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Soal Bahasa Inggris mengenai Materi Direct to Indirect Speech Change from Direct to Indirect Speech 1.

Nestor said, The plane will probably get in late." (a) Nestor told the plane would probably get in late. (b) Nestor said the plane would probably get in late. (c) Dont Know 2. The boss said, I have to finish this report by tonight." (a) The boss said him had to finish this report by tonight. (b) The boss said he had to finish this report by tonight. (c) Dont Know 3. The doctor said, Shell get well quickly." (a) The doctor told shed get well quickly. (b) The doctor said shed get well quickly. (c) Dont Know JAWABAN SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS 1. b 2. b 3. b 1. If I had been in your place, I ________________(say) this. (a) If I had been in your place, I would have said this. (b) If I had being in your place, I would have said this. (c) Dont Know 2. I would not have gone if I ___________(know) it was going to rain. (a) I would not have go if I had known it was going to rain. (b) I would not have gone if I had known it was going to rain. (c) Dont Know 3. If you had called me, I _______________(be) glad to meet you. (a) If you had called me, I would have been glad to meet you. (b) If you have called me, I would have been glad to meet you. (c) Dont Know JAWABAN SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS 1. a 2. b 3. a Make the Active sentence Passive ( Buatlah kalimat pasif dari kalimat Aktif dibawah ini )

1. Roberto took that book from the desk. (a) The book was take from the desk by Roberto. (b) The book was taken from the desk by Roberto. (c) Dont Know 2. Pierre will eat the cake. (a) The cake will be eat by Pierre. (b) The cake will be eaten by Pierre. (c) Dont Know 3. Beatrice has finished the report. (a) The report has been finished by Beatrice. (b) The report has finish by Beatrice. (c) Dont Know 4. Ms. Smith will leave the tickets at the box office. (a) The tickets be left at the box office by Ms. Smith. (b) The tickets will be left at the box office by Ms. Smith. (c) Dont Know 5. The messenger has just left a box of flowers for you. (a) The box of flowers has just being left for you by the messenger. (b) The box of flowers has just been left for you by the messenger. (c) Dont Know JAWABAN SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS tentang Active Passive Voice 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b

Pineapple Stew

Ingredients: 1 pineapple cut into dices 3 glasses of water 1 glass of granulated sugar

Directions: 1. Boil water until boiled. 2. Then add sugar, cinnamon, and clovers. 3. Bring it to boil and add the pineapples. 4. Wait until you can smell the pineapple. 5. Remove from heat and serve cold.

(Source: BSE, Scaffolding English for Grade IX Students)

1. The recipe tells you how to make . A. ingredients B. dice C. granulated sugar D. pineapple stew

2. What ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew? A. Dice, glass, sugar B. Pineapples, water, sugar C. Glass, water, sugar D. Pineapples, dice, water

3. How much sugar do we need? A. 1 glass B. 3 glasses C. 1 cup

D. 3 spoons

4. When do we have to stop boiling the pineapple? A. When the water is boiled B. After sugar, cinamon, and clovers are added C. When we smell the pineapple D. After we remove the stew from heat

5. How should you serve the pineapple stew? A. It is served cold B. It is served hot C. It is served raw D. It is served uncooked

Text 2 The following text is for questions number 6 and 7.


Ingredients: 1 large ginger granulated sugar as desired piece of palm sugar 100 g peanuts, fried and get rid of its inner skin. 100 g green beans, boiled

3 slices of bread, slice into dices 100 g pomegranate seeds, boil until soft

Instructions: Ginger water: 1.Peel and slice the ginger. 2.Boil it in a litre of water. 3.Add some granulated sugar and piece of palm sugar. 4.Strain once its boiled.

Serving: 1.Pour some boiled ginger water into a small bowl. 2.Add 1 tbs of pomegranate seed, green bean and peanut. 3.Add some bread on top.

(Source: BSE, Scaffolding English for Grade IX Students)

6. The generic structure of the text contains . A. Goal-Ingredients-Steps B. Goal-Steps C. Orientation-Events D. Identification-Descriptions

7. To make sekoteng, we need... A. ginger, granulated sugar, palm sugar, peanut skin, green bean, bread, pomegranate seeds

B. ginger, granulated sugar, palm, peanut, green bean, dices, pomegranate seeds C. ginger, sugar, peanut, green bean, bread, pomegranate seeds D. ginger, granulated sugar, palm sugar, inner skin of peanut, green bean, bread

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