs

This task shows you how to customize access to the following external tool catalogs: q CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing database under ORACLE or DB2/6000

TDM (Tool Data Management) database under ORACLE .

CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing relational database (ORACLE) Please note that the V4 database must be used as the server and the V5 session must be running in client mode. 1. Declare the UNIX server on the client machine. The client machine should have a client ORACLE installation (for example, on Windows it may be installed on c:\orant). The Unix server machine should be declared on the client machine, the tnsnames.ora file (for example, in c:\orant\net80\admin) should be modified.

The string MACHINE_NAME should be replaced by the name of the Unix server machine where V4 database is installed. The string SID_NAME should be replaced by the name of the ORACLE SID name of V4 database installation. The string PORT_NUMBER should be replaced by the port number used for the ORACLE installation.

Please contact the ORACLE administrator to locate the file. Example: MACHINE_NAME.SID_NAME = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (PORT = PORT_NUMBER ) (HOST = MACHINE_NAME) ) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = SID_NAME) ) )

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Customize the ...\intel_a\startup\Manufacturing\Database\CATIAV4NC.ini file of your CATIA V5 installation to define the default values for the connection.

The string DatabaseType should be set to ORACLE. The string DatabaseName should be set to MACHINE_NAME.SID_NAME declared in the tnsnames.ora file. The string User should be set to the Unix user who has access rights to the V4 database The string Password should be set to the password of the Unix user who has access rights to the V4 database. The string ProjectName should be set to the name of the V4 database project to be connected. The string CDMADictionary should be set to the name of the CDMA dictionary used for the V4 database installation.

Example: DatabaseType = ORACLE DataBaseName =diva.AIX User =catadm Password =db2adm ProjectName =MfgResources CDMADictionary =CATIA CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing relational database (DB2/6000) Please note that the V4 database must be used as the server and the V5 session must be running in client mode. 1. Declare the UNIX server on the client machine. The client machine should have a DB2/6000 client installation. The UNIX server machine should be declared on the client machine. The following commands have to be executed by the db2 administrator of the client machine: CATALOG TCPIP NODE nodename REMOTE hostname CATALOG DATABASE database_name at NODE nodename AUTHENTICATION SERVER nodename can be the name of the UNIX machine where server installation is done hostname is the name of the UNIX machine where server installation is done database_name is the name of the database on which the V4 database is installed.

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Customize the ...\intel_a\startup\Manufacturing\Database\CATIAV4NC.ini file of your CATIA V5 installation to define the default values for the connection. q The string DatabaseType should be set to DB2.

The string DatabaseName should be set to the name of the DB2 database used for the V4 database installation. The string User should be set to the UNIX user who has access rights to the V4 database. The string Password should be set to the password of the UNIX user who has access rights to the V4 database. The string ProjectName should be set to the name of the V4 database project to be connected. The string CDMADictionary should be set to the name of the CDMA dictionary used for the V4 database installation.

Example: DatabaseType = DB2 DataBaseName =SAMPLE User =catadm Password =db2adm ProjectName =MfgResources CDMADictionary =CATIA TDM (Tool Data Management) relational database (Oracle) Please note that the TDM database must be installed and used as the server and the V5 session must be running in client mode. 1. Declare the UNIX server on the client machine. The client machine should have a client ORACLE installation (for example, on Windows it may be installed on c:\orant). The UNIX server machine should be declared on the client machine, the tnsnames.ora file (for example, in c:\orant\net80\admin) should be modified.

The string MACHINE_NAME should be replaced by the name of the UNIX server machine where the TDM database is installed. The string SID_NAME should be replaced by the name of the ORACLE SID name of the TDM database installation. The string PORT_NUMBER should be replaced by the port number used for the ORACLE installation.

Please contact the ORACLE administrator to locate the file. Example: MACHINE_NAME.SID_NAME = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (PORT = PORT_NUMBER ) (HOST = MACHINE_NAME)

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) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = SID_NAME) ) ) 2. Customize the ...\intel_a\startup\Manufacturing\Database\TDM.ini file of your CATIA V5 installation to define the default values for the connection. q The string DatabaseName should be set to MACHINE_NAME.SID_NAME declared in the tnsnames.ora file.

The strings User and Password should be set to catia.

Example: User =catia Password =catia DatabaseName

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Add User Attributes on Tool Types

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The proposed functionality provides a way to open the tool description to allow you to: q Create User Attributes on all tool types supported by NC Manufacturing products.

Access these attributes in Knowledge applications (such as Formulas, Search, and Knowledge Expert) Access these attributes in NC Manufacturing applications (Tool editor, Tool Query, Machining Processes) Access these attributes during APT generation for Tool Change syntaxes (as any standard attribute) within the PP Table syntaxes definition.

The link between existing attributes on operations is done using the existing Machining Process capabilities .

How to Add User Attributes

You can extend the Tool types by adding User attributes. To do so, you must allow write access on ManufacturingLiterals.feat and ManufacturingResourcesExtension.feat files located in the intel_a\resources\graphic folder. Then you need to run an executable utility named MfgResourceAttr.exe located in intel_a\code\bin folder. This utility takes one argument, which is the path to the XML file defining the attributes to add (see sample below). As this utility needs to be run in a CATIA environment, you have to type the following command: catstart -env CATIAENV -direnv DIRENV -run "MfgResourceAttr.exe \"PATH_TO_XML_FILE\"" where CATIAENV is the environment name used by CATIA V5, DIRENV is the directory used by CATIA V5 and PATH_TO_XML_FILE is the path to the XML file. Note that the \" is only necessary if the path contains spaces. You are recommended to make a backup of the original files before using the utility. The XML file contains the attributes to add, the entity on which the attributes are to be added, their type and value and, for enumerates, the list of allowed values. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE CATSpecs SYSTEM "MfgUserAttributes.dtd"> <!-- @version: --> <CATSpecs> <StartUp SUType= ResourceType1> <AttBlock Block="user"> <AttDesc Name=AttName1 Type=AttType1 DefaultValue=DefVal1></AttDesc> <AttDesc Name=AttName2 Type=AttType2 DefaultValue=DefVal2></AttDesc> <AttDesc Name=AttName3 Type="enum" DefaultValue=DefVal3> <AttVal>Val1</AttVal> <AttVal>Val2</AttVal> <AttVal>Val3</AttVal> <AttVal>Val4</AttVal> </AttDesc> </AttBlock> </StartUp> <StartUp SUType=ResourceType2> <AttBlock Block="user"> <AttDesc Name=AttName1 Type=AttType1 DefaultValue=DefVal1></AttDesc> ... </AttBlock> </StartUp> </CATSpecs> Where ResourceType1 is the name of the entity on which you want to add user attributes (for example, MfgDrillTool, MfgEndMillTool, and so on). Note that the list of types is available in the NC Manufacturing Resources documentation. The AttBlock tag must always be valuated to user. Only angle, length, time, real, integer, string and enumerate (enum) attribute types are available. AttVal tag is used to define the allowed values for an enum type attribute.

XML Table Sample

A sample XML Table is delivered with the product in \Startup\Manufacturing\Samples\MfgUserAttributes.xml In the sample below, you are able to add 7 attributes on the Drilling Tool description and 3 on the End Mill Tool description. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE CATSpecs SYSTEM "MfgUserAttributes.dtd">

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure
<!-- @version: --> <CATSpecs> <StartUp SUType="MfgDrillTool"> <AttBlock Block="user"> <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_1" <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_2" <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_3" <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_4" <AttVal>Val1</AttVal> <AttVal>Val2</AttVal> <AttVal>Val3</AttVal> <AttVal>Val4</AttVal> </AttDesc> <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_5" <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_6" <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_7" </AttBlock> </StartUp> <StartUp SUType="MfgEndMillTool"> <AttBlock Block="user"> <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_1" <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_2" <AttDesc Name="TOOL_USER_ATT_3" </AttBlock> </StartUp> </CATSpecs>

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Type="length" DefaultValue="10.0"></AttDesc> Type="integer" DefaultValue="1"></AttDesc> Type="string" DefaultValue=""></AttDesc> Type="enum" DefaultValue="Val1">

Type="angle" DefaultValue="45"></AttDesc> Type="time" DefaultValue="60"></AttDesc> Type="real" DefaultValue="20.5"></AttDesc>

Type="length" DefaultValue="10.0"></AttDesc> Type="integer" DefaultValue="1"></AttDesc> Type="string" DefaultValue=""></AttDesc>

How to Access User Attributes

The list of user attributes are accessible in Knowledge applications such as Formulas and Search. All user attributes are included in an existing User Parameters block that is provided as standard (this block will only be displayed if there are user attributes defined on the entity being edited). The list of user attributes are accessible in NC Manufacturing applications such as:

Tool catalog definition. User attributes can be defined in an Excel sheet for catalog definition. Tool editor. Tool query editor (Advanced tab page). Query constraints take into account user attributes. Tool query definition for Machining Processes. APT processing within the NC Command syntaxes.

When creating a tool manually, the default value that was provided during the creation is used. When creating the tool by catalog query, the value defined in the catalog is used. If the value is not defined, the default one is used. No automatic valuation is done in the operation when selecting the tool, except when using the Machining Process capabilities that allow defining a relation between the tool attribute and the operation.

How to Define NLS Display of User Attributes

English language interfaces
The NLS facets of the NC Resources attributes are located in the ManufacturingResourcesExtensionNLS.CATNls file located in the intel_a\resources\msgcatalog folder. To create an NLS facet for the attribute TOOL_USER_ATT_1, you must add the following lines in this file: TOOL_USER_ATT_1 = "My Attribute"; TOOL_USER_ATT_1.LongHelp = "My long help for this attribute"; During a session, you will see the string My Attribute in editors and My long help for this attribute when the long help is requested for this attribute. Note that to access the user attribute in Knowledgeware applications, the line TOOL_USER_ATT_1 = "My Attribute"; must also be added to the ManufacturingNLS.CATNls file in the intel_a\resources\msgcatalog folder.

Non-English language interfaces

In addition to the modifications mentioned above to the ManufacturingResourcesExtensionNLS.CATNls and ManufacturingNLS.CATNls files located in the intel_a\resources\msgcatalog folder, you must also modify the ManufacturingResourcesExtensionNLS.CATNls and ManufacturingNLS.CATNls files located in the intel_a\resources\msgcatalog\xxxxx folder, where xxxxx is the folder containing the translated NLS of the desired language (French or German, for example).

User Interface Description

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No User interface access is provided for the build time of the tool description. Concerning the user attribute access in Knowledgeware applications, the user interface is the same as for any standard attribute on a tool object.

User attribute access in the NC Manufacturing products is shown below.

Tool Editor

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Tool Query Editor

Tool Query Definition of Machining Processes

Tool Catalog Excel Sheet

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The same behavior as the existing one is proposed. You must define the attribute name and type and the associated value for the corresponding tool.

PP Table
The user will have the same capability as for any standard attribute on the Tool object.

Scope and Limitations

The goal of this capability is to enlarge the tool description. This means the data dictionary of the tools will be open to the user. As a new data dictionary is provided with each new Release, you must respect the following rules:

User attribute names must start with TOOL_ for tool attributes, with INS_ for insert attributes, TASM_ for tool assembly attributes and MACH_ for machine attributes to be able to valuate the corresponding parameter in the APT file syntaxes. To ensure that the user attributes do not have same name as existing ones or names that other customers can create in the future, our proposal is that the company identifier is added just after the underscore (_) sign. You must execute the update mechanism of the standard data dictionary at each Release.

We recommend that you manage these updates with administrative rules that are set up to ensure that no unnecessary attributes are added and to avoid duplicated information. We also recommend that you keep a copy of the original tool data dictionary before executing the utility. When sending a Process document to a supplier, the tool data dictionary should be sent along with the CATProcess. No capability is provided to delete or modify already created attributes.

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PP Word Syntaxes
This section shows you how to customize the following types of syntaxes in your PP word table: q syntaxes associated to NC commands

sequences of PP word syntaxes associated to NC instructions.

The NC Manufacturing product will resolve the parameters of these syntaxes and syntax sequences and generate the corresponding statements in the APT output. A sample PP word table is delivered with the product in \Startup\Manufacturing\PPTables\PPTableSample.pptable It can be used as a basis for creating user-defined tables. Please refer to PP Tables and Word Syntaxes for more information. Some NC commands and NC instructions have default values. See NC Commands and NC Instructions for syntaxes and default values. Please note that this default value is output even when the NC command or NC instruction is not present in the PP table. The example below shows an NC command with explicit definition: *START_NC_COMMAND NC_CHANGE_REF_PT SWITCH/%MFG_QUADRANT *END If this output is not required, you must define an empty NC command or NC instruction. For example: *START_NC_COMMAND *END 1. NC Commands You can define for a given machine tool (i.e. post-processor) PP word syntaxes associated to particular NC commands. An NC command is a machine function such as feedrate declaration (NC_FEEDRATE) or spindle activation (NC_SPINDLE_START). A syntax comprises a major word and one or more syntax elements such as minor words, numerical values, list values and parameters. A syntax that includes lists or parameters is a parameterized syntax (see example below): *START_NC_COMMAND NC_FEEDRATE NC_CHANGE_REF_PT

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FEDRAT/%MFG_FEED_VALUE,&MFG_FEED_UNIT *END Note that the `&' character indicates a list and the `%' character indicates a parameter. You can define only one syntax for each NC command. The following example shows how the NC command NC_DELAY could be used in a Drilling Dwell Delay operation. 2. Make sure that the PP word table is referenced by the machine used in the Part Operation and the syntax associated with the NC_DELAY command is already created as follows: *START_NC_COMMAND NC_DELAY DELAY/&MFG_DELAY_UNIT,%MFG_DELAY_VALUE *END 3. 4. Create a Drilling Dwell Delay operation. In the dialog box showing the available options, set the Dwell mode to Revolutions and enter a numerical dwell value of `5'. In this case the statement generated in the resulting APT source will be: DELAY/REV,5.000 If the operation was created with the Dwell mode set to Time Units and a dwell value of `5', the statement generated in the resulting APT source would be: DELAY/5.000 1. NC Instructions You can define for a given machine tool (i.e. post-processor) sequences of PP word syntaxes associated to particular NC instructions. NC instructions are either axial machining operations or auxiliary commands. A syntax comprises a major word and one or more syntax elements such as minor words, numerical values and standard parameters. A set of standard parameters is associated to each NC instruction. Parameters may be combined in arithmetical expressions. A syntax that includes parameters is a parameterized syntax (see example below): *START_NC_INSTRUCTION NC_TOOL_CHANGE *START_SEQUENCE TOOLNO/%MFG_TOOL_NUMBER,%MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM TPRINT/%MFG_TOOL_NAME LOADTL/%MFG_TOOL_NUMBER *END *END Note that the `%' character indicates a parameter. You can define one or more syntax sequences for each NC instruction.

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The following example shows how the NC instruction NC_DRILLING_DWELL_DELAY could be used to generate a specific NC data output. 2. Make sure that the PP word table is referenced by the machine used in the Part Operation and the syntax associated with NC_DRILLING_DWELL_DELAY instruction is already created as follows: *START_NC_INSTRUCTION NC_TOOL_CHANGE *START_SEQUENCE CYCLE / DRILL, %MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH, %MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE, &MFG_FEED_UNIT, %MFG_CLEAR_TIP, DWELL, %MFG_DWELL_REVOL *END *END 3. 4. Create a Drilling Dwell Delay operation. In the dialog box showing the available options, set: q hole depth to 25.0

feedrate to 500.0 approach clearance to 5.0 Dwell mode to Revolutions and enter a numerical dwell value of `3'.

In this case the NC data output is as follows: CYCLE/DRILL, 25.000000, 500.000000, MMPM, 5.000000, DWELL, 3 The PP word table is updated with your syntaxes when you save the file.

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NC Documentation
This task shows you how to generate customized NC documentation. You will have to customize a VBScript macro file according to the document that you want to generate. You can use the following scripting languages, depending on the platform you are running on: q BasicScript 2.2 SDK for UNIX (BasicScript is a registered trademark of Summit Software Company)

VBScript, short for Visual Basic Scripting Edition, for Windows (Visual Basic is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation).

Users on Windows must have Windows Scripting Host installed. 1. 2. Open a sample delivered with the product from \Startup\Manufacturing\Documentation. Open the document delivered with the product in \Startup\Manufacturing\Documentation\NCDocumentationReadMe.htm. This document describes the interfaces to help you to produce NC manufacturing documentation. 3. 4. Modify the sample according to the type of document you want. Generate the documentation as described in Generate NC Documentation.

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This task shows how to customize workbenches and tool bars from Machining Processes managed in catalog files. You can define your own toolbars to create one or more operations in your program from the Machining Process instanciation window. 1. In your catalog document (containing external feature links towards Machining Processes), select a component (an external link). 2. Select Publish Catalog Object in the contextual menu (right click) in the Keywords tab page.

3. The "Publishing Catalog Alias" window appears. Enter your Alias name. Repeat this sequence for all "Machining process" links you want to use in a toolbar, then close your catalog document. 4. In your NC manufacturing workbench, select Tools > Customize. The "Customize" window is displayed. If necessary, select the "Toolbars" tab page and create your toolbar. 5. Select the "Commands" tab page, then select "Catalogs" in the "Categories" list. 6. Select your command (corresponding to the Alias name) that you want to add in your toolbar. 7. Select the icon that you want to associate to the command (Hide/Show Properties button). 8. Drag & Drop the selected command line onto your toolbar.

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Now you can use the command through its toolbar whenever necessary.

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Reference Information
This section provides essential reference information on the following topics. NC Manufacturing Resources NC Macros Transition Path Management PP Tables and PP Word Syntaxes Feeds and Speeds NC Data Options APT Formats Clfile Formats PLM Integration

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NC Manufacturing Resources
All supported NC Manufacturing resources are presented in this section:

NC machines

3-axis machine 3-axis machine with table rotation 5-axis machine Horizontal lathe Vertical lathe

Tool assemblies

Mill and drill assembly Lathe assembly

Milling and drilling tools:


Face Mill End Mill Center Drill Spot Drill Drill CounterSink Reamer Boring Bar Tap T-Slotter Multi-Diameter Drill Two Sides Chamfering Tool Boring and Chamfering Tool Conical Mill Thread Mill Counterbore Mill

Lathe tools:

External Tool Internal Tool

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External Groove Tool Frontal Groove Tool Internal Groove Tool External Thread Tool Internal Thread Tool

Lathe inserts:

Diamond Insert Square Insert Triangular Insert Round Insert Trigon Insert Groove Insert Thread Insert

The described attributes are particularly useful for tasks such as Building a catalog of tools.

Milling and Drilling Tools

Face Mill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgFaceMillTool

This tool type has only one compensation site P1, which is located at the extremity of the tool.

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Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM

Outside Diameter (Da) MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Corner Radius (Rc) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (A) Non Cutting Diameter MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_CORNER_RAD MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE MFG_TOOL_CORE_DIAMETER

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

End Mill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgEndMillTool

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This tool type has only one compensation site P1, which is located at the extremity of the tool.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Corner Radius (Rc) Body Diameter (Db) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_CORNER_RAD MFG_BODY_DIAM

Non Cutting Diameter MFG_TOOL_CORE_DIAMETER More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Center Drill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgCenterDrillTool.

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This tool type has six compensation sites P1 to P6, which are located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (a1) Taper Angle (Ach) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE MFG_TAPER_ANGLE

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Spot Drill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgSpotDrillTool

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This tool type has three compensation sites P1 to P3, which are located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (a) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgDrillTool This tool type has three compensation sites P1 to P3, which are located on the tool as shown below.

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Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Tool Tip Length (ld) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (a) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgCountersinkTool

This tool type has three compensation sites P1 to P3, which are located on the tool as shown below.

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Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM

Outside Diameter (Da) MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Entry Diameter (d) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (a) Corner radius (Rc) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_ENTRY_DIAM MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE MFG_CORNER_RAD

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgReamerTool

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This tool type has only one compensation site P1, which is located at the extremity of the tool.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Tool Tip Length (ld) Entry Diameter (d) Body Diameter (Db) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH MFG_ENTRY_DIAM MFG_BODY_DIAM

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Boring Bar
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgBoringBarTool

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This tool type has three compensation sites P1, P2 and P3. P1 is the most external point of the cutting flange projected onto the tool axis. P2 is the lower edge of the cutting flange (Boring Bars) projected onto the tool axis.

P3 is the upper edge of the cutting flange (Back Boring Bars) projected onto the tool axis.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Body Diameter (Db) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM

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Cutting Angle (A)


Non Cut Diameter (dn) MFG_NON_CUT_DIAM Tip Length (lt) Tip Angle (E) Tip Radius (Re) Tool Angle (B) Tool Tip Length (ld) Minimum Diameter Maximum Diameter MFG_TIP_LENGTH MFG_TIP_ANGLE MFG_TIP_RADIUS MFG_TOOL_ANGLE MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH MFG_MIN_DIAMETER MFG_MAX_DIAMETER

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgTapTool. This tool type has only one compensation site P1, which is located at the extremity of the tool.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Tool Tip Length (ld) Body Diameter (Db) Entry Diameter (d) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_ENTRY_DIAM

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Taper Angle (Ach)


Nominal Diameter Location (Lnd) MFG_LENGTH_NOM_DIAM Taps can have a tapered or straight flank. More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgTSlotterTool. This tool type has two compensation sites P1 and P2, which are located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) Overall Length (L) Length (l) Corner Radius (Rc) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CORNER_RAD

Upper corner Radius (Rc2) MFG_CORNER_RAD_2 Body Diameter (Db) MFG_BODY_DIAM

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Multi-Diameter Drill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgMultiDiamDrillTool

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This tool type has nine compensation sites P1 to P9, which are located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) Overall Length (L) Length (l) Length (l1) Length (l2) Cutting Length (lc) Tool Tip Length (ld) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (a1) Cutting Angle 2 (a2) Taper Angle (Ach) Chamfer Diameter 1 (Dc) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_LENGTH_1 MFG_LENGTH_2 MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE MFG_ANGLE2 MFG_TAPER_ANGLE MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM1

Chamfer Diameter 2 (Dc2) MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM2 More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Two Sides Chamfering Tool

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool

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This tool type has seven compensation sites P1 to P7, which are located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Entry Diameter (d) Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Tool Tip Length (ld) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (a1) Cutting Angle (a2) MFG_ENTRY_DIAM MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE MFG_ANGLE2

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Boring and Chamfering Tool

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgBoringAndChamferingTool

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This tool type has four compensation sites P1 to P4, which are located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM

Chamfer Diameter (Dc) MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM1 Overall Length (L) Length (l) Length 1 (l1) Cutting Length (lc) Body Diameter (Db) Taper Angle (Ach) Corner Radius (Rc) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_LENGTH_1 MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_TAPER_ANGLE MFG_CORNER_RAD

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Conical Mill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgConicalMillTool

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This tool type has three compensation sites P1 to P3, which are located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Entry Diameter (d) Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Corner Radius (Rc) Body Diameter (Db) Cutting Angle (a) MFG_ENTRY_DIAM MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_CORNER_RAD MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_CUT_ANGLE

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Thread Mill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgThreadMillTool

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This tool type has only one compensation site P1, which is located at the extremity of the tool.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH

Outside Diameter (Da) MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM Body Diameter (Db) Length 1 (l1) Taper Angle (Ach) MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_LENGTH_1 MFG_TAPER_ANGLE

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Counterbore Mill
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgCounterboreMillTool

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This tool type has only one compensation site P1, which is located on the tool as shown below.

Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: Nominal Diameter (D) MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM Overall Length (L) Length (l) Cutting Length (lc) Entry Diameter (d) Body Diameter (Db) Tool Tip Length (ld) MFG_OVERALL_LGTH MFG_LENGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH MFG_ENTRY_DIAM MFG_BODY_DIAM MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Lathe Tools
External Tool

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The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgExternalTool. The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT: h MFG_SHANK_WIDTH: b MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1: l1 MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2: l2 MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH: f MFG_KAPPA_R: Kr

More information about the Geometry and Technology attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Internal Tool
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgInternalTool. The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_BODY_DIAM: db MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1: l1 MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2: l2 MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD: f MFG_KAPPA_R: Kr

More information about the Geometry and Technology attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

External Groove Tool

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The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgGrooveExternalTool. The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT: h MFG_SHANK_WIDTH: b MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1: l1 MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2: l2 MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH: f

More information about the Geometry and Technology attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Frontal Groove Tool

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgGrooveFrontalTool The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT: h MFG_SHANK_WIDTH: b MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1: l1 MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2: l2 MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH: f

More information about the Geometry and Technology attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Internal Groove Tool

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The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgGrooveInternalTool The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_BODY_DIAM: db MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1: l1 MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2: l2 MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD: f

More information about the Geometry and Technology attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

External Thread Tool

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgThreadExternalTool The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT: h MFG_SHANK_WIDTH: b MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1: l1 MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2: l2 MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH: f

More information about the Geometry and Technology attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Internal Thread Tool

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The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this tool is MfgThreadInternalTool The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_BODY_DIAM: db MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1: l1 MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2: l2 MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD: f

More information about the Geometry and Technology attributes of this resource is available in the Tools section.

Lathe Inserts
Diamond Insert
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this insert is MfgDiamondInsert The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM: IC MFG_INSERT_LGTH: l MFG_INSERT_THICK: s MFG_NOSE_RADIUS: r MFG_INSERT_ANGL: a

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Inserts section.

Square Insert

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The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this insert is MfgSquareInsert The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM: IC MFG_INSERT_LGTH: l MFG_INSERT_THICK: s MFG_NOSE_RADIUS: r

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Inserts section.

Triangular Insert

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this insert is MfgTriangularInsert The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM: IC MFG_INSERT_LGTH: l MFG_INSERT_THICK: s MFG_NOSE_RADIUS: r

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Inserts section.

Round Insert

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The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this insert is MfgRoundInsert The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_NOSE_RADIUS: r MFG_INSERT_THICK: s

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Inserts section.

Trigon Insert

The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this insert is MfgTrigonInsert The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM: IC MFG_INSERT_LGTH: l MFG_INSERT_THICK: s MFG_NOSE_RADIUS: r

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Inserts section.

Groove Insert

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The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this insert is MfgGrooveInsert The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_INSERT_LGTH: l MFG_INSERT_THICK MFG_INSERT_WIDTH: la MFG_NOSE_RAD_1: r1 MFG_NOSE_RAD_2: r2 MFG_BOTTOM_ANGLE: b MFG_FLANK_ANG_1: a1 MFG_FLANK_ANG_2: a2 MFG_CUT_LENGTH: l1 More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Inserts section.

Thread Insert
The MFG_NAME_BAS attribute for this insert is MfgThreadInsert The main Manufacturing geometry attributes used in this resource are: MFG_INSERT_LGTH: l MFG_INSERT_THICK MFG_NOSE_RADIUS MFG_THREAD_ANGLE MFG_TOOTH_X MFG_TOOTH_Z MFG_TOOTH_H

More information about the Geometry, Technology and Cutting Conditions attributes of this resource is available in the Inserts section.

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NC Machine Resources
All supported NC Machine resources are presented in this section:

NC machines

3-axis machine 3-axis machine with table rotation 5-axis machine Horizontal lathe Vertical lathe

Mfg3AxisMachine (3-axis Machine)

Describes the Mfg3AxisMachine resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format. MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table) Type: String Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes. MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type) Type: String Possible values: APT CLF-3000 CLF-15000 ISO Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO.

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MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format) Type: String Possible values: POINT (Point (X,Y,Z)) AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K)) Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components). MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy) Type: String Possible values: FROM (FROM) GOTO (GOTO) Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification Product Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value. MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files. MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step) Type: Real Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. Note: The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points. When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file. MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle) Type: Real Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria. MFG_NURBS_OUTPUT (3D Nurbs interpolation) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate NURBS data in an APT output file.

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Spindle Attributes
These attributes provide information on the spindle definition. MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I) Type: Real Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J) Type: Real Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K) Type: Real Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine (3-axis With Rotary Table Machine)

Describes the Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

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These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format. MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table) Type: String Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes. MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type) Type: String Possible values: APT CLF-3000 CLF-15000 ISO Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO. MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format) Type: String Possible values: POINT (Point (X,Y,Z)) AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K)) Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components). MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy) Type: String Possible values: FROM (FROM) GOTO (GOTO) Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification Product Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files. MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.

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MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step) Type: Real Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. Note: The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points. When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file. MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle) Type: Real Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria. MFG_NURBS_OUTPUT (3D Nurbs interpolation) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate NURBS data in an APT output file. MFG_ROTABL_OUTPUT (Rotabl output in cycle) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to output Rotabl statement inside Axial operation cycle statement

Rotary Table Attributes

These attributes provide information on the rotary table and have an impact on table rotation capabilities. MFG_X_ROT_CENTER (Center point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Y_ROT_CENTER (Center point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Z_ROT_CENTER (Center point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_INIT_ROT_POS (Initial position) Type: Real If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the initial angular position of the rotary table. MFG_ROTARY_ANGLE (Rotary angle) Type: Real If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the rotary angle. MFG_ROTARY_AXIS (Rotary axis) Type: String Possible values: A B C If the machine has a rotary table, specifies which axis (A, B or C) of the reference machining axis system is parallel to the rotary axis.

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MFG_ROT_DIR (Rotary direction) Type: String Possible values: CLW (Clockwise) CCLW (Counter-clockwise) BOTH (Shortest) Defines the rotary direction that the machine can accept: Clockwise, Counterclockwise, or Shortest. MFG_ROT_TYP (Rotary type) Type: String Possible values: ABS (Absolute) Defines the rotary angle as absolute. This is the only option available in the current version.

Spindle Attributes
These attributes provide information on the spindle definition. MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I) Type: Real Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J) Type: Real Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K) Type: Real Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

Mfg5AxisMachine (5-axis Machine)

Describes the Mfg5AxisMachine resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information.

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MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format. MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table) Type: String Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes. MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type) Type: String Possible values: APT CLF-3000 CLF-15000 ISO Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO. MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format) Type: String Possible values: POINT (Point (X,Y,Z)) AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K)) Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components). MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy) Type: String Possible values: FROM (FROM) GOTO (GOTO) Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification Product Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files. MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points.

