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LESSON PLAN week 4 lesson 1 Names: Maya Vonsee, Inge Zwierink, Rini Slootweg Student numbers: 1607106, 1615117,

1610852 Teacher: Rachel Collins

Subject information: Subject: English Subject area: Speaking Specific topic: Role play. Kerndoel(en): CEFR Speaking A1/A2 o vocabulary and appropriate grammar constructions o act out in a roleplay using topic related vocab and grammar. o students are using their pronunciation skills in doing their roleplay.

General information: Name school: Six week planning Curriculum Design Type of education: VMBO Kader Class: 3 Date & time: Duration of lesson: 50 minutes Cognitive learning objectives: The students can Use vocabulary and appropriate grammar constructions. Use their pronunciation skills in doing their roleplay. Affective learning objectives: The students can Work together in groups Prepare a roleplay Act out a roleplay for the rest of the group. Fill out a feedback form for other groups.

Materials: - A large classroom in order for the students to be able to practice their play. - Feedback form.

Starting situation: The students probably have acted before, so they do know something about it. Last lesson ended with the students writing a letter to a convict, using letter conventions.

Personal learning objectives: The teacher can Inspire the students to participate in the role-play. Teacher can give a good example of giving feedback on a role-play. Time Teacher activity Student activity Beginning (warming up, preknowledge, recap) Introduction on role-play. Ask the students whether or not they have ever done a role-play? The students talk about role-play, their experiences with it and how they feel about it.

Middle The teachers gives instructions on the role-play. The students have to work in groups of four. Together they have to brainstorm on what the role-play should be about. Which roles can they come up with? Who gets to play which role? The role-play has to be about 10 minutes. Where needed the teacher gives advice or helps out the students while they are preparing for their role-play. The students listen to the instructions. They form groups and start on their role-play.

Students work on their role play.

End (evaluation, summary, planning for next lesson) The teacher has prepared the classroom so everybody can see the role-play and there is enough room to perform the role-play. The teacher asks everybody to sit down. The teacher hands out the feedback form and gives instructions about it. The plays are acted out, the teacher introduces each group. When every group has performed, the lesson ends. The students have to put feedback forms in their folder.

The students gather round and listen to the instructions on the feedback form.

The students perform or fill in their feedback form. The students put the feedback forms in their folder.

LESSON PLAN week 4 lesson 2 Names: Maya Vonsee, Inge Zwierink, Rini Slootweg Student numbers: 1607106, 1615117, 1610852 Rachel Collins

Subject information: Subject: English Subject area: reading Specific topic: reading a curriculum related book Kerndoel(en):ERK A1 level reading: being able to read a book on A1/A2 level and answer questions about the content ERK A1 writing: write a book ending in 10 sentences using the topic related vocabulary and the correct grammar structures Materials: Book: Lost in London by Coling Granger Paper/pen

General information: Name school: Six week planning Curriculum Design Type of education: VMBO Kader Class: 3 Date & time: Duration of lesson: 50 minutes Cognitive learning objectives: Starting situation: The students can Students have learned about criminals and criminal read a short book that is topic related activity by means of a variety of input (based on ERK Understand the content of the book goals for reading, listening, speaking and writing on an Answer questions about the book A1/A2 level). Write a short ending of their choice using topic Students have been reading A1 level books for the first related vocab and grammar structures (tenses, 10 minutes of each lesson. word order) Students are familiar with skimming, scanning and ELZA Affective learning objectives: The students can Read together with another student (buddy) Tutor younger students in reading Discuss about the content of the book with peers Personal learning objectives: The teacher can give clear instructions; the teacher is able to encourage students to read books by asking them questions about the content. Teacher is facilitating students to write their own ending; provides feedback wherever necessary. Observation of students; helping out those who have difficulty starting up. Time Teacher activity Student activity Beginning (warming up, preknowledge, recap) Teacher starts with recap of the curriculum; there is a lot we have learned about criminals and criminal activity. Can you mention anything? Teacher will introduce todays lesson. Teacher will hand out the books to the students and asks

Students to engage in conversation on the topic.

Students are asked about the cover of the book (what do they see in the picture)

students to look at the cover of the book. Teacher asks student what they see.

Students are asked about the title of the book (what does it mean if someone is lost, you can be lost in different ways, explain) Students to express their thoughts and ideas

Teacher will ask students what they expect the book to be about after having discussed about the cover and the title

Middle Teacher tells students to read the first 3 chapters in the book. The students are free to team up with a buddy if they feel the reading will be difficult for them.

Students to read the first three chapters of the book.

Teacher asks students (in groups of 4) to draw an Students make groups of 4 and start drawing two outline of a boy and a girl on a piece of paper (A4 or A3) and write down the name of the boy (Ross) outlines. and the name of the girl (Rita) in the appropriate drawing. Teacher asks students to write down any characteristics they have found in the book on the boy and the girl in the right drawing. Encourage boys to think of characteristics of Rita and girls to think of characteristics of Ross. Teacher draws outline of Ross and Rita on whiteboard and invites one member of each group to write down some characteristics they found in the outline.

Students to write down characteristics of Ross and Rita in the respective outlines.

End (evaluation, summary, planning for next lesson) Teacher asks if there is a student who can summarize the first three chapters of the book in a few sentences. Teacher asks students if they like the way the book is discussed in class. Teacher tells students that the purpose of doing

Students to summarize the first three chapters.

Students to give feedback on this reading lesson.

Students to keep their notes at hand for next

this is to understand the book and to think about the content. The characteristics of the main characters can be useful when students write their book endings.

lesson so they can be used in their book endings.

LESSON PLAN week 4 lesson 3 Names: Maya Vonsee, Inge Zwierink, Rini Slootweg Student numbers: 1607106, 1615117, 1610852 Rachel Collins

Subject information: Subject: English Subject area: Reading, writing, grammar. Specific topic: Reading a book and thinking up an alternative ending. Kerndoel(en): CEFR A1 reading Students can read a book of acquired level. Students can write an alternative ending to a book using appropriate grammar and vocabulary. Materials: The book Lost in London. Paper to make the assignment on.

General information: Name school: Six week planning Curriculum Design Type of education: VMBO Class: 3 Date & time: Duration of lesson: 50 minutes Cognitive learning objectives: The students can Read a book of the appropriate level. Write an alternative ending to a book. Affective learning objectives: The students can Think up an original ending. Personal learning objectives: The teacher can Help the students to write an alternative ending. Time Teacher activity

Starting situation: Previous lesson the students have read in Lost in London until page 7. The students have made an exercise on the book.

Student activity Students participate in the discussion and express their opinion about the book so far. Also they share how they think the book will continue. The students listen and read along. Some of the students will read a part out loud to the rest of the class.

Beginning (warming up, preknowledge, recap) Lead discussion on the part the students have read the previous class. What do they think about it? Did they like the beginning? How do they expect the book to continue? The class will read on in the book. Until page 15. Some parts will be read by the teacher and some parts by some of the students. The last bit the students will read for themselves.

After finishing page 15 the teacher explains the assignment. The students will have to write an alternative ending. This ending has to be 10 to 15 sentences. The ending has to be appropriate considering vocabulary and grammar. While the students are writing their alternative ending, the teacher can give feedback on their stories. How can they improve it? What is very good?

The students listen to the instructions. When everything is clear the students get to work.

While working the students can ask for feedback. This will help them improve their ending.

End (evaluation, summary, planning for next lesson) The teacher makes sure that everybody got started on their ending and that there are no questions. The students are to finish their alternative ending and put this in their folder.

The students have almost finished their ending. They will take it home to finish it and then put it in their folder.

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