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VHDL Implementation For a Fuzzy Logic Controller

Philip T. Vuong, Asad M. Madni and Jim B. Vuong

BEI Technologies, Inc. 13100 Telfair Avenue, Sylmar, California 91342 U. S. A. Tel: (818) 364-7215 Fax: (818) 362-1836 E-Mail:

This paper describes the implementation for a basic fuzzy logic controller in Very High speed integrated-circuit Hardware-Description Language (VHDL). It is not intended as an introduction to fuzzy logic control methodology; instead, we try to demonstrate the implementation of a fuzzy logic controller through the use of the VHDL code. Use of the hardware description language (HDL) in the application is suitable for being implemented into an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The main advantages of using the HDL approach are rapid prototyping, and allowing usage of powerful synthesis tools such as Xilinx ISE, Synosys, Mentor Graphic, or Cadence to be targeted easily and efficiently.

KEYWORDS: VHDL, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Fuzzzification, Rule Evaluation, Defuzzification, Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). 1. INTRODUCTION
The motivation behind the implementation of a fuzzy controller in VHDL was driven by the need for an inexpensive hardware implementation of a generic fuzzy controller for use in industrial and commercial applications. A very simple fuzzy controller is used to demonstrate this implementation. In the controller, an external devices information, such as that from a sensor, etc., is converted into an output control signal to drive a device(s) such as motors, actuators etc., via the process of fuzzification, rule evaluation and defuzzification [1,2,3]. These processes are all based on a set of membership functions and the details of this process can be found in numerous publications [4, 5, 6, 7].

There are numerous different types of membership functions. Among them, the two most commonly used in practice are the triangular and trapezoidal membership functions (triangular membership function being a special case of the trapezoidal function). For this application we use a trapezodial function. Each trapezoidal membership function is defined by two points and two slope values. The entire membership function can be divided into three segments: 0, 1 and 2 as shown in Figure 1. The Y axis shows the degree of membership () as a value between 0 and 1. The X axis shows the universe of discourse and is divided into three segments. The degree of membership depends on the location of the input value with reference to these three segments. Figure 1 shows how trapezoidal input membership functions are formed in the fuzzification process [8, 9, 10]. The calculation of the degree of membership (() can be categorized into three different segments: (a) in segment 0: = 0, (b) in segment 1: slope is upward from left to right, therefore:

= (Input value point 1) * slope Y Point 1, where is limited to a maximum Segment 1 Point 2 value of 1, (c) in segment 2: slope is Segment 0 1 Segment 2 downward from left to right, Slope 2 therefore: = 1 - (Input value Slope 1 point 2) * slope 2, where is limited to a minimum value of 0. Point Point 1 As an example, lets use the input value of 10 to calculate the X 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 degree of membership function. Using an 8-bit resolution Figure 1. Trapezoidal Type Membership Function computation, = 1 equals to $FF or 255 in decimal (the $ sign indicates hexadecimal number representation). The values of Point 1 and Point 2 are $04 and $09, respectively, and the two slopes can be calculated as follows: Slope 1 = 1 / (6 4) = $FF / 2 = 255 / 2 = 127 = $7F and Slope 2 = 1 / (12 9) = $FF / 3 = 255 / 3 = 85 = $55 Since the input value of 10 ($0A) is greater than Point 2 and lies in segment 2, therefore: = $FF (Input value point 2) * slope 2 = $FF ($0A - $09)*$55 = $AA (3) (2) (1)

In VHDL, each membership function is defined by four 8-bit values, two points and two slope values using record type declaration as follow [11]: type membership is (term, none); type mfs is record linguistic: membership; point1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); slope1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); point2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); slope2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); end record; type membership_functions is array(natural range <>) mfs; constant linguistic_name : membership_functions :=((linguistic => term, point1 => x"04", slope1 => x"7F", point2 => x"09", slope2 => "55"), linguistic => none, point1 => x"FF", slope1 => x"FF", point2 => x"FF", slope2 => x"FF"));

A rule usually takes the form of IF-THEN statement as follow: IF x is A AND y is B THEN z is C (4)