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MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step) Type: Real Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. Note: The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points. When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file. MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle) Type: Real Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria. MFG_NURBS_OUTPUT (3D Nurbs interpolation) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate NURBS data in an APT output file.

Spindle Attributes
These attributes provide information on the spindle definition. MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I) Type: Real Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J) Type: Real Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

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MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K) Type: Real Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

MfgHorizontalLatheMachine (Horizontal Lathe Machine)

Describes the MfgHorizontalLatheMachine resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format. MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table) Type: String Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes. MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type) Type: String Possible values: APT CLF-3000 CLF-15000 ISO Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO. MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format) Type: String Possible values: POINT (Point (X,Y,Z)) AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K)) Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components). MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy) Type: String Possible values: FROM (FROM) GOTO (GOTO) Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM

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MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification Product Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files. MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step) Type: Real Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. Note: The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points. When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file. MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle) Type: Real Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.

Spindle Attributes
These attributes provide information on the spindle and have an impact on spindle capabilities. MFG_X_ROT_CENTER (Center point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Y_ROT_CENTER (Center point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.

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MFG_Z_ROT_CENTER (Center point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_INIT_ROT_POS (Initial position) Type: Real If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the initial angular position of the rotary table. MFG_ROTARY_ANGLE (Rotary angle) Type: Real If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the rotary angle. MFG_ROT_DIR (Rotary direction) Type: String Possible values: CLW (Clockwise) CCLW (Counter-clockwise) BOTH (Shortest) Defines the rotary direction that the machine can accept: Clockwise, Counterclockwise, or Shortest. MFG_ROT_TYP (Rotary type) Type: String Possible values: ABS (Absolute) Defines the rotary angle as absolute. This is the only option available in the current version. MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX (Radial axis) Type: String Possible values: X Y Z Defines the radial axis (X, Y or Z) MFG_LATHE_SPN_AX (Spindle axis) Type: String Possible values: X Y Z Defines the spindle axis (X, Y or Z)

Turret Attributes
These attributes provide information on the turret definition. MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.

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MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I) Type: Real Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J) Type: Real Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K) Type: Real Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

MfgVerticalLatheMachine (Vertical Lathe Machine)

Describes the MfgVerticalLatheMachine resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format. MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table) Type: String Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes. MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type) Type: String Possible values: APT CLF-3000 CLF-15000 ISO Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000 is output), ISO. MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format) Type: String Possible values: POINT (Point (X,Y,Z)) AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K)) Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates, by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components).

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MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy) Type: String Possible values: FROM (FROM) GOTO (GOTO) Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification Product Errors (tool collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate) Type: Real Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID instruction in output APT files. MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points. MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius) Type: Real Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve. MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step) Type: Real Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. Note: The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points. When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from the output file. MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle) Type: Real Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.

Spindle Attributes
These attributes provide information on the spindle and have an impact on spindle capabilities. MFG_X_ROT_CENTER (Center point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system.

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MFG_Y_ROT_CENTER (Center point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Z_ROT_CENTER (Center point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the center of rotation of the rotary table with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_INIT_ROT_POS (Initial position) Type: Real If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the initial angular position of the rotary table. MFG_ROTARY_ANGLE (Rotary angle) Type: Real If the machine has a rotary table, specifies the rotary angle. MFG_ROT_DIR (Rotary direction) Type: String Possible values: CLW (Clockwise) CCLW (Counter-clockwise) BOTH (Shortest) Defines the rotary direction that the machine can accept: Clockwise, Counterclockwise, or Shortest. MFG_ROT_TYP (Rotary type) Type: String Possible values: ABS (Absolute) Defines the rotary angle as absolute. This is the only option available in the current version. MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX (Radial axis) Type: String Possible values: X Y Z Defines the radial axis (X, Y or Z) MFG_LATHE_SPN_AX (Spindle axis) Type: String Possible values: X Y Z Defines the spindle axis (X, Y or Z)

Turret Attributes
These attributes provide information on the turret definition and have an impact on turret capabilities. MFG_X_HOME_POS (Home point X) Type: Real Defines the X coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_Y_HOME_POS (Home point Y) Type: Real Defines the Y coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program.

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MFG_Z_HOME_POS (Home point Z) Type: Real Defines the Z coordinate of the home point with respect to the reference machining axis system. Note that this point is taken into account when replaying a table rotation if this rotation is located at the first position of the program. MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation I) Type: Real Specifies the I component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation J) Type: Real Specifies the J component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system. MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL (Orientation K) Type: Real Specifies the K component of the initial spindle orientation with respect to the reference machining axis system.

Traverser Attributes
These attributes provide information on the lathe traverser definition. MFG_TRAVERSE_NB (Traverse number) Type: Integer Defines the number of traverse MFG_TRAV_PITCH (Traverse pitch) Type: Real Defines the pitch between two traverses

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Tool Assemblies
All supported Tool Assembly resources are presented in this section:

Lathe assembly Mill and drill assembly.

MfgLatheToolAssembly (Lathe Assembly)

Describes the MfgLatheToolAssembly resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER. MFG_TL_SETUP_ANG (Setup angle) Type: Real Defines the tool assembly setup angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SETUP_ANG.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the assembly shape and have an impact on the collision detection capability. MFG_TL_SET_X (Set X) Type: Real Specifies the X component of the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_X. MFG_TL_SET_Y (Set Y) Type: Real Specifies the Y component of the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_Y. MFG_TL_SET_Z (Set Z) Type: Real Specifies the Z component of the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_Z. MFG_TOOL_INVERT (Tool inverted) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Defines if the tool has been inverted. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_INVERT.

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Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_COMP (Number of components) Type: Integer Specifies the number of components of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_COMP. MFG_OUTP_PREF_1 (Pref. output point 1) Type: String Possible values: MfgNone (None) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P9R Defines the first preferred output point. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OUTP_PREF_1. MFG_OUTP_PREF_2 (Pref. output point 2) Type: String Possible values: MfgNone (None) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P9R Defines the second preferred output point. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OUTP_PREF_2. MFG_OUTP_PREF_3 (Pref. output point 3) Type: String Possible values: MfgNone (None) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P9R Defines the third preferred output point. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OUTP_PREF_3.

MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly (Milling Assembly)


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Describes the MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the assembly shape and have an impact on the collision detection capability. MFG_DIAMETER_1 (Diameter 1 : D1) Type: Real Specifies the maximum diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DIAMETER_1. MFG_DIAMETER_2 (Diameter 2 : D2) Type: Real Specifies the maximum diameter of the adapter or holder depending on the number of components on the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DIAMETER_2. MFG_DIAMETER_3 (Diameter 3 : D3) Type: Real Specifies the maximum diameter of the tool assembly holder. It is valuated only if the number of components is 3. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DIAMETER_3. MFG_TL_SET_LGTH (Total set length : ST) Type: Real Specifies the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_LGTH. MFG_TL_SET_X (Set X) Type: Real Specifies the X component of the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_X. MFG_TL_SET_Y (Set Y) Type: Real Specifies the Y component of the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_Y. MFG_TL_SET_Z (Set Z) Type: Real Specifies the Z component of the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_Z. MFG_ORIENT_ANGLE (Orientation) Type: Real If a boring bar is used, defines the angle between the boring bar and the tool assembly reference. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ORIENT_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

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MFG_NB_OF_COMP (Number of components) Type: Integer Specifies the number of components of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_COMP. MFG_ASS_GAGE_1 (Gage 1 : G1) Type: Real Specifies the assembly gage between the tool and adapter or the tool and holder depending on the number of components on the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ASS_GAGE_1. MFG_ASS_GAGE_2 (Gage 2 : G2) Type: Real Specifies the assembly gage between the adapter and holder, if there are three components on the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ASS_GAGE_2. MFG_TOOL_ASS_POWER (Power) Type: String Possible values: MFG_FIXED (Fixed) MFG_POWERED (Powered) Defines whether the tool assembly is powered or fixed: Powered means that the tool turns and the part is fixed, Fixed means that the tool is fixed and the part turns. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_ASS_POWER.

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Tool Resources
All supported Tool resources are presented in this section:

Milling and drilling tools:


Drill Center Drill Spot Drill Face Mill End Mill CounterSink Reamer Boring Bar Tap T-Slotter Multi-Diameter Drill Two Sides Chamfering Tool Boring and Chamfering Tool Conical Mill Thread Mill Counterbore Mill.

Lathe tools:

External Tool Internal Tool External Groove Tool Frontal Groove Tool Internal Groove Tool External Thread Tool Internal Thread Tool.

MfgDrillTool (Drill)
Describes the MfgDrillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

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Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE. MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH (Tool tip length : ld) Type: Real Defines the part of the tool that cannot be used for cutting material at the correct diameter (non-functional part of the tool). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES.

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MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC.

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MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgTapTool (Tap)
Describes the MfgTapTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_ENTRY_DIAM (Entry diameter : d) Type: Real Defines the smallest diameter of the head of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ENTRY_DIAM.

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MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH (Tool tip length : ld) Type: Real Defines the part of the tool that cannot be used for cutting material at the correct diameter (non-functional part of the tool). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH. MFG_TAPER_ANGLE (Taper angle : Ach) Type: Real Defines the taper angle on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TAPER_ANGLE. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter location : Lnd) Type: Real Defines where the nominal diameter of the tool is measured from. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_THREAD_FORM (Thread form) Type: String Possible values: METRIC (Metric) INCH (Inch) OTHER (Other) Defines the standard of the thread used on a tap. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THREAD_FORM with possible value METRIC, INCH or OTHER.

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MFG_THREAD_CLASS (Thread class) Type: String Possible values: 1B 2B 3B 5H 6H 7H OTHER (Other) Defines the dimensional tolerances of the thread and can take the following values: 1B (consistent with INCH thread form), 2B (consistent with INCH thread form), 3B (consistent with INCH thread form), 5H (consistent with METRIC thread form), 6H (consistent with METRIC thread form), 7H (consistent with METRIC thread form), OTHER The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THREAD_CLASS. MFG_THD_FRM_DESC (Thread form desc.) Type: String Specifies the thread form as a comment. For example, it could be some other thread form like Round thread. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THD_FRM_DESC. MFG_THD_CLS_DESC (Thread class desc.) Type: String Specifies the thread class as a comment. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THD_CLS_DESC. MFG_PITCH_OF_THREAD (Pitch of thread) Type: Real Describes the thread pitch. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PITCH_OF_THREAD. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgThreadMillTool (Thread Mill)

Describes the MfgThreadMillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

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Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM (Outside diameter : Da) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the tool's active part for tools such as face mills, countersinks and thread mills. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM. MFG_LENGTH_1 (Length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the length of the first active part for tools such as multi-diameter tool, bore-and-chamfer tool and thread mill. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_1. MFG_TAPER_ANGLE (Taper angle : Ach) Type: Real Defines the taper angle on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TAPER_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

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MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_THREAD_FORM (Thread form) Type: String Possible values: METRIC (Metric) INCH (Inch) OTHER (Other) Defines the standard of the thread used on a tap. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THREAD_FORM with possible value METRIC, INCH or OTHER. MFG_THREAD_CLASS (Thread class) Type: String Possible values: 1B 2B 3B 5H 6H 7H OTHER (Other) Defines the dimensional tolerances of the thread and can take the following values: 1B (consistent with INCH thread form), 2B (consistent with INCH thread form), 3B (consistent with INCH thread form), 5H (consistent with METRIC thread form), 6H (consistent with METRIC thread form), 7H (consistent with METRIC thread form), OTHER The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THREAD_CLASS. MFG_THD_FRM_DESC (Thread form desc.) Type: String Specifies the thread form as a comment. For example, it could be some other thread form like Round thread. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THD_FRM_DESC. MFG_THD_CLS_DESC (Thread class desc.) Type: String Specifies the thread class as a comment. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THD_CLS_DESC.

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MFG_PITCH_OF_THREAD (Pitch of thread) Type: Real Describes the thread pitch. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PITCH_OF_THREAD. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgCountersinkTool (Countersink)
Describes the MfgCountersinkTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation.

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MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_CORNER_RAD (Corner radius : Rc) Type: Real Defines the radius of the cutting shape of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CORNER_RAD. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_ENTRY_DIAM (Entry diameter : d) Type: Real Defines the smallest diameter of the head of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ENTRY_DIAM. MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM (Outside diameter : Da) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the tool's active part for tools such as face mills, countersinks and thread mills. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER.

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MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgReamerTool (Reamer)
Describes the MfgReamerTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure

Version 5 Release 14

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Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_ENTRY_DIAM (Entry diameter : d) Type: Real Defines the smallest diameter of the head of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ENTRY_DIAM. MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH (Tool tip length : ld) Type: Real Defines the part of the tool that cannot be used for cutting material at the correct diameter (non-functional part of the tool). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES.

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Version 5 Release 14

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MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgSpotDrillTool (Spot Drill)

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Version 5 Release 14

Page 348

Describes the MfgSpotDrillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES.

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Version 5 Release 14

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MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgCenterDrillTool (Center Drill)

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Version 5 Release 14

Page 350

Describes the MfgCenterDrillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE. MFG_TAPER_ANGLE (Taper angle : Ach) Type: Real Defines the taper angle on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TAPER_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

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Version 5 Release 14

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MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgMultiDiamDrillTool (Multi Diameter Drill)

Describes the MfgMultiDiamDrillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER. MFG_NB_OF_STAGES (Number of stages) Type: Integer Defines the number of stages of a multi-diameter drill. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_STAGES.

Geometry Attributes

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Version 5 Release 14

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These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE. MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH (Tool tip length : ld) Type: Real Defines the part of the tool that cannot be used for cutting material at the correct diameter (non-functional part of the tool). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH. MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM1 (Chamfer diameter 1 : d1) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the second part of a multi-diameter tool or bore-and-chamfer tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM1. MFG_LENGTH_1 (Length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the length of the first active part for tools such as multi-diameter tool, bore-and-chamfer tool and thread mill. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_1. MFG_TAPER_ANGLE (Taper angle : Ach) Type: Real Defines the taper angle on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TAPER_ANGLE. MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM2 (Chamfer diameter 2 : d2) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the third active part of a multi-diameter tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM2. MFG_LENGTH_2 (Length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the second active part of a multi-diameter tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_2. MFG_ANGLE2 (Cutting angle 2 : A2) Type: Real Defines the second cutting angle of the active part of a multi-diameter tool or two-sides chamfering tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ANGLE2.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

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Version 5 Release 14

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MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation.

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Version 5 Release 14

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MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgBoringAndChamferingTool (Boring and Chamfering Tool)

Describes the MfgBoringAndChamferingTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_CORNER_RAD (Corner radius : Rc) Type: Real Defines the radius of the cutting shape of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CORNER_RAD. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH.

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Version 5 Release 14

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MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM1 (Chamfer diameter 1 : d1) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the second part of a multi-diameter tool or bore-and-chamfer tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM1. MFG_LENGTH_1 (Length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the length of the first active part for tools such as multi-diameter tool, bore-and-chamfer tool and thread mill. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_1. MFG_TAPER_ANGLE (Taper angle : Ach) Type: Real Defines the taper angle on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TAPER_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES.

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MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool (Two Sides Chamfering Tool)

Describes the MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes

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Version 5 Release 14

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These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_ENTRY_DIAM (Entry diameter : d) Type: Real Defines the smallest diameter of the head of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ENTRY_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE. MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH (Tool tip length : ld) Type: Real Defines the part of the tool that cannot be used for cutting material at the correct diameter (non-functional part of the tool). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH. MFG_ANGLE2 (Cutting angle 2 : A2) Type: Real Defines the second cutting angle of the active part of a multi-diameter tool or two-sides chamfering tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ANGLE2.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND

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MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgCounterboreMillTool (Counterbore Mill)

Describes the MfgCounterboreMillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

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Version 5 Release 14

Page 359

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_ENTRY_DIAM (Entry diameter : d) Type: Real Defines the smallest diameter of the head of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ENTRY_DIAM. MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH (Tool tip length : ld) Type: Real Defines the part of the tool that cannot be used for cutting material at the correct diameter (non-functional part of the tool). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES.

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MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_COMPOSITION (Composition) Type: String Possible values: ONE_PIECE (One piece) INSERT_HOLDER (Insert holder) Specifies if the tool is an inserted one. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COMPOSITION with possible value ONE_PIECE or INSERT_HOLDER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG (Max plunge angle) Type: Real Defines the plunge ability of the tool. When the tool is able to plunge along its axis, the maximum plunge angle is equal to 90 degrees. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation.

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MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

MfgEndMillTool (End Mill)

Describes the MfgEndMillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER. MFG_BALL_TYPE (Ball-end tool) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Defines the tool as being ball-end. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BALL_TYPE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_CORNER_RAD (Corner radius : Rc) Type: Real Defines the radius of the cutting shape of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CORNER_RAD. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH.

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MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_TOOL_CORE_DIAMETER (Non cutting diameter) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the non-cutting part (core) of the tool. This can be useful in operations such as Roughing, Pocketing, and Multi-Axis Helix Machining. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_CORE_DIAMETER.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_COMPOSITION (Composition) Type: String Possible values: ONE_PIECE (One piece) INSERT_HOLDER (Insert holder) Specifies if the tool is an inserted one. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COMPOSITION with possible value ONE_PIECE or INSERT_HOLDER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DESC (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DESC.

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MFG_TOOTH_MATDESC (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDESC. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG (Max plunge angle) Type: Real Defines the plunge ability of the tool. When the tool is able to plunge along its axis, the maximum plunge angle is equal to 90 degrees. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_AA_FINISH (Axial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_FINISH. MFG_AR_FINISH (Radial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH. MFG_AA_ROUGH (Axial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_ROUGH. MFG_AR_ROUGH (Radial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_ROUGH.

MfgFaceMillTool (Face Mill)

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Describes the MfgFaceMillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_CORNER_RAD (Corner radius : Rc) Type: Real Defines the radius of the cutting shape of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CORNER_RAD. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM (Outside diameter : Da) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the tool's active part for tools such as face mills, countersinks and thread mills. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE.

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MFG_TOOL_CORE_DIAMETER (Non cutting diameter) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the non-cutting part (core) of the tool. This can be useful in operations such as Roughing, Pocketing, and Multi-Axis Helix Machining. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_CORE_DIAMETER.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_COMPOSITION (Composition) Type: String Possible values: ONE_PIECE (One piece) INSERT_HOLDER (Insert holder) Specifies if the tool is an inserted one. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COMPOSITION with possible value ONE_PIECE or INSERT_HOLDER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Integer Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG.

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MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG (Max plunge angle) Type: Integer Defines the plunge ability of the tool. When the tool is able to plunge along its axis, the maximum plunge angle is equal to 90 degrees. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_AA_FINISH (Axial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_FINISH. MFG_AR_FINISH (Radial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH. MFG_AA_ROUGH (Axial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_ROUGH. MFG_AR_ROUGH (Radial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_ROUGH.

MfgConicalMillTool (Conical Mill)

Describes the MfgConicalMillTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes

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These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER. MFG_BALL_TYPE (Ball-end tool) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Defines the tool as being ball-end. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BALL_TYPE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_CORNER_RAD (Corner radius : Rc) Type: Real Defines the radius of the cutting shape of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CORNER_RAD. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_ENTRY_DIAM (Entry diameter : d) Type: Real Defines the smallest diameter of the head of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_ENTRY_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES.

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MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_COMPOSITION (Composition) Type: String Possible values: ONE_PIECE (One piece) INSERT_HOLDER (Insert holder) Specifies if the tool is an inserted one. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COMPOSITION with possible value ONE_PIECE or INSERT_HOLDER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG (Max plunge angle) Type: Real Defines the plunge ability of the tool. When the tool is able to plunge along its axis, the maximum plunge angle is equal to 90 degrees. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX.

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MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_AA_FINISH (Axial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_FINISH. MFG_AR_FINISH (Radial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH. MFG_AA_ROUGH (Axial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_ROUGH. MFG_AR_ROUGH (Radial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_ROUGH.

MfgTSlotterTool (T-Slotter)
Describes the MfgTSlotterTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

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MFG_BALL_TYPE (Ball-end tool) Type: Boolean (Yes/No) Defines the tool as being ball-end. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BALL_TYPE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_CORNER_RAD (Corner radius : Rc) Type: Real Defines the radius of the cutting shape of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CORNER_RAD. MFG_CORNER_RAD_2 (Upper corner radius : Rc2) Type: Real Defines the upper radius of the cutting shape of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CORNER_RAD_2. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES (Number of flutes) Type: Integer Defines the number of flutes on the tool. In case of tools with separate inserts, this is the number of inserts The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER.

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MFG_COMPOSITION (Composition) Type: String Possible values: ONE_PIECE (One piece) INSERT_HOLDER (Insert holder) Specifies if the tool is an inserted one. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COMPOSITION with possible value ONE_PIECE or INSERT_HOLDER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES. MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_AA_FINISH (Axial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_FINISH.

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MFG_AR_FINISH (Radial depth of cut for finish) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for finish of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH. MFG_AA_ROUGH (Axial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Axial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AA_ROUGH. MFG_AR_ROUGH (Radial depth of cut for rough) Type: Real Defines the Radial depth of cut for rough of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_AR_ROUGH.

MfgExternalTool (External Tool)

Describes the MfgExternalTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_HOLDER_CAPAB (Holder capability) Type: String Possible values: SURFACE TRAVERSE BOTH (Shortest) Defines the holder capability. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HOLDER_CAPAB with possible value SURFACE, TRAVERSE or BOTH.

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MFG_KAPPA_R (Cutting edge angle : Kr) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_KAPPA_R. MFG_INSERT_ANGLE (Insert angle : a) Type: Real Defines the angle of the insert mounted on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_ANGLE. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE. MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH (Shank cut width : f) Type: Real Defines the cutting width of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH. MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT (Shank height : h) Type: Real Defines the height of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1 (Shank length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the overall length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_1. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2 (Shank length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2. MFG_SHANK_WIDTH (Shank width : b) Type: Real Defines the width of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_WIDTH.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX. MFG_TRAILING_ANG (Trailing angle) Type: Real Defines the trailing angle of the tool. If the trailing angle is set to 0, insert angle is used for the trailing angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TRAILING_ANG. MFG_LEADING_ANG (Leading angle) Type: Real Defines the leading angle of the tool. If the leading angle is set to 0, insert angle is used for the leading angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LEADING_ANG. MFG_MAX_REC_DPTH (Max recessing depth) Type: Real Defines the maximum recessing depth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_REC_DPTH.

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MfgInternalTool (Internal Tool)

Describes the MfgInternalTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_KAPPA_R (Cutting edge angle : Kr) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_KAPPA_R. MFG_INSERT_ANGLE (Insert angle : a) Type: Real Defines the angle of the insert mounted on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_ANGLE. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE. MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1 (Bar length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the overall length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1. MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2 (Bar length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2.

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MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD (Bar cut radius : f) Type: Real Defines the cutting radius of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX. MFG_TRAILING_ANG (Trailing angle) Type: Real Defines the trailing angle of the tool. If the trailing angle is set to 0, insert angle is used for the trailing angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TRAILING_ANG. MFG_LEADING_ANG (Leading angle) Type: Real Defines the leading angle of the tool. If the leading angle is set to 0, insert angle is used for the leading angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LEADING_ANG. MFG_MAX_REC_DPTH (Max recessing depth) Type: Real Defines the maximum recessing depth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_REC_DPTH. MFG_MAX_BOR_DPTH (Max boring depth) Type: Real Defines the maximum boring depth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_BOR_DPTH. MFG_MIN_DIAM (Min diameter) Type: Real Defines the minimum diameter which can be cut. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MIN_DIAM.

MfgGrooveExternalTool (External Groove Tool)

Describes the MfgGrooveExternalTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource.

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MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_HAND_ANGLE (Hand angle) Type: Real Defines the hand angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_ANGLE. MFG_INSERT_WIDTH (Insert width : la) Type: Real Defines the insert width. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_WIDTH. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE. MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH (Shank cut width : f) Type: Real Defines the cutting width of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH. MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT (Shank height : h) Type: Real Defines the height of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1 (Shank length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the overall length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_1. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2 (Shank length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2. MFG_SHANK_WIDTH (Shank width : b) Type: Real Defines the width of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_WIDTH.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX.

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MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX. MFG_MAX_CUT_DPTH (Max cut depth : ar) Type: Real Defines the maximum cut depth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_CUT_DPTH. MFG_MAX_CUT_WDTH (Max cut width) Type: Real Defines the maximum cut width. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_CUT_WDTH. MFG_GAUGING_ANG (Gouging angle) Type: Real Defines the gouging angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_GAUGING_ANG.

MfgGrooveFrontalTool (Frontal Groove Tool)

Describes the MfgGrooveFrontalTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_INSERT_WIDTH (Insert width : la) Type: Real Defines the insert width. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_WIDTH. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE. MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH (Shank cut width : f) Type: Real Defines the cutting width of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH.

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MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT (Shank height : h) Type: Real Defines the height of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1 (Shank length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the overall length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_1. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2 (Shank length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2. MFG_SHANK_WIDTH (Shank width : b) Type: Real Defines the width of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_WIDTH.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX. MFG_MAX_CUT_DPTH (Max cut depth : ar) Type: Real Defines the maximum cut depth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_CUT_DPTH. MFG_MAX_CUT_WDTH (Max cut width) Type: Real Defines the maximum cut width. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_CUT_WDTH. MFG_GAUGING_ANG (Gouging angle) Type: Real Defines the gouging angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_GAUGING_ANG. MFG_MAX_CUT_DIAM Type: Real Defines the maximum cut diameter. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_CUT_DIAM. MFG_MIN_CUT_DIAM Type: Real Defines the minimum cut diameter. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MIN_CUT_DIAM.

MfgGrooveInternalTool (Internal Groove Tool)

Describes the MfgGrooveInternalTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes

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These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_HAND_ANGLE (Hand angle) Type: Real Defines the hand angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_ANGLE. MFG_INSERT_WIDTH (Insert width : la) Type: Real Defines the insert width. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_WIDTH. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE. MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1 (Bar length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the overall length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1. MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2 (Bar length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2. MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD (Bar cut radius : f) Type: Real Defines the cutting radius of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME.

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MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX. MFG_MAX_CUT_DPTH (Max cut depth : ar) Type: Real Defines the maximum cut depth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_CUT_DPTH. MFG_MAX_CUT_WDTH (Max cut width) Type: Real Defines the maximum cut width. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_CUT_WDTH. MFG_GAUGING_ANG (Gouging angle) Type: Real Defines the gouging angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_GAUGING_ANG. MFG_MIN_DIAM (Min diameter) Type: Real Defines the minimum diameter which can be cut. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MIN_DIAM.

MfgThreadExternalTool (External Thread Tool)

Describes the MfgThreadExternalTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH.

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MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH (Shank cut width : f) Type: Real Defines the cutting width of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH. MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT (Shank height : h) Type: Real Defines the height of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1 (Shank length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the overall length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH_1. MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2 (Shank length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2. MFG_SHANK_WIDTH (Shank width : b) Type: Real Defines the width of the shank. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SHANK_WIDTH.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

MfgThreadInternalTool (Internal Thread Tool)

Describes the MfgThreadInternalTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

Geometry Attributes

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These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1 (Bar length 1 : l1) Type: Real Defines the overall length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1. MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2 (Bar length 2 : l2) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2. MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD (Bar cut radius : f) Type: Real Defines the cutting radius of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX. MFG_MIN_DIAM (Min diameter) Type: Real Defines the minimum diameter which can be cut. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MIN_DIAM.

MfgBoringBarTool (Boring Bar)

Describes the MfgBoringBarTool resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

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Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number) Type: Integer Defines the tool number. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_NUMBER.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the tool shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM (Nominal diameter : D) Type: Real Defines the cutting diameter of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM. MFG_OVERALL_LGTH (Overall length : L) Type: Real Defines the total length of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_OVERALL_LGTH. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH. MFG_LENGTH (Length : l) Type: Real Defines the length of the external envelope of the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LENGTH. MFG_BODY_DIAM (Body diameter : db) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the external envelope of the non-active part of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BODY_DIAM. MFG_CUT_ANGLE (Cutting angle : A) Type: Real Defines the cutting angle of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_ANGLE. MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH (Tool tip length : ld) Type: Real Defines the part of the tool that cannot be used for cutting material at the correct diameter (non-functional part of the tool). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH. MFG_NON_CUT_DIAM (Non cut diameter : dn) Type: Real Defines the diameter of the non-cutting extremity of a boring bar. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NON_CUT_DIAM. MFG_MIN_DIAMETER (Minimum diameter) Type: Real Defines the minimum diameter for an adjustable boring bar. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MIN_DIAMETER. MFG_MAX_DIAMETER (Maximum diameter) Type: Real Defines the maximum diameter for an adjustable boring bar. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_DIAMETER.

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MFG_TIP_ANGLE (Tip angle : E) Type: Real Defines the tip angle of a boring bar. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TIP_ANGLE. MFG_TIP_RADIUS (Tip radius : Re) Type: Real Defines tip radius of a boring bar. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TIP_RADIUS. MFG_TIP_LENGTH (Tip length : lt) Type: Real Defines the position and the shape of the cutter on a boring bar. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TIP_LENGTH. MFG_TOOL_ANGLE (Tool angle : B) Type: Real Defines the cutter orientation on a boring bar. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOL_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_WAY_OF_ROT (Way of rotation) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) Defines the flutes orientation. It should be compatible with spindle rotation orientation. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WAY_OF_ROT with possible value RIGHT_HAND or LEFT_HAND MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_COMPOSITION (Composition) Type: String Possible values: ONE_PIECE (One piece) INSERT_HOLDER (Insert holder) Specifies if the tool is an inserted one. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COMPOSITION with possible value ONE_PIECE or INSERT_HOLDER. MFG_TOOTH_MAT (Tooth material) Type: String Possible values: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (High speed steel) COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL (Coated high speed steel) CARBIDE (Carbide) COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) OTHER (Other) Defines the tooth material type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MAT with possible value: HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, COATED_HIGH_SPEED_STEEL, CARBIDE, COATED_CARBIDE, OTHER. MFG_TOOTH_DES (Tooth description) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth nature as a comment. For example, it could be the supplier reference of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_DES.

