Cues and Clues Diagnosis Scientific Rationale Objective Intervention Rationale Evaluation

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Cues and Clues

Diagnosis Anxiety related to perceived threat of death

Scientific rationale


Intervention 1. Provide for nonthreatening, consistent environment/ atmosphere. Minimize stimuli. 2. Be sincere and honest when communicating with the client. Avoid vague or evasive remarks. 3. Reassure the client that the environment is safe by briefly and simply explaining routines, procedures, etc. 4. Explain purpose and preparation for procedures 5. Be consistent in setting expectations, enforcing rules, and so forth. 6. Help the client establish what is real and unreal. Validate the clients real perceptions, and correct the clients

Rationale 1. To reduce anxiety and promote comfort 2. Clients with delusions are extremely sensitive about others and can recognize insincerity. Evasive comments or hesitation reinforces mistrust or delusions. 3. The client is less likely to feel threatened if the surroundings are known 4. Promotes clear understanding of procedures. Increases feeling of control, and lessens anxiety and fear 5. Clear, consistent limits provide a secure structure for the client 6. Reinforced ideas and behavior will recur more frequently. Logical argument does not dispel


1. Demonstrate decreased anxiety level 2. Respond to reality-based interactions initiated by others, eg, verbally interact with staff for specified time periods 3. Demonstrate adherence to the treatment regimen

misperceptions in a matter-offact manner. Do not argue with the client, but do not give support for misperceptions. 7. Offer relaxation techniques 8. Encourage the client to talk with you, but do not pry for information 9. Show empathy regarding the clients feelings; reassure the client of your presence and acceptance.

delusional ideas and can interfere with the development of trust. 7. Encourages verbalization of feelings when client is relaxed, thus reducing anxiety and fear. 8. Probing increases the clients suspicion and interferes with the therapeutic relationship. 9. The clients delusions can be distressing. Empathy conveys your caring, interest, and acceptance of the client.

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