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Olivier Pamphile Term IV: Mathematicians research project. Pre-Calculus and advance Algebra II 5-28-13

Table of Contents: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Cover Page Table of contents Life History (Date of Birth/death, Place of residence, Anecdotal stories, ) Mathematical Discoveries. Contribution to society, Technology, or field of Mathematics (how the discoveries benefit humankind) 6) Bibliography (sources) Life History: Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe England. He was born three months after his father passed away. He got his name from a wild and extravagant man. Newton was also born prematurely, he was a small child. Newtons place of residence was in Grantham, a town in Lincolnshire also where he was introduce to the fascinating world of Chemistry. Newton owned a pet dog named diamond which destroyed records of many years of research. Also in an 18 month period during 1665 to 1666 the plague forced Newton to leave Cambridge and live with his mothers house at Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire. He died in London on March 31, 172. Mathematical discoveries: one night Newton was wondering about the force that keeps the moon in its orbit, at that same time he was looking at an apple falling from a tree. That led him to wonder whether the force that made the apple fall from the tree toward the earth might be the same kind of force that held the moon in orbit around the earth. This train of thought led him to find out about the law of gravitation and its application to the motion of the heavenly bodies. Newton discovered many of the laws and theories that not only give us the ability to understand the universe better, but he also gave future scientist the tools to discover how to enter space. He discovered gravitational force and established the

three universal Laws of motion. All of his discoveries served as the basis for our understanding of how the universe function and why it is the way it is. Contribution to society, Technology, or field of Mathematics: All of Newton discoveries were really important. When we look at all of his discoveries we must see that they are the main foundations of modern sciences. Newton is the one who opened humanitys eyes to new possibilities and even though his work is over hundred years old still helps to guide the advance of technology and our scientific understanding of the earth and the universe around us. Bibliography (sources)

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