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Syncretism: together believe Enuma elish is an effective national mythology because it clearly has a god who is superior to all

others. Marduk was superior to the rest he had slain Tiamat (in the text, it describes that his remains could not be missing). Also, Marduk was the one that had sent Tiamat to the God of Death, Ruggue. He likewise constructed stations for the great gods, created night and day, years and months thus holding power over the Gods. Marduk was able to create land, mountains, rivers, and most importantly, humans (who serve beneath the Gods and the king of the Gods). Marduk was insisted that he become the king of Babylon, that thou givst thy fine name [for Babylon]. The text does display Babylonian values. At the end of the chapter, Marduk did not allow any country to bring harm against or usurp Babylonia. Likewise, they also touch upon offerings and sacrifice for the Gods, which accurately portrays the Babylonians values. The roles of men are the serve the God while the Gods protect man with their incomparable power, shepherding the black headed ones. Man must in turn give the great Gods food offerings and head to the great Gods.

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