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Proposed Income-Based Scholarship Program

Do you have a child entering kindergarten this fall that youd love to send to private school?
A proposed scholarship, worth $4,250, would help Ohio families send their children to the private school of their choice this fall.

Private School Tuition

The scholarship would help you send your kindergartener to the private school of your choice 2,000 scholarships would be available this fall to any incomeeligible incoming kindergarteners

Kindergarten Eligibility
Families who meet these income guidelines would be eligible, regardless of where they live.
Scholarship Eligibility Guidelines

Household Size 2 3

Family income: $30,260 $38,180 $46,100 $54,020 $7,920

If the scholarship is created, the application window would be open for the month of July.

4 5 Each person add:

Interested in applying if this scholarship passes?

Please contact School Choice Ohio at 614-223-1555 or visit

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