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T.S.U Andrea Len 15.407.038 T.S.U Josu Garca 18.034.887 T.S.U. Pedro Tern 17.866.

881 TRAYECTO IV ----- TRAMO I SECCIN 07 ---- FIN DE SEMANA PROFESORA: Ana Durn Mayo 25 del 2013 EXAMPLE N 1: DID YOU GO TO THE CINEMA? Yes, I did. I went to the cinema. No, I didn't go to the cinema. I went to the bar EXAMPLE N 2: DID YOU BUY A CAR? No, I didn't buy a car Yes, I bought a car EXMPLE N 3: DID YOU EAT CHOCOLATE YESTERDAY? No, I didn't eat chocolate Yes, I ate chocolate EXAMPLE N 4: HOW DID I GET HERE? You got here by plane EXAMPLE N 5: WHERE DID YOU FIND THE BOOK? I found the book under the desk EXAMPLE N 6: DID YOU WRITE AN E-MAIL TO YOUR FRIEND EDWIN? Yes, I wrote an email to my friend Edwin

EXAMPLE N 7: DIDN'T DONALD BUY THE PRESENT FOR HIS SISTER? Of course yes, He did by the present for his sister EXAMPLE N 8: DID WE PASS THE ENGLISH EXAM? Yes, You did. You passed the english exam EXAMPLE N 9: WHEN DID YOU SING FOR THE FIRST TIME? I sang for the first time in april 1999 EXAMPLE N 10: DID YOU SEND THEM THE FLOWERS? Yes, I did. I sent them the flowers No, I didnt. I didnt send them the flowers EXAMPLE N 11: DID MARY AND PETER GO TO MIAMI YESTERDAY? Yes, They went to Miami yesterday EXAMPLE N 12: DID THEY DO WHAT YOU ASK THEM? No, They didnt do what I ask them EXAMPLE N 13: DID YOU GET MARRIED WITH THE BOY WHO DIED TWO YEARS AGO? No, I did not (didnt). I didnt get married with the boy who died two years ago. I got married with Jose. EXAMPLE N 14: DID YOU DRINK COFFE AND MILK? WAS IT COLD? Yes, I did. I drank coffe and milk. It wasnt cold. It was very hot

EXAMPLE N 15: DID ALL OF YOU STUDY HARD FOR THIS EXAM? Yes, we did. We studied hard for this exam. EXAMPLE N 16: WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS CARRER? We chose this carrer because we like computers. EXAMPLE N 17: DID JOSU TAKE A SHOWER BEFORE HE CAME HERE? Yes, he did. He took a shower before he came here. EXAMPLE N 18: DID YOU NOTICE THAT THE TEACHER WAS ANGRY LAST CLASS? Yes. I did. I noticed that the teacher was angry last class. EXAMPLE N 19: DID YOU FIND P.A.N. CORN FLOUR??? WHERE, MY FRIEND? PLEASE, TELL ME!!! Yes, I did. I found two packages at the chinesse store. EXAMPLE N 20: DID OUR PRESIDENTE SPEAK WELL WHEN HE WAS IN URUGUAY? No, he didnt. He didnt spek well. He spoke very bad. He made a lot of mistakes when he spoke to the people.

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