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MFG_TOOTH_MATDES (Tooth material desc.) Type: String Allows the user to specify the tooth material by means of a comment. For example, it could be the ISO designation for cutting materials or the reference of the coating material. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_MATDES. MFG_BORE_ABILITY (Boring ability) Type: String Possible values: MfgThrough (Through) EITHER (Either) Determines whether a boring bar can be used for through or blind holes according to its tip configuration. It can take the following values: Through (implies cutting angle < 90 degrees and tool tip length > 0), Either (implies cutting angle > 90 degrees and tool tip length = 0). The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BORE_ABILITY. MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG (Tool rake angle ) Type: Real Defines the tool rake angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG. MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH (Max machining length) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in length units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH. MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME (Max life time) Type: Real Specifies the tool life in time units. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME. MFG_COOLNT_SNTX (Coolant syntax) Type: String Specifies the coolant supply syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_COOLNT_SNTX. MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX (Weight syntax) Type: String Specifies the tool weight syntax. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC (Cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC. MFG_SZ (Feedrate) Type: Real Defines the Feedrate of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ. MFG_PP (Depth of cut) Type: Real Defines the Depth of cut of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PP.

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Lathe Inserts
All supported Lathe Insert resources are presented in this section:

Round Insert Diamond Insert Square Insert Triangular Insert Trigon Insert Groove Insert Thread Insert.

MfgRoundInsert (Round Insert)

Describes the MfgRoundInsert resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_DESC_CODE (Description code) Type: String Possible values: ANSI ISO NoCode Defines the Description code: ISO or ANSI. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DESC_CODE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the insert shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOSE_RADIUS (Nose radius : r) Type: Real Specifies the nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RADIUS. MFG_INSERT_THICK (Thickness) Type: Real Specifies the thickness of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_THICK.

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MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_INSERT_MAT (Material) Type: String Possible values: COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) CERMETS (Cermets) CERAMICS (Ceramics) CUBIDE_BORON_NITRIDE (Cubide Boron Nitride) OTHER (Other) Specifies the material of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_MAT. MFG_LIFE_TIME (Life time) Type: Real Specifies the life time of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LIFE_TIME.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH.

MfgGrooveInsert (Groove Insert)

Describes the MfgGrooveInsert resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes

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These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_GROOVE_TYPE (Type) Type: String Possible values: CUTOFF (Cut Off) GROOVE (Groove) Specifies the grooving capability of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_GROOVE_TYPE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the insert shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_INSERT_HEIGH (Height : l) Type: Real Specifies the height of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_HEIGH. MFG_INSERT_WIDTH (Insert width : la) Type: Real Defines the insert width. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_WIDTH. MFG_BOTTOM_ANGLE (Bottom angle) Type: Real Specifies the bottom angle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_BOTTOM_ANGLE. MFG_FLANK_ANG_1 (Left flank angle) Type: Real Specifies the left flank angle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_FLANK_ANG_1. MFG_FLANK_ANG_2 (Right flank angle) Type: Real Specifies the right flank angle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_FLANK_ANG_2. MFG_NOSE_RAD_1 (Left nose radius : r1) Type: Real Specifies the left nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RAD_1. MFG_NOSE_RAD_2 (Right nose radius : r2) Type: Real Specifies the right nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RAD_2. MFG_INSERT_THICK (Thickness) Type: Real Specifies the thickness of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_THICK. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

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MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_INSERT_MAT (Material) Type: String Possible values: COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) CERMETS (Cermets) CERAMICS (Ceramics) CUBIDE_BORON_NITRIDE (Cubide Boron Nitride) OTHER (Other) Specifies the material of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_MAT. MFG_CUT_LENGTH (Cutting length : Lc) Type: Real Defines the effective cutting length available on the tool's active part. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CUT_LENGTH.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH.

MfgThreadInsert (Thread Insert)

Describes the MfgThreadInsert resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource.

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MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_MACH_TYPE (Machining type) Type: String Possible values: MfgExternal MfgInternal Specifies internal or external machining type. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_TYPE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the insert shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_THREAD_PROF (Thread profile) Type: String Possible values: MfgTrapezoidal MfgISO MfgUNC MfgGaz OTHER (Other) Specifies the thread profile of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THREAD_PROF. MFG_THREAD_DEF (Thread definition) Type: String Possible values: MfgPitch MfgThreadPerInch Specifies the thread definition of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THREAD_DEF. MFG_PITCH_OF_THREAD (Pitch of thread) Type: Real Describes the thread pitch. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PITCH_OF_THREAD. MFG_PITCH_NUMBER (Pitch) Type: Real Specifies the pitch number of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_PITCH_NUMBER. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_THREAD_ANGLE (Thread angle) Type: Real Specifies the thread angle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_THREAD_ANGLE. MFG_HAND_STYLE (Hand style) Type: String Possible values: RIGHT_HAND (Right hand) LEFT_HAND (Left hand) NEUTRAL Defines the tool's hand style. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_HAND_STYLE with possible value RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND or NEUTRAL. MFG_TOOTH_X (Tooth X) Type: Real Specifies the X position of end of the insert tooth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_X. MFG_TOOTH_Z (Tooth Z) Type: Real Specifies the Z position of end of the insert tooth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_Z.

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MFG_TOOTH_H (Tooth Y) Type: Real Specifies the height of the insert tooth. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TOOTH_H. MFG_NOSE_RADIUS (Nose radius : r) Type: Real Specifies the nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RADIUS. MFG_INSERT_THICK (Thickness) Type: Real Specifies the thickness of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_THICK.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_INSERT_MAT (Material) Type: String Possible values: COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) CERMETS (Cermets) CERAMICS (Ceramics) CUBIDE_BORON_NITRIDE (Cubide Boron Nitride) OTHER (Other) Specifies the material of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_MAT. MFG_LIFE_TIME (Life time) Type: Real Specifies the life time of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LIFE_TIME.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH.

MfgDiamondInsert (Diamond Insert)


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Describes the MfgDiamondInsert resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_DESC_CODE (Description code) Type: String Possible values: ANSI ISO NoCode Defines the Description code: ISO or ANSI. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DESC_CODE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the insert shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOSE_RADIUS (Nose radius : r) Type: Real Specifies the nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RADIUS. MFG_INSERT_ANGLE (Insert angle : a) Type: Real Defines the angle of the insert mounted on the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_ANGLE. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM (Inscribed diameter : iC) Type: Real Specifies the diameter of the inscribed circle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM. MFG_INSERT_THICK (Thickness) Type: Real Specifies the thickness of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_THICK. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

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MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_INSERT_MAT (Material) Type: String Possible values: COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) CERMETS (Cermets) CERAMICS (Ceramics) CUBIDE_BORON_NITRIDE (Cubide Boron Nitride) OTHER (Other) Specifies the material of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_MAT. MFG_LIFE_TIME (Life time) Type: Real Specifies the life time of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LIFE_TIME.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH.

MfgSquareInsert (Square Insert)

Describes the MfgSquareInsert resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource.

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MFG_DESC_CODE (Description code) Type: String Possible values: ANSI ISO NoCode Defines the Description code: ISO or ANSI. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DESC_CODE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the insert shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOSE_RADIUS (Nose radius : r) Type: Real Specifies the nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RADIUS. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM (Inscribed diameter : iC) Type: Real Specifies the diameter of the inscribed circle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM. MFG_INSERT_THICK (Thickness) Type: Real Specifies the thickness of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_THICK. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_INSERT_MAT (Material) Type: String Possible values: COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) CERMETS (Cermets) CERAMICS (Ceramics) CUBIDE_BORON_NITRIDE (Cubide Boron Nitride) OTHER (Other) Specifies the material of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_MAT. MFG_LIFE_TIME (Life time) Type: Real Specifies the life time of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LIFE_TIME.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

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These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH.

MfgTriangularInsert (Triangular Insert)

Describes the MfgTriangularInsert resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_DESC_CODE (Description code) Type: String Possible values: ANSI ISO NoCode Defines the Description code: ISO or ANSI. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DESC_CODE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the insert shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOSE_RADIUS (Nose radius : r) Type: Real Specifies the nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RADIUS. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM (Inscribed diameter : iC) Type: Real Specifies the diameter of the inscribed circle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM.

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MFG_INSERT_THICK (Thickness) Type: Real Specifies the thickness of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_THICK. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER. MFG_INSERT_MAT (Material) Type: String Possible values: COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) CERMETS (Cermets) CERAMICS (Ceramics) CUBIDE_BORON_NITRIDE (Cubide Boron Nitride) OTHER (Other) Specifies the material of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_MAT. MFG_LIFE_TIME (Life time) Type: Real Specifies the life time of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LIFE_TIME.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH.

MfgTrigonInsert (Trigon Insert)

Describes the MfgTrigonInsert resource attributes that are available in NC Manufacturing workbenches.

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Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information. MFG_NAME (Name) Type: String Specifies the name of the resource. MFG_COMMENT (Comment) Type: String Associates a comment to the resource. MFG_DESC_CODE (Description code) Type: String Possible values: ANSI ISO NoCode Defines the Description code: ISO or ANSI. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_DESC_CODE.

Geometry Attributes
These attributes characterize the insert shape and have an impact on the tool path computation. MFG_NOSE_RADIUS (Nose radius : r) Type: Real Specifies the nose radius of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_NOSE_RADIUS. MFG_INSERT_LGTH (Insert length : l) Type: Real Defines the cutting edge length of an insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_LGTH. MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM (Inscribed diameter : iC) Type: Real Specifies the diameter of the inscribed circle of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM. MFG_INSERT_THICK (Thickness) Type: Real Specifies the thickness of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_THICK. MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE (Clearance angle) Type: Real Defines the clearance angle. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE.

Technology Attributes
These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation. MFG_MACH_QUALITY (Machining quality) Type: String Possible values: ROUGH (Rough) FINISH (Finish) EITHER (Either) Defines the tool's ability to machine in roughing or finishing mode. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_MACH_QUALITY with possible value ROUGH, FINISH or EITHER.

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MFG_INSERT_MAT (Material) Type: String Possible values: COATED_CARBIDE (Coated carbide) CERMETS (Cermets) CERAMICS (Ceramics) CUBIDE_BORON_NITRIDE (Cubide Boron Nitride) OTHER (Other) Specifies the material of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_INSERT_MAT. MFG_LIFE_TIME (Life time) Type: Real Specifies the life time of the insert. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_LIFE_TIME.

Cutting Conditions Attributes

These attributes are used for feeds and speeds computation on the operation. MFG_VC_FINISH (Finishing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Finishing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_FINISH. MFG_SZ_FINISH (Finishing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Finishing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_FINISH. MFG_VC_ROUGH (Roughing cutting speed) Type: Real Defines the Roughing cutting speed of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_VC_ROUGH. MFG_SZ_ROUGH (Roughing feedrate per tooth) Type: Real Defines the Roughing feedrate per tooth of the tool. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_SZ_ROUGH.

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NC Macros
NC Macros in Machining Operations
You can define transition paths in your machining operations by means of NC Macros. These transition paths are useful for providing approach, retract and linking motion in the tool path. You build the macros using the interface provided under the Macros tab page in the Machining Operation Definition dialog box.

Predefined Macros
You can use predefined macros. These are made up from one or more paths in a specific order. Just select the desired mode in the Current Macro Toolbox of the Macros page. You can then adjust parameters of the macro (such as path length and feedrate).

User-Built Macros
You can also build your own macros using the Build by user mode. Depending on the context, you can use the following icons to specify macro paths:

tangent motion normal motion axial motion circular motion ramping motion PP word motion perpendicular to a plane axial motion to a plane distance along a given direction tool axis motion motion to a point.

Approach Macro
An Approach macro is used to approach the operation start point. It is available for all machining operation types.

Retract Macro

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A Retract macro is used to retract from the operation end point. It is available for all machining operation types.

Linking Macro
A Linking macro may be used in several cases, for example:

to avoid islands in Pocketing operations to link two non consecutive paths to access finish and spring passes in Pocketing and Contouring operations to link points of a pattern in an axial machining operation.

You could specify a Linking macro to do the following: 1. Retract along the tool axis at machining or finishing feedrate up to a safety plane defined by the top plane plus an approach clearance. 2. Approach next path along the tool axis with approach feedrate. 3. The clearance motion between the retract and approach is along a line in the safety plane at rapid feedrate.

Return on Same Level Macro

A Return on Same Level macro is used in a multi-path operation to link two consecutive paths in a given level. For example, you could define a Return on Same Level macro on a Profile Contouring operation in One Way mode to do the following : 1. Retract along the tool axis at machining feedrate up to a safety plane defined by the top plane plus an approach clearance. 2. Approach next path along the tool axis with approach feedrate. 3. The clearance motion between the retract and approach is along a line in the safety plane at rapid feedrate. Note that no Return on Same Level macro is needed on a Profile Contouring operation in Zig Zag mode. The motion between two paths is done at machining feedrate by following the profile of the boundary.

Return between Levels Macro

A Return between Levels macro is used in a multi-level machining operation to go to the next level. You could define a Return between Levels macro to do the following: 1. Retract along the tool axis at machining feedrate up to a safety plane defined by the top plane plus an approach clearance. 2. Approach the next level along the tool axis at approach feedrate. 3. The clearance motion between the retract and approach is along a line in the safety plane at rapid feedrate.

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Return to Finish Pass Macro

A Return to Finish Pass macro is used in a machining operation to go to the finish pass. For example, you could define a Return to Finish Pass macro to do the following: 1. Retract along the tool axis at machining feedrate up to a safety plane defined by the top plane plus an approach clearance. 2. Approach the finish pass level along the tool axis at approach feedrate. 3. The clearance motion between the retract and approach is along a line in the safety plane at rapid feedrate.

Clearance Macro
A Clearance macro can be used in a machining operation to avoid a fixture, for example. You could define a Clearance macro to do the following: 1. Retract along the tool axis at machining feedrate up to a safety plane. 2. Approach the finish pass level along the tool axis at approach feedrate. 3. The clearance motion between the retract and approach is along a line in the safety plane at rapid feedrate.

Angular Orientation Conventions in NC Macros

These conventions concern both Circular and Tangent motions. For Circular motions For Tangent motion , position of the circle is defined by the Angular orientation parameter. , direction of the motion is defined by the Horizontal angle parameter.

The following types of operation are concerned.

Operations without consistent material side definition

This concerns the following operations: Face Iso-parametric. Multi Axis Sweeping. Multi Axis Contour Driven For these operations, convention is simple: For Circular motion: Angular Orientation = 0.0 deg => Circle on the right side Angular Orientation = 90 deg => Vertical Circle Angular Orientation = 180 deg => Circle on the left side For Tangent motion: Horizontal Angle = -90 deg => Motion on the left side. Horizontal Angle = 0.0 deg => Motion along Tangent Horizontal Angle = 90 deg => Motion on the right side

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Operations with material side defined by the flank

This concerns the following operations: Profile Contouring Pocketing Multi Axis Flank Contouring Multi Axis Curve Machining in Side or Tip mode (between two curves or between curve and surface).

For Circular motion: Angular Orientation = 0.0 deg => Circle on the free side of the flank Angular Orientation = 90 deg => Vertical Circle Angular Orientation = 180 deg => Circle on side to the flank For Tangent motion: Horizontal Angle = -90 deg => Motion on the free side of the flank. Horizontal Angle = 0.0 deg => Motion along Tangent Horizontal Angle = 90 deg => Motion on side to the flank

Operations with material side defined by the bottom

This concerns Multi Axis Curve Machining in Contact mode.

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For Circular motion: Angular Orientation = 0.0 deg => Circle on the free side of the bottom Angular Orientation = 90 deg => Vertical Circle Angular Orientation = 180 deg => Circle on side to the bottom For Tangent motion: Horizontal Angle = -90 deg => Motion on the free side of the bottom. Horizontal Angle = 0.0 deg => Motion along Tangent Horizontal Angle = 90 deg => Motion on side to the bottom.

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Transition Path Management

This document describes the Transition Path Management capability. Transition paths can be generated between operations in a program. This is done by taking the following parameters into account:

the machine's kinematic characteristics specified transition planes selected transition path options.

A transition path can include one or more linear transitions and machine rotations. Transition paths can be created, deleted and updated using the commands of the Transition Path Management toolbar. Generate Transition Paths Remove Transition Paths Update Transition Paths.

In order to use Transition Path Management, a generic machine must be defined on the Part Operation. This is done using the Part Operation's Machine Editor.

Available machine types are:


3-axis machine with no rotary axis 3-axis machine with 1 rotary axis on table 3-axis machine with 2 rotary axes on table 3-axis machine with 1 rotary axis on table and 1 rotary axis on head 3-axis machine with 1 rotary axis on head 3-axis machine with 2 rotary axes on head 5-axis continuous machine (without generation of machine rotations).

Each machine contains all the necessary NC parameters and kinematic definition data for the Part Operation.

Transition Planes
Transition Path Management takes into account the following planes defined in the Part Operation:

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Traverse box planes to create linear tool path motions (5 planes representing a box are needed) Transition planes to create linear tool path motions Rotary planes to create machine rotations: r between machining operations

between tool change and machining operation.

The Safety plane is not taken into account for the generation of transition paths.

Transition Path Options

When the Generate Transition Paths icon is selected, the Transition Paths dialog box appears. You must select the manufacturing program to be processed and set the desired options.

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Transition Path Creation: specifies where transition paths are to be added in the program:

To Machining Operation: transition paths are generated before each machining operation. If there is a machining axis before a machining operation, the transition path is added before the machining axis. To Tool Change: transition paths are added before each tool change.

Machine Rotation Creation: allows creation of Rotary motion embedded in the transition path with:

generation of machine rotation instructions in the output file (for example, ROTABL and ROTHEAD) automatic checking of machine reachability for rotary motion.

Priority Order: specifies the preferred order between Tool Change and Machine Rotation when they are both present before a machining operation.

Priority to Tool change: the Machine Rotation is embedded in the Transition Path that is after the Tool change. Priority to Machine Rotation: the Machine Rotation is embedded in the Transition Path that is before the Tool change.

Retract/Approach Motion: specifies how retract and approach motions are to be done globally for all the transition paths of all selected programs:

Perpendicular to transition (or traverse) plane Along tool axis.

If a specific retract or approach is required on a machining operation, it should be defined by macros on the operation. Traverse Motion on Top: when traverse planes are defined in the Part Operation, selecting this checkbox forces the transition path along the top plane. Otherwise, the motion will be done along the shortest path. Compute axial-radial motion: if a traverse box is not defined and no transition plane is selected, selecting this checkbox authorizes 2.5 axis motion only. Tool axis direction at start and end of motion must be the same.

Transition Path Computation Overview

The general operation of Transition Path generation is outlined below. It assumes that an appropriate generic machine has been specified in the Part Operation.

Transition Paths with Table Rotation

If Table Rotation option is selected, and if a table rotation is needed, the tool retracts to the specified rotary plane and makes the table rotation. A head rotation is also done if necessary. If Compute axial-radial motion is selected, the tool approaches the next point in 2.5 axis motion. Otherwise, the tool approaches the next point in linear motion. For a transition path with table motion, the tool approaches the next point in 2.5 axis motion after the table rotation.

Transition Paths without Table Rotation

If Table Rotation option is not selected, or if a table rotation is not needed, the Transition Path capability checks whether or not a valid traverse box is defined.

Traverse Box Defined

If a valid traverse box is defined, the traverse box motion is computed. This motion may be modified according whenever valid transition planes are specified. A head rotation are also done if necessary.

Traverse Box Not Defined

If no valid traverse box is defined, the Transition Path capability verifies whether or not valid transition planes are defined.

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If valid transition planes are defined, the tool retracts to these planes. If no valid transition planes are defined, the Transition Path capability verifies whether or not the Axial Radial option is selected. If Compute axial-radial motion is selected, the tool approaches the next point in 2.5 axis motion. Otherwise, the tool approaches the next point in linear motion.

Generation of Transition Paths without Machine Rotations

This is the case when a generic 5-axis machine is selected in the Part Operation.

Transitions Between Operations

The 5 traverse box planes defined on the Part operation delimit a traverse box. First, the transition path is computed by taken into account this traverse box.

Retract and Approach motions are automatically defined. The transitions motions are done in RAPID mode. The Retract/Approach option can be set to define the motions type:

Perpendicular to transition plane (the tool axis of the machining operation is kept) Along operation tool axis, until the transition plane.

Transition motions are done as follows: 1.Perpendicular retract (1) to the plane (with the same tool axis of the operation) or retract along the tool axis 2.Transition motion (2) through the plane (P1) until the intersection of planes (P1 and P2) 3.Tool axis modification 4.Transition motion (3) through the plane (P2) until the perpendicular (or along the tool axis) of the next operation 5.Approach motion (4) to the next operation (tool axis of the operation) Note that during transition motions the tool tip is on the traverse planes. Then transition planes are used to modify these transition motions by reducing air cuts.

Transitions Between Tool Change and Operation

First, transition motions are done as follows (respecting the traverse box):

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Perpendicular retract (1) to the plane (with the same tool axis than the operation) or retract along the tool axis Transition motion (2) through the plane (P1) until the intersection of planes (P1 and P2) Tool axis modification: Normal to the next plane (P2). Transition motion (3) through the plane (P2) until the perpendicular of the tool change Approach motion (4) to the tool change

Then transition planes are used to modify these transition motions by reducing air cuts.

Generation of Transition Paths with Machine Rotations

Transitions Between Operations
The transition path is done between the last point of the machining operation (last point of the retract macro) and the first point of the next machining operation (first point of the approach macro). No control or cut of machining operation motions (including macro motions) is done outside the traverse box. The macro should be defined inside the traverse box. The transition paths are then generated up to the traverse box planes.

Transitions with Generation of Machine Table Rotation

The rotary plane is taken into account in order to define a safety distance. The rotary plane must be parallel to the machine rotary axis. Thus, if the machine as several rotary axis, several planes must be selected. There are several cases:

None of the selected Rotary planes are parallel to the machine rotary axis: the furthest point between the rotary axis and the last

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point of the previous operation or the first point of the next operation defines the radius of the rotation. Some of the selected Rotary planes are parallel to the machine rotary axis: the plane that defines the maximum distance with the rotary axis is taken into account. The last point of the previous operation or the first point of the next operation is further from the machine rotation axis than all rotary planes: the rotary planes are not taken into account.

Transitions with Generation of Machine Head Rotation

In the previous example, if machine head rotation generation is chosen, the transition path is computed the same way as for a 5 axis machine without generation of machine rotations. The tool tip path follows traverse box planes and transition planes. The difference is that for each modification of the tool axis, a machine head rotation is generated as well as tool motions take back the tool tip on the planes. Example1: The tool axes are different and the traverse planes are different: the head rotation is performed at the traverse plane intersection with the following behavior.

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Example 2: The tool axes are different, the traverse plane is the same: the head rotation is performed as follows.

Example 3: The machining operations are defined at opposite sides of the traverse box. The transition motions are generated in 3 planes: then head rotations are done at the intersection of planes. In this case, in the intermediate plane, the tool axis is defined as being perpendicular to the plane during transition motion in this plane.

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Transitions when Traverse Plane and Transition Planes are Defined

The transition planes are used to modify the transition motions respecting the traverse box plane by reducing air cuts. Example: A machining operation is defined at the bottom of the part. Motion mode is set to Along operation tool axis. A transition plane defines the bottom limit of the box.

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Transition Motions between Tool Change and Operation

The behavior is the same as that described in Transition Between Operations.

Rotation Generation
The tool path is a circular arc for table rotation and head rotation. Transition path needs to be computed before the computation of the machine rotation tool path in order to have the start position (position 2 in the figure below).

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PP Tables and PP Word Syntaxes

PP Word Tables
You can create and manage Post-Processor word tables with NC Manufacturing products. Sample PP word tables are delivered with the product in the ..\startup\manufacturing\PPTables folder. Each PP word table is stored in a unique text file with suffix pptable. These tables can be used as a basis for creating user-defined tables. A PP word table can be defined for a specific machine tool and used in NC applications. You can also define the general syntaxes of post-processor words. These syntaxes will be proposed when you want to create a PP instruction. A PP word table comprises:

major words without parameters major words with a text major words with parameters minor words word syntaxes.

You can define for a given machine tool:


syntaxes associated to particular NC commands sequences of PP word syntaxes associated to particular NC instructions.

The NC Manufacturing product will resolve the parameters of these syntaxes and syntax sequences and generate the corresponding statements in the APT output.

NC Commands
You can define for a given machine tool (i.e. post-processor) PP word syntaxes associated to particular NC commands. An NC command is a machine function such as feedrate declaration (NC_FEEDRATE) or spindle activation (NC_SPINDLE_START). A syntax comprises a major word and one or more syntax elements such as minor words, numerical values, lists and parameters. A syntax that includes lists or parameters is a parameterized syntax (see example below): *START_NC_COMMAND NC_COMPENSATION LOADTL/%MFG_TL_NUMBER,%MFG_TOOL_COMP *END Note that the & character indicates a list and the % character indicates a parameter. A list has a finite number of values. You can define only one syntax for each NC command. The example below shows how lists can be used to define inch units for feeds and speeds: *START_NC_COMMAND NC_FEEDRATE *START_LIST MFG_FEED_UNIT IPM ,IPR *END FEDRAT/%MFG_FEED_VALUE,&MFG_FEED_UNIT *END / *START_NC_COMMAND NC_SPINDLE_START

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Arithmetic Operators
It is possible to use the following arithmetic operators in PP word syntaxes:

addition (+) subtraction (-) multiplication (*) division (/).

These operators can be used:


between word syntaxes (for example, %MFG_xxx + %MFG_yyy) between a value and a word syntax (for example, n + %MFG_yyy) between a word syntax and a value (for example, %MFG_xxx + n) between values (for example, n + m).

Parenthesis are not needed in expressions: they will be ignored and will not appear in NC data output. For example: WORD/%MFG_aaa, %MFG_xxx + %MFG_yyy, %MFG_bbb/2 Operators are processed in the order they appear in the syntax. For example: %MFG_xxx + %MFG_yyy * %MFG_zzz

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This means that %MFG_xxx is added to %MFG_yyy, then this sum is multiplied by %MFG_zzz. You should avoid using the +, -, *, / characters for other meanings. For example, you could use an underscore (_) instead of a dash (-) in the following expression to avoid any ambiguity: PPRINT/DIAMETER-VALUE, %MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM

Syntaxes of NC Commands
NC command syntaxes that are supported in the current version are as follows:


NC_xxx_MO_START_COMMENT syntaxes allow machining operation information to be output in the APT source file. A sample PP Table (PPTableSampleMOComment.pptable) is delivered in the ..\startup\manufacturing\PPTables folder.

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Allows selecting the tool compensation corresponding to the desired tool output point. MFG_QUADRANT: Number of the compensation type (for example, 2 for compensation type P2) MFG_NOSE_RADIUS: Insert nose radius MFG_TL_SET_X: Tool assembly set length in x direction MFG_TL_SET_Y: Tool assembly set length in y direction MFG_TL_SET_Z: Tool assembly set length in z direction MFG_LGTH_COR_REG, MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): number of the correction register. Default syntax: SWITCH/%MFG_QUADRANT Syntax example for turning operations: SWITCH/%MFG_TL_COMP,%MFG_QUADRANT,INCR,%MFG_TL_SET_X,%MFG_TL_SET_Z,%MFG_NOSE_RADIUS

MFG_MO_COMMENT: comment defined on machining operation. Default syntax: %MFG_MO_COMMENT

MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): value of the tool compensation length MFG_TL_COMP_RAD: value of the tool compensation radius MFG_TL_NUMBER: tool number associated to the compensation MFG_TL_NAME: name of tool associated to the compensation. Default syntax: LOADTL/%MFG_TL_NUMBER,%MFG_TL_COMP

The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/ON and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/OFF and cannot be parameterized.


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The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/SAME, NORMDS and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/OFF and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/NORMPS and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/OFF and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/LEFT and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is CUTCOM/RIGHT and cannot be parameterized.

MFG_DELAY_UNIT: list with two values defining the delay units. First value: delay expressed in number of revolutions. REV is the default value. Second value: delay expressed in seconds. A blank string (represented by 8 underscore characters) is the default value. When the statement is generated by the application this string is ignored. MFG_DELAY_VALUE: numerical value of the delay. Default syntax: DELAY/%MFG_DELAY_VALUE,&MFG_DELAY_UNIT

MFG_FEED_UNIT: list with two values defining the feedrate units. First value: feedrate expressed in model units per minute. MMPM is the default value. Second value: feedrate expressed in model units per revolution. MMPR is the default value. MFG_FEED_VALUE: numerical value of the feedrate. Default syntax: FEDRAT/%MFG_FEED_VALUE,&MFG_FEED_UNIT


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The parameters are as follows:

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MFG_NCAXIS_IDENTIFIER: manufacturing program name for the first output, otherwise name of the machining axis change MFG_SPINDLE_NAME: name of the spindle that is linked to the origin MFG_SPINDLE_NUMBER: number of the spindle that is linked to the origin MFG_NCAXIS_X_ORIG, MFG_NCAXIS_Y_ORIG, MFG_NCAXIS_Z_ORIG: coordinates of the machining axis origin MFG_NCAXIS_X_VECX, MFG_NCAXIS_Y_VECX, MFG_NCAXIS_Z_VECX: components of the x-axis MFG_NCAXIS_X_VECY, MFG_NCAXIS_Y_VECY, MFG_NCAXIS_Z_VECY: components of the y-axis MFG_NCAXIS_X_VECZ, MFG_NCAXIS_Y_VECZ, MFG_NCAXIS_Z_VECZ: components of the z-axis.

The syntax of this NC command is MULTAX and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is MULTAX/OFF and cannot be parameterized.


The syntax of this NC command is SPINDL/ON and cannot be parameterized.

MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: list with two values defining the spindle rotation units. First value: spindle rotation expressed in revolutions per minute. RPM is the default value. Second value: spindle rotation expressed in surface meters per minute. SMM is the default value. MFG_SPNDL_WAY: list with two values defining the direction of rotation of the spindle. First value: spindle rotation processed clockwise. CLW is the default value. Second value: spindle rotation processed counter-clockwise. CCLW is the default value. MFG_SPNDL_SPEED: numerical value of the spindle speed. MFG_SPNDL_DIAMTR: diameter of the tool where the spindle speed is taken into account. Default syntax: SPINDL/%MFG_SPNDL_SPEED,&MFG_SPNDL_UNIT,&MFG_SPNDL_WAY

Note that this corresponds to the part's spindle speed. MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: list with two values defining the spindle rotation units. First value: spindle rotation expressed in revolutions per minute. RPM is the default value. Second value: spindle rotation expressed in surface meters per minute. SMM is the default value. MFG_SPNDL_WAY: list with two values defining the direction of rotation of the spindle. First value: spindle rotation processed clockwise. CLW is the default value. Second value: spindle rotation processed counter-clockwise. CCLW is the default value. MFG_SPNDL_SPEED: numerical value of the spindle speed. Default syntax: SPINDL/%MFG_SPNDL_SPEED,&MFG_SPNDL_UNIT


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This NC command ensures compatibility with V4. You should use NC_SPINDLE_LOCK or NC_SPINDLE_OFF, if possible. MFG_SPNDL_STOP: list with two values defining the action applied to the spindle. First value: de-activation of the spindle. OFF is the default value. Second value: spindle locked in an indexed position. LOCK is the default value.

The syntax of this NC command is SPINDL/LOCK and cannot be parameterized.

The syntax of this NC command is SPINDL/OFF and cannot be parameterized.

Syntax example: THREAD/TURN

Syntax example: THREAD/OFF

NC Instructions
You can define for a given machine tool (i.e. post-processor) sequences of PP word syntaxes associated to particular NC instructions. NC instructions are either auxiliary commands or axial machining operations. A syntax comprises a major word and one or more syntax elements such as minor words, numerical values and standard parameters. A set of standard parameters is associated to each NC instruction. Parameters may be combined in arithmetical expressions. A syntax that includes parameters is a parameterized syntax (see examples below): *START_NC_INSTRUCTION NC_TOOL_CHANGE *START_SEQUENCE TOOLNO/%MFG_TOOL_NUMBER,%MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM TPRINT/%MFG_TOOL_NAME LOADTL/%MFG_TOOL_NUMBER *END *END *START_NC_INSTRUCTION NC_TAPPING *START_SEQUENCE CYCLE/TAP,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP *END *END Note that the % character indicates a parameter. You can define one or more syntax sequences for each NC instruction. For an example of how to define syntax sequences in NC Instructions, please see PP Word Syntaxes in the Customizing section of this guide.

Standard Parameters for Auxiliary Command Type NC Instructions

These parameters include data that is defined on the corresponding entity or parameters that are computed according to an application method.

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Auxiliary command type NC Instructions are as follows:

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This instruction is used to valuate parameters of an activity during the generation of APT.




MFG_IDENTIFIER: Part Operation identifier MFG_MACHINE_NAME: Machine name. Default syntax: SPINDL/OFF

MFG_TYPE_OF_ROT: Rotation type (absolute angle in this version) MFG_DIR_OF_ROT: Rotation direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) MFG_AMOUNT_ROT: Angle of rotation about the axis of rotation MFG_AXIS_OF_ROT: Axis of rotation on machine head. MFG_ABC_AXIS: Axis of rotation on machine head to get Minor word AAXIS, BAXIS or CAXIS. Default syntax: ROTHED/%MFG_AMOUNT_ROT,%MFG_DIR_OF_ROT


MFG_PROGRAM_NAME: Manufacturing Program name MFG_CHANNEL_NUMBER: Channel number (Turret). Default syntax (empty): *START_NC_INSTRUCTION


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Syntax example in a Multi-Axis Lathe machine environment: CHANNEL,%MFG_CHANNEL_NUMBER

MFG_IDENTIFIER: Part Operation identifier MFG_PROGRAM_NAME: Manufacturing Program name MFG_MACHINE_NAME: Machine name MFG_MODEL_NAME: Name of the CATProcess (with document suffix) MFG_PRODUCT_NAME: Name of the CATProduct/CATPart (with no document suffix). Default syntax: PARTNO PART TO BE MACHINED

MFG_TYPE_OF_ROT: Rotation type (absolute angle in this version) MFG_DIR_OF_ROT: Rotation direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) MFG_AMOUNT_ROT: Angle of rotation about the axis of rotation MFG_AXIS_OF_ROT: Axis of rotation on machine table. MFG_ABC_AXIS: Axis of rotation on machine table to get Minor word AAXIS, BAXIS or CAXIS. Default syntax: ROTABL/%MFG_AMOUNT_ROT,%MFG_DIR_OF_ROT

Please note that if tool assembly resources are not used in your process, the term 'tool assembly' means 'tool' or 'cutter' in the following description. MFG_TL_ASMBLY_ID: Tool assembly identifier MFG_TL_SET_LGTH: Tool set length MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_TOOL_COMMENT: Comment associated with the tool MFG_TOOL_NUMBER: Tool assembly number MFG_ASS_COMMENT: Comment associated with the tool assembly MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX: Tool weight syntax MFG_COOLNT_SNTX: Coolant supply syntax MFG_TOOTH_DES: Tooth description MFG_DIAMETER_2: Diameter 2 of the tool assembly MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME: Tool life (in time units) MFG_MAX_MIL_LGTH: Tool life (in length units) MFG_CORNER_RAD: Tool corner radius MFG_CUT_ANGLE: Tool cutting angle MFG_LENGTH: Length of active part of the tool MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH: Tool tip length MFG_CUT_LENGTH: Tool cutting length MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES: Number of teeth MFG_TOOL_NAME: Tool name MFG_FEED_MACH: Machining feedrate (*) MFG_SPNDL_MACH: Machining spindle speed (*) MFG_TL_SET_X: Tool set length in x direction MFG_TL_SET_Y: Tool set length in y direction MFG_FEED_UNIT: Computed feedrate unit (*) MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Computed spindle speed unit (*) MFG_WAY_OF_ROT: Computed rotation direction of tool (RIGHTHAND or LEFTHAND) MFG_TOOL_ASS_POW: Computed tool assembly power type If fixed the value is TURN, otherwise the value is MILL MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): value of the tool compensation length MFG_TOOL_COMP_2: value of the second tool compensation length. (*) The values of these feed and speed attributes are taken from the first machining operation under the tool change.

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MFG_TL_ASMBLY_ID: Tool assembly identifier MFG_ASS_COMMENT: Comment associated with the tool assembly MFG_TOOL_NUMBER: Tool assembly number MFG_TOOL_NAME: Insert-holder name MFG_TOOL_COMMENT: Comment associated with the insert-holder MFG_INSERT_NAME: Insert name MFG_INSERT_COMMENT: Comment associated with the insert MFG_TL_SETUP_ANG: Tool assembly setup angle (value in degrees) MFG_TL_SET_X: Tool assembly set length in x direction MFG_TL_SET_Y: Tool assembly set length in y direction MFG_TL_SET_Z: Tool assembly set length in z direction MFG_HAND_STYLE: Insert-holder style (LEFT_HAND, RIGHT_HAND or NEUTRAL) MFG_TOOL_INVERT: Tool assembly inversion. Defines if the insert-holder has been inverted with respect to the original insertholder style. Possible values are 0 (not inverted) or 1 (inverted). MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Value of the insert-holder compensation length MFG_LIFE_TIME: Insert life-time (in time units) MFG_NOSE_RADIUS: Insert nose radius MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE: Insert clearance angle MFG_INSERT_LGTH: Insert length MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM: Inscribed diameter of insert MFG_INSERT_ANGLE: Insert shape angle MFG_SPINDL_WAY: Spindle direction MFG_FED_MACH: Machining feedrate (*) MFG_FED_UNIT: Feedrate unit (*) MFG_SPINDL_MACH: Machining spindle speed (*) MFG_SPINDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit (*) MFG_QUADRANT: Output point number. (*) The values of these feed and speed attributes are taken from the first machining operation under the tool change. Default syntax: TOOLNO/%MFG_TOOL_NUMBER,TURN

Mill/Turn integration and the NC_TOOL_CHANGE_LATHE instruction

For a drilling operation using a non-powered Milling Tool Assembly and machining along the spindle axis, a Lathe Tool Change is created. In this case, the following Insert attributes are replaced by Tool attributes: Insert attributes MFG_NOSE_RADIUS MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM MFG_LIFE_TIME MFG_LIFE_LGTH MFG_INSERT_LGTH MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE MFG_INSERT_ANGLE Tool attributes MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME MFG_MAX_MIL_LGTH MFG_CUT_LENGTH 0 (not valuated) MFG_CUT_ANGLE

Standard Parameters for Axial Machining Operation Type NC Instructions

For axial machining operations, the standard parameters are either:

parameters defined on the corresponding machining operation (geometrical data, machining strategy parameters, feeds and speeds, and so on) parameters that are calculated according to an application method.

In the figures below:


detail depth (MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH) and total depth (MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH) are computed parameters

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breakthrough distance (MFG_BREAKTHROUGH) is a machining strategy parameter tool tip length is a geometric attribute of the tool (MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH).

Overall breakthrough is the breakthrough distance plus the tool tip length.

Axial machining operation type NC Instructions are as follows:



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General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_CLEAR_TIP_2: Second approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_LIFT_MODE: Shift mode (0: None / 1: Linear coordinates / 2: Polar coordinates) MFG_XOFF: Shift along X MFG_YOFF: Shift along Y MFG_ZOFF: Shift along Z MFG_LIFT_ANGLE: Shift angle MFG_LIFT_DIST: Shift distance MFG_RETRACT_CLEAR_TIP: retract clearance MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_BCK_BORE_VAL: Back bore depth MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. MFG_CMP_OFFSET: Computed offset MFG_CMP_ANGLE: Computed angle. This parameter is computed if Shift mode is set to 'Linear coordinates'. Otherwise, the Shift angle is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/BORE,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP


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MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/BORE,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate

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MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_LIFT_MODE: Shift mode (0: None / 1: Linear coordinates / 2: Polar coordinates) MFG_XOFF: Shift along X MFG_YOFF: Shift along Y MFG_ZOFF: Shift along Z MFG_LIFT_ANGLE: Shift angle MFG_LIFT_DIST: Shift distance MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip. Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. MFG_CMP_OFFSET: Computed offset MFG_CMP_ANGLE: Computed angle. This parameter is computed if Shift mode is set to 'Linear coordinates'. Otherwise, the Shift angle is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/BORE,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate

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MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_CHAMFER_FEED_VALUE and MFG_CHAMFER_FEED (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate for chamfering phase MFG_CHAMFER_SPINDLE_VALUE: Machining spindle speed for chamfering phase. MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_CLEAR_TIP_2: Second approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_2: Length number of second corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_2: Distance between the position of the second corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER and MFG_CHAMFER_VAL (compatibility V4): Chamfer diameter MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance. Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/BORE,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit

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MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_AXIAL_DEPTH: Maximum depth of cut MFG_OFFSET_RET: Retract offset MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Tool nominal diameter MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. MFG_EFFCT_DEPTH: Effective depth (= maximum depth of cut) Default syntax: CYCLE/BRKCHP,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_RADIAL_STEP: Distance between paths MFG_RADIAL_NB: Number of paths MFG_AXIAL_STRAT: Axial mode (1: Max depth of cut / 2: Number of levels / 3: Number of levels without top) MFG_AXIAL_DEPTH: Maximum depth of cut MFG_AXIAL_NUMBER: Number of levels MFG_SEQUENCING_STRAT: Sequencing mode (1: Radial first / 2: Axial first)

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MFG_TOLER_MACH: Machining tolerance MFG_DIR_CUT: Direction of cut (1: Climb / 2: Conventional) MFG_OVERHANG: Percentage overlap MFG_DRAFT_ANGLE: Automatic draft angle MFG_CIRCULAR_MODE: Machining mode (1: Standard / 2: Helical) MFG_HELIX_MODE: Helix mode (1: By pitch / 2: By angle) MFG_HELIX_ANGLE: Helix angle MFG_PITCH: Helix pitch MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of hole (offset on contour is taken into account in this value) MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). Default syntax: CYCLE/CIRCULARMILLING,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature

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MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows:

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MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/BORE,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (3: Diameter / 4: Distance) MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Countersink diameter MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is.

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General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_AXIAL_DEPTH: Maximum depth of cut MFG_OFFSET_RET: Retract offset MFG_DEPTH_DEC: Decrement rate MFG_DEPTH_LIM: Decrement limit MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. MFG_EFFCT_DEPTH: Effective depth (= Maximum depth of cut) Default syntax: CYCLE/DEEPHL,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP


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MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. Default syntax: CYCLE/DRILL,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP,%MFG_FEED_MACH,&MFG_FEED_UNIT

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid)

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MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/DRILL,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier. Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_THREAD_MACHINING: Machining type (1: Constant depth / 2: Section of cut) MFG_THREAD_PENETRATION: Penetration (1: Straight / 2: Flank / 3: Alternate) MFG_THREAD_UNIT: Unit (1: Pitch / 2: Thread per inch) MFG_THREAD_PROFILE: Profile (1: ISO / 2: Trapezoidal / 3: UNC / 4: Gaz) MFG_THREAD_PITCH: Thread pitch MFG_NUM_THREADS: Number of threads MFG_THRD_PER_UNIT: Threads per inch MFG_FIR_PATH: Boolean for first passes (0: No / 1: Yes) MFG_LAS_PATH: Boolean for last passes (0: No / 1: Yes) MFG_SPR_PATH: Boolean for spring passes (0: No / 1: Yes) MFG_NUM_FIR_PATH: Number of first passes MFG_NUM_LAS_PATH: Number of last passes MFG_NUM_SPR_PATH: Number of spring passes MFG_FIR_SECT_CUT: Section of cut for first passes MFG_LAS_DEPT_CUT: Depth of cut for last passes MFG_FIR_SECT_RAT: Section ratio between first passes and next passes

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MFG_CRES_DIA_CLR: Clearance on crest diameter MFG_ENTER_ANG: Entry angle MFG_LEAD_IN_DIST: Lead-in distance MFG_LIFT_OFF_ANG: Lift-off angle MFG_LIFT_OFF_DIS: Lift-off distance

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MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: list with two values defining the spindle rotation units. First value: spindle rotation expressed in revolutions per minute. RPM is the default value. Second value: spindle rotation expressed in surface meters per minute. SMM is the default value. MFG_SPNDL_WAY: list with two values defining the direction of rotation of the spindle. First value: spindle rotation processed clockwise. CLW is the default value. Second value: spindle rotation processed counter-clockwise. CCLW is the default value. MFG_SPNDL_SPEED: numerical value of the spindle speed. Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_ST_THRD_AX: Axial coordinate of the start thread on the crest. MFG_ST_THRD_RAD: Radial coordinate of the start thread on the crest. MFG_END_THRD_AX: Axial coordinate of the end thread on the crest. MFG_END_THRD_RAD: Radial coordinate of the end thread on the crest. MFG_END_THRD1_AX: Axial coordinate of the end thread on the root. MFG_END_THRD1_RAD: Radial coordinate of the end thread on the root. MFG_THRD_DEL_RAD: Depth of thread according to the radial axis. MFG_THRD_ANG: Angle of the thread. If different from zero, this angle indicates a conical thread. MFG_NOM_DIAM: Nominal diameter of the thread. MFG_THRD_LENGTH: Length of the thread. MFG_NB_PATH: Number of passes. First, last and spring passes are not included. MFG_DEPTH_CUT: Depth of cut. MFG_SECTION_CUT: Section of cut for passes that follow the first passes. MFG_THREAD_DEPTH: Depth of thread. Default syntax: CYCLE/THREAD,%MFG_THREAD_PITCH

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip

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MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/REAM,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Internal diameter of the tool MFG_THREAD_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above).

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MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: This parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_TOOL_PITCH: Pitch value defined on tool. Default syntax: CYCLE/TAP,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Chamfer diameter MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, the plunge distance, and tool tip length. MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/DRILL,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type

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MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip) MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Slot diameter MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_LENGTH: Slot height (= Tool length, which is read on tool) MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/TSLOT,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit

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Machining Strategy parameters are as follows:

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MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip / 2: Shoulder) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Internal diameter of the tool MFG_THREAD_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the tool MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: This parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_TOOL_PITCH: Pitch value defined on tool Default syntax: CYCLE/TAP,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip) MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Hole internal diameter

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MFG_THREAD_DIAMETER: Tool nominal diameter MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows:

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MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: This parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. Default syntax: CYCLE/TAP,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name. Feeds and Speeds parameters are as follows: MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_BREAKTHROUGH: Breakthrough distance MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip. Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Hole internal diameter MFG_THREAD_DIAMETER: Hole nominal diameter MFG_PITCH: Thread pitch MFG_PITCH_SENS or MFG_PITCH_WAY_OF_ROT: Thread direction (1: Left-hand / 2: Right-hand) MFG_THREAD_TYPE: Type of thread (0: Internal / 1: External) MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_TOOL_PITCH: Pitch value defined on tool Default syntax: CYCLE/THREADMILLING,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP

General parameters are as follows: MFG_MO_TYPE: Machining operation type MFG_MO_IDENTIFIER: Machining operation name or identifier MFG_PATTERN_NAME: Machining pattern name.

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MFG_FEED_APP_MODE: Approach feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_APP_VALUE and MFG_FEED_APPRCH (compatibility V4): Approach feedrate MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_MODE and MFG_FEED_PL_TYPE (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_PLUNGE_VALUE and MFG_PLUNGE_FEED (compatibility V4): Plunge feedrate MFG_FEED_MACH_VALUE and MFG_FEED_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining feedrate MFG_SPINDLE_MACH_VALUE and MFG_SPNDL_MACH (compatibility V4): Machining spindle speed MFG_FEED_RETRACT_MODE and MFG_FEED_RT_TYPE (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate mode (0: Value / 1: Rapid) MFG_FEED_RETRACT_VALUE and MFG_FEED_RETRACT (compatibility V4): Retract feedrate MFG_FEED_UNIT: Feedrate unit MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: Spindle speed unit Machining Strategy parameters are as follows: MFG_CLEAR_TIP: Approach clearance MFG_CLEAR_TIP_2: Second approach clearance MFG_DEPTH_MODE: Depth mode (1: Tip) MFG_PLUNGE_MODE: Plunge mode (0: None / 1: Tip / 3: Diameter) MFG_PLUNGE_TIP: Plunge tip distance MFG_PLUNGE_OFFST: Plunge tip offset MFG_PLUNGE_DIAMETER: Plunge diameter MFG_DWELL_MODE: Dwell mode (0: None / 1: By revolutions / 2: By time) MFG_DWELL_REVOL: Dwell delay in revolutions MFG_DWELL_TIME: Dwell delay in time units (seconds) MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_2: Length number of second corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between the position of the current corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between the position of the first corrector and the tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_2: Distance between the position of the second corrector and the tool tip Geometry parameters are as follows: MFG_DIAMETER: Chamfer diameter MFG_NOMINAL_DIAMETER: Nominal diameter of the machined feature MFG_JUMP_DIST: Jump distance Computed parameters are as follows: MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH: Hole depth that is effectively machined (see figure above) MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH: Total depth machined by the operation. This includes the hole depth, breakthrough, and tool tip length (see figure above). MFG_PLUNGE_DIST: Whatever the selected plunge mode (by Tip or by Diameter), this parameter returns the plunge distance. The plunge offset is taken into account in this value. MFG_CMP_DWL_TIME: Computed dwell delay (in time units of seconds): this parameter is computed if dwell mode is set to 'revolutions'. Otherwise, the dwell time is returned as is. Default syntax: CYCLE/DRILL,%MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH,%MFG_CLEAR_TIP,%MFG_FEED_MACH,&MFG_FEED_UNIT

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Feeds and Speeds

Cutting conditions (feed/tooth and cutting speed) can be included in a tools catalog. This data is converted into machining feedrate and spindle speed parameters to be used in machining operations by means of formula. For an example of such a tools catalog, see FeedsAndSpeeds.xls file delivered in the .../startup/Manufacturing/Samples folder. Cutting conditions are also available in the Feeds & Speeds tab page of the Tool Definition dialog box. In the Feeds and Speeds tab page of milling operations, the Rough or Finish quality of the operation and the tool data are taken into account for computing the feeds and speeds.

Cutting Conditions
The following cutting conditions data are supported: cutting speed (Vc), feedrate/tooth (Sz), and depth of cut. Cutting conditions for drilling tools: MFG_VC: cutting speed in mm/mn MFG_SZ: feedrate/tooth in mm/rev MFG_PP: Depth of cut. Roughing and Finishing cutting conditions for milling tools: MFG_VC_FINISH: finishing cutting speed in mm/mn MFG_SZ_FINISH: finishing feedrate/tooth in mm/rev MFG_VC_ROUGH: roughing cutting speed in mm/mn MFG_SZ_ROUGH: roughing feedrate/tooth in mm/rev. Roughing and Finishing cutting conditions for lathe inserts: MFG_VC_FINISH: finishing cutting speed in mm/mn MFG_SZ_FINISH: finishing feedrate/tooth in mm/rev MFG_SZ_AA_FINISH: axial depth of cut for finishing MFG_SZ_AR_FINISH: axial depth of cut for finishing MFG_VC_ROUGH: roughing cutting speed in mm/mn MFG_SZ_ROUGH: roughing feedrate/tooth in mm/rev MFG_SZ_AA_ROUGH: axial depth of cut for roughing MFG_SZ_AR_ROUGH: axial depth of cut for roughing. When a tool is selected for an operation, spindle speed (N) and machining feedrate (Vf) are computed using the following formula: N (in rev/mn) = Vc / (D * PI) where: D = tool diameter for milling/drilling in mm Vc = cutting speed of the tool or insert.

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For turning operations, N is automatically set in mm/min with the value of the insert's cutting speed. Vf (in mm/rev) = Sz * N * Z where: Sz = feedrate/tooth on the tool N = spindle speed in rev/min Z = number of teeth on the tool (MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES) or 1 for a lathe insert. Finishing data is used if the operation is finishing type (for example, Lathe Profile Finishing) or if it includes a finishing feedrate. If the tool data is set to 0 (that is, if there are no specified values in the catalog), then spindle speed N and machining feedrate Vf are not computed on the operation.

Update of Feeds and Speeds on Machining Operation

Operation with a Tool
When you modify a Feeds and Speeds attribute on the tool, the Feeds and Speeds values of the operation are not automatically updated. Feeds & speeds of the operation will be updated according to tooling feeds and speeds:

when you select a new tool by selecting the Automatic Compute checkboxes in the Feeds and Speeds tab page of the operation by clicking the Compute button located in the Feeds and Speeds tab page of the operation

Two checkboxes allow operation Feeds and Speeds values to be updated automatically when Feeds and Speeds values of the tool are modified.

If they are checked then the Feeds and Speeds values of the operation will be updated when the Feeds and Speeds values of the tool are modified. These two buttons will work separately: if Feedrate is checked and not Spindle then the only the Feedrate values will be computed. If they are not selected then automatic update will not be done.

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When you modify the Feeds and Speeds values on a tool, all existing operations with these checkboxes selected that use this tool (or an assembly using this tool) will be recomputed. The Compute button allows you to force the update of the operation values if one or both checkboxes are not selected. The feed and speed values are computed according to the Quality setting on the operation.

The computation of the Feeds and Speeds of the operation depends on the Quality setting:

Rough: rough values of the tool are taken into account Finish: finish values of the tool are taken into account Either: no computation will be done for the operation's Feeds and Speeds.

In Tools > Options > Machining > Resources, settings are available to define how the Automatic Compute checkboxes in the Feeds and Speeds tab page are to be initialized for creating new operations.

Operation without Tool

When a tool is selected for the machining operation, the operation is updated with the new tool's feeds and speeds data.

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NC Data Options
This section gives a summary of the options that are used when generating NC data output in the various formats. NC Data can be generated either in interactive or batch mode .

NC Data Option



NC Code


Circular Interpolation... Circular interpolation Specifies the type of circles to be processed if circular interpolation is required: - From machine: uses the values specified by the part operation's machine - None: circular interpolation is not required - Z-axis circles: only circles whose axis is parallel to the z-axis of the machining axis system are processed - Any axis circles: all circle types are processed. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *CIR Circle radius limits Specifies how circles are to be processed for circular interpolation: - From machine: the values specified by the part operation's machine are used - Value: user-defined values are used for minimum and maximum radius constraints. Minimum radius Specifies the value to be used for the minimum radius constraint for circular interpolation. If From machine was selected for the Circular interpolation option, the minimum radius value of the part operation's machine is used. Maximum radius Specifies the value to be used for the maximum radius constraint for circular interpolation. If From machine was selected for the Circular interpolation option, the maximum radius value of the part operation's machine is used. Circular record type Specifies the type of record to be generated on the clfile if circular interpolation is requested: - 3000 and 5000 - 15000. Tool motions... Home Point strategy You can choose to include Home Point information in the NC data output by means of this option. In this case GOTO or FROM information defined on the part operation's machine is used. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *HPM Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes From machne

















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Include GOTO for tool change - Checkbox selected: a GOTO statement will be included before each tool change. - Checkbox not selected: a GOTO statement will not be included before each tool change. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *RMT Output CYCLE syntax - Checkbox selected: the PP word syntax specified in the PP word table will be output for axial machining operations . - Checkbox not selected: GOTO statements will be generated in the NC data output. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *STX Remove GOTO before cycles For axial machining operations using SYNTAX output mode (CYCLE), you can now choose whether or not to output GOTO statements corresponding to Jump and Clearance motions. - Checkbox selected: the following points are removed: points that were added by the clearance approach distance points that were added by the jump distance. - Checkbox not selected: the points are not removed. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *GBC 1 Process Copy and Tracut operations Specifies whether any Copy or Tracut instructions in the program are to be processed. - Checkbox selected: Copy and/or Tracut instructions will be processed. In this case there will be no Copy or Tracut statements remaining in the generated APT source. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *APT 2 - Checkbox not selected: Copy and/or Tracut instructions will not be processed. In this case there will be Copy or Tracut statements remaining in the generated APT source. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *APT 1

















Remove double points after PP commands You can choose to keep or remove points that are repeated after PP statements. - Checkbox selected: First point after PP command or user syntax is not kept if the previous one is a coincident point. - Checkbox not selected: First point after PP command or user syntax is always kept. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PAC 1 Remove aligned points - Checkbox selected: one or more points that are aligned between two other points will not be output. - Checkbox not selected: one or more points that are aligned between two other points will be output. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *ALP 1 Feedrates...









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Use rapid feedrate value instead of RAPID syntax Defines the formatting for rapid motions. - Checkbox selected: rapid motions will be preceded by a FEEDRATE syntax whose value is the Rapid feedrate specified on the machine. - Checkbox not selected: rapid motions will be preceded by a RAPID syntax. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *RAP Set Rapid feedrate at start of operations - Checkbox selected: a RAPID statement will be included at the start of each operation. However, if a Clearance macro is defined on an operation, the macro definition will be taken into account. - Checkbox not selected: a RAPID statement will not be included at the start of each operation. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *SRP









Statements... Tool motion statement Defines the format describing tool motion statements on the NC data output: - From machine: the output format defined the part operation's machine is used. - Point: tool point coordinates (x,y,z) are output. A TLAXIS statement is given at the start of the generated APT source. A fixed-axis clfile record 9000 is given at the start of the generated clfile. - Axis: tool point coordinates and tool axis components (x,y,z,i,j,k) are output. A MULTAX statement is given at the start of the generated APT source. A MULTAX clfile record 9000 is given at the start of the generated clfile. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *FGO General information Defines how information such as tool names and operation sequence numbers will be generated. - None: not generated Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR 2xx - PPRINT: generated with the PPRINT word Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR 1xx - $$: generated as a comment (not available for clfile). Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR 3xx where x is a number between 1 and 3 depending on other desired information (see example). Part operation comments Defines how part operation comments will be generated. - None: not generated Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR x2x - PPRINT: generated with the PPRINT word Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR x1x - $$: generated as a comment (not available for clfile) Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR x3x where x is a number between 1 and 3 depending on other desired information (see example). Yes Yes Yes No


Yes except $$

Yes except $$



Yes except $$

Yes except $$


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Machining operation names Defines how machining operation names will be generated. - None: not generated Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR xx2 - PPRINT: generated with the PPRINT word Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR xx1 - $$: generated as a comment (not available for clfile) Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *PPR xx3 where x is a number between 1 and 3 depending on other desired information (see example).


Yes except $$

Yes except $$


Format for point coordinates... Allows you to define other formats for NC data statements allowing better accuracy for large parts. Number of digits (N) Specifies the total number of digits for each point coordinate. Digits after decimal (D) Specifies the number of digits after the decimal point for each point coordinate. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *NDX N.D Format for axial components... Number of digits (N) Specifies the total number of digits for tool axis vector component. Digits after decimal (D) Specifies the number of digits after the decimal point for tool axis vector component. Equivalent keyword for MfgBatch is *NDI N.D Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

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APT Formats
This section describes formats used to write NC data on APT source files. Generated APT Syntaxes NURBS Formats in APT Output APT Output Modifications Syntaxes Interpreted by APT Import

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Syntax of Generated APT Instructions

Syntax of APT Instructions generated by Machining products is described below. Blank characters used for presentation comfort on file are not mentioned. Example of format: 'AUTOPS' 'INDIRV/',F11.5,',',F11.5,',',F11.5' 'TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/',F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,',$',T73,'CIR',I5 F13.5,'),ON,2,INTOF,$' '(LINE/',F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,',$' F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,')' Example of generated APT source: AUTOPS INDIRV/ 0.00000, -1.00000, 0.00000 TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,$ CIR 1 50.00000),ON,2,INTOF,$ (LINE/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,$ 50.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000)

General Information
'$$',6X,'GENERATED ON ',A28,' AT ',A8 start of execution (date, time)

Operation Numbers
'PPRINT OPERATION NUMBER: ',I4 '$$ OPERATION NUMBER: ',I4 operation order number in part operation

PP or APT Word Instruction

A80 PP instruction string

NC Axis Components

'$$*CATIA0' '$$ ',A70 '$$ ',4(F11.5,2X) '$$ ',4(F11.5,2X) '$$ ',4(F11.5,2X)

NC axis identifier (may be blank if table rotation operation). NC axis matrix definition in absolute axis (*axis1)

Tool Axis Definition

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tool axis components expressed in machining axis system.

