Altitude Test

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I. Read the statement and identify the factors that make the climate of 2 places different.

(altitude, latitude, bodies of water, wind system)

1. Philippines is near the equator so it has warm climate while Japan has mild climate and snow falls during winter. 2. Chad in central part of Africa has dry wand warm climate but South America which is surrounded by Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean has mild and wet climate. 3. The climate in the mountain like Baguio is much cooler than the city below. 4. The month of December is winter season in the northern hemisphere. It is also the time when Philippines experiences the cold chilly winds.

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following tells why mountainous regions have a cooler temperature and climate than in the lowlands.

A. They receive less amount of solar energy. B. The higher the altitude of a place, the lower is its temperature. C. Mountains have many trees. D. The lower the altitude of a place, the lower is its temperature.

2. Which of the following tells about altitude? A. Tells how high or how low a place is from sea level. B. Tells how far north or south of the equator of a place. C. Shows the pattern of wind movement. D. Tells the temperature of a place.

3. What happens to the warm air as it rises up a mountain? A. It cools, form water droplets and falls as rain. B. It is warmed and moves down to another side. C. It stays on top of a mountain, D. It returns to the lowlands.

4. How does altitude affect the climate of a place? A. It is colder up a mountain and warmer down the mountain. B. It is warmer on mountain tops and colder on lowlands. C. Air is warmed as it rise up to high altitude. D. The higher the altitude, the higher the temperature is.

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