AND is a fuzzy operator which is the minimum operation between the two antecedents. In VHDL, the following minimum function is used to obtain the result of each rule evaluation between two variables: function minimum(a, b: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable min: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');begin

if a < b then min := a; else min := b; end if; return min; end minimum; There is also an implied OR operation between successive rules when more than one rule is involved with the same output. The linguistic rule, IF (x1 is A1 AND y1 is B1) OR (x2 is A2 AND y2 is B2) THEN z is C , can be implemented by taking the maximum value of all the results with the same consequent block. In VHDL code, a function of taking the maximum of two input variables to determine the final result of all rules with the same output can be written as: function maximum(a, b: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable max: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin if a > b then max := a; else max := b; end if; return max; end maximum; By combining the minimum and maximum functions, the truth value for each rule can be obtained as: C <= maximum( minimum(A1, B1), minimum(A2, B2));

During the defuzzification process, each fuzzy output is multiplied by its corresponding singleton position. The sum of this product is divided by the sum of all fuzzy output to obtain the result of the final output. In VHDL, this is implemented as: For i = 1 to n do begin product = (s(i) f(i)) + product; sum = f[i] + sum; end for loop; output = product / sum; Although several types of membership functions, such as singleton, trapezoidal etc., could be used to describe the output using VHDL, the defuzzification calculation are not the same, some are more complicated than others. If trapezoidal shapes are used, finding the center of gravity and overall area of the membership functions are considerably more complicated than the calculation on singletons, and the results are not necessary effective or better [8].


In the following discussion, an example of a Fuzzy TE classical temperature fuzzy control system is AC Controller given to illustrate the implementation of a fuzzy TE/dt logic controller using the VHDL code. Figure 2 Figure 2. Fuzzy Controller for Air depicts a basic model of a simple fuzzy Conditioning System controller air conditioning system. There are two control input variables to adjust the temperature of an air conditioning (AC) room: the temperature error, TE, which is defined as the difference between the current temperature and the target set temperature, and TE/dt, the rate of the temperature error change with time: TE = Tset-point - Tpresent (5) and (6) dTE/dt = [TEn TEn-1] / [tn tn-1] where: TE = Temperature Error, t = time, n = integer

5.1. Define Temperature Membership Functions:

The membership functions for TE consists of seven fuzzy logic ranges that can be defined using the linguistic terms as Cold, Cool, Mild, Warm, and Hot. Table 1 shows the partitions for the variable temperature. In this case, the ranges are subjectively chosen for demonstrating the fuzzification process in VHDL. The graphical representation of the member-ship function of TE is depicted in Figure 3. The triangular and trapezoidal shapes of membership function will be used throughout this application because of their simplicity and efficiency of implementation in VHDL code. The values of the x-axis of the membership function have been scaled as an 8-bit hexadecimal value representing the actual reading from the temperature sensor. Similarly, the yaxis for the grade of the membership function starts from $00 (false) to $FF (completely true). Table 1. Range of the Variable Temperature Fuzzy Set Range (C) Cold -55 to +5 Cool -25 to +35 Mild +5 to 65 Warm +35 to +95 Hot +65 to +125
Cold ($FF) 1.0 $A5 0.8 Cool Mild Warm Hot

5.1.1. Temperature Error (TE)

$5A 0.4 0.2 ($00) 0.0 5 -25 ($55 ($00 ($2A)

To illustrate how the input membership functions are used, lets look at the temperature 75C as Figure 3. Membership function of Temperature indicated by the vertical reference Error (TE) line in Figure 3. The membership functions of the five linguistic terms (Cold, Cool, Mild, Warm, and Hot) can be constructed as followed: Cold : Point1 = -55 ($00), Slope1 = 255, Point2 = -25 ($2A), Slope2 = 6 Cool : Point1 = -25 ($2A), Slope1= 6, Point2 = 5 ($55), Slope2 = 6 Mild : Point1 = 5 ($55), Slope1 = 6, Point2 = 35 ($7F), Slope2 = 6 Warm : Point1 = 35 ($7F), Slope1 = 6, Point2 = 65 ($AA), Slope2 = 6 Hot : Point1 = 65 ($AA), Slope1= 6, Point2 = 95 ($FF), Slope2 = 255