Multi-Axis Management
Manages the output format of GOTO statements in a 5-axis program that mixes pure 5-axis operations and locked axis operations. (GOTO / X, Y, Z, I, J, K for pure 5-axis motions, and GOTO / X, Y, Z for locked axis motions). See MULTAX Influence on APT Source.


Starting Point Operation

'GOTO/',F11.5,2(',',F11.5),T73,'PT ',I5 'FROM/',F11.5,2(',',F11.5),T73,'PT ',I5 tool tip coordinates, point number tool tip coordinates, point number

Tool Information - Mill

'CUTTER/',4(F10.6,','),F10.6,',$' F10.6,',',F10.6 cutter diameter, corner radius, distance center corner to tool axis, corner radius, 0.0, beta angle, height

Tool Information - Lathe

'CUTTER/',F10.6 nose radius

'INTOL /',F11.5 'OUTTOL/',F11.5 machining tolerance 0.0

Feedrate Values
'FEDRAT/',F10.4 'RAPID' feedrate value

Linear Tool Motion

'GOTO/',F11.5,2(',',F11.5),T73,'PT ',I5 'GODLTA/',F11.5,2(',',F11.5),T73,'PT ',I5 tool tip coordinates, point number tool tip incremental move, point number

Circular Tool Motion - CIRCLE/

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'AUTOPS' 'INDIRV/',F11.5,',',F11.5,',',F11.5' 'TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/',F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,',$',T73,'CIR',I5 EITHER: F13.5,'),ON,(LINE/',F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,',$' F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,')' OR: F13.5,'),ON,2,INTOF,$' '(LINE/',F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,',$' F13.5,',',F13.5,',',F13.5,')'

components of circle tangent at arc start pt circle center coords, circle number

radius, circle center coords, arc end point coords

radius, circle center coords, arc end point coords

Circular Tool Motion - CYLNDR/

tool tip coordinates, circle axis components components of tangent at arc start point circle center coords, circle number circle axis components, radius, circle center coordinates, circle axis components, circle center coordinates, arc end point coordinates

'PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/',F11.5,2(',',F11.5),'),PERPTO,$' '(VECTOR/',2(F9.6,','),F9.6,'))' 'INDIRV/',F11.5,',',F11.5,',',F11.5 'TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/',2(F11.5,','),F11.5,',$',T73,'CIR',I5 EITHER: 3(F11.5,','),F11.5,'),ON,$' '(PLANE/PERPTO,$' '(PLANE/(POINT/',F11.5,2(',',F11.5),'),PERPTO,$' '(VECTOR/',2(F9.6,','),F9.6,')),$' '(POINT/',2(F11.5,','),F11.5,'),$' '(POINT/',2(F11.5,','),F11.5,'))' OR: 3(F11.5,','),F11.5,'),ON,2,INTOF,$' '(PLANE/PERPTO,$' '(PLANE/(POINT/',F11.5,2(',',F11.5),'),PERPTO,$' '(VECTOR/',2(F9.6,','),F9.6,')),$' '(POINT/',2(F11.5,','),F11.5,'),$' '(POINT/',2(F11.5,','),F11.5,'))'

circle axis components, radius, circle center coordinates, circle axis components, circle center coordinates, arc end point coordinates

MULTAX Influence on APT Output

A MULTAX statement (MULTAX, MULTAX/ON, MULTAX/OFF) may be defined anywhere in the program (for example, in a PP word statement or a macro path). MULTAX statements found during APT generation will influence the output format.

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MULTAX statements are searched and identified in any PP word statement. If a MULTAX or MULTAX/ON statement is found, the following linear motions will be written with the format: GOTO/ X, Y, Z, I, J, K If a MULTAX/OFF statement is found, the following linear motions will be written GOTO/ X, Y, Z and the tool axis will be considered as locked. The components of the locked tool axis are the components defined on the last 5-axis position preceding the MULTAX/OFF statement. Therefore, no TLAXIS statement is generated after a MULTAX/OFF statement. In a sequence of motions following a MULTAX/OFF statement, the tool axis orientation is checked, and as soon as it is not constant, a MULTAX/ON statement will be added, possibly with a warning message in the log file. Example of APT source: ... PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Tool Change PPRINT Start generation of : Tool Change MULTAX/ON GOTO / 0.00000, 27.16535, 20.47244, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING CUTTER/ 1.259843, 0.000000, 0.629921, 0.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 0.984250 $$ TOOLCHANGEEND PPRINT End of generation of : Tool Change ... MULTAX/OFF ... RAPID GOTO / 7.29167, 15.48687, 16.10080 RAPID GOTO / 7.29167, 15.48687, 15.13780 ... MULTAX/ON ... RAPID GOTO / 2.74137, 14.56693, 16.10080, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 RAPID GOTO / 2.74137, 14.56693, 15.13780, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 ... Please note that the behavior previous to Release 12 was that MULTAX statements had no influence on the format of GOTO statements.

Non-Modal Behavior of RAPID Statements

According to APT standard formats, all feedrate statements (except RAPID) are modal. This means that they are applied on all following points until next the feedrate statement. However, the RAPID instruction is not modal. This means that the RAPID statement is applied only on the next GOTO motion. For example in a linking macro with rapid feedrate, a RAPID instruction is written before each of the three GOTO points of the macro. Another APT standard format rule that is specific to the RAPID word, is to not repeat unnecessarily the current machining feedrate after the last point in RAPID. The machining feedrate will be applied natively. In the example below, rapid feedrate only applies to the 1st GOTO point. The machining feedrate that was current before the RAPID statement applies to the 2nd GOTO point:

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FEDRAT/ 300.0000,MMPM GOTO / -69.00000, 40.00000, 46.00000 GOTO / -69.00000, 50.00000, 0.00000 RAPID GOTO / -80.0000, -23.0000, 16.0000 GOTO / -90.0000, -21.0000, 16.0000

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NURBS Formats in APT Output

It is possible to generate NC output files containing tool motion descriptions using a format based on NURBS technology for both fixed or variable axis programs. This format is recognized by most new generation NC controllers (such as the Siemens 840D). It supports High Speed Milling (HSM) in order to reduce machining time and improve surface quality. Examples of Fixed Axis and Variable Axis NURBS output statements that can be found in the generated APT file are given below. Fixed Axis NURBS example: BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS(D=3,F=4000,AXIS=0.00,0.00,1.00); N0,XT= 0.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,DK= 0.00,W=1.0; N1,XT=10.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,DK= 0.00,W=1.0; N2,XT=20.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,DK=30.00,W=1.0; N3,XT=30.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,DK= 0.00,W=1.0; END NURBS; Variable Axis NURBS example: BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS(D=3,F=4000,AXIS=VAR,LENGTH=100.00); N0,XT= 0.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,XH= 0.000, $ YH=0.000,ZH=100.00,DK= 0.00,W=1.0; N1,XT=10.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,XH=10.000, $ YH=0.000,ZH=100.00,DK= 0.00,W=1.0; N2,XT=20.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,XH=20.000, $ YH=0.000,ZH=100.00,DK=30.00,W=1.0; N3,XT=30.000,YT=0.000,ZT=0.000,XH=30.000, $ YH=0.000,ZH=100.00,DK= 0.00,W=1.0; END NURBS; These statements are supported by some of the Post-Processors proposed under Tools > Options > Machining > Output for conversion to Siemens Nurbs/Bspline statements.

CATIA Version 5 APT Output Format

The fixed and variable axis NURBS output will be included in regular APT Catia output containing other classes of 3 or 5 axis tool motion statements. The most common of these statements are: GOTO / x, y, z GOTO / x, y, z, i, j, k Sample: GOTO / 0.00000, 89.19372, 12.00000 GOTO / 0.00000, 89.19372, 12.00000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000


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A Fixed Axis Catia NURBS for Siemens Output looks like this: BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS (D=3,F=8000.000,AXIS= 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000) N0, XT= 0.00000, YT= 89.19372, ZT= 12.00000,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N1, XT= -35.25923, YT= 82.30182, ZT= 12.00000,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N2, XT= -70.67279, YT= 76.14709, ZT= 12.00000,DK=107.790,W=1.000; N3, XT= -105.90481, YT= 69.14878, ZT= 12.00000,DK=0.000,W=1.000; END NURBS A Variable Axis Catia NURBS for Siemens Output looks like this: BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS (D=3,F=8000.000,AXIS=VAR,LENGTH= 50.000) N0, XT= -75.76597, YT= 71.65094, ZT= -21.94567, XH= -72.178223, YH=$ 62.527376, ZH= 27.083796,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N1, XT= -78.91003, YT= 71.01919, ZT= -21.77676, XH= -79.690819, YH=$ 61.032142, ZH= 27.416003,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N2, XT= -82.06101, YT= 70.37700, ZT= -21.56199, XH= -87.244248, YH=$ 59.640659, ZH= 27.190920,DK=22.998,W=1.000; N3, XT= -85.40313, YT= 69.68892, ZT= -21.29975, XH= -94.767915, YH=$ 58.350206, ZH= 26.488684,DK=0.000,W=1.000; END NURBS The number of digits used for each float value is not imposed. The $ character signifies that the instruction continues on the next line.

Mathematical and Geometrical Interpretation

D=Integer value: degree on the NURBS, means order-1, in most cases degree is 3 and order is 4. F=Float value: feedrate in mm per minute (Feedrate) LENGTH=Float value: distance (constant in the NURBS) between MT and MH control points. N=Integer value: rank of the control point in the NURBS, starts at 0 for the initial point. XT, YT, ZT=Float values: coordinates of the control point of the tool tip (MT). XH, YH, ZH=Float values: coordinate of the control point of a point on the tool axis (MH). DK=Float value: increment of nodal parameter related to this node (can be null, always >= 0.00). W= Float value: weight of the control point (in most cases it is set to 1.00 for all NURBS, which is Polynomial and not Rational in this case ).

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We note (DKi), (Wi), (XTi,YTi,ZTi), (XHi,YHi,ZHi) for all the values related to the control point i, for i in [0,NB]. With all this data it is possible to define a NURBS function from [0.00,Kmax] to R6. Kmax = DKi , for i=0 to NB. The nodal vector (U(I)) of the NURBS contains NB+5 Values: U(0)=0.00 U(1)=0.00 And for I=2 to NB+3 U(I)=U(I-1)+DK(I-2) (that is, U(2)=U(1)+DK(0)=0.00) then U(NB+4) = U(NB+3) = Kmax U(NB+5) = U(NB+4) In Fixed Axis mode, for each value of w in [0,Kmax] this function give 3 values: X(w), Y(w), Z(w), which are the control point coordinates of the tool tip at the w parameter. In Variable Axis mode, for each value of w in [0,Kmax] this function give 6 values: XT(w), YT(w), ZT(w), XH(w), YH(w), ZH(w) which are the control point coordinates of the points MT=(XT,YT,ZT) and MH=(XH,YH,ZH). MT is the position of the tool tip at the w parameter. MH is the position, at the w parameter, of the point on the tool axis located a distance LENGTH from MT. This length defines the active cutting part of the tool. This means that all transformations of the tool path must respect the machining tolerance (chordal deviation) for all points between MT and MH. The first Tool position (XYZIJK) of the NURBS is: X=XT0 Y=YT0 Z=ZT0 I=(XH0-XT0)/LENGTH J=(YH0-YT0)/LENGTH K=(ZH0-ZT0)/LENGTH.

Post Processing Considerations for Siemens 840D Format

Variable Axis Syntax
The format used by 840D is the following: BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS(D=3,F=xxxx,AXIS=VAR,LENGTH=100.00);

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N0,XT=xt0,YT=yt0,ZT=zt0,XH=xh0,YH=yh0,ZH=zh0,DK=dk0,W=w0; N1,XT=xt1,YT=yt1,ZT=zt1,XH=xh1,YH=yh1,ZH=zh1,DK=dk1,W=w1; N2,XT=xt2,YT=yt2,ZT=zt2,XH=xh2,YH=yh2,ZH=zh2,DK=dk2,W=w2; ../.. Nn,XT=xtn,YT=ytn,ZT=ztn,XH=xhn,YH=yhn,ZH=zhn,DK=dkn,W=wn; END NURBS; If previous Catia block is a NURBS block: SD=3 F xxxx ; NURBS degree and feedrate Otherwise: ORIVECT G1 X Y Z A3=I B3=J C3=K ; first point of the NURBS, Control Point 0 Then: ORICURVE G642 ; start of continuous motion statement BSPLINE SD=3 F xxxx ; NURBS declaration, degree and feedrate X Y Z XH YH ZH PW=W PL=DK ; Control Point 1 X Y Z XH YH ZH PW=W PL=DK ; Control Point 2 ../.. X Y Z XH YH ZH PW=W PL=DK ; Last Control Point of the NURBS.

Translation from Catia Format

All parameters are the same as the one on the corresponding Catia line (i), except for the first one. If needed it is translated by a G1 statement. Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Xi= Catia XTI Yi= Catia YTI Zi= Catia ZTI XHi= Catia XHi YHi= Catia YHi ZHi= Catia ZHi PWi= Catia Wi PLi= Catia DKi

APT Sample for Variable Axis NURBS

$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Generated on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 05:24:47 PM $$ CATIA APT VERSION 1.0 $$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Flank Mixed Combin $$ Part Operation.1 $$*CATIA0 $$ Flank Mixed Combin $$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 PARTNO Part Operation.1 FROM / 0.00000, 0.00000, 100.00000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Tool Change.10 $$ Start generation of : Tool Change.10 MULTAX $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING CUTTER/ 8.000000, 4.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 50.000000 TOOLNO/2,MILL, 8.000000, 4.000000,, 100.000000,$

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60.000000,, 50.000000,4, 8000.000000,$ MMPM,15000.000000,RPM,CLW,ON,$ AUTO, 0.000000,NOTE TPRINT/balld8,,balld8 LOADTL/2,2,2 $$ End of generation of : Tool Change.10 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Multi-Axis Flank Contouring.2 $$ Start generation of : Multi-Axis Flank Contouring.2 FEDRAT/ 8000.0000,MMPM SPINDL/15000.0000,RPM,CLW BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS (D=3,F=8000.000,AXIS=VAR,LENGTH= 50.000) N0, XT= 19.75656, YT= 81.42861, ZT= 20.00000, XH= 19.757763, YH=$ 71.623025, ZH= 69.029078,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N1, XT= 19.75625, YT= 83.94658, ZT= 7.40984, XH= 19.757454, YH=$ 74.140998, ZH= 56.438918,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N2, XT= 19.75594, YT= 86.46456, ZT= -5.18032, XH= 19.757144, YH=$ 76.658971, ZH= 43.848757,DK=38.518,W=1.000; N3, XT= 19.75563, YT= 88.98253, ZT= -17.77048, XH= 19.756835, YH=$ 79.176944, ZH= 31.258597,DK=0.000,W=1.000; END NURBS BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS (D=3,F=8000.000,AXIS=VAR,LENGTH= 50.000) N0, XT= 19.75563, YT= 88.98253, ZT= -17.77048, XH= 19.756835, YH=$ 79.176944, ZH= 31.258597,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N1, XT= 19.38827, YT= 89.96343, ZT= -23.02431, XH= 19.389475, YH=$ 80.157844, ZH= 26.004770,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N2, XT= 14.20175, YT= 89.85474, ZT= -27.41283, XH= 14.202952, YH=$ 80.049153, ZH= 21.616250,DK=15.662,W=1.000; N3, XT= 9.00010, YT= 88.77303, ZT= -26.95061, XH= 9.001309, YH=$ 78.967440, ZH= 22.078468,DK=0.000,W=1.000; END NURBS ../.. BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS (D=3,F=8000.000,AXIS=VAR,LENGTH= 50.000) N0, XT= 19.18055, YT= -42.44969, ZT= -6.28780, XH= 19.180191, YH=$ -37.474471, ZH= 43.464058,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N1, XT= 19.18049, YT= -41.57342, ZT= 2.47480, XH= 19.180128, YH=$ -36.598205, ZH= 52.226657,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N2, XT= 19.18042, YT= -40.69716, ZT= 11.23740, XH= 19.180065, YH=$ -35.721939, ZH= 60.989257,DK=26.419,W=1.000; N3, XT= 19.18036, YT= -39.82089, ZT= 20.00000, XH= 19.180002, YH=$ -34.845674, ZH= 69.751856,DK=0.000,W=1.000; END NURBS $$ End of generation of : Multi-Axis Flank Contouring.2 FINI

NC Code Sample for Variable Axis NURBS

N10 ;PROGRAMME : Part Operation.1 N20 ;PROGRAMMEUR: AAU N30 ;DATE : AAU G642 ffwon N40 TRAORI G57 M8 N50 ORIVECT N60 G0 Z100.0 N70 G0 X0.0 Y0.0 N80 T2 M06 N90 G1 X19.75656 Y81.42861 Z20.0 A3=0.00002 B3=-0.19611 C3=0.98058

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N100 N110 N120 N130 N140 N150 N160 N170 N180 ../.. N470 N480 N490 N500 N510 N520 N530 N540 N550 N560

ORICURVE G642 BSPLINE SD=3 F8000.000 X19.75625 Y83.94658 Z7.40984 XH=19.75745 YH=74.141 ZH=56.43892 PL=0.0 X19.75594 Y86.46456 Z-5.18032 XH=19.75714 YH=76.65897 ZH=43.84876 PL=38.518 X19.75563 Y88.98253 Z-17.77048 XH=19.75683 YH=79.17694 ZH=31.2586 PL=0.0 X19.38827 Y89.96343 Z-23.02431 XH=19.38948 YH=80.15784 ZH=26.00477 PL=0.0 X14.20175 Y89.85474 Z-27.41283 XH=14.20295 YH=80.04915 ZH=21.61625 PL=15.662 X9.0001 Y88.77303 Z-26.95061 XH=9.00131 YH=78.96744 ZH=22.07847 PL=0.0

X19.19914 X19.18055 X19.18049 X19.18042 X19.18036 ORIVECT TRAFOOF G57 M5 M9 M30

Y-42.982 Z-11.59413 XH=19.19878 YH=-38.00679 ZH=38.15773 PL=15.662 Y-42.44969 Z-6.2878 XH=19.18019 YH=-37.47447 ZH=43.46406 PL=0.0 Y-41.57342 Z2.4748 XH=19.18013 YH=-36.59821 ZH=52.22666 PL=0.0 Y-40.69716 Z11.2374 XH=19.18007 YH=-35.72194 ZH=60.98926 PL=26.419 Y-39.82089 Z20.0 XH=19.18 YH=-34.84567 ZH=69.75186 PL=0.0

Fixed Axis Syntax

The format used by 840D is the following: Translation Convention. BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS(D=3,F=xxxx,AXIS=0.00,0.00,1.00); N0,X=x0,Y=y0,Z=z0,DK=dk0,W=w0; N1,X=x1,Y=y1,Z=z1,DK=dk1,W=w1; N2,X=x2,Y=y2,Z=z2,DK=dk2,W=w2; ../.. Nn,X=xn,Y=yn,Z=zn,DK=dkn,W=wn; END NURBS; If previous Catia block is a NURBS Block: SD=3 F xxxx ; NURBS degree and feedrate Otherwise: G1 X Y Z ; first point of the NURBS, Control Point 0 Then: G64 ; start of continuous motion statement BSPLINE SD=3 F xxxx ; NURBS declaration, degree and feedrate X Y Z PW=W PL=DK ; Control Point 1 X Y Z PW=W PL=DK ; Control Point 2 ../.. X Y Z PW=W PL=DK ; Last Control Point of the NURBS

Translation from Catia Format

All parameters are the same as the one on the corresponding Catia line (i), except for the first one. If needed it is translated by a G1 statement. Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Xi= Catia Xi Yi= Catia Yi Zi= Catia Zi PWi= Catia Wi PLi= Catia DKi

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APT Sample for Fixed Axis NURBS

$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Generated on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 05:24:29 PM $$ CATIA APT VERSION 1.0 $$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Manufacturing Program.7 $$ Part Operation.1 $$*CATIA0 $$ Manufacturing Program.7 $$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 $$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 PARTNO Part Operation.1 FROM / 0.00000, 0.00000, 100.00000 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Tool Change.14 $$ Start generation of : Tool Change.14 MULTAX $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING CUTTER/ 8.000000, 4.000000, 0.000000, 4.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000, 50.000000 TOOLNO/2,MILL, 8.000000, 4.000000,, 100.000000,$ 60.000000,, 50.000000,4, 8000.000000,$ MMPM,15000.000000,RPM,CLW,ON,$ AUTO, 0.000000,NOTE TPRINT/balld8,,balld8 LOADTL/2,2,2 $$ End of generation of : Tool Change.14 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Isoparametric Machining.2 $$ Start generation of : Isoparametric Machining.2 FEDRAT/ 8000.0000,MMPM SPINDL/15000.0000,RPM,CLW GOTO / 9.95037, -48.78022, 20.00000 GOTO / 9.95037, -48.78022, 22.00000 BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS (D=3,F=8000.000,AXIS= 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000) N0, XT= 9.95037, YT= -48.78022, ZT= 22.00000,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N1, XT= 10.01206, YT= -48.78639, ZT= 16.72430,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N2, XT= 5.43447, YT= -48.32863, ZT= 11.75306,DK=15.662,W=1.000; N3, XT= 0.00000, YT= -47.78518, ZT= 12.00000,DK=0.000,W=1.000; END NURBS ../.. BEGIN NURBS_SIEMENS (D=3,F=8000.000,AXIS= 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000) N0, XT= 0.00000, YT= -44.60573, ZT= 12.00000,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N1, XT= 5.25284, YT= -45.09640, ZT= 11.93801,DK=0.000,W=1.000; N2, XT= 10.20252, YT= -45.55876, ZT= 16.53842,DK=15.662,W=1.000; N3, XT= 9.95665, YT= -45.53580, ZT= 22.00000,DK=0.000,W=1.000; END NURBS GOTO / 9.95665, -45.53580, 22.00000 GOTO / 9.95665, -45.53580, 20.00000 $$ End of generation of : Isoparametric Machining.2 FINI

NC Code Sample for Fixed Axis NURBS

N10 ;PROGRAMME : Part Operation.1 N20 ;PROGRAMMEUR: AAU N30 ;DATE : AAU

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G642 ffwon N40 TRAORI G57 M8 N50 ORIVECT N60 G0 Z100.0 N70 G0 X0.0 Y0.0 N80 T2 M06 N90 G1 X9.95037 Y-48.78022 Z20 N100 G1 X9.95037 Y-48.78022 Z22.0 N110 G64 N120 BSPLINE SD=3 F8000.000 N130 X10.01206 Y-48.78639 Z16.7243 PL=0.0 N140 X5.43447 Y-48.32863 Z11.75306 PL=15.662 N150 X0.0 Y-47.78518 Z12.0 PL=0.0 ../.. N2700 N2710 N2720 N2730 N2740 N2750 N2760 N2770 N2780 N2790 N2800 X0.0 Y-44.60573 Z12.0 PL=0.0 X5.25284 Y-45.0964 Z11.93801 PL=0.0 X10.20252 Y-45.55876 Z16.53842 PL=15.662 X9.95665 Y-45.5358 Z22.0 PL=0.0 ORIVECT G1 X9.95665 Y-45.5358 Z22 Z20 TRAFOOF G57 M5 M9 M30

Scope and Limitations

The tool paths of the following types of machining operation can be generated in NURBS format: Profile Contouring Sweeping Contour Driven Zlevel Pencil Milling Face iso-parametric Multi-Axis Sweeping Multi-Axis Contour Driven Multi-Axis Curve Machining Multi-Axis Flank Contouring. Note that the 3D Nurbs Interpolation check box in the Machine Editor dialog box should be set to specify the ability to generate NURBS data in an APT output file. The NURBS output of an operation is not compatible with any compensation output format (Profile or PQR). The NURBS output is not compatible with Center output, NURBS is always a Tip position. The NURBS ouput is only possible in APT (not CLFile). It is not possible to import an APT containing NURBS statements using the APT Import command.

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APT Output Modifications

The APT source generated by the V5 Manufacturing applications is regularly enhanced to:

support new functionalities obtain the same level of APT source generated by the Version 4 Manufacturing applications in order to ensure upward Post-Processor compatibility.

Following information applies to customers upgrading from previous CATIA V5 levels. As the CATIA R14 level includes all the following changes through service packs of previous releases, this information should be read carefully in order to identify modifications compared to their current CATIA level. Special Notice Regarding Circular Interpolation General Modifications Introduced with V5R7 General Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP1 General Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP5 General Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP2 General Modifications Introduced with V5R12 General Modifications Introduced with V5R13 GA and V5R12 SP2 Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R7 Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP1 Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP5 Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP1 Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R9 SP3 Lathe Machining Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP5 Lathe Machining Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP2 Lathe Machining Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP5 Lathe Machining Modifications Introduced with V5R10 SP5

Special Notice Regarding Circular Interpolation

In Part Operation (at machine tool definition stage), Minimum and Maximum Interpolation radius values are defined for the generation of circular interpolation in APT output. These two parameters are used at two different times: at toolpath computation and at the generation of output file. The user should check and possibly modify these values before creating Machining operations. Otherwise circular interpolation may not appear in the APT source. Please note that if value is modified after machining operation creation and generation of toolpath, then the toolpaths should be recomputed (using Right button on Program: Compute Tool Path in Force computation mode) before generation of the output file.

General Modifications
General Modifications Introduced with V5R7
1. The displacement to the tool change point is generated before the CUTTER. Note that the TLAXIS is also moved up.

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2. Duplicate points (that is, consecutive points that have the same coordinates) must not be eliminated in the case of cycles for axial operations. In particular, it is necessary to keep these points when the approach clearance is equal to zero. Previous Situation RAPID GOTO/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 CYCLE/DRILL, 20.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000,MMPM CYCLE/OFF Current Situation RAPID GOTO/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 CYCLE/DRILL, 20.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000,MMPM GOTO/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 CYCLE/OFF 3. Version 4 Compatibility: TLAXIS before CATIA0. The TLAXIS is given in the old reference axis system before CATIA0 generation. Previous Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Machining Axis face at 0 degrees $$*CATIA0 $$ $$ -1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 25.00000 $$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 200.00000 $$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 243.50000 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Tool Change.7 TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID Current Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Machining Axis face at 0 degrees TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000 $$*CATIA0 $$ $$ -1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 25.00000 $$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 200.00000 $$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 243.50000 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Tool Change.7 $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID 4. Addition of CENIT Post-processor for Lathe Machining: CENIT_LATHE.pptable. 5. New version of the CENIT Post-processor by DLL.

General Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP1

1. Cutter format is now exactly the same as in V4 (parameters are written with format f10.6 and positions of parameters and commas are consequently modified on the 2 lines of the statement). 2. The seventh parameter of the CUTTER statement is now valuated with the cutting length and not like before with the total length of the tool. Please note that if the cutting length is not valuated for a given tool, the seventh parameter of the CUTTER statement will be valuated with the total length.

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3. GOTO format is modified from GOTO/ to GOTO / as in V4 (2 blank characters are added between the word GOTO and the slash). Previous Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Tool Change.1 TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID GOTO/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 100.00000 CUTTER/ 40.000000, 20.000000, 0.000000, 20.000000, 0.000000$ , 0.000000, 100.000000 TOOLNO/1, 40.000000 TPRINT/T1 End Mill D 10 LOADTL/1 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Profile Contouring Current Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Tool Change.1 TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 100.00000 CUTTER/ 40.000000, 20.000000, 0.000000, 20.000000, 0.000000,$ 0.000000,100.000000 TOOLNO/1, 40.000000 TPRINT/T1 End Mill D 10 LOADTL/1 PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Profile Contouring 4. INTOL and OUTTOL statements are written before the first circular statement definition, and before other circular statements each time the discretization tolerance is modified. The discretization tolerance used to generate the INTOL statement is read on the machining operation. The value associated to the OUTTOL statement is always equal to zero. 5. AUTOPS and PSIS statements become modal, that is, the statements are generated only if the plane containing the circle is modified. 6. The point coordinates that are used to define the PSIS statement are the those of the center of the circle, and not those of the end point of the circle, as before. 7. The Circle and Cylndr statements are written exactly as in V4 (see the example below). INTOL / 0.02500 OUTTOL/ 0.00000 PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.68000),PERPTO,$ (VECTOR/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)) INDIRV/ 0.47943, 0.87758, 0.00000 TLON,GOFWD/(CYLNDR/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.68000,$ 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, 3.79375),ON,$ (PLANE/PERPTO,$ (PLANE/(POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.68000),PERPTO,$ (VECTOR/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)),$ (POINT/ 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.68000),$ (POINT/ -3.32933, 1.81882, 0.68000)) 8. New version of the CENIT Post-Processor.

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General Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP5

1. TLAXIS instruction Previous Situation The TLAXIS statement is generated for each machine rotation (between ROTABL and $$*CATIA0 statements). Coordinates of TLAXIS instruction are defined in the current axis system ($$*CATIA0). Current Situation Coordinates of TLAXIS instruction are defined in the first axis system definition ($$*CATIA0) of the machining program. (V4 compliant) Coordinates of rotation matrix and machining axis matrix are defined in absolute axis system. (V4 compliant) The TLAXIS statement is generated only if the tool axis orientation is modified after a head rotation. This means that if the program only includes ROTABL instructions, there is only one TLAXIS statement at the beginning of the APT source file. (V4 compliant) The TLAXIS are generated if no table rotation statement is defined between machining operations with different tool axis. 2. Clearance motion (at the beginning of machining operation) If a clearance macro is defined on the machining operation, the clearance macro motion is generated before the Approach macro motions. Previous Situation When no tool motion is generated by the clearance macro (example: distance motion set to 0.0), Feedrate statement (of the Clearance macro) is not generated. Current Situation The value of Clearance feedrate (it can be set to RAPID) defined on the macro is generated at the beginning of the operation. 3. Minimum and Maximum interpolation radius defined on Machine. Previous Situation The minimum and maximum interpolation radius defined on the Machine are not taken into account for tool path computation of macro motions. Current Situation The minimum and maximum interpolation radius defined on the Machine are used for all tool motions at the output file generation.

General Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP2

When circular interpolation is needed (depends on the machine defined on the Part Operation and/or options set for generation of APT source) CIRCLE or CYLNDR instruction is generated according to the following rule:

generation of CIRCLE instruction when circular motion axis is parallel to the Z axis of the machining axis system generation of CYLNDR instruction in the other case.

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One Rule is added for the generation of circular interpolation in order to match V4 behavior. Previous Situation Circular interpolation is possible even if the circular motion axis is not parallel to the tool axis and the above mentioned rule is applied. Current Situation Circular interpolation is generated only when circular motion axis is parallel to the tool axis. Used syntax (CIRCLE or CYLNDR) will follow the above mentioned rule. If circular motion axis is not parallel to the tool axis, no circular interpolation is performed, only GOTO statements will be generated.

General Modifications Introduced with V5R12

1. The management of point coordinates after machine rotations has been improved for APT and NC code generation and tool path replay. For APT files, the CATIA0 matrices following ROTABL statements also benefit from these improvements. 2. Duplicated points are now eliminated according to the final coordinates of the point: any transformations are taken into account.

General Modifications Introduced with V5R13 GA and V5R12 SP2

Change made in computation of Machine Home Position parameters. Previous Situation %MFG_X_HOME_POS, %MFG_Y_HOME_POS and %MFG_Z_HOME_POS parameters were computed in absolute axis system. Current Situation %MFG_X_HOME_POS, %MFG_Y_HOME_POS and %MFG_Z_HOME_POS parameters are computed in current axis system (defined by last CATIA0 matrix)

Axial Operation Modifications

Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R7
1. On BoringAndChamfering, Chamfering2Sides, CounterSinking and SpotDrilling operations, computation errors on MFG_DETAIL_DEPTH and MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH parameters have been corrected. 2. Previously the MFG_PLUNGE_TIP and MFG_PLUNGE_VAL parameters were output as negative are now output as positive. 3. Previously the MFG_DWELL_TIME and MFG_DELAY_VALUE parameters were output in integer format (INT) are now output in real format (REAL). 4. The rules for cycle interruptions are modified. Previous Situation Operation broken down into several CYCLE instructions if (Entry distance at point n or Exit distance at point n-1) > Approach Clearance

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Current Situation Operation broken down into several CYCLE instructions if (Entry distance at point n or Exit distance at point n-1) > Approach Clearance AND > JumpDistance 5. New Parameter for CYCLE syntaxes: MFG_JUMP_DIST (Jump Distance) accessible for all axial operations. 6. Tool compensation parameters are modified for Version 4 compatibility. Previous Situation MFG_TL_COMP: Length number of first corrector MFG_TL_COMP_2: Length number of second corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP: Distance between position of first corrector and tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_2: Distance between position of second corrector and tool tip. Current Situation MFG_TOOL_COMP and MFG_TL_COMP (compatibility V4): Length number of current corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_1: Length number of first corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_2: Length number of second corrector MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST: Distance between current corrector position and tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_1: Distance between first corrector position and tool tip MFG_TOOL_COMP_DIST_2: Distance between second corrector position and tool tip. 7. NC compensation instructions are output in the APT file for BoringAndChamfering and Chamfering2Sides operations when the corrector length number is modified during the operation. 8. Cycle syntax can now be output for BackBoring and T-Slotting operations. 9. Linking between pattern points is now always done by horizontal paths. 10. Different Cycle syntaxes are generated when two consecutive positions do not have the same depth.

Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP1

1. Machining operations using a Boring Bar tool respect the defined hole depth. 2. Tool Cutting Length is no longer used for chamfering operations (Spot Drilling, Countersinking, Boring&Chamfering, Chamfering2Sides) when Depth mode is set to 'by Diameter'. The defined diameter is now taken into account for tool path computation. 3. Correct valuation of MFG_EFFCT_DEPTH for Drilling Break Chips and Drilling Deephole operations. Note for CAA2 usage: GetEffectDepthCut method of CATIMfgAxialOperation interface returns the correct valuation. 4. New Parameters for CYCLE syntaxes: MFG_DIAMETER (Diameter of machined hole) accessible for all axial operations. MFG_THREAD_DIAMETER (thread diameter of machined hole) accessible for Tapping, Reverse Threading, Thread without Tap Head, and Thread Milling operations. MFG_BCK_BORE_VAL (Back Bore Depth) for Back Boring operation.

Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP5

On Back Boring operation, tool path computation errors and invalid valuation on MFG_TOTAL_DEPTH

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parameter have been corrected.

Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP1

1. New Parameters for CYCLE syntaxes on Circular Milling operation MFG_CIRCULAR_MODE: Circular mode (1: Standard / 2: Helical) MFG_HELIX_MODE: Helix mode (1:by Pitch / 2: by Angle) MFG_PITCH: Helix Pitch MFG_HELIX_ANGLE: Helix angle 2. New Parameter for CYCLE syntaxes on Thread Milling operation MFG_PITCH_WAY_OF_ROT: (1: Left hand / 2 Right hand). This new parameter replaces the MFG_PITCH_SENS parameter. 3. New valuation of MFG_DIAMETER and MFG_THREAD_DIAMETER for Circular Milling and Thread Milling operations. Offset on contour is now taken into account for the valuation of MFG_DIAMETER and MFG_THREAD_DIAMETER parameters.

Axial Operation Modifications Introduced with V5R9 SP3

Tool Compensation distance (between P1 and current tool compensation point) is taken into account for X, Y, Z coordinates of CYCLE location points (V4 compliant).

Lathe Machining Modifications

Lathe Machining Modifications Introduced with V5R7 SP5
The lathe context of Drilling and Point to Point operations is now fully managed. The lathe context is determined if the following conditions are satisfied:

A lathe machine is defined on the Part Operation. Operation machines along the spindle axis of the lathe machine. Operation uses a fixed tool assembly.

As a result, some modifications have been done to integrate these cases. 1. SPINDL/OFF statement is no longer automatically output after a lathe operation. Previous Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Threading.1 $$ Start generation of : Threading.1 CYCLE/THREAD, 3.175000 CYCLE/OFF $$ End of generation of : Threading.1 SPINDL/OFF $$ ------ SPINDLE OFF END OF LATHE -----Current Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Threading.1 $$ Start generation of : Threading.1 CYCLE/THREAD, 3.175000

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CYCLE/OFF $$ End of generation of : Threading.1 2. A Lathe Tool Change is now automatically created before a lathe context operation instead of a Mill Tool Change. Note: For programs created before V5R7 SP5, you must delete the previous Mill Tool Change to allow the automatic creation of a new Lathe one. Previous Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : MILL Tool Change $$ Start generation of : MILL Tool Change $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID GOTO / 200.00000, 0.00000, 300.00000 CUTTER/ 25.400000, 0.000000, 12.700000, 7.332348, 30.000000,$ 0.000000,228.600000 TOOLNO/4, 25.400000 TPRINT/T5 drill 1.0dia LOADTL/4 $$ End of generation of : MILL Tool Change Current Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : LATHE Tool Change $$ Start generation of : LATHE Tool Change $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID GOTO / 200.00000, 0.00000, 300.00000 CUTTER/ 25.400000 TOOLNO/4,TURN $$ End of generation of : LATHE Tool Change 3. For Drilling and Point to Point used in lathe context, the SPINDL statement output is the value of the NC_SPINDLE_LATHE NC command. Previous Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Drilling Deep Hole along the Spindle axis $$ Start generation of : Drilling Deep Hole along the Spindle axis TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM,CLW RAPID GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 196.98060 CYCLE/DEEPHL, 199.947948, 5.000000 GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 191.98060 CYCLE/OFF $$ End of generation of : Drilling Deep Hole along the Spindle axis Current Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Drilling Deep Hole along the Spindle axis $$ Start generation of : Drilling Deep Hole along the Spindle axis TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM RAPID GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 196.98060 CYCLE/DEEPHL, 199.947948, 5.000000 GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 191.98060 CYCLE/OFF $$ End of generation of : Drilling Deep Hole along the Spindle axis

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4. Minimum and Maximum interpolation radius defined on Machine Previous Situation The minimum and maximum interpolation radius defined on the Machine, are not taken into account for tool path computation of macro motions. Current Situation The minimum and maximum interpolation radius defined on the Machine, are used for all tool motions at the output file generation.

Lathe Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP2

When circular interpolation is needed (depends on the machine defined on the Part Operation and/or options set for generation of APT source) CIRCLE or CYLNDR instruction is generated according to the following rule: generation of CIRCLE instruction when circular motion axis is parallel to the Z axis of the machining axis system generation of CYLNDR instruction in the other case. One Rule is added for the generation of circular interpolation in order to match V4 behavior. Previous Situation Circular interpolation is possible even if the circular motion axis is not parallel to the tool axis and the above mentioned rule is applied. Current Situation Circular interpolation is generated only when circular motion axis is parallel to the tool axis. Used syntax (CIRCLE or CYLNDR) will follow the above mentioned rule. If circular motion axis is not parallel to the tool axis, no circular interpolation is performed, only GOTO statements will be generated.

Lathe Modifications Introduced with V5R8 SP5

1. When circular interpolation is needed, the following behavior has been modified for lathe operations to ensure compatibility with V4 behavior: Previous Situation 2D circular interpolation is requested : No CIRCLE orders are generated. 3D circular interpolation is requested : CYLNDR orders are generated if the machining working plane is ZX. Otherwise, GOTO statements will be generated. Current Situation 2D circular interpolation is requested : CIRCLE orders are generated whatever machining working plane (ZX, XY, YZ). 3D circular interpolation is requested : CIRCLE orders are generated if the machining working plane is XY. Otherwise, CYLNDR orders are generated . Note: If machining operation is already computed, the computation must be forced to initialize the tool path. 2. TLAXIS order is no more output for lathe tool change

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Previous Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Lathe Tool Change.1 $$ Start generation of : Lathe Tool Change.1 TLAXIS/ 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID GOTO / 254.00000, 0.00000, 508.00000 CUTTER/ 0.400000 TOOLNO/0,TURN $$ End of generation of : Lathe Tool Change.1 Current Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Lathe Tool Change.1 $$ Start generation of : Lathe Tool Change.1 $$ TOOLCHANGEBEGINNING RAPID GOTO / 254.00000, 0.00000, 508.00000 CUTTER/ 0.400000 TOOLNO/0,TURN $$ End of generation of : Lathe Tool Change.1 3. TLAXIS order is no more output for lathe operations Previous Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Roughing.1 $$ Start generation of : Roughing.1 TLAXIS/ 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM RAPID GOTO / 159.86681, 0.00000, 234.57181 Current Situation PPRINT OPERATION NAME : Roughing.1 $$ Start generation of : Roughing.1 SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM RAPID GOTO / 159.86681, 0.00000, 234.57181

Lathe Machining Modifications Introduced with V5R10 SP5

CUTTER statement has been modified to output the diameter of the insert nose according to APT definition.

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Syntaxes Interpreted by APT Import

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The purpose of the APT Import is to store a tool path created from parameters included in the imported APT file. Listed below are the syntaxes interpreted by APT Import for enriching the stored tool path. Syntaxes that do not include recognized parameters are stored as is in the tool path and are generated as is in the APT file (for example, this is the case for PP words and comments).

Units Definition
UNITS / MinorWord

Feeds and Speeds

FEDRAT/ Value FEDRAT/ Value , Unit FEDRAT/ Unit , Value RAPID SPINDL/ Value SPINDL/ MinorWord SPINDL/ Value , Unit SPINDL/ Value , Unit , Way SPINDL/ Value , Way SPINDL/ Value , Way , Unit SPINDL/ Unit , Value SPINDL/ Unit , Value , Way SPINDL/ Unit , Way , Value SPINDL/ Way , Value SPINDL/ Way , Value , Unit SPINDL/ Way , Unit , Value Rapid feedrate Value = spindle speed Unit = minor word among SFM, RPM, SMM Way = minor word among CLW, CCLW Value = feed value Unit = minor word among IPM, MMPM, PERMIN, IPR, MMPR, PERREV

Starting Point
FROM / X , Y , Z FROM / X , Y , Z , I , J , K GOTO / X , Y , Z GOTO / X , Y , Z , I , J , K X,Y,Z = coordinates of the tool position I,J,K = components of the tool axis X,Y,Z = coordinates of the tool position I,J,K = components of the tool axis

Linear Tool Motion

GOTO / X , Y , Z GOTO / X , Y , Z , I , J , K GODLTA/ X , Y , Z GODLTA/ X , Y , Z , I , J , K X,Y,Z = coordinates of the tool position I,J,K = components of the tool axis X,Y,Z = coordinates of the tool position I,J,K = components of the tool axis

NC Axis Definition

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure
ORIGIN / X , Y , Z (, XX , XY , XZ , ZX , ZY , ZZ)

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X,Y,Z = coordinates of the origin of the NC axis XX, XY, XZ = components of x-axis of the NC axis ZX, ZY, ZZ = components of z-axis of the NC axis

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$$*CATIA0 $$identifier $$ a11 a12 a13 t1 $$ a21 a22 a23 t2 $$ a31 a32 a33 t3

Machining axis system definition (in absolute axis)

Tool Axis Definition

TLAXIS / I , J , K MULTAX MULTAX/ON MULTAX/OFF I,J,K = components of the tool axis expressed in the machining axis system

Tool Information
CUTTER/ D, r, E, F, a, b, h Milling tool with D = cutter diameter r = corner radius E = horizontal distance between radius center point and tool axis F = vertical distance between radius center point and cutter tip a = angle of cutter tip b = flank angle (beta angle) h = tool height Lathe tool with D = nose radius


INTOL / X (, Y , Z) OUTTOL/ X (, Y , Z) Tolerance on Part (, Drive, Check). Only X is taken into account Tolerance on Part (, Drive, Check). Only X is taken into account

Circular Interpolation - CIRCLE/

AUTOPS INDIRV/ X , Y , Z TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/ Xc, Yc, Zc,$ Rad),ON,(LINE/ Xc, Yc, Zc, Xe, Ye, Ze) TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/ Xc, Yc, Zc,$ Rad),ON,2,INTOF,$ (LINE/ Xc, Yc, Zc, Xe, Ye, Ze) X,Y,Z = components of the tangent to the circle at the start position Xc, Yc, Zc = coordinates of the circle center Rad = circle radius Xe, Ye, Ze = coordinates of the circle end point

Circular Interpolation - CYLNDR/

PSIS/(PLANE/(POINT/ x, y, z),PERPTO,$ (VECTOR/ u, v, w)) INDIRV/ X , Y , Z TLON,GOFWD/ (CYLNDR / Xc, Yc, Zc,$ Ua, Va, Wa, Rad), ON,$ (PLANE/PERPTO,$ (PLANE/(POINT/Xc,Yc,Zc),PERPTO,$ (VECTOR/Ua,Va,Wa)),$ (POINT/Xc,Yc,Zc),$ (POINT/Xe,Ye,Ze)) TLON,GOFWD/ (CYLNDR / Xc, Yc, Zc,$ Ua, Va, Wa, Rad),ON,2,INTOF,$ (PLANE/PERPTO,$ (PLANE/(POINT/Xc,Yc,Zc),PERPTO,$ (VECTOR/Ua,Va,Wa)),$ (POINT/Xc,Yc,Zc),$ (POINT/Xe,Ye,Ze)) x, y, z = tool tip coordinates u, v, w = circle axis components X,Y,Z = components of the tangent to the circle at the start position Xc, Yc, Zc = coordinates of the circle center Ua, Va, Wa = circle axis components Rad = circle radius Xe, Ye, Ze = coordinates of the end point

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure Table Rotation

ROTABL/ Value , Way ROTABL/ Value , Mode , Way ROTABL/ Mode , Value , Way

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Way = way of rotation (CLW or CCLW) Mode = rotation mode (ATANGL or INCR)

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Clfile Formats
This section describes:

the format and record types used to write NC Manufacturing data on Cutter Location files (clfiles) radial cutter compensation in clfiles (record type 10000) the command that allows the conversion of CATIA clfiles between Unix and Intel platforms.

CATIA Clfile Format

A clfile is a set of cldata type records. This type of record consists of a series of logic words. Record length is variable, up to a maximum of 245 words. The general structure of a record is as follows: W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = record type (integer) W3 to Wn = data depending on the record type. The first three words are of the same length (4 bytes) and are integers. The following words 4 to 245 have the same length (8 bytes) and may represent either an integer, a real number or a group of six characters.

If the logic word represents an integer, the four right most bytes are used. If the logic word represents a real, all the bytes are used. If the logic word represents a six-character group, the left six bytes are used, the two remaining bytes are blank. If the group consists of less than six characters, it will be completed on the left by blank characters, in order to obtain the six characters needed.

Record Types Generated by the Application

The following record types are generated by the application: 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 6000, 9000, 10000, 14000, 15000 and 28000.

Type 1000 Record

Type 1000 gives the record sequence number.

W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 1000 W3 = W1.

Type 2000 Record

Type 2000 gives the post-processor instructions.

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W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 2000 W3 = n (integer) code corresponding to a major word. W4 and the following words can contain either an integer representing a minor word code, a real number, or a character string.

Type 3000 Record

For circular interpolation, type 3000 gives the canonical form of the circle followed by the tool tip. A type 3000 record is followed by one or more type 5000 records to describe the tool path.

W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 3000 W3 = 2 (integer) W4 = 0 (integer) W5 = 4 (integer) indicating a circle W6 = 9 (integer) number of following words that are used to defined the circle W7 = symbolic name (CIR) of the circle (characters) W8 = n (integer) number associated to the circle W9 = x coordinate of the circle center (real) W10 = y coordinate of the circle center (real) W11 = z coordinate of the circle center (real) W12 = x component of the circle axis unit vector (real) W13 = y component of the circle axis unit vector (real) W14 = z component of the circle axis unit vector (real) W15 = radius of the circle (real).

Type 5000 Record


W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 5000 W3 = 3 for FROM, 5 for the other types of movements (for example, GOTO) and 6 for a series of movements (integer). W4 = symbolic name (PT) of the point (characters), if the record contains one single point. W5 = n (integer) number associated to the point, if the record contains one single point. From W6, point coordinates are given. A record can contain data on 40 or 80 points.

For 40 points, point and axis information is given:


W6 = x coordinate of first point (real) W7 = y coordinate of first point (real) W8 = z coordinate of first point (real) W9 = i component of tool axis (real) W10 = j component of tool axis (real)

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W11 = k component of tool axis (real) W12 = x coordinate of second point (real) etc. W245 = z coordinate of 40th point (real).

For 80 points, only point information is given:


W6 = x coordinate of first point (real) W7 = y coordinate of first point (real) W8 = z coordinate of first point (real) W9 = x coordinate of second point (real) etc. W245 = z coordinate of 80th point (real).

Type 6000 Record

Type 6000 contains either data on the tool geometry or the machining tolerances. Machining tolerances:

W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 6000 W3 = 4 for `INTOL' or 5 for `OUTTOL' W4 = tolerance value (real)

Tool data:

W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 6000 W3 = 6 for `CUTTER' W4 = tool diameter (real) W5 = tool corner radius (real) W6 = horizontal distance between the tool axis and the center of the corner radius (real) W7 = vertical distance between the tool bottom and the center of the corner radius (real) W8 = 0 (real) W9 = angle between the flank of the tool and the vertical (real) W10 = height of the tool (real).

Type 9000 Record

Type 9000 indicates either tool axis orientation in the machining axis system in 3-axis mode or the multi-axis operating mode in multi-axis mode. Multi-axis mode (multi-axis operating mode):

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W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 9000 W3 = 2 for `MULTAX' W4 = 1 for `ON'

3-axis mode (tool axis orientation):


W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 9000 W3 = 1 (integer) W4 = 1 (integer) indicates that tool axis components follow W5 = blank (character) W6 = 0 (integer) W7 = x component of tool axis vector expressed in the machining axis system specified in the 28000 record (real) W8 = y component of tool axis vector expressed in the machining axis system specified in the 28000 record (real) W9 = z component of tool axis vector expressed in the machining axis system specified in the 28000 record (real)

Type 10000 Record

Used with type 5000 for specifying radial cutter compensation data. Please refer to Radial Compensation in Clfiles. W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 10000 W3 = 0 for NORM_DS, 1 for standard NORM_PS, 2 for NORM_PS without 5000 type record, and 3 for NORM_PS with 5000 type record containing 0, 0, 0, I, J, K for each tool position, where only the I, J, K vector components are useful (integer). W4 = 0 (real). W5 = 0 (real). From W6, compensation data is given on the W3 value.

NORM_DS in 3-axis mode:


W6 = P component of the compensation vector (real) W7 = Q component of the compensation vector (real) W8 = R component of the compensation vector (real)

NORM_DS in 5-axis mode:


W6 = 0 (real) W7 = 0 (real) W8 = 0 (real) W9 = P component of the compensation vector (real) W10 = Q component of the compensation vector (real)

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W11 = R component of the compensation vector (real)


W6 = Xc coordinate of contact point (real) W7 = Yc coordinate of contact point (real) W8 = Zc coordinate of contact point (real) W9 = Xn component of the normal vector (real) W10 = Yn component of the normal vector (real) W11 = Zn component of the normal vector (real).

Type 14000 Record

Type 14000 indicates the end of the cldata records.

W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 14000.

Type 15000 Record

For circular interpolation, type 15000 specifies the unsegmented circular path followed by the tool tip.

W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 15000 W3 = 3 (integer) W4 = 0 (integer) W5 = 4 (integer) indicating a circle W6 = 13 (integer) number of following words that are used to define the circle W7 = symbolic name (CIR) of the circle (characters) W8 = n (integer) number associated to the circle W9 = x coordinate of the circle center (real) W10 = y coordinate of the circle center (real) W11 = z coordinate of the circle center (real) W12 = x component of the circle axis unit vector (real) W13 = y component of the circle axis unit vector (real) W14 = z component of the circle axis unit vector (real) W15 = circle radius (real) W16 = oriented angle of the circular arc in degrees (real) W17 = x coordinate of the arc end point (real) W18 = y coordinate of the arc end point (real) W19 = z coordinate of the arc end point (real).

The direction of the path is determined by the circle axis unit vector (W12 to W14). It corresponds to an angular movement W16 which is positive if the direction is counterclockwise or negative if the direction is clockwise.

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Type 28000 Record

Type 28000 specifies the components of the axis system in which the tool path is given. It is specified at the start of the clfile and at each change of machining axis system.

W1 = record sequence number (integer) W2 = 28000 W3 = 0 (integer) W4 to W16 = identifier of the axis system (characters) W17 to W28 = components of the axis system (real).

Radial Compensation in Clfiles

Radial compensation data (PLANAR, NORM_DS, and NORM_PS) is managed in clfile records. The various compensation cases are as follows:

Where: X, Y, Z: Tip Point I, J, K: Tool Axis Vector Xp, Yp, Zp: Profile Point Xc, Yc, Zc: Contact Point In, Jn, Kn: Part surface Normal Vector P, Q, R: Compensation Vector. Tip Point, Tool Axis Vector and Profile Point data are stored in 5000 type records according to the standard. A specific type of record, Type number 10000, allows storing Contact Point, Part surface Normal Vector and Compensation Vector data.

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This 10000 record is written in the clfile just before the corresponding 5000 record when required. When continuation records need to be generated for 10000 and 5000 type records, all 10000 type records are written before all associated 5000 type records. A single 1000 type record will precede the couple of records (10000 + 5000). In case of continuation record for this couple of records, no additional 1000 record is added. The record length of the 5000 and 10000 type records is 1948 bytes, but the 28 first bytes are used to define the type of the record. The remaining 1920 bytes allow defining data corresponding to 40 or 80 positions depending on the number of bytes used for one position. In the table above: Cases 1 and 2: A 5000 type record is enough to store data corresponding to these cases, for up to 80 tool positions. Cases 3 and 5: A 5000 type record allows storing tip or profile coordinates, for up to 80 tool positions. A 10000 type record (sub-type: 0) allows storing P, Q, R data for these tool positions. Cases 4 and 6: A 5000 type record allows storing tip or profile coordinates and associates tool axis vector components, for up to 40 tool positions (48 bytes per tool position). A 10000 type record (sub-type: 0) allows storing P, Q, R data for these tool positions (48 bytes per tool position; the 3 first doubles are set to 0). Case 7: A 10000 type record (sub-type: 1) allows storing Contact coordinates and Normal Vector components for up to 40 tool positions (48 bytes per tool position). A 5000 type record allows storing tip or profile coordinates for these tool positions. The maximum number of tool positions to be stored in both 5000 and 10000 type records is defined by the 10000 type record. Case 8: A 5000 type record allows storing tip or profile coordinates and associates tool axis vector components, for up to 40 tool positions (48 bytes per tool position). A 10000 type record (sub-type: 1) allows storing Contact coordinates and Normal Vector components for these tool positions (48 bytes per tool position). Case 9: A 10000 type record (sub-type: 2) allows storing Contact coordinates and Normal Vector components for up to 40 tool positions (48 bytes per tool position). Sub-type 2 is similar to sub-type 1 used in previous cases, but the sub-type value allows to define if a 5000 type record is associated to the 10000 (value 1) or not (value 2). No data needs to be stored in a 5000 type record. Case 10: A 10000 type record (sub-type: 3) allows storing Contact coordinates and Normal Vector components for up to 40 tool positions (48 bytes per tool position). Sub-type 3 is similar to sub-type 1 used in previous cases, but the sub-type value allows to define if the following 5000 type record associated to the 10000 contains x, y, z, i, j, k information (value 1) or only tool axis vector components (value 3). A 5000 type record allows storing tool axis vector components, for these tool positions.

Converting CATIA Clfiles Between Unix and Intel Platforms

There is a Clfile coding difference between Windows and Unix stations. Clfiles generated by CATIA are always stored in Unix format. Therefore using a Clfile created by CATIA on Windows requires a conversion. A module called MfgClfileConvExe is delivered that allows the conversion of CATIA clfiles between the Unix and Intel platforms. The module recognizes automatically the format of the clfile and converts it into the other format.

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To run the conversion, use the following command:

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MfgClfileConvExe -i input_clfile [-o output_clfile] [-rep] where: -i input_clfile is the clfile to be converted, with access path (required) -o output_clfile is the resulting clfile, with access path (optional) If -o is not used, the resulting file will be written in the temp folder and called ConvertedClfile.clfile -rep, if present, write is done in replace mode. The module does not generate messages, but a return code is given with the following values: 0: OK 1: No input clfile (required) 2: No PP words table (required) 3: The input clfile does not exist 4: PP words table loading problem 5: Problem opening the input clfile 6: The output clfile exists but cannot be replaced 7: The output clfile exists but there is no access permission 8: The output clfile exists but cannot be deleted 9: Problem opening the output clfile 10: Problem closing the output clfile 11: Problem closing the input clfile 12: Internal error 13: Problem reading a record of the input clfile 14: Conversion direction undetermined 15: Write problem on record length 16: Write problem on record

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PLM Integration
This section discusses some topics concerning the integration of Machining solutions in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

Simplified User Interface in Manufacturing Hub Context

When working in a Manufacturing hub context, all files and catalogs required as input and output data is stored in IPD and is not file-based. The user interface is simplified by removing fields requesting the user to specify input or output file paths.

Document Chooser Integration and Support of DLNames

You can now customize the document environment (Tools > Options > General > Document tab) in order to select documents or paths using various interfaces (folder, SmarTeam, and so on). The interface can be customized for a folder or DLName path selection interface.

CATProcess Document Support

These topics are discussed in the following sections: CATProcess Documents Support in SmartTeam CATProcess Documents Support in Process Engineer

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CATProcess Document Support in SmartTeam

NC CATProcess document and related linked documents (such as APT source, NC code, tool user representation, machine) can be automatically managed in SmarTeam. Whenever a V5 document needs to be loaded, SmarTeam can be accessed without duplicating documents in a folder. Documents that have been saved in SmarTeam can be accessed in all the Machining products functionalities that reference external documents. This includes the following functionalities:

Open a CATProcess from SmarTeam Select a CATProduct or CATPart from SmarTeam in the Part Operation editor Select a CATProduct from SmarTeam in the Machine editor Select a macro from a catalog stored in SmarTeam in the Machining Operation editor Select a Machining Process from a catalog stored in SmarTeam in catalog browser Select a Machining Process from a catalog stored in SmarTeam in Machining Processes Application command Select a CATProduct or CATPart from SmarTeam to add a User Representation on a tool Select an output file from SmarTeam for APT Import Select a CATProduct from SmarTeam to Import V4 data Select an output APT source from SmarTeam to associate it to V4 data.

You must specify in the document environment setting (Tools > Options > General > Document tab) that you want to be able to access to SmarTeam data. For that, just set SmarTeam to Allowed or Current.

If you set SmarTeam to Current, then SmarTeam becomes the current document environment and SmarTeam dialog boxes will be displayed when you access your documents. If several document environments are set the Browse Document Environments toolbar allows you to choose SmarTeam.

You can select a CATProduct or CATPart from SmarTeam to add a User Representation on a tool.

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CATProcess Document Support in Process Engineer

NC CATProcess document and related documents are supported in Process Engineer. Part Operations and NC Programs can be created in Process Engineer and detailed in V5 with NC Manufacturing products through the PPR Hub loader. The complete process chain is covered down to NC output generation. The following related documents that are generated in Process Planning and NC Manufacturing workbenches can be saved in the Process Engineer environment:

In Process Model (CATPart and cgr) Drawings (CATDrawings) External tool paths (tpl) Video simulation results images for documentation (jpg) NC data files (aptsource, clfile, and CATNCCode).

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This section provides methodology and conceptual information on the following topics. Machining Processes Knowledgeware in Machining Processes CATProduct and CATProcess Document Management Copy/Paste and External Referencing of NC Manufacturing Data Design Changes and Associativity Mechanisms Part Operation and Set Up Documents Material Removal Simulation Opposite Hand Machining User Features for NC Manufacturing Properties of a Machining Operation

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Machining Processes
Machining process capabilities can be useful when your work habits include:

using the same options and strategies in machining operations, according to specific to geometric shapes, your machining techniques or the part material changing the options and parameters according to your needs checking that you are using the correct options defining and checking the approach/retract macros you want to use in such configurations.

