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Godot the Fabular (formerly Jacob Samson) Stats:

Str. +3 Dex. +4 Con. Int. +2 Wis. Per. +3 Cha. +3 Species: Khajiit Sex: Male Age: 21 human years Height: Weight: Class: Knight Templar Occupation: Philosopher Alignment: Neutral +3 armor +2 shield -2 armor -1 shield

formerly Lawful Good)

Appearance: Albino (white, red eyes)

Quick Inventory: Apparel: cap, hood, chain shirt, gambeson, tunic-cloak, gloves, swordbelt, chain chausses, padded chausses, boots Weapons: sword, dirk, shield Other items: Waiting for Godot, The Holy Trinity

Equipment in depth: Rainbow steel cap (open face) with rainbow chains down back of neck Padded black hood Rainbow chain shirt, long sleeves Padded black gambeson with diagonal rainbow band, long sleeves Rainbow tunic-cloak hybrid (just loose enough to move freely in) Black fingerless leather gloves with iridescent studs (top of palm only) Steel waist-high shield composed entirely of rainbow banding pattern Black leather crossbody swordbelt with iridescent studs o Iridescent sheath for sword o Iridescent sheath for dirk Black leather satchel Rainbow chain chausses, long Padded black chausses, long

Black leather messenger boots with iridescent studs

Backstory: As a cub, David Samson was found on the steps of the Cult of the Holy Trinity. They took his pure white fur as a sign and took the cub in. For 21 years, David grew up with the Trinity and trained with their human paladins in an effort to become just like them. However, the fact that he was a Khajiit always set him apart. He also wasnt thrilled with

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