65 95 125 5 ($7F) ($AA) ($DA) ($FF) TE 75

Since the 75C vertical line intersects two membership functions, warm and hot respectively, the degrees of these two membership function intersections can be calculated using the three segment information as described above to obtain the grade of each membership intersection. The following calculation shows how the grade of the membership is calculated for the temperature value of 75C: The vertical line is in segment 2 of the warm label, therefore: Grade = $FF ((Input value point 2) * slope 2) = $FF ((75 65) * 6) = 255 (10*6) = 195 = $C3 The vertical line is in segment 1 of the hot label, therefore: Grade = (Input value point 1) * slope 1 = ((75 65) * 6) = 60 = $3C (8) (7)

The following declaration defines the data structure description of the TE membership function in VHDL:
type te_type is (cold, cool, mild, warm, hot, none); type te_ membership is record term: te_type; point1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); slope1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); point2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); slope2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);end record; type te_membership_functions is array(natural range <>) te_membership; constant te_mfs: te_membership_functions := ((term => cold, point1 => x"00", slope1 => x"FF", point2 => x"2A", slope2 => x"06"), (term => cool, point1 => x"2A", slope1 => x"06", point2 => x"55", slope2 => x"06"), (term => mild, point1 => x"55", slope1 => x"06", point2 => x"7F", slope2 => x"06"), (term => warm, point1 => x"7F", slope1 => x"06", point2 => x"AA", slope2 => x"06"), (term => hot, point1 => x"AA", slope1 => x"06", point2 => x"D5", slope2 => x"FF"), (term => none, point1 => x"FF", slope1 => x"FF", point2 => x"FF", slope2 => x"FF"));

5.1.2. Rate of Temperature Change (TE/dt)

The second input variable to the temperature fuzzy controller is the rate of change of temperature with respect to time. This calculation results in the rate of temperature change per time interval as fined below: (present temperature reading) (previous temperature reading) rate = time between temperature reading (9)

The purpose of implementing the Moderate Slow Fast rate of temperature change in fuzzy ($FF) 1.0 control is to determine the velocity at 0.8 which the process should react. Since 0.6 time between temperature reading is 0.4 triggered by every clock cycle in this 0.2 application, the rate of temperature change can be simplified to become ($00) 0C +3C +5C -5C -3C the difference between the current ($7F) ($CD) ($FF) ($32) ($00) and previous temperature reading. TE/dt As usual, the rate of temperature Figure 4. Membership function of Rate of Temperature change takes three linguistic terms Change (TE/dt) (Slow, Moderate and Fast) as its membership function. The graphical representation of this membership function is shown in Figure 4. The data structure of the TE/dt membership function in VHDL is basically the same as TE. It is defined as: type tr_type is (slow, moderate, fast); type tr_ membership is record term: tr_type; point1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); slope1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); point2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); slope2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); end record; type tre_membership_functions is array(natural range <>) tr_membership; constant tr_mfs: tr_membership_functions := ((term => slow, point1 => x"00", slope1 => x"00", point2 => x"32", slope2 => x"03"), (term => moderate, point1 => x"32", slope1 => x"03", point2 => x"7E", slope2 => x"03"), (term => fast, point1 => x"7E", slope1 => x"03", point2 => x"FF", slope2 => x"FF"), (term => none, point1 => x"FF", slope1 => x"FF", point2 => x"FF", slope2 => x"FF"));


assignment to the output membership function in VHDL is simply declared as an 8-bit constant value, that is:

The output membership functions Very Low Low Medium High Very High of the fuzzy temperature control are ($FF) 1.0 singletons, Five different linguistic 0.8 terms of the singleton output (Very 0.6 Low, Low, Medium, High and Very High) are used to describe the heater 0.4 control variation. Figure 5 shows the 0.2 graphical representation of the singletons of these five variables. The ($00) 0.0
0.0 ($00) 20% 40% 60%


