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Assignment 5 : Series, Power Series, Taylor Series

1. (D) Let an 0. Then show that both the series


an and
n 1

an an +1


or diverge together. 2. (T) Prove that (an an+1 ) converges if and only if the sequence an converges. Use this to decide the convergence/divergence of the following series: (1)
4 n=1 (4n3)(4n+1)


2n+1 n=1 n2 (n+1)2

3. In each of the following cases, discuss the convergence/divergence of the series n1 an where an equals:
1 (a)(D) 1 n sin n

(b)(D) (e)(T)
n 1

1 n

1 log(1+ n )

1 (c)(T) 1 cos n

(d)(T) 2n(1) 4. (T) Let



1 n(n+1) n

(f )(T)
an+1 an

n ln n 2n bn+1 bn

an and

bn be series of positive terms satisfying bn converges then

n1 n1


all n N. Show that if series

n1 nn2 en n!

an also converges. Test the

for convergence.

5. (D) Let {an } be a decreasing sequence, an 0 and lim an = 0. For each n N, let bn =
a1 +a2 ++an . n

Show that

(1)n bn converges.
(x1)2n n2 3n

6. (T) Determine the values of x for which the series


converges. x R.

7. (T) Show that cos x =

(1)n 2n n=0 (2n)! x ,

x R and ex =

1 n n=0 n! x ,

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