Indonesian Vocabulary: English Indonesian English Indonesian

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Indonesian Vocabulary

English Animals Bear Bird Cat Cow Dog Fish Horse Monkey Mouse Pig Sheep Adjectives Angry Bad Beautiful Cheap Clean Cold Different Difficult Early Easy Friendly Good Heavy Important Married Natural Nice Open Polite Poor Rich Indonesian Binatang Beruang Burung Kucing Sapi Anjing Ikan Kuda Monkey Mouse Babi Domba Adjectives Marah Buruk Cantik Murah Bersih Dingin Berbeda Sulit Dini Mudah Ramah Baik Berat Penting Menikah Alam Baik Membuka Polite Miskin Kaya English Body Parts Arm Back Chest Ear Eye Face Finger Fingers Foot Hair Hand Head Heart Leg Mouth Neck Nose Shoulder Stomach Teeth Tongue Tooth Objects Bathroom Bed Bedroom Ceiling Chair Clothes Coat Cup Desk Dress Indonesian Bagian tubuh Lengan Belakang Catur Telinga Mata Wajah Jari Jari Kaki Rambut Tangan Kepala Hati Kaki Mulut Leher Hidung Bahu Perut Gigi Lidah Gigi Benda Kamar mandi Ranjang Kamar tidur Plafon Kursi Pakaian Lapisan Cup Gerai Pakaian

English Sad Simple Slow Small Sweet Tall Warm Well Worse Worst Wrong Miscellaneous Words Art Book Dictionary Geography History Math Music Science Bank Beach By bicycle By bus By car By train Cafe Country Desert Flowers Football Forest Game Garden House Island Lake Library Mountain

Indonesian Sedih Sederhana Lambat Kecil Manis Tinggi Hangat Baik Parah Terburuk Salah Kata-kata miscellaneous Seni Buku Kamus Geografi Sejarah Math Musik Sains Bank Pantai Bersepeda By bus Mobil Kereta Kafe Negara Desert Bunga Sepakbola Hutan Permainan Taman Rumah Pulau Danau Perpustakaan Gunung

English Floor Fork Furniture Glass Hat House Ink Jacket Kitchen Knife Lamp Letter Map Newspaper Notebook Pants Paper Pen Pencil Pharmacy Picture Plate Refrigerator Restaurant Roof Room Rug Scissors Shampoo Shirt Shoes Soap Socks Spoon Table Toilet Toothbrush Toothpaste Towel T-shirt

Indonesian Lantai Fork Furnitur Kaca Topi Rumah Tinta Jaket Dapur Pisau Lampu Banding Peta Koran Notebook Celana Kertas Pena Pensil Farmasi Gambar Plate Kulkas Restoran Atap Ruang Khatifah Gunting Shampoo Kemeja Sepatu Sabun Kaus kaki Sendok Meja Toilet Sikat gigi Pasta gigi Handuk T-shirt

English Movies Ocean Office On foot Player River Sea Soccer Supermarket Swimming pool Theater Tree Check Below English

Indonesian Film Samudra Kantor Jalan kaki Player Sungai Laut Sepakbola Supermarket Kolam renang Teater Pohon For More Words Indonesian

English Umbrella Underwear Wall Wallet Window Food Apple Apricot Banana Bread Breakfast Butter Check Below English

Indonesian Payung Underwear Dinding Dompet Jendela Makanan Apel Aprikot Banana Roti Sarapan Mentega For More Words Indonesian

Verbs To arrive To ask To be To become To begin To break To bring To build To burn To buy To call To choose To clean

Verbs Tiba Untuk meminta Menjadi Menjadi Untuk mulai Untuk memutuskan Membawa Untuk membangun Membakar Untuk membeli Untuk memanggil Untuk memilih Untuk membersihkan

Candy Carrot Cheese Chicken Dessert Dinner Fish Food Fruit Grapes Ice cream Lamb Lemon Lunch

Candy Wortel Keju Ayam Dessert Makan malam Ikan Makanan Buah Grapes Es krim Domba Lemon Makan siang

