Beecher Tutorial Questions Fundamentals of Forensic Science

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Tutorial Questions FSCI6101Fundamentals of Forensic Science: DNA Analysis

Review the following Electropherogram

What system is being used? What two markers are not in the CODIS system? What do the two peaks at a locus represent? What does the single peak at a locus represent? Why are there peaks missing at some markers? What could be the cause of this? What could you do differently with the sample to counteract this?

A rape case comes into the lab for processing. The underwear has a possible mixed stain on the crotch, Describe the potential DNA tests and systems that would be conducted on this case and the comparisons that would be made.

An analyst got a profile in his blank control sample after processing a batch of samples. Explain what could have gone wrong.

The following is a thermal cycling profile. Describe what is happening at points A, B and C referring to with the different components of the PCR.

95oC C 72oC


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