Grilled Vegetables Bhuni Subji

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Grilled Vegetables (Bhuni Subji)

Jun 1, 2013 I usually make these vegetables at a backyard party. I just put some toothpicks out and people love picking at the vegetables through the evening. For a grilling party with an Indian twist, serve Bean Burgers, page xx and corn with these vegetables. 2 cups zucchini, 1/4 inch slices 1 cup onions, 1/4 inch wedges 2 cups green and red peppers, 1/2 inch wedges 1 cup carrots, 1/4 inch slices 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon chili f lakes 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt

1. In a bowl mix together zucchini, onions, peppers and carrots. 2. Add oil, vinegar, cumin powder, chili f lakes, and black pepper. Toss well to coat the vegetables. Marinate f or 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the time you have (the longer you marinate the stronger the f lavor will be). Just bef ore grilling stir in the salt. 3. Preheat the grill. Spread the grill with thick aluminum f oil. Spread the vegetables in a single layer. Grill until the vegetables are light brown on both sides, about 5 minutes, turning f requently. Transf er to a serving platter. Serve hot. Note: If desired, bake the vegetables in a 400F preheated oven. Follow steps 1 and 2 as above. Place the vegetables in an oven saf e tray in a single layer and bake f or about 10 minutes until vegetables are just tender. Move to the tray to the top shelf , and broil f or 2 to 3 minutes until the vegetables have a little black spots (charcoaled look).

Makes: 6 Servings Serving Size: 1/2 Cup

Nutrition Inf ormation per serving: Calories: 62; Total Fat: 4 (Saturated Fat: 0.5); Carbohydrate: 7; Protein 1; Fiber: 2; Sodium: 218 (The Indian Vegan Kitchen (October 2009) by Madhu Gadia, M.S., R.D., www.cuisineof Back to News List

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