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Cervical Cancer


(image above) What is Cervical Canc

Squamous Cervical cancer is a malig
nant cancer
carcinoma of the of the cervix. Being malig
nant, the
cervix cancer gets progressively
worse over

What causes cervical cancer?

Cervical Cancer is the fifth symptoms include loss of apitite, weight What disease states/problems
loss, fatigue, a single swollen leg, heavy with homeostasis can result from
most deadly cancer in
vaginal bleeding, bone fractures, and the process not occurring correctly?
women worldwide. pelvic, back, or leg pain. With cervical cancer, problems
In the United States, cervical cancer with homeostasis can result from this
is the eighth most common cancer in How does this relate to process not occurring correctly by the
growth of tumors. Tumors occur because
women. It is caused by HPV, or human the cell process?
papillomavirus. HPV triggers alterations the cell division increases, or the death of
in the cells of the cervix, leading to The cause of this disease relates to cells decreases.
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, which the cell process because HPV triggers
Understanding Cervical Cancer
leads to cancer. Cervical Intraepithelial alterations in the cells of the cervix, which
Neoplasia is the potential transformation causes the cells on the surface of the Annually 14,000 women are
and abnormal growth of squamous cells (a cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, or diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 3,900
type of cell) on the surface of the cervix. transformation and abnormal growth of of them die from it. Worldwide, half-a-
cells on the surface of the cervix. This million women are diagnosed with cancer
What are Symptoms of relates to the cell process because the cells of the cervix, and more than 243,000 die
in the cervix are being transformed
Cervical Cancer? because of the disease -- that’s half the
abnormally in mitosis, creating the cells women that were diagnosed in the
When cervical cancer has not that lead to cancer. Cancer is the mutation beginning. Treatments of cervical cancer
reached its advanced stages, symptoms of DNA, which occurs in mitosis. in its early stages are surgery. In its
may not be seen. However, there may be advanced stages, chemotherapy and
vaginal bleeding. In its advanced stages, radiotherapy are used.

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