English To close To come To cut To dance To do To dream To drink To eat To fall To find To forget To get To go To hear To help To kiss To know To laugh To learn To like To live To look To love To make Untuk menutup Akan datang Untuk memotong To dance Untuk melakukannya Untuk mimpi Minum Makan Jatuh Untuk mencari Untuk lupa Untuk mendapatkan Untuk kembali Mendengar Untuk membantu Untuk kiss Mengetahui To laugh Untuk mempelajari Untuk seperti Tinggal Untuk melihat To love Untuk membuat

Indonesian Meal Meat Onion Orange Pork Potato Salad Salt

English Makan Daging Bawang Oranye Babi Kentang Salad Garam Sandwich Sosis Sup Gula Supper Turki Sayuran


Sandwich Sausage Soup Sugar Supper Turkey Vegetables

People Aunt Baby Brother Cousin Daughter Dentist Doctor

Orang-orang Bibi Bayi Saudara laki-laki Sepupu Anak perempuan Dokter gigi Dokter

English To mean To meet To need To open To play To push To read To remember To return To run To say To see To sell To send To sit To sleep To speak To take To talk To teach To tell To think To understand To wait Berarti Untuk memenuhi Untuk kebutuhan Untuk membuka Untuk memutar Untuk mendorong Untuk membaca Untuk diingat Untuk kembali Untuk menjalankan Berkata Untuk melihat Menjual Untuk mengirim Duduk Tidur Berbicara Untuk mengambil To talk Mengajar Kirim ke Berpikir Untuk memahami Menunggu

Indonesian Father

English Ayah


Granddaughter Cucu perempuan Grandfather Kakek

Grandmother Nenek Grandson Husband Mother Nephew Niece Nurse Policeman Postman Professor Son Teacher Uncle Wife Cucu Suami Ibu Keponakan Keponakan perempuan Perawat Polisi Pos Profesor Anak laki-laki Guru Paman Istri

English To want To work Untuk ingin Untuk bekerja




English Phrases

Indonesian Phrases

English Greetings Hi! Good morning! Good evening! Welcome! (to greet someone) How are you? I'm fine, thanks! And you? Good/ So-So. Thank you (very much)! You're welcome! (for "thank you") Hey! Friend! I missed you so much! What's new? Nothing much Good night! See you later! Good bye! Asking for Help and Directions

Indonesian Greetings: Hai! Selamat pagi Selamat malam Selamat datang Apa kabar? Baik, terima kasih Dan kamu? Baik / Biasa saja Terima kasih (banyak)! Kembali (complete form: Terima kasih kembali) Hei teman! Saya/ aku sangat or Saya/ aku kangen kamu (informal) Ada kabar baru? Tidak banyak Selamat malam Sampai jumpa Selamat tinggal

English Phrases

Indonesian Phrases

I'm lost Can I help you? Can you help me? Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Go straight! then turn left/ right! I'm looking for john. One moment please! Hold on please! (phone) How much is this? Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Excuse me! ( to pass by) Come with me!

Saya tersesat Bisa saya bantu? Bisa bantu saya? Kamar (mandi/apotik) dimana? lurus terus! lalu belok kiri/kanan! Saya mencari John Tunggu sebentar! Tunggu sebentar! ini harganya berapa? Permisi! Permisi! ikutilah saya!

How to Introduce Yourself Do you speak (English/ Indonesian)? Just a little. What's your name? My name is ... Mr.../ Mrs./ Miss Nice to meet you! You're very kind! Where are you from? I'm from (the U.S/ Indonesia) I'm (American) Where do you live? I live in (the U.S/ Indonesia) Did you like it here? Apakah kamu bisa berbahasa (Inggris/Indonesia) Sedikit. Siapa namamu? / nama kamu siapa? Nama saya ... Tuan../ Nyonya../ Saudari... Senang bertemu denganmu Kamu baik sekali Dari mana asal kamu? / (or) Kamu berasal dari mana? Saya dari Amerika/indonesia Saya orang Amerika Kamu tinggal dimana? Saya tinggal di Amerika/Indonesia Kamu suka disini?

