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Egyptian Lichtheim 2 Kadesh Battle: 15 monumental accounts of the same battle Egypts first epic poem (not accidental,

l, contact with civilization)

He battle was a failure. The pharaohs army was lured into the camp with Hittites. They were too fanciful in the description of the king in battle. He said he was alone, which was probably not true seeing that his army was most likely faithful to their pharaoh. In the texts, the pharaoh was equivocated to a God. If the army had abandoned the king, then they abandoned their God (which is most unlikely to occur, especially with his entire army). More so, this account is pure fiction because he had crushed a million countries by [himself] (70). In actuality, there could not have been that many countries in that area at that time period, nor would he have counted exactly a million countries hes conquered, nor would he singlehanded crush armies with one sword and a horse. Also, they use similes and metaphors to convince the reader that he was truly a great warrior. By using rhetorical devices, the script masks the reality (probably of his loss) with familiar events the audience could relate with, such as fight[ing] like an eager bull (70). He disses everyone, saying that everyones a coward. everything that my majesty told I did it in truth, in the presence of my infantry and my chariotry o Didnt you just say you didnt have infantry and chariotry because they were cowards and abandoned you?

He has witnesses, but theyre not free to say the truth. Those who are close to the pharaoh are threatened not to say anything, they have to be near the pharaoh all the time o Pre-Machiavellian

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