The proposed solution uses two major steps:

Feeding the system with your know-how Using machining processes.

Feeding the System with Your Know-How

This is the Build Time step that includes creating machining processes and storing them in V5 Catalogs. It is usually performed by the Administrator or Support Group.

Create Machining Processes

1. You need to create different Machining Operations without geometry: just start from an empty session. 2. Activate the Machining Process toolbar in the View>Toolbars menu to display the Machining Process icons: Machining Process View icon Machining Process icon : to display the Machining Process window

: to create a new Machining Process.

3. Create your Machining Process operation by operation: all axial operations are available. Define parameters for operations just like in a Manufacturing Program (Offset, Feeds & Speeds, and so on). 4. Thanks to Knowledgeware integration, you can define formula and checks for each operation. 5. Define tool query for each operation. A user task for creating a machining process is described in this guide.

Store Machining Processes in Catalogs

You can either:

right click the Machining Process in the Machining Process View and select the Save in Catalog contextual command.

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use the Catalog Editor to store the machining process in a new catalog.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Save the CATProcess containing the machining processes (do not close this document). Create a new Catalog with Catalog Editor. Save the machining process in this catalog. Save the catalog.

A user task for organizing machining processes in catalogs is described in this guide.

Using the Machining Process

This is the Run Time step, usually performed by the NC Programmer. 1. Retrieve the machining process from the catalog using the Open Catalog Icon 2. Apply the machining process in your NC program. 3. Edit the created machining operations to complete geometry selection and possibly the tool definition. This is the case if no Tool Query was defined or if Tool Query failed. A user task for applying a machining process is described in this guide.

Step by Step Example

When working with Pocketing operations, you usually use a different set of options depending on the geometric shape to machine or the part material type. You can define and put in the system a machining process to be used for:

simple pockets pockets using High Speed Machining (HSM) techniques pockets usingsoft materials.

Steps for Creating the Machining Process

Select the Machining Process icon .

1. Define one or more machining operations. 2. For the machining operations, define your preferred Options, Strategies, Parameters, Macros, and possibly tool queries. 3. Save the CATProcess document using File > Save. 4. Store the Machining Process in a V5 Catalog. 5. Select (or create) the Component Family in which you want to store the machining process. 6. Select the Add Component icon. 7. Select the Select External Feature command. 8. Select the CATProcess document, then the Machining Process.

Some Hints
In order to facilitate the NC Programmer job at selection time:

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use explicit names for the Machining Processes possibly use home-made icons carefully manage the catalog families and sub-families.

Steps for Using the Machining Process

Select the Open Catalog icon. 1. Navigate in your catalog, and select the required Machining Process. 2. Select the operation after which you want the Pocketing operation to be created, and click OK. 3. Edit the Machining Operations to specify the Tool to be used if no Tool Query was defined in the machining process and complete geometry selection.

Some Hints
Catalog organization (structure, comments) is key for a quick and efficient selection of machining processes by the end-user.

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Knowledgeware in Machining Processes

This document explains how to make use of Knowledgeware capabilities in Machining Processes.

Define Links to External Data (URL) for Machining Processes

In the Knowledge Advisor workbench you can define links to external data (URL) for Machining Processes. For example, you could define a link to workshop documentation that describes the Machining Process. This documentation can be edited (with its editor) when:

selecting the URL & Comments command in the Organize Knowledge tool bar applying the Machining Process by selecting this command in the Machining Process instanciation window.

Create Parameters for a Machining Operation in a Machining Process

In an NC Manufacturing workbench, create a Machining Process with a machining operation (Drilling operation, for example).

In the Knowledge Advisor workbench, use the Parameters Explorer command to create a Length parameter called AxialLengthforNCMacro with a value of 2.5mm.

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This parameter can be associated to the Drilling operation using the Edit Formula command. It will be solved in the same way as other parameters when the Machining Process is applied.

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You can use this parameter to define f(x) formula on other manufacturing parameters when editing the machining operation. In particular, it can be used for NC Macro parameters which are not available in Knowledgeware and Search functionalities.

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Note the full integration of f(x) Knowledgeware in Machining Processes which are saved when a Machining Process is applied. In the example above, the instanciation of the machining process on a design hole with a 10mm depth will set the AxialLengthforNCMacro parameter to 5mm and the Axial Macro approach distance to 5mm. Please refer to the Knowledgeware documentation for more information.

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CATProduct and CATProcess Document Management

This document explains how a Product (CATProduct document) is managed in a Process (CATProcess document), what happens when the Product is modified, and the recommended methodology in an NC Manufacturing context.

What is a Product
A basic Product is a list of Parts and elements (constraints, positions) that define the relative/absolute position of the Parts. The Parts are referenced through external links by the Product.

Product in a Process
When a basic Product is to be used by a Process, an instance of the Product is created in the Process. The instance keeps the Product as reference according to one of two possible modes: Flexible (default mode) and Rigid. The Parts are referenced through external links by the Product instance in the Process.

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Changes in the Part

If changes are performed on Part elements through:

the Part document, the Part is directly impacted the Product document, the Part is directly impacted

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the Process document, the Part is directly impacted.

Changes in the Product

If changes are performed on Product elements through:

the Product document, the reference of the Product is directly impacted the Process document, the instance of the Product is directly impacted.

Propagation mechanisms of changes between the instance and the reference of the Product exist. The following are propagated immediately:

insertion, destruction of constraints insertion, destruction and replacement of links to a Part insertion, destruction, or modification of parameters and rules.

Modification and update of the position of the Parts (using the Compass) or the constraint values (such as offset, angle, side) are propagated or not depending on the Rigid/Flexible mode. In Rigid mode, modification and update are propagated immediately. In Flexible mode:

modification on the reference is propagated to the instance. The update is not propagated to the instance and has to be performed on the instance. modification and update on the instance are not propagated to the reference, and will override a modification on the reference of the same element. r To force the propagation of all the modifications on the instance to the reference, it is possible to use the Propagate position to reference command on the instance.

To forget all the modifications on the instance and retrieve the reference state, it is possible to use the Flexible/Rigid Sub-Assembly command twice on the instance.

These commands are available in the Product Structure workbench.

How to Change Mode

The mode can be changed on the instance using the Flexible/Rigid Sub-Assembly command. Modifications of positions and constraint values on the instance will be lost.

CATProduct Generic Machines

A generic machine is a CATProduct representation created using the Machine Tool Builder product. It can be referenced in a Part Operation in a CATProcess. The characteristics of the machine can be modified using the Part Operation's Machine Editor. These machines adhere to the Instance/Reference mechanism described above. A generic machine is added to the ResourceList in flexible mode. This means that any modification to the machine in the CATProcess is valid only for that instance of the machine in that CATProcess: the modification is not propagated to the reference (that is, the CATProduct file).


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Rigid Mode
You can modify the instance or the reference, they are both impacted by modifications. The Product has a strong link to the Processes where it is used. For a Product used in a Manufacturing-dedicated Process, the recommended mode is Rigid.

Flexible Mode
You can modify the instance or the reference depending on what you want to do:

For a specific position for the Process, modify the instance (through the Process document). For a specific position for the Product, modify the reference (through the Product Document). The Product can be tuned for each Process where it is used.

Product in a Product
The same mechanisms are involved when a Product is used as component of another Product. In this case the default mode between the instance and the reference is Rigid. For more information about these mechanisms, please refer to Assembly Design and Product Structure documentation.

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Copy/Paste of NC Manufacturing Data

This document deals with copying NC Manufacturing data between CATProcess documents. You can Copy/Paste part operations, manufacturing programs, machining operations, and machining processes from one CATProcess document to another. All the NC data is duplicated in the target document through the Copy/Paste mechanism.

Copy/Paste Between CATProcesses

You can Copy/Paste the following NC Manufacturing activities:

Part Operation pasted on a Part Operation or the Process Manufacturing Program pasted on a Part Operation or a Manufacturing Program Machining Operation pasted on a Part Operation, a Manufacturing Program, a Machining Operation, a Machining Process Machining process pasted on a Machining Process View or a Machining Process.

Note that Tool paths are not copied. NC features The Duplicate Geometry Links option in the Tools> Options>NC Manufacturing>Operation tab page must be set to take into account the copy of NC Geometrical data. All the NC features are copied with the activities which reference them. Machining Patterns, Machinable Area Features, Machining Features are copied. Features are copied only if they are used by operations. If the option is not set, only NC activities and resources data are copied. Product and Part documents data If the NC Manufacturing Activities to be copied are included in a Part Operation, then:

For a Part Operation, the Product reference is included in the target document For any other activity, the user has to check that the target Part Operation references the correct Product documents. In this case, each geometrical link will be maintained only if the Product associated to the link is included in the Product associated to the original Part Operation.

NC resources The resource is in the original Process document:


If the resource does not exist in the target document, it is copied in the resource list. If the resource exists in the target document (same attributes), no copy is done and the existing resource is used.

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Design Changes and Associativity Mechanisms

This section deals with design changes and the various associativity mechanisms provided with NC Manufacturing products. For information about... Methodology for Design Changes. Please refer to...

Preparation Design/Manufacturing Reconciliation by direct selection using the Part Operation editor or by means of the Edit Links capability. Associativity of published geometric elements.

Status for operation creation and modification, Geometry not Product Behavior for Design Changes up to date, Geometry not found, tool path status, and so on. Lock and Unlock commands. Locked Machining Operations

Methodology for Design Change

The following example illustrates the methodology for Design/Manufacturing reconciliation after a design change. Consider a Part Operation which references a CATProduct (Product1), which in turn references a CATPart (Part1). In order to modify the design of the CATPart proceed as follows.

Preparation Before Design/Manufacturing Reconciliation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Modify the design in Part1. Save Part1 as Part2. Open Product1. Replace the component Part1 by Part2. Save Product1 as Product2.

Note that component instance names of Product1 should be unique and they should be identical to the component instance names of Product2. Product part numbers may be different. Then there are two ways for reconciliation of the design and manufacturing:

by direct selection using the Part Operation editor by Edit Links.

Design/Manufacturing Reconciliation by Direct Selection using the Part Operation Editor

1. Open the CATProcess. 2. Edit the Part Operation that references the old design. Click the Product icon and select the new product. in the Part Operation dialog box

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3. Click OK to quit the Part Operation dialog box. The various machining operations are updated.

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Note that, depending on the document environment setting (Tools > Options > General > Document tab), the new product can be selected from a file, a catalog, and so on.

Design/Manufacturing Reconciliation by Edit Links

1. Select Edit > Links. 2. Select the line corresponding to the link of the part operation that references the old design, then click the Replace button.

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Note that you must not do a Replace on the line corresponding to the Product > CATProduct link. This link is not managed by the NC manufacturing products and so cannot be used in design/manufacturing reconciliation. Note that the impacts of the reconciliation are global with respect to the CATProcess and not local to the Part Operation. This means that all the Part Operations that referenced the old design will now reference the new design.

More About Associativity in NC Manufacturing Documents

In case of Design Changes, the designer provides the NC programmer with one or more new CATParts and CATProducts. The programmer has to replace the old CATProduct referenced by the CATProcess by a new one including the new CATParts and CATProducts. As described in the previous chapter, the programmer can use either the Edit Links capability or the Part Operation editor for this. A CATProcess can be linked to CATProduct/CATpart in several ways: 1. There are links between Part Operation and the CATProduct containing the geometry to be machined. 2. There are links between Operations and geometry to be machined contained in the different CATParts/CATProducts included in the CATProduct linked to the Part Operation. 3. There are links between formulas used by the operations and CATParts/CATProducts included in the CATProduct linked to the Part Operation through the formula parameters. When a design referenced by the CATProcess is modified, the NC Programmer has to reconcile the program with the new CATProduct using the Edit Links capability. After reconciliation using the Edit Links capability: 1. The new CATProduct should appear in the ProductList and be linked to each Part Operation that was linked to the old one. 2. Each Operation that pointed a geometry that was included in the old CATProduct, should now be linked to the equivalent geometry in the new CATProduct if it exists or be in Geometry not found status, if the equivalent is not found in the new CATProduct. 3. Each formula that referenced an element of a CATPart of the old CATProduct, should now reference the equivalent element in the new CATProduct. That is, if a formula points to parameters that are defined in the Product you want to replace, after reconciliation the formula will point to the corresponding parameters in the new Product. If some of these parameters are not found, the behavior will be the same as when a parameter is deleted. A clone of the parameter will be aggregated under the formula. It will take the value of the old parameter and becomes fixed. The formula will be not broken and will continue to be associative with the other parameters. Note that this rerouting is possible only if the new CATParts and CATProducts are created by a Save As of the old ones. The instance names in the new CATProduct must be the same as in the old CATProduct.

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Associativity and Publication in NC Manufacturing Documents

All links on published geometric elements can be retrieved using the Edit Links capability or the Part Operation editor even when the replaced part is new compared to the previous one. This means that associativity is assured in design change scenarios even when CATProduct/CATPart B is a New From of CATProduct/CATPart A. The NC programmer receives a CATProduct A. In this CATProduct some geometric elements have been published. The programmer defines the Process by selecting indifferently the published element in the graph or directly the geometry in geometry visualization area. In Analyze geometry panel a new column to displays the publication name if the geometry pointed is published. This enables the programmer to be sure that the selected geometry has been published.

Then, the NC programmer receives a new version of this CATProduct. To reconcile the original program with this new version, the programmer can use the Edit Links capability or modify the CATProduct using the Part Operation editor. In order to be sure to not have positioning problems, in the old CATProduct and in the new CATProduct, each instance corresponding to an old one should have the same instance name.

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The programmer just has to select the new CATProduct. For each operation pointing to published geometry, the system will search for the same publication name in the corresponding product instance (Same instance name). If the corresponding publication is found, the operation will be rerouted to the new geometry.

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For publications that have not been solved automatically, a manual reroute is proposed.

The programmer must select the new publication corresponding to the old one in the new Product in the ProductList. In this case, all operations that pointed to the geometry under the old publication will be rerouted to the geometry under the new one. Publications that are not solved at this moment will be lost and operations that pointed to geometry in this old publication will be in Geometry not found status. Then the programmer gets a new CATProcess with operations whose status is Not up to date (or Geometry not found if some selected geometry was not published or have no corresponding publications in new the CATProduct). The programmer must then validate the reconciliation by analyzing geometry and tool path replay.

Product Behavior for Design Changes

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The rules described below describe the various status of the elements referenced by machining operations and how to recognize these status. It deals with:

the elements referenced in a machining operation, which are colored according to the Color and Highlight settings specified in Tools > Options > Machining > General.

status lights on machining operation tabs, for example masks used in the specification tree, for example .

texts used in the specification tree, for example Computed.

Useful settings in Tools > Options > Machining > General for tracking design changes are: Smart NC mode Optimized detection of design changes Update activity status automatically.

Operation Creation
Before selection, a required element is colored according to the color setting for Required parameters. Once selected, it is colored according to the color setting for Valuated parameters. Before selection, an optional element is colored according to the color setting for Optional parameters. Once selected, it is colored according to the color setting for Valuated parameters. The status light on a tab is Red when all the required elements of that tab have not been selected. Once selected, the status light becomes Green. The Replay is not available when the status light on a tab is Red. After a successful Replay, the status of the operation becomes Computed. Depending on the NC product and/or type of operation, a tool path node may be added to the computed operation in the specification tree.

Operation Modification
Once modified, a selected element is colored according to the color setting for Geometry not up to date. This allows quick recognition of impacted machining features. The Analysis of the element is then possible: its status becomes Not up to date. Its "Smart Geometry" is visible.

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The status light of the corresponding tab is Orange.

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In the specification tree, the operation icon has an Update mask state. The Replay is available.

. If the operation had Computed status, it remains in this

Selected Element No Longer Present

Once deleted (or no longer present), a selected element is colored according to the color setting for Geometry not found. This allows quick recognition of deleted machining features. The Analysis of the element is then possible: its status becomes Not found. Its Smart Geometry is visible. The status light of the corresponding tab is Red. In the specification tree, the operation icon has an Exclamation mask in this state. The Replay is not available. The status light of the corresponding tab becomes Green when all the elements with the Geometry not found or Required parameters color setting are:

. If the operation had Computed status, it remains

selected (they take the Valuated parameters color setting) or "removed" (they take the Optional parameters color setting).

The Replay is not available when the status light on a tab is Red.

Operation Status
An Update mask means that at least one selected element has been modified. In the corresponding tab the status color is Orange and the color setting is Geometry not up to date. An Exclamation mask

means one of the following:

At least one selected element is no longer present. In the corresponding tab the status color is Red and the color setting is Geometry not found At least one required element has not been selected. In the corresponding tab the status color is Red and the color setting is Required Geometry.

A Locked mask means that the OK button of the operation is not available. The operation remains fixed in this Locked state. This Locked status is the result of a deliberate user action and the operation remains in this state until it is unlocked by the user. See Locked Machining Operations below. Status are obtained when Update Activity Status Automatically is not set in Tools > Options > Mahining > General. To know the status of one, several or all operations of a program, you must click the Update Status icon Commands toolbar. in the Auxiliary

Tool Path Status

The Computed text in the specification tree means that the operation has been computed (that is, the tool path is present). It does not guarantee the coherence of the operation with respect to the context. Its coherence is guaranteed by a replay when this available.

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When there is no text, this means that the operation has not been computed (that is, the tool path is not present). This status is obtained after creating an operation without a Replay or after removing a tool path.

Locked Machining Operations

Often, when a machining operation is computed (that is, the tool path is calculated), it can be useful to lock the operation to prevent the tool path from being removed (for example, in case of design or operator change) and allow the NC Programmer to determine what was machined and how it was machined based on the replay of the locked tool path. A machining operation with a tool path can be locked using the Lock contextual command. In this case, a Locked mask displayed on the machining operation icon in the specification tree. When a machining operation is locked, most of attributes of this operation become read only, and you cannot modify this operation. The OK button on the operation editor is disabled. A locked machining operation can be unlocked using the Unlock contextual command. It is possible to lock or unlock all the machining operations of a program using the Lock Children or Unlock Children contextual command on the Machining Program. You can replay and simulate a locked machining operation. The locked tool path will be replayed. For activities with a tool path node, it is possible to manually modify the tool path by means of the tool path editor. For this the Edit Tool Path checkbox must be selected in the Tools > Options > machining > Output. It is possible to generate NC data for a locked machining operation. The locked tool path will be output. A message will be issued in the CATMFG.log file The Lock Operations checkbox can be set in the Generate NC Output in Batch Mode dialog box to lock all operations after CATMFG when Save document is requested. is

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Part Operation and Set Up Documents

This document provides methodology for setting up the workpiece, stock, and fixtures on the machine. A user task showing you how to manage part set up is also include in this guide.

Part Operation means:

One machine One set up (that is, workpiece in position on the machine ) One or more Manufacturing Programs (same set up). One program equals one NC output file (APT, CLFile, or NC code).

Set up is usually defined through a CATProduct document. It includes the machine table, the workpiece (in position), the fixtures, and the stock. A CATProcess document can include several Part Operations. Each Part Operation references a different CATProduct set up document.

Preparing the First Set Up

Create one CATProduct document for first set up with:

Machine table (one CATPart document) Workpiece (one CATPart document) Three fixtures (three instances of the same CATPart document).

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Preparing the Second Set Up

Create one CATProduct document for second set up with:

Machine table (one CATPart document) Workpiece (one CATPart document) Two fixtures (two instances of the same CATPart document) Support (one CATPart document).

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Programming the Top of the Workpiece

Use the first CATProduct document for first Part Operation.

Programming the Bottom of the Workpiece

In the same CATProcess document (or in another), create a Part Operation that refers to the second CATProduct (that is, the second set up).

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If there are several Part Operations in the same CATProcess document, then by activating one Part Operation, the system will show the corresponding Product(s) referenced by that Part Operation.

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Material Removal Simulation

This section deals with the material removal simulation capability provided with the Tool Path Replay command. For information about... CATProduct user representation of tools Please refer to...

User Representation of Milling Tools User Representation of Lathe Tools

CATPart tools for milling Stock considerations

CATPart Tools for Photo or Video Mode Stock for Material Removal Simulation

User Representation of Milling Tools

You can attach a CATProduct as the user representation of a NC tool. Parts of this CATproduct are the components of the tool (tool holders, shanks, and cutters). The tool created from the CATProduct can be used in Video simulation. This tool can have multiple cutting parts, holders, and shanks.

Tool Structure
You can define tool geometry as a CATProduct file. CATParts instantiated in this CATProduct (there may be intermediate products between root product and parts at any level ) are components of this tool. A given component may be instantiated several times in the product, at different locations.

Naming Convention and Content of Parts

Some components are cutting components and are used in simulation and in In-Process Model (IPM) generation. Some other components are non-cutting and are used in collision detection. A non-cutting component may be a shank or a holder. These sub-categories of non-cutting components must be differentiated as well. To identify the type of a component, the corresponding CATPart must contain a Knowledgeware parameter (added using the Fx button in Part Design). Parameter name is CuttingType (type string). Possible values of this parameter are CUTTER, SHANK and HOLDER. Note that the Photo simulation allows one shank or holder only. Any CATPart not containing this parameter is ignored in the simulation and in IPM generation.

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CUTCutterBig.1, CUTCutterBig.2, and CUTCutterSmall.1 are cutting components (note that one of them is instantiated twice). NOCUTShank.1 is a non-cutting component. HOLD.1 component is ignored in simulation and in IPM generation. Note: To allow Parameter nodes to be displayed in the PPR tree, make the following settings under Tools > Options: Parameters and Measure: set Parameter Tree View checkbox in the Knowledge tab. Part Infrastructure: set Parameters checkbox in the Display tab.

Material Removal
You can perform material removal with tool assemblies with multiple cut parts. For example:

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If you perform a cut with the tool assembly as shown above, then ideally for material removal all the 3 cutting parts should be considered.

User Representation of Lathe Tools

A lathe tool user representation can be used for collision detections in Video mode. The sketch conventions outlined below for cutting and non-cutting components must be respected.

Preliminary Settings
Under Tools > Options make the following settings: Parameters and Measure: set Parameter Tree View checkbox in the Knowledge tab. Part Infrastructure: set Parameters checkbox in the Display tab. This is to allow Parameter nodes to be displayed in the PPR tree. Sketcher: set Grid Graduations to 100. This will allow you to pick individual points during the material removal simulation.

Define the Cutting Component

Create a part (New > Part) then select the F(x) Formula command. In the Formula dialog box, set CuttingType to CUTTER.

In the Sketcher workbench, select the ZX plane (in lathe machining, Z is the spindle axis and X is the radial axis). Create a closed profile, adding successive elements in the anti-clockwise direction. Note that the Sketch user representation of tools can include construction elements.

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In the Part Design workbench, create a Pad from the sketch (2mm thick for example). This will represent the lathe tool insert.

Right click the Part in the tree and select Properties. Rename the Part Number (Insert001, for example).

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Save the CATPart.

Define the Non-Cutting Component

Define the non-cutting component using the same procedure. Create a part (New > Part) then select the F(x) Formula command. In the Formula dialog box, set CuttingType to HOLDER. In the Sketcher workbench, select the ZX plane. Create a rectangle. In the Part Design workbench, create a Pad from the sketch. This will represent the lathe tool holder. Right click the Part in the tree and select Properties. Rename the Part Number (Holder001, for example). Save the CATPart.

Create the CATProduct User Representation

Create a new CATProduct and insert the Insert and Holder CATParts. Note that, depending on the complexity of the tool representation, you can create several cutting and non-cutting parts. However, each part must be convex (that is, the profiles used not have any cut-outs).

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You can then use the CATProduct as the Tool in the Video simulation.

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CATPart Tools for Photo or Video Mode

Please note that the CATProduct user representation of tools described above is the recommended method. If you associate a CATPart to a tool or tool assembly, you can add a sketch called CUT to define the cutting part of the tool and, optionally, a sketch called NOCUT to define the non-cutting part of the tool. These profiles will be used in the material removal simulation in Photo or Video mode.

Here is a step-by step procedure for defining the CUT and NOCUT profiles. Define a closed profile representing the cutting part of the tool:

In the Sketcher workbench, create a sketch in the Oyz plane. Click the Axis icon then create an axis from (0,0) along the V-axis. This is useful if you want to use the profile to generate a 3D representation of the cutting part of the tool. Create the profile, starting from a position on the V-axis. Create the profile using line segments and circular arcs in an anti-clockwise direction. H coordinates must be positive. Close the profile using a line segment.

Examples of correct profiles:

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Using the Properties contextual command, name this profile CUT in the Feature Properties tab of the dialog box that appears.

If needed, define a profile representing the non-cutting part of the tool:


In the Sketcher workbench, create a sketch in the Oyz plane. Click the Axis icon then create an axis from (0,0) along the V-axis. This is useful if you want to use the profile to generate a 3D representation of the non-cutting part of the tool. Create the profile, starting from a position on the V-axis. Create the profile using line segments and circular arcs in an anti-clockwise direction. H coordinates must be positive. Close the profile using a line segment.

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Using the Properties contextual command, name this profile NOCUT in the Feature Properties tab of the displayed dialog box.

Stock, Design and Fixtures for Material Removal Simulation

The following can be defined as stock, design or fixtures in the PO editor:

CATPart bodies hybird bodies cloud of points bodies video result stored in an external file in cgr format. Please note however that using cgr as stock is not as reliable as using regular geometry (CATPart, for example).

Video results can be used effectively in a Part Operation that contains more that one program. The video result of the last operation of a program can be used as the stock for a following program. For that, you must set the Simulation at Part Operation level option and use the Video from Last Saved Result command when using simulation in the following program. If there is no stock defined, the envelope volume of the design part is used. If there is no design part, the envelope volume of the design part is used. In Video mode only, if the stock geometry is not correctly closed, a stock representing the envelope volume of the design part is computed.

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Opposite Hand Machining

This document provides methodology for machining symmetrical parts and left-hand/right-hand parts. A user task showing you how to program using Opposite Hand Machining techniques is also include in this guide. Although this is quite a flexible process, there are usually 3 steps involved: 1. Preparing the program 2. Transforming the machining operations and reversing the cutting conditions 3. Locally editing the transformed program. By following this method, you will obtain a program for the symmetrical part that has the same cutting conditions as the initial part.

Preparing the Program

The following methodology assumes that a proven program already exists for one symmetrical half of a part or for one workpiece in a left-hand/right-hand pair. Taking the example of an existing left-hand program, you should make a copy of the program (or the operations in the program) in one of the following ways:

Copy/Paste the left-hand program to create a new program. This method is suitable for symmetrical lefthand/right-hand parts

Copy/Paste operations in left-hand program to create a new operations in that program. This method is suitable for a symmetrical (or nearly symmetrical) workpiece.

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perform a File>Save As of the CATProcess.

Transforming the Program and Reversing Cutting Conditions

To transform the copied program (or operations):

Use the TRACUT Operator command to create and apply a transformation in order to create a symmetrical tool path (Mirror or other suitable transformation). After applying the transformation to the tool path, the cutting conditions of some operations may be reversed (climb/conventional milling, for example). Select the Opposite Hand Machining Options command . In the dialog box that appears, select the types of operations whose cutting conditions change after a Mirror type transformation. You can now apply a Reverse Cutting Conditions processing to the selected operation types.

In the specification tree, select the program (or groups of operations) whose cutting conditions have been reversed and apply the Reverse Cutting Conditions command .

Modified operations can be easily identified in the program due to the update symbols ( ) that appear in the tree. The tool paths of these operations must be computed or re-computed. Due to the applied transformation followed by the Reverse Cutting Conditions processing, the cutting conditions are now reset to the values of the initial program. A summary of the processing appears on an information pop-up. Note that the cutting conditions of deactivated operations ( ) can be changed, since they can be edited. However, the cutting conditions of locked operations ( ) cannot be changed, since they cannot be edited.

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Locally Editing the Transformed Program

The program may need to be finalized by means of some local editing. If the operations of the original program are linked one after the other, you may need to reverse the order of these operations in the processed program. This is the case, for example, if the end point of Operation1 is the start point of Operation2.

to reverse the order of one or more In this case, you can use the Reorder Operations List command groups of operations. In the example below, the groups A, B, C and E, F were selected and reversed. Operation.A Operation.B Operation.C Operation.D Operation.E Operation.F ---------------> Operation.C Operation.B Operation.A Operation.D Operation.F Operation.E

Note that groups of operations must be selected one after the other in the tree and they must use the same tool. Operations in each group must be selected from top to bottom. Similarly, it may be necessary to inverse the approach and retract macros on an operation. In this case, select the relevant operations and select the Inverse Macros command .

Operations Processed by Opposite Hand Machining

The following table summarizes the references elements that are transformed by Opposite Hand Machining. Typically, the Reverse Cutting Conditions command must be applied to these operations in order to retrieve the cutting conditions of the initial program. Operation 3-axis Roughing Spiral Milling Axial Machining Operations Pocketing Facing Profile Contouring Effect of Opposite Hand Machining Climb and Conventional options are inverted. Climb and Conventional options are inverted. Order of pattern points is reversed in the tool path. Climb and Conventional options are inverted. Climb and Conventional options are inverted. Climb and Conventional options are inverted. Order of multi-contour is inverted. Start and End elements, offsets, and conditions are inverted. Climb and Conventional options are inverted.

Groove Milling

3-axis/5-axis Isoparametric Machining Order of parts is inverted. Corners 1 and 2 are swapped. Corners 3 and 4 are swapped. Corresponding interpolation axes at corners are swapped.