English Phrases

Indonesian Phrases

Indonesia is a wonderful country What do you do for a living? I work as a (translator/ businessman) I like Indonesian I've been learning Indonesian for 1 month Oh! That's good! How old are you? I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. I have to go I will be right back! Wish Someone Something Good luck! Happy birthday! Happy new year! Merry Christmas! Selamat Congratulations! Enjoy! (for meals...) I'd like to visit Indonesia one day Say hi to John for me Bless you (when sneezing) Good night and sweet dreams! Solving a Misunderstanding I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Sorry (for a mistake) No Problem! Can You Say It Again? Can You Speak Slowly? Write It Down Please! I Don't Understand! I Don't Know! I Have No Idea. What's That Called In Indonesian? What Does "gato" Mean In English? How Do You Say "Please" In Indonesian?

Indonesia adalah negara yang indah Apa pekerjaanmu? Saya bekerja sebagai penerjemah/businessman Saya suka orang Indonesia Saya telah belajar bahasa Indonesia selama sebulan Oh, bagus sekali! Berapa umurmu? Saya (dua puluh, tiga puluh) tahun. Saya harus pergi Saya akan segera kembali Semoga sukses Selamat ulang tahun Selamat tahun baru Selamat hari natal

Selamat Selamat menikmati Saya ingin mengunjungi Indonesia suatu hari nanti Salam untuk John dari saya no reaction! or (Diberkatilah kamu!) Selamat malam, mimpi indah Maaf... Maaf Tidak apa-apa Bisa tolong diulangi? Bisa bicara pelan-pelan? Tolong tulis Saya tidak mengerti Saya tidak tahu Saya tidak tahu Apa maksudnya dalam bahasa Indonesia? Apa maksudnya "Maaf" dalam bahasa Inggris? Bagaimana kamu berkata "please" dalam bahasa Indonesia?

English Phrases

Indonesian Phrases

What Is This? My Indonesian is bad. I need to practice my Indonesian Don't worry! Indonesian Expressions and Words Good/ Bad/ So-So. Big/ Small Today/ Now Tomorrow/ Yesterday Yes/ No Here you go! (when giving something) Do you like it? I really like it! I'm hungry/ thirsty. In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. This/ That. Here/There Me/ You. Him/ Her. Really! Look! Hurry up! What? Where? What time is it? It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Give me this! I love you! I feel sick. I need a doctor One, Two, Three Four, Five, Six Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

ini apa? Bahasa Indonesia saya buruk Saya harus berlatih bahasa Indonesia saya Jangan kuatir Baik/ Buruk/ Biasa saja Besar/ Kecil Hari ini/ Sekarang Besok/ Kemarin Ya/ Tidak Ya/ Tidak Kamu suka ini? Saya suka sekali! Saya lapar/haus Pada pagi hari/ Sore hari/ Malam hari ini/ itu. Disini/ Disana Saya/ Kamu. Dia/ Dia Benar! Lihat! Cepat! Apa? Dimana? Jam berapa sekarang? Jam 10. setengah delapan malam Berikan pada saya Saya cinta kamu Saya merasa tidak sehat Saya perlu dokter Satu, dua, tiga Empat, lima, enam Tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh

Indonesian Numbers
This page contains a table including the following: Indonesian Numbers and numerals cardinal and ordinal. Try to memorize them because they're very important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Indonesian page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Indonesian Cardinal Numbers

The meaning of cardinal numbers is digits such as 3 or 11 or 630 or any other number used in counting to indicate quantity but not order. The following table shows how you can use the cardinal numbers in Indonesian. English Numbers Indonesian Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 100 1000 2000 12 300 1.000.000 2.000.000 Nol Satu Dua Tiga Empat Lima Enam Tujuh Delapan Sembilan Sepuluh Sebelas Dua belas Dua puluh Seratus Seribu Dua ribu Dua belas ribu Tiga ratus ribu Sejuta Dua juta

Examples of cardinal numbers:

37 = Tiga puluh tujuh 111 = seratus sebelas 2743 = dua ribu tujuh ratus empat puluh tiga 8015 = delapan ribu lima belas 17432 = tujuh belas ribu empat ratus tiga puluh dua 408305 = empat ratus delapan ribu tiga ratus lima

