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Newton Leys residents meeting minutes May2013 7pm Landfill office Apologies None Introductions quick round the

the room introductions Constitution Re-affirm the NLRA constitution, why it was set up, what it aims to do this will be checked by Hannah Day to ensure it is clearly available on and the community Facebook page. Community Centre Hannah is chasing an update on the completion of community centre, and the collection of refuse from it, and the community notice board. The caretaker role is to be readvertised due to only two people (non-residents applying). Having NL residents apply would be great. Rapleys 3 year extension This application is going through the local planning authority process and the NLRA understands it is in the best interest of the community to support it. Hannah confirmed that any communication from Rapleys, to the community, is now likely to come through the NLRA. Frank update TW have confirmed the Phase1 to Phase2 footpath will have street lighting at the mini roundabout. The community centre could be completed by July (Frank feels this is premature). There is pressure on TW to include additional signage at the developments entry points. A point was raised about the Bovis workmen starting early in the morning before 8am Frank will check what the agreement conditions are. Frank re-affirmed the school will not get under way until the development hits 500 occupations we are at approx. 400 now. The Landfill James has been given a new contact to speak to regarding the situation with the smell. Please call the number as and when you smell the landfill as this will ensure its on the radar of the environmental authority. Can we liaise with the Newton Longville residents association to see if this effects them joint effort. Gripes Phase1 Lack of progress on development of the lake. Not had any work undertaken in weeks Gary (our councillor) has been asked to find out if the council can help move this on. The walk/pathway which will wind its way through the small wood and around the back of the lake, has been started, but has come to a stop. Frank will approach TW Director Peter Gurr about this. We updated Gary with some of our issues with the HAs and the lack of/poor communication, particularly Aldwick. Gary has found them very good and recently did a meet and walk round with one of their representatives. James, Hannah and Paul have all emailed the HAs (Aldwick) recently

with none or unsatisfactory response these will be forwarded to Gary and he will contact Aldwick. Bollards on the paving areas (particularly on St Helena by Lundy Walk and Tiree Court) where are they? This is becoming a serious issue and people should not be parking on the paved walking areas. It is obstructing the view of drivers, which is dangerous and could result in an accident, and it is unsightly. James and Frank are aiming to meet with TW to discuss this and a few other points. The large TW signs by the mini roundabout obscure drivers view Frank to take this up with Highways. Phase2 Which HA are looking after the apartments on Anglesey? Margarita gardens have some drains which are full of rubble etc., which is caused by the road sweeper as it clears up site rubbish. This is par for the norm prior to the road being topped and finished, but if it gets excessive, mention it to the site manager and he will organise for it to be cleared. Phase3 The Motorhome on Grenada is a concern of the residents and TW. It was felt that TW have not been overly helpful with this, however, TW customer care have escalated it to their legal team hopefully a resolution can be found as it does encroach on to the pathway. Clay soil in house frontage is an issue which effects the whole development (and most of Milton Keynes hence the brickwork industry), however, Frank advised that there should be a minimum of 200mm depth of top soil, and to contact the landscape architect at the council if it is not. He can make TW aware of their failure and the need to rectify it. Speeding, particularly on Grenada, but is an issue all over the development (and not just site traffic) is becoming a worry. The number of cats which have been run over lately, is testament to this so what can be done? Gary (our councillor), will speak to the local PCSOs who will be more than willing to attend our development and use the speed guns to gain some data which can be fed back to site management. In addition, can we as a community try to log vehicle descriptions and reg numbers of any offenders (understandably this can be difficult to do but is helpful). Health and Safety issues should be reported to site management, the Director of TW for your phase, but most importantly, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) there are numbers for this on and around the development. Littering is a constant annoyance but we have more litter picking equipment being delivered by Gary, so we will plan the regular litter pick events again ASAP. Fouling of the pavements is disgusting and unacceptable as we have pooh bins (we will be looking in to getting some more) but cat pooh and wildlife pooh is prevalent. Can we ask that if you see anyone allowing their animal to foul the pavement or walkways without clearing up after them, please report them it is unacceptable.

Working Groups Sanja and Abi have offered to collate information on services provided in our community in to a format which can be easily accessible on our community website. On this note; the children in the community under 18 can advertise services such as babysitting, without incurring the annual charge we typically attach to advertise on the site. Steve is happy to head up/represent the Phase3 working group. James will speak to Daniel Collet regarding planning notices and objections etc. Lindsey is happy to head up the community events working group. Hannah is happy to head up a working group for under 18s (we could see a separate Fbook page for them). Newsletter is coming soon Claire, made the point about awareness of The Big Lunch event which is coming up on the 12th June, which has been celebrated on Skye Crescent previously. AOB Pink bags please Gary! Gary will invite the 2 Town Councillors to our next meeting. Working group for the NL community website Hopefully Emma will be happy to continue with this. Please ensure our community website can be linked directly from our Facebook page to drive more traffic and aid awareness of it. Changing car ports to garages? best speak to Town Planning. Leather Jackets this seems to be a big problem again and is ruining peoples attempts at creating a lovely garden environment. TW have been poor to deal with this (it is felt within the community). Any treatment, it seems, should be administered in September. If this has been a recurring issue, please put your grievance to TW in writing, stating that it has been a recurring issue and had been treated inside the 2 year make good period by TW contractors, and therefore, consider it the responsibility of TW and their contractors to resolve this persistent issue. Additionally, if this has been a problem to your neighbours garden, and TW have resolved their issue but not for your garden, please advise TW of this. More Pooh bins on the development please.

Next meeting TBC please see website and Facebook for details once a date is agreed.
Minutes by Paul Neenan Secretary Newton Leys Residents Association

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