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Construct the LC circuit of fig for which IL (0-) =Io and V c (0-)=Vo , since there is no resistance present in the circuit ,there is no damping .Hence one expects a purely sinusoidal response. Such circuits are called lossless. a) Construct a differential equation in the inductor current IL. b) Solve the differential equation by Laplace transform methods ,find IL(t).

a)Apply KVL in loop -Vc (t) + VL(t) = 0 Vc(t) =VL(t) q/c = L di/dt q/LC =di/dt Differentiating both the sides dq/dt*1/LC=d2IL/dt IL/LC= d2IL/dt

b)Now we solve the equation by laplace transforms We convert the capictance voltage into eqvt capictance voltage and inductor current into equivalent inductor current. Means we are incorporating initial condition Ic(s)/CS +1/sVo =LS[I(s)-Io] Also IL(s)= -Ic(s) So the eqn (1) becomes IL(s)[LS+1/CS]=LIo+1/s Vo ------(1)

IL(s)[1+LCS2/CS]= LIo+1/s Vo IL(s)=[LCSIo/1+LCS2] + [CVo/1+LCS2 ] +CVo/LC [1/LC-1+s2] w=1/(LC)1/2

IL(s)=LCIo/LC [s/LC-1+s2]

IL(s)=Iocos(wt) +Vo/wL sin(wt)

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