Indonesian Ordinal Numbers

First, second, third, etc., are ordinal numbers in English as well as in Indonesian. They can be written as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc...As you will notice in the form below, in order to form ordinal numbers in series, you only need to attach the prefix "ke-", then the number itself. Except for pertama ("1st"), you can spell out the number or just write the digits (like the ones in parentheses). Indonesian Ordinal Numbers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 20th 100th Pertama/ Kesatu Kedua Ketiga Keempat Kelima Keenam Ketujuh Kedelapan Kesembilan Kesepuluh Kesebelas Keduabelas Ketigabelas Keseratus

Indonesian Verbs

A verb in Indonesian is just like English used as a word that represents an action or a state of being. (go, strike, travel, and exist are examples of verbs). A verb is the essential part of the predicate of a sentence. The grammatical forms of verbs include number, person, and tense. English Verbs Indonesian Verbs

my friend travels with his wife Teman saya bepergian dengan istrinya my friends travel with their friends Teman-teman saya bepergian dengan istri-istri mereka

English Verbs I traveled with my friends She will travel with her friends I have to feed my cat Do you speak Spanish?

Indonesian Verbs Saya bepergian dengan teman-teman saya Dia akan bepergian dengan teman-temannya Saya harus memberi makan kucing saya Apa kamu berbicara bahasa Spanyol?

As you can see, the table above shows the Indonesian verbs in the present tense, the past tense, and the future tense, and also as a question (interrogative form).

Present Tense in Indonesian

The present tense in Indonesian is the form of the verb that may be used to express: action at the present, a state of being; an occurrence in the (very) near future; or an action that occurred in the past and continues up to the present. Here is an example: English I speak You speak He speaks She speaks It speaks We speak Kita berbicara (includes the person to whom we are speaking) They speak Mereka berbicara Indonesian Present Tense Saya berbicara Kamu berbicara Dia berbicara Dia berbicara Itu berbicara Kami berbicara (doesn't include the person to whom we are speaking)

Past Tense in Indonesian

The past tense in Indonesian is a verb tense expressing action, activity, state or being in the past of the current moment (in an absolute tense system), or prior to some other event, whether that is past, present, or future (in a relative tense system). Here is an example: English Indonesian Past Tense

I traveled Saya telah bepergian You traveled Kamu telah bepergian He traveled Dia telah bepergian

English Indonesian Past Tense She traveled Dia telah bepergian It traveled Itu telah bepergian Kami telah bepergian We traveled Kita telah bepergian They traveled Mereka telah bepergian

Future Tense in Indonesian

In Indonesian, the future tense is a verb form that marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future (in an absolute tense term), or to happen subsequent to some other event, whether that is past, present, or future (in a relative tense term). Here is an example: English I will go You will go He will go She will go It will go We will go They will go Indonesian Future Tense Saya akan bepergian Kamu akan bepergian Dia akan bepergian Dia akan bepergian Itu akan bepergian Kami akan bepergian Kita akan bepergian

Below is a vocabulary training for verbs in Indonesian or Bahasa with its pronunciation, try to memorize the verbs below, because theyre very important and used daily. Vocaublary Arrive Ask Ask Be Become Begin Break Break Break Break Indonesian Verbs Tiba Bertanya (ask a question) Minta (ask for help or things) Jadi Menjadi Mulai Merusak (break stuff) Melanggar (break rules) Memecahkan (break fragile things) Mematahkan (break legs; break sticks)

Vocaublary Indonesian Verbs Bring Bawa Build Membangun; Mendirikan Burn Bakar Buy Beli Call Panggil Choose Pilih Clean Membersihkan Close Menutup/ tutup Come Datang Cut Memotong/ Potong Dance Menari Do Melakukan Dream Mimpi Drink Minum Eat Makan Fall Jatuh Find Menemukan Forget Melupakan/ Lupa Get Mendapatkan/ Dapat Go Pergi Hear Mendengar/ Dengar Help Menolong/ Tolong Kiss Mencium/ Cium Know Mengenal/ Kenal ; Mengetahui/ Tahu Laugh Tertawa Learn Mempelajari Like Menyukai/ Suka Live Tinggal Look Melihat/ Lihat Love Mencintai/ Cinta Make Membuat/ Buat Mean Bermaksud Meet Bertemu Need Membutuhkan/ Butuh Open Membuka/ Buka Play Bermain/ Main Push Mendorong/ Dorong Read Membaca/ Baca Remember Mengingat/ Ingat Return Mengembalikan/ Kembali Run Berlari/ Lari