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5-axis Flank Contouring

Order of drives is inverted as follows when the Close tool path checkbox is not selected in the operation's Machining parameters tab. Drives A, B, C, D are machined in the order D, C, B, A. Before Opposite Hand Machining:

After Opposite Hand Machining:

Order of drives is inverted as follows when the Close tool path checkbox is selected in the operation's Machining parameters tab. Drives A, B, C, D are machined in the order A, D, C, B, A. Drive A is the first and last machined element. Before Opposite Hand Machining:

After Opposite Hand Machining:

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Start and End elements, offsets, and conditions are inverted. Approach and Leave distances are swapped. Manual direction is reversed (Left / Right). Local stopping condition and Local restarting direction are updated. 5-axis Curve Machining Climb and Conventional options are inverted. Sign of Tilt angle is changed to invert the left/right condition. Couple of Points limit elements are swapped. For Tangent Axis guidance along isoparametric lines: when machining a strip of drive surfaces, check that the reference tool axis gives the desired result for the best matching u or v isoparametric line of the first machined face. CUTCOM You should check that the desired cutter compensation is still applied (correct side, and so on).

Typical User Scenarios

Machining of any symmetrical right part, when left part machining is already defined. The right part does not exist as a physical model, everything is referenced on the left part.

Scenario 1: Creation
Program of left-hand part has been defined. 1. Duplicate left-hand program (CTRL+C, CTRL+V) and rename it 'Right Program before Transform'. 2. Use the TRACUT Operator command to manage the symmetry. You can also use another way to transform the resulting tool path. The CUTCOM syntax is not taken into account by the transformation. PQR output is taken into account by the transformation. This may be done in a 'Final left program after symmetry'. 3. Select the Auxiliary Operations tool bar. 4. Check the Options command in order to select operation types for Reverse Cutting Conditions processing. 5. Select the block of operations to be processed. 6. Select the Reverse Cutting Conditions command. 7. Compute the new tool paths. 8. Locally edit the program, if needed (to reverse the order of operations, macros, pattern points, and so on).

Scenario 2: Modification of the left program

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Operations in left-hand program have been updated because of design changes, but the tool path was fully associative. In this case, right-hand program is updated and is associative.

Scenario 3: Modification of the left program

Operations in left-hand program have been updated because of design changes, some operations have been edited to take new geometry into account. 1. Delete existing old operations in the 'Right Program before Transform'. 2. Select and duplicate the modified operations in the 'Right Program before Transform'. 3. Do local opposite hand processing and modifications on operations.

Scenario 4: Modification of the left program

Some operations' options in left-hand program have been modified, or some operations have been added to left part. 1. Delete existing old operations in the 'Right Program before Transform'. 2. Select and duplicate the new and modified operations in the 'Right Program before Transform'. 3. Do local opposite hand processing and modifications on the operations.

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Create a User Feature for NC Manufacturing

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This task shows how to: q define a User Feature for NC Manufacturing

create a machining process that makes use of the User Feature.

Please refer to the Product Knowledge Template User's Guide for more information about creating user features, storing them in catalogs, and reusing them in documents.

Mapping Rule File

A default mapping dedicated to the User Features and their use in Axial Operations can be defined through a mapping rule file. This file is located in \resources\msgcatalog\CATMfgUdfForMappingToMfg.CATNls. It contains:

Drilling Point (MfgHolePoint) which has to be an input or output point of the User Feature Drilling Axis (MfgHoleAxis) which has to be an input or output planar face of the User Feature Drilling Diameter (MfgHoleDiameter) which has to be a published parameter of the User Feature Drilling Depth (MfgHoleDepth) which has to be a published parameter of the User Feature.

It enables you to use a User Feature when defining a machining pattern or an axial operation without any other mapping consideration. For more complex mapping rules, the Machining Process functionality is more suitable. 1. In the Part Design workbench, select Insert > User Feature > User Feature Creation. The User Feature Definition dialog box appears. The left part of the graph displays the features that are required to build the selected object. To rename these features, just select a feature in the graph and enter a new name in the Name field. When the Inputs tab is selected, the user feature inputs are indicated by red arrows in the geometry area.

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In the Parameters tab page, all available parameters are displayed along with their values. By default, the instantiation process of a user feature forbids the modification of a parameter value. If you want to get round this, you can publish a parameter. That means you must declare that the value of this parameter can be modified in a user feature instance. To do so, select the parameter intended to be modified in a forthcoming instantiation and check the Published option. You can rename a parameter. Just select it and enter its new name in the Name field. For the purpose of this scenario, declare the Depth for NC and Diameter for NC parameters as published. Note that a published parameter is mentioned as such in the Published column ('yes').

The type tab page manages the User Feature type that will be accessible in the formula definition. In this example, it is UserFeature1. Managing type is required in order to access all user feature attributes in the Machining Process definition. Click OK to define the user feature. 3. Select an NC Manufacturing workbench from the Start menu and select the Machining Process View icon The Machining Process View dialog box appears. .


Select the Machining Process icon

The dialog box is updated with a new machining process as shown. 5. Select the Drilling icon. The Operation Definition dialog box appears, if the Start Edit mode is selected in the Tools > Options NC Manufacturing Operation settings. 6. Just click OK to add a reference Drilling operation to the machining process. The reference operation has an associated Tool Query. You can associate Formulas or Checks to the operation and specify a Tool Query. 7. Right click the Drilling operation in the Machining Process View and select the Edit Formula command. The Formula Editor dialog box appears at the Numerical Expressions tab page. A formula is an expression associated to an operation or a machining feature attribute, which will be converted to a F(x) formula when the machining process is applied. Define the Diameter and Depth attributes of the formula as shown:

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In the Geometrical Expressions tab page, define the Drilling Point and Axis as shown below. Fill in the two fields with:

anchor point of the Drilling operation as "Entry Point for NC" user feature input parameter axis of the Drilling operation as "Entry Face for NC" user feature input parameter.

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Click OK to assign the formula to the Drilling operation. 9. Double click the Tool Query associated to the Drilling operation. The Tool Query Definition dialog box appears. Define a simple tool query as shown below. 10.

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Select the tool repository ToolsSampleMP using the Look in combo. Click OK to assign the tool query to the Drilling operation. 11. Select File > Save As to save the machining process in a CATProcess document called UserFeatureMachProcess01.CATProcess, for example. You can then apply this machining process following the general procedure described in Apply a Machining Process.

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How to Use Properties of a Machining Operation

This document shows you how use the properties of a machining operation and how to get information on it. Right click the desired operation in the program, then select the Properties command. The Properties dialog box appears. To get information about the duration of the operation: In the General tab page, the Calculated cycle time is indicated in seconds:

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This is the same as the Total time indicated in the panel of replay:

The description is the same as that displayed in the Comment field in the operation editor. To modify the color of the tool path: Select the More button in the Properties dialog box and select the Graphic tab page.

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Change the default green color for lines and curves to any desired color. Note that you can also modify this color by selecting the operation and set the new color through the Graphic Toolbar.

This tool path will be displayed in the set color if Display tool path of operation in current Part Operation is set in Tools > Options > Machining > Operation.

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Double-clicking the colored tool path activates the dialog box of the corresponding machining operation. Note: This color has no influence on the color of feedrates while replaying an operation.

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approach macro auxiliary command axial machining operation Motion defined for approaching the operation start point. A control function such as tool change or machine table rotation. These commands may be interpreted by a specific post-processor. Operation in which machining is done along a single axis and is mainly intended for hole making (drilling, counter boring, and so on).

back and forth Machining in which motion is done alternately in one direction then the other. Compare with one way. bottom plane A planar geometric element that represents the bottom surface of an area to machine. It is normal to the tool axis.

clearance macro climb milling Motion that involves retracting to a safety plane, a linear trajectory in that plane and then plunging from that plane. Milling in which the advancing tool rotates down into the material. Chips of cut material tend to be thrown behind the tool, which results to give good surface finish. Compare with conventional milling. Milling in which the advancing tool rotates up into the material. Chips of cut material tend to be carried around with the tool, which often impairs good surface finish. Compare with climb milling.

conventional milling

DPM Digital Process for Manufacturing.

extension type Defines the end type of a hole as being through hole or blind.

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Facing operation Fault feedrate fixture

A surfacing operation in which material is removed in one cut or several axial cuts of equal depth according to a pre-defined machining strategy. Boundaries of the planar area to be machined are soft. Types of faults in material removal simulation are gouge, undercut, and tool clash. Rate at which a cutter advances into a work piece. Measured in linear or angular units (mm/min or mm/rev, for example). Elements used to secure or support the workpiece on a machine.

generic machine gouge A CATProduct machine representation that was created using the NC Machine Builder product. Area where the tool has removed too much material from the workpiece.

hard A geometric element (such as a boundary or a bottom face) that the tool cannot pass beyond.

inward helical Machining in which motion starts from a point inside the domain to machine and follows paths parallel to the domain boundary towards the center of the domain. Compare with outward helical.

linking motion Motion that involves retracting to a safety plane, a linear trajectory in that plane and then plunging from that plane.

machine rotation machining axis system machining feature machining operation An auxiliary command in the program that corresponds to a rotation of the machine table. Reference axis system in which coordinates of points of the tool path are given. A feature instance representing a volume of material to be removed, a machining axis, tolerances, and other technological attributes. These features may be hole type or milling type. Contains all the necessary information for machining a part of the workpiece using a single tool.

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machining process

An ordered list of machining operations, PP instructions and, possibly, machine rotations. It can be used in two ways: q to generate a complete subprogram by defining all the operations from geometrical information which will be solved when the machining process is instantiated into another CATProcess file.

to generate a subprogram by defining all the operations without any geometrical information (design or manufacturing geometrical features): this way is dedicated to the settings mode.

machining tolerance

The maximum allowed difference between the theoretical and computed tool path.

manufacturing Defines the sequence of part operations necessary for the complete manufacture of a part. process manufacturing Describes the processing order of the NC entities that are taken into account for tool path program computation: machining operations, auxiliary commands and PP instructions. manufacturing Allows various views of the part operation: view

sorted by features sorted by operations sorted by patterns sorted by toolings (that is, tools or tool assemblies) sorted by machinable features.

milling operation multi-level operation

Operation in which 2.5 to 5-axis capabilities are used for part machining (roughing, pocketing, surface machining, contouring, and so on). Milling operation (such as Pocketing or Profile Contouring) that is done in a series of axial cuts.

offset Specifies a virtual displacement of a reference geometric element in an operation (such as the offset on the bottom plane of a pocket, for example). An offset value can be greater than, less than, or equal to zero. It is measured normal to the referenced geometry or in a specific direction such as axial or radial. For example, a 5mm Offset on Contour means that a virtual displacement is applied normal to the contour geometry. A 5mm Axial Part Offset means that a virtual displacement is applied to the part geometry along the tool axis direction. Compare with thickness. Machining in which motion is always done in the same direction. Compare with zig zag or back and forth. Machining in which motion starts from a point inside the domain to machine and follows paths parallel to the domain boundary away from the center of the domain. Compare with inward helical.

one way outward helical

part operation Links all the operations necessary for machining a part based on a unique part registration on a machine. The part operation links these operations with the associated fixture and setup entities.

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pocket Pocketing operation

An area to be machined that is defined by an open or closed boundary and a bottom plane. The pocket definition may also include a top plane and one or more islands. A machining operation in which material is removed from a pocket in one cut or several axial cuts of equal depth according to a pre-defined machining strategy.

Point to Point A milling operation in which the tool moves in straight line segments between user-defined operation points. PP instruction Instructions that control certain functions that are auxiliary to the tool-part relationship. They may be interpreted by a specific post processor. PPR Profile Contouring operation Process Product Resources. A milling operation in which the tool follows a guide curve and possibly other guide elements while respecting user-defined geometric limitations and machining strategy parameters.

retract macro Motion defined for retracting from the operation end point return macro Motion for linking between paths or between levels. It involves retracting to a safety plane, a linear trajectory in that plane and then plunging from that plane.

safety plane set up soft A plane normal to the tool axis in which the tool tip can move or remain a clearance distance away from the workpiece, fixture or machine. Describes how the part, stock and fixture are positioned on the machine. A geometric element (such as a boundary or a bottom face) that the tool can pass beyond.

spindle speed The angular speed of the machine spindle. Measured in linear or angular units (m/min or rev/min, for example). stock Workpiece prior to machining by the operations of a part operation.

thickness Specifies a thickness of material to be removed by machining. A thickness value must be greater than zero and is measured normal to the machined geometry. For example, if a 5mm Finish Thickness is specified on an operation then 5mm of material will be removed during the finish pass. Compare with offset. A planar geometric element that represents the top surface of an area to machine. It is always normal to the associated tool's rotational axis. Center line of the cutter.

top plane tool axis

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tool change tool clash tool path total depth

An auxiliary command in the program that corresponds to a change of tool. Area where the tool collided with the workpiece during a rapid move. The path that the center of the tool tip follows during a machining operation. The total depth including breakthrough distance that is machined in a hole making operation.

undercut Area where the tool has left material behind on the workpiece.

zig zag Machining in which motion is done alternately in one direction then the other. Compare with one way.

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Accept Geometry Selections command Activate (macro path) contextual command Activate contextual command Add User Representation contextual command Align Center command Align Side command Analyze command approach macro APT format APT source generation in batch mode Associate Video Result to Machining Operation icon command Associativity Attach command Auto Sequence command Auto-sequence operations auxiliary command Auxiliary operation COPY Operator Copy Transformation Machine Rotation Machining Axis Change PP Instruction Tool Change TRACUT Operator axial machining operation Axial Process for Design Holes command

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Batch queue management Boring and chamfering tool Boring and Chamfering Tool command Boring bar Boring Bar command

Cancel Geometry Selections command Center drill Center Drill command CGR file generation Check Reachability command checks in machining process clearance macro Clfile format Clfile generation climb milling Close Contour with Line command Closeup contextual command Column Filter contextual command Column Order contextual command command Accept Geometry Selections Align Center Align Side Attach Auto Sequence Axial Process for Design Holes Boring and Chamfering Tool Boring Bar Cancel Geometry Selections Center Drill Check Reachability

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Close Contour with Line Conical Mill COPY Operator Copy Transformation Instruction Counterbore Mill Countersink Distribute Drill End Mill Face Mill Generate Documentation Generate NC Code in Batch Mode Generate NC Code Interactively Generate Transition Paths Import/List Tools Insert Lines on Gaps Inverse Macros Machine Rotation Machining Axis Change Machining Axis System Machining Pattern Machining Processes Application Manufacturing Program Manufacturing View Multi-Diameter Drill Navigate on Belt of Edges Navigate on Belt of Faces Navigate on Edges Until an Edge Navigate on Faces Navigate on Faces Until a Face Open Catalog Opposite Hand Machining Options Part Operation Post-Processor Instruction

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Preview the Contour Process Table Reamer Remove Transition Paths Reorder Operations List Replace Tools Reset All Selections Resource Context Retrieve Faces of Same Color Reverse Machining Conditions Rotate to Align Rules Manager Screen Capture Select Faces in a Polygon Trap Select Normal Faces Selection Sets Snap Spot Drill Standard Drilling Standard Multi-Axis Flank Contouring Tap Thread Mill Tool Change Tool Path Replay TRACUT Operator T-Slotter Two Sides Chamfering Tool Update Transition Paths Workpiece Automatic Mount compensation Compute Tool Path contextual command Conical mill Conical Mill command contextual command

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Activate Activate (macro path) Add User Representation Closeup Column Filter Column Order Compute Tool Path Deactivate Deactivate (macro path) Delete (macro path) Delete Generated Machine Rotations Delete Generated Tool Changes Delete Unused (machining features) Delete Unused Resources Display NC File Edit NC Resources Expand Tree from Manufacturing Program to Machining operations Expand Tree from Part Operation to Tool changes Expand Tree from Tool Change to Tool paths Feedrate (macro path) Generate Machine Rotations Generate NC Code Interactively Generate Tool Changes Hide Children Import APT, Clfile or NC Code File Insert (macro path) Lock Children Pack Tool Path Parameter (macro path) Remove Tool Path Remove Video Result Replace Tool Save in Catalog Select by String

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Send to Catalog Show Children Sort by Features Sort by Machining Features Sort by Operations Sort by Patterns Sort by Tooling Tool Path Replay Unlock Children Unpack Tool Path conventional milling COPY Operator command Copy Transformation Instruction command Copy/Paste of Manufacturing Data Counterbore mill Counterbore Mill command Countersink Countersink command cutting conditions cutting speed, cutting condition

Deactivate (macro path) contextual command Deactivate contextual command Delete (macro path) contextual command Delete Generated Machine Rotations contextual command Delete Generated Tool Changes contextual command Delete Unused (machining features) contextual command Delete Unused Resources contextual command depth of cut, cutting condition Design Changes dialog box for Tool Path Replay

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Diamond insert Display NC File contextual command Distribute command Document Management Documentation generation Drill Drill command

Edit NC Resources contextual command End mill End Mill command Expand Tree from Manufacturing Program to Machining operations contextual command Expand Tree from Part Operation to Tool changes contextual command Expand Tree from Tool Change to Tool paths contextual command External groove tool, lathe External thread tool, lathe External tool, lathe

Face mill Face Mill command Fault Feature based programming Feedrate (macro path) contextual command feedrate/tooth, cutting condition formula in machining process Frontal groove tool, lathe Full Video icon command

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Generate Documentation command Generate Machine Rotations contextual command Generate NC Code in Batch Mode command Generate NC Code Interactively command Generate NC Code Interactively contextual command Generate Tool Changes contextual command Generate Transition Paths command generic machine Geometry Analyzer dialog box gouge Groove insert

hard geometric element Hide Children contextual command

icon command Associate Video Result to Machining Operation Full Video Mixed Photo/Video Save Video Result in cgr Video Collision Report Video from Last Saved Result Import APT, Clfile or NC Code File contextual command Import/List Tools command Insert Diamond Groove Round

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Square Thread Triangular Trigon Insert (macro path) contextual command Insert Lines on Gaps command Internal groove tool, lathe Internal thread tool internal tool, lathe Inverse Macros

Lock Children contextual command

Machine Editor dialog box machine rotation Machine Rotation command Machining Axis Change command machining axis system Machining Axis System command machining feature machining feedrate (Vf) machining operation machining pattern Machining Pattern command machining process Machining Process command Machining Process View command Machining Process, Apply Machining Process, Apply Automatically

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Machining Process, Create Machining Process, Knowledgeware Machining Process, Methodology Machining Process, Organize Machining Processes Application command machining tolerance manufacturing process manufacturing program Manufacturing Program command manufacturing view Manufacturing View command Manufacturing View, with formula Manufacturing View, with parameters Manufacturing View, with relations Mapping Rule File Material Removal Simulation Photo mode Video mode MFG_AA_FINISH attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MFG_AA_ROUGH attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MFG_ANGLE2 attribute MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_AR_FINISH attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool

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MfgTSlotterTool MFG_AR_ROUGH attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MFG_ASS_GAGE_1 attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_ASS_GAGE_2 attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_BALL_TYPE attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MFG_BAR_CUT_RAD attribute MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MFG_BAR_LENGTH_1 attribute MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MFG_BAR_LENGTH_2 attribute MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MFG_BODY_DIAM attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool

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MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_BORE_ABILITY attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_BOTTOM_ANGLE attribute MfgGrooveInsert MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM1 attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MFG_CHAMFR_DIAM2 attribute MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MFG_CLEAR_ANGLE attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgExternalTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgTriangularInsert

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MfgTrigonInsert MFG_COMMENT attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDiamondInsert MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgExternalTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgInternalTool MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgRoundInsert MfgSpotDrillTool MfgSquareInsert MfgTapTool MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInsert MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool

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MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_COMPOSITION attribute MfgBoringBarTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MFG_COOLNT_SNTX attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgExternalTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool

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MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_CORNER_RAD attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MFG_CORNER_RAD_2 attribute MfgTSlotterTool MFG_CUT_ANGLE attribute MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_CUT_LENGTH attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgTapTool

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MfgThreadMillTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_DESC_CODE attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MFG_DIAMETER_1 attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_DIAMETER_2 attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_DIAMETER_3 attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_ENTRY_DIAM attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgReamerTool MfgTapTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_FLANK_ANG_1 attribute MfgGrooveInsert MFG_FLANK_ANG_2 attribute MfgGrooveInsert MFG_GAUGING_ANG attribute MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MFG_GROOVE_TYPE attribute MfgGrooveInsert MFG_HAND_ANGLE attribute MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MFG_HAND_STYLE attribute MfgExternalTool MfgGrooveExternalTool

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MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInsert MfgThreadInternalTool MFG_HOLDER_CAPAB attribute MfgExternalTool MFG_INIT_ROT_POS attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_INSCRIB_DIAM attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MFG_INSERT_ANGLE attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgExternalTool MfgInternalTool MFG_INSERT_HEIGH attribute MfgGrooveInsert MFG_INSERT_LGTH attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgExternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInsert MfgThreadInternalTool MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MFG_INSERT_MAT attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgGrooveInsert

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MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MFG_INSERT_THICK attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgGrooveInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MFG_INSERT_WIDTH attribute MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgGrooveInternalTool MFG_INT_CIRC_2D attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_INT_CIRC_3D attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_INT_LIN_3D attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine

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MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_KAPPA_R attribute MfgExternalTool MfgInternalTool MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX attribute MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_LATHE_SPN_AX attribute MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_LEADING_ANG attribute MfgExternalTool MfgInternalTool MFG_LENGTH attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_LENGTH_1 attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgThreadMillTool MFG_LENGTH_2 attribute MfgMultiDiamDrillTool

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MFG_LIFE_TIME attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MFG_MACH_QUALITY attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDiamondInsert MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MFG_MACH_TYPE attribute MfgThreadInsert MFG_MAX_BOR_DPTH attribute MfgInternalTool MFG_MAX_CUT_DIAM attribute MfgGrooveFrontalTool MFG_MAX_CUT_DPTH attribute MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MFG_MAX_CUT_WDTH attribute

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MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MFG_MAX_DIAMETER attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_MAX_MIL_LENGTH attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgExternalTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool

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MFG_MAX_MIL_TIME attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgExternalTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_MAX_PLNG_ANG attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MFG_MAX_REC_DPTH attribute MfgExternalTool MfgInternalTool MFG_MIN_ANGLE attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine

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Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_MIN_DIAM attribute MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MFG_MIN_DIAMETER attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_MIN_DISC attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_NAME attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDiamondInsert MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgExternalTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgHorizontalLatheMachine

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MfgInternalTool MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgRoundInsert MfgSpotDrillTool MfgSquareInsert MfgTapTool MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInsert MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_NB_OF_COMP attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_NB_OF_FLUTES attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool

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MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_NB_OF_STAGES attribute MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MFG_NOMINAL_DIAM attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_NON_CUT_DIAM attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_NOSE_RAD_1 attribute MfgGrooveInsert MFG_NOSE_RAD_2 attribute MfgGrooveInsert MFG_NOSE_RADIUS attribute MfgDiamondInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MFG_NURBS_OUTPUT attribute Mfg3AxisMachine

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Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MFG_ORIENT_ANGLE attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_OUTP_PREF_1 attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MFG_OUTP_PREF_2 attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MFG_OUTP_PREF_3 attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_OUTSIDE_DIAM attribute MfgCountersinkTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgThreadMillTool MFG_OVERALL_LGTH attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool

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MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_PITCH_NUMBER attribute MfgThreadInsert MFG_PITCH_OF_THREAD attribute MfgTapTool MfgThreadInsert MfgThreadMillTool MFG_PP attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_PP_WORD_TBL attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_R_MAX_CIRC attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine

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Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_R_MIN_CIRC attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_RAPID_FEED attribute Mfg3AxisMachine MFG_ROT_DIR attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_ROT_TYP attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_ROTABL_OUTPUT attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MFG_ROTARY_ANGLE attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_ROTARY_AXIS attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MFG_SHANK_HEIGHT attribute MfgExternalTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgThreadExternalTool MFG_SHANK_WIDTH attribute MfgExternalTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgThreadExternalTool

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MFG_SHK_CUT_WDTH attribute MfgExternalTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgThreadExternalTool MFG_SHK_LENGTH_1 attribute MfgExternalTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgThreadExternalTool MFG_SHK_LENGTH_2 attribute MfgExternalTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgThreadExternalTool MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_SZ attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_SZ_FINISH attribute MfgConicalMillTool

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MfgDiamondInsert MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MFG_SZ_ROUGH attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgDiamondInsert MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MFG_TAPER_ANGLE attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MFG_THD_CLS_DESC attribute MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MFG_THD_FRM_DESC attribute MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MFG_THREAD_ANGLE attribute

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MfgThreadInsert MFG_THREAD_CLASS attribute MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MFG_THREAD_DEF attribute MfgThreadInsert MFG_THREAD_FORM attribute MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MFG_THREAD_PROF attribute MfgThreadInsert MFG_TIP_ANGLE attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_TIP_LENGTH attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_TIP_RADIUS attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_TL_RAKE_ANG attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_TL_SET_LGTH attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_TL_SET_X attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_TL_SET_Y attribute

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MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_TL_SET_Z attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_TL_SETUP_ANG attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MFG_TL_TIP_LGTH attribute MfgBoringBarTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgDrillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgTapTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_TOOL_ANGLE attribute MfgBoringBarTool MFG_TOOL_ASS_POWER attribute MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MFG_TOOL_CORE_DIAMETER attribute MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MFG_TOOL_INVERT attribute MfgLatheToolAssembly MFG_TOOL_NUMBER attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly

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MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_TOOTH_DES attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_TOOTH_DESC attribute MfgEndMillTool MFG_TOOTH_H attribute MfgThreadInsert MFG_TOOTH_MAT attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool

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MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_TOOTH_MATDES attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_TOOTH_MATDESC attribute MfgEndMillTool MFG_TOOTH_X attribute MfgThreadInsert MFG_TOOTH_Z attribute MfgThreadInsert MFG_TRAILING_ANG attribute MfgExternalTool MfgInternalTool MFG_TRAV_PITCH attribute MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_TRAVERSE_NB attribute MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_VC attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool

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MfgCenterDrillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_VC_FINISH attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgDiamondInsert MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MFG_VC_ROUGH attribute MfgConicalMillTool MfgDiamondInsert MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveInsert MfgRoundInsert MfgSquareInsert MfgThreadInsert MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MFG_WAY_OF_ROT attribute

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MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_WEIGHT_SNTX attribute MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgExternalTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgInternalTool MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgSpotDrillTool MfgTapTool

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MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MFG_X_HOME_POS attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_X_INIT_SPNDL attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_X_ROT_CENTER attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_Y_HOME_POS attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_Y_INIT_SPNDL attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_Y_ROT_CENTER attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine

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MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_Z_HOME_POS attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_Z_INIT_SPNDL attribute Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MFG_Z_ROT_CENTER attribute Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgVerticalLatheMachine MfgBatch utility MfgResourcePackage Mfg3AxisMachine Mfg3AxisWithTableRotationMachine Mfg5AxisMachine MfgBoringAndChamferingTool MfgBoringBarTool MfgCenterDrillTool MfgConicalMillTool MfgCounterboreMillTool MfgCountersinkTool MfgDiamondInsert MfgDrillTool MfgEndMillTool MfgExternalTool MfgFaceMillTool MfgGrooveExternalTool MfgGrooveFrontalTool

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MfgGrooveInsert MfgGrooveInternalTool MfgHorizontalLatheMachine MfgInternalTool MfgLatheToolAssembly MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly MfgMultiDiamDrillTool MfgReamerTool MfgRoundInsert MfgSpotDrillTool MfgSquareInsert MfgTapTool MfgThreadExternalTool MfgThreadInsert MfgThreadInternalTool MfgThreadMillTool MfgTriangularInsert MfgTrigonInsert MfgTSlotterTool MfgTwoSidesChamferingTool MfgVerticalLatheMachine milling operation Mixed Photo/Video icon command Multi-diameter drill Multi-Diameter Drill command

Navigate on Belt of Edges command Navigate on Belt of Faces command Navigate on Edges Until an Edge command Navigate on Faces command Navigate on Faces Until a Face command

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Open Catalog command Opposite Hand Machining Opposite Hand Machining Options Origin

Pack Tool Path contextual command Parameter (macro path) contextual command part operation Part Operation command pattern of holes Photo material removal simulation Post-Processor Instruction command PP instruction PP word table PPR Preview the Contour command Process Engineer Support Process List Process Table command Product List Properties of Machining Operations

Reamer Reamer command Remove Tool Path contextual command Remove Transition Paths command Remove Video Result contextual command Reorder Operations List Replace Tool contextual command

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Replace Tools command Reset All Selections command Resource Context command Resources List retract macro Retrieve Faces of Same Color command return macro return macro type between levels on same level to finish pass Reverse Machining Conditions Rotate to Align command Round insert Rules Manager command

Save in Catalog contextual command Save Video Result in cgr icon command Screen Capture command Select by String contextual command Select Faces in a Polygon Trap command Select Normal Faces command Selection Sets command Send to Catalog contextual command Set Up Documents Show Children contextual command SmarTeam support Snap command soft geometric element Sort by Features contextual command Sort by Machining Features contextual command Sort by Operations contextual command

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Sort by Patterns contextual command Sort by Tooling contextual command spindle speed (N) Spot drill Spot Drill command Square insert Standard Drilling command Standard Multi-Axis Flank Contouring command

Tap Tap command Thread insert Thread mill Thread Mill command Tool Boring and chamfering tool Boring bar Center drill Conical mill Counterbore mill Countersink Drill End mill External groove tool, lathe External thread tool, lathe External tool, lathe Face mill Frontal groove tool, lathe Internal groove tool, lathe Internal thread tool internal tool, lathe Multi-diameter drill

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Reamer Spot drill Tap Thread mill T-slotter Two sides chamfering tool tool assembly in operation edit or select another Tool Assembly in Resource List add edit Tool Axis Tool Catalog from Resource List tool change Tool Change command tool clash tool in operation edit or select another tool in resource list edit tool path Tool Path Replay command Tool Path Replay contextual command tooling query in machining process Tools catalog Tools Options - Machining General Operation Output Photo/Video Program Resources TRACUT Operator command TRACUT/NOMORE Transition paths

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Triangular insert Trigon insert T-slotter T-Slotter command Two sides chamfering tool Two Sides Chamfering Tool command

undercut Unlock Children contextual command Unpack Tool Path contextual command Update Status command Update Transition Paths command User Attributes User Feature User parameters, in APT source User parameters, in PP instruction utility MfgBatch

Video Collision Report icon command Video from Last Saved Result icon command Video material removal simulation

Workpiece Automatic Mount command

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