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LESSON PLAN week 6 lesson 1 and 2 Names: Maya Vonsee, Inge Zwierink, Rini Slootweg Student numbers: 1607106,

1615117, 1610852 Teacher: Rachel Collins

Subject information: Subject: English Subject area: speaking/presentation skills Specific topic: Crooks and Criminals Kerndoel(en):ERK A1 level speaking: being able to do a group presentation on a notorious criminal (making use of powerpoint, prezi, smartboard) Materials: Smartboard Computer Whiteboard (if necessary) 1 copy of presentation for teacher Assessment forms Starting situation: Students have learned about criminals and criminal activity by means of a variety of input (based on ERK goals for reading, listening, speaking and writing on an A1/A2 level). Students have clear information on what is expected when preparing a presentation Students know they are asked to give feedback to other students presentations

General information: Name school: Six week planning Curriculum Design Type of education: VMBO Kader Class: 3 Date & time: Duration of lesson: 50 minutes Cognitive learning objectives: The students can do a presentation on a given subject Speak English in front of audience Make use of ICT/smartboard/Powerpoint Students can fill in an assessment form Affective learning objectives: The students can Work together in doing presentation Divide tasks evenly Give feedback to each other after presentation

Personal learning objectives: The teacher can give clear instructions; give feedback on presentations; creates an open atmosphere in class to give students the confidence and trust they need to do a presentation in front of peers. Time Teacher activity Student activity

Beginning (warming up, preknowledge, recap) Teacher welcomes students and tells them she is looking forward to hear the presentations the students have been working at for the last five weeks. Teacher announces the first three presentations

Students prepare for presentation

and asks which group would like to go first. Teacher asks group to come forward and make sure they have everything they need to make their presentation work (computer/smartboard on) etc. Teacher explains about assessment form. (appendix) One student of the other groups is asked to fill the assessment form while watching the presentation. Students read through assessment form and ask questions (if necessary)

Middle Teacher to invite other groups to do presentation. Each group in the audience is asked to fill in one assessment form . Every time there is a presentation, one member of the other groups is filling in an assessment form.

Students to do their presentations while peers write down their comments on assessment form

End (evaluation, summary, planning for next lesson) Teacher asks students to give general feedback. What do they think of the presentations? What have they learned; was it informative. Any recommendations to the groups? Teacher looks forward to the next presentations and thanks the students who have done their presentations today and asks for a round of applause. Teacher asks students to make sure their folder is ready by next lesson.

Students participate in class discussion. Students to give feedback, tips etc.

Students to bring their folder to next class.

Subject information: LESSON PLAN week 6 lesson 3 Names: Maya Vonsee, Inge Zwierink, Rini Slootweg Student numbers: 1607106, 1615117, 1610852 Teacher: Rachel Collins Subject: English Subject area: speaking/presentation skills Specific topic: Crooks and Criminals Kerndoel(en):CEFR A1-A2 level speaking: being able to do a group presentation on a notorious criminal (making use of powerpoint, prezi, smartboard) CEFR A1 level writing; writing a letter of recommendation to the teacher Materials: Smartboard Computer Whiteboard (if necessary) 1 copy of presentation for teacher Assessment forms Paper/pen Starting situation: Students have learned about criminals and criminal activity by means of a variety of input (based on ERK goals for reading, listening, speaking and writing on an A1/A2 level). Students have clear information on what is expected when preparing a presentation Students know they are asked to give feedback to other students presentations Affective learning objectives: The students can Work together in doing presentation Divide tasks evenly Give feedback to each other after presentation Help each other while writing their letters of recommendation Students know about letter conventions Students know basic grammar structures

General information: Name school: Six week planning Curriculum Design Type of education: VMBO Kader Class: 3 Date & time: Duration of lesson: 50 minutes Cognitive learning objectives: The students can do a presentation on a given subject Speak English in front of audience Make use of ICT/smartboard/Powerpoint Students can give comments on presentations Students can write a simple letter of recommendation

Personal learning objectives: The teacher can give clear instructions; give feedback on presentations; creates an open atmosphere in class to give students the confidence and trust they need to do a presentation in front of peers. Teacher will recap letter conventions.


Teacher activity

Student activity

Beginning (warming up, preknowledge, recap) Teacher to thank students again for their presentations last lesson. Teacher announces the last two presentations and asks which group would like to go first. Teacher asks group to come forward and make sure they have everything they need to make their presentation work (computer/smartboard on) etc. Teacher hands out last assessment forms to peers.

Students prepare for presentation

Middle Teacher to invite other groups to do presentation. Each group in the audience is asked to fill in one assessment form (by different students) End (evaluation, summary, planning for next lesson) Teacher asks students to give general feedback. What did they think of the 6 week curriculum on criminals. What have they learned? What changes would they recommend and do they think other students would like it? Teacher asks student to write 100 word letter of recommendation to teacher according to instructions (appendix) Teacher tells students to put letter in their folder and hand in the folder.

Students to do their presentations while peers write down their comments on assessment form

Students participate in class discussion. Students to write short letter of recommendation to the teacher according to instructions. Students put letter in their folder.

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