Vocaublary Indonesian Verbs Say Berkata See Melihat/ Lihat Sell Menjual/ Jual Send Mengirim/ Kirim Sit Duduk Sleep Tidur Speak Berbicara/ bicara Take Mengambil/ Ambil Talk Berbicara/ Bicara Teach Mengajar Tell Menceritakan; memberitahu Think Berpikir/ Pikir Understand Mengerti Wait Menunggu/ Tunggu Want Menginginkan/ Ingin Work Bekerja/ Kerja English Adjectives That is a tall building I met a very old man The old red building is here That's a very nice dress Indonesian Adjectives Itu bangunan tinggi Saya bertemu laki-laki yang sangat tua Bangunan merah tua ada di sini Itu baju yang sangat bagus

Adjectives used with different genders and numbers:

In Indonesian/ Bahasa the use of adjective for the masculine is the same as the feminine, also the use of singular is similar to the plural, which makes learning it very easy and straight forward, here are some examples in the table below: Adjective for gender/ number She is a tall woman He is a tall man They are tall women They are tall men Bahasa Adjectives Dia wanita yang tinggi Dia pria yang tinggi Mereka wanita yang tinggi Mereka pria yang tinggi

Below is a vocabulary training for adjectives in Indonesian or Bahasa, try to memorize the adjectives below, because theyre very important. Vocaublary Angry Bad Beautiful Cheap Clean Cold Different Difficult Early Easy Friendly Good Better Best Heavy Important Married Natural Nice Open Polite Poor Rich Sad Simple Slow Small Sweet Tall Warm Well Worse Worst Wrong Right Indonesian Adjectives Marah Jelek Cantik Murah Bersih Dingin Beda Susah Awal Mudah Ramah Baik Lebih baik Paling baik Berat Penting Menikah Alami Enak (for Food), Bagus (for Things), Ramah (for People) Buka Sopan Miskin Kaya Sedih Sederhana Pelan Kecil Manis Food Tinggi Hangat Sehat, Baik Lebih buruk Paling buruk Salah Benar

English Prepositions The keyboard is on the desk The carpet is under the table The tree is in front of the building The child is hiding behind his mother

Indonesian Pronunciation keyboard ada di atas meja tulis Karpet ada di bawah meja Pohon ada di depan bangunan Anak sedang bersembunyi di belakang ibunya

The most common prepositions are: after (Setelah), at (Di), before (Sebelum), between (Antara), under (Di bawah), on (Di atas), in (Di), out (Keluar), (for a longer list, see the table at the bottom of this page).

Prepositions Table in Indonesian

Here are some examples of demonstrative prepositions in the table below, note that just like in English, they're used very often in Indonesian: Demonstrative Prepositions Indonesian This That These Those Ini Itu Ini Itu

Below is a vocabulary training for prepositions in Indonesian or Bahasa with its pronunciation, try to memorize the prepositions below, because theyre very important and used daily.

Vocaublary Above After Around At Because of Before Beside Between But Close to Down During For From In In front of Inside Instead of Like Near Next to On On top of Out Outside Over (for ex. His name is over the door) Over (for ex. Over the border) Over (for ex. Hes worried over his study) Since Than To Under Until Up Without About

Indonesian Prepositions Di atas/ Atas Setelah Sekitar Di Karena Sebelum Di samping/ Samping Antara Tapi Dekat ke Turun Selama Untuk Dari Di Di depan/ Depan Di dalam/ Dalam Daripada Seperti Dekat Berdekatan Di atas/ Atas Di puncak Keluar Di luar/ Luar Diatas Di seberang Tentang Sejak Daripada Ke Di bawah Sampai Naik Tanpa Tentang

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