80% 100% ($FF)

Figure 5. Membership Function of Air Conditioning Control (AC)

constant very_low : std_logic_vector := x"2A"; constant low : std_logic_vector := x"55"; constant medium : std_logic_vector := x"7F"; constant high : std_logic_vector := x"A8"; constant very_high : std_logic_vector := x"D2"; type singletons is array (0 to 4) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ac : singletons := (very_low, low, medium, high, very_high);


In this step, each input value is applied to its membership function to find the fuzzy input value. In an application of two inputs, one having five membership functions and the other having three, there are totally eight degrees of membership functions needed to be calculated. Since a specific input value only intersects at most two membership functions to create the degree of membership function for the corresponding input, so most of them will be zero. As described previously, two points and two slopes are used to define the structure of a membership function. The following pseudo-code illustrates the procedure of this process:

Set n = number of membership function; Set = array of degree of membership function; Set membership = array of membership function; For i = 1 to n do begin if input value < membership[i].point 1 then [i] = 0; else if input value < membership[i].point 2 then [i] = (input value membership[i].point 1) membership[i].slope 1; else [i] = 255 - (input value membership[i].point 2) membership[i].slope 2; end if; end for loop;


After the degrees of membership function have been determined in the fuzzification stage, the next step is to use linguistic rules to decide what action is needed to be taken in response to a given set of degree of membership function. A technique called min-max inference [8,9,10] is used to calculate numerical results of the linguistic rules based on the system input values. The numerical results from this calculation are called fuzzy outputs, since different rules that can be true for different degrees of membership function variation, thus introducing composite results. A system with two inputs, one having five linguistic terms and the other having three, and one output with five linguistic terms has a total of 535 = 75 different rules can be used to describe the complete fuzzy control strategy. Although there are totally 75 possible rule

Table 2. Rule Evaluation of the Air Conditioning System rule evaluations in this case, only eight of them are enough to IF THEN be used in describing how the Rule Temperature Logical Rate Air fuzzy control system should Error (TE) Operator Change Conditioning be operated and the remaining (TE/dt) (AC) rule combinations can be 1 Cold AND Fast Very High discarded. The reason for 2 Cold AND Slow High choosing only the important 3 Cool AND Moderate Medium 4 Mild AND Slow Medium rule to be evaluated is to mimic 5 Warm AND Slow Low the actual behavior of human 6 Warm AND Moderate Low thinking. This will allow the 7 Hot AND Slow Very Low ability of a fuzzy control system 8 Hot AND Fast Very Low to approximate human thought using a simple description of the system behavior. Table 2 summarizes these eight important rules of evaluation for this application. The IF part of the rule gets the degree of the input membership function and the THEN part has the degree of membership function that is determined by the result of the rule evaluation. Since the input grades are connected by a logical AND operator, one input is dependent upon the other, selecting the minimum value will satisfy both conditions. Therefore, taking the minimum of the two variables will be used as the output grade of membership function in each rule. One way to illustrate how the fuzzy control evaluates rules is to use a specific example. Suppose the room temperature set point is 75C and any change greater than 1C per second is defined as a fast rate of temperature change inside the room. A graphical representation of the rule evaluation process is presented in Figure 6. TE Cold Cool Mild Warm Hot Cold Cold Cool Mild Warm Warm Hot Hot 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.2 AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND Slow Slow Moderate Slow Fast Slow Moderate TE/dt Slow Moderate Fast Min Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 Rule 6 Rule 7 Rule 8 Fast 0.3 0.0 = 0.0 = 0.0

0.75 = 0.0 0.0 0.0 = 0.0 = 0.0

0.75 = 0.75 0.0 0.3 = 0.0 = 0.2

1C/s 75C Figure 6. Rule Evaluation Example

Understanding the evaluation of these rules in the fuzzy inference stage, the set of rule evaluation in VHDL can be described as follow: Rule 1: very_high <= minimum(cold, fast); Rule 2: high <= minimum(cold, slow);

Rule 3 and Rule 4: medium <= maximum( minimum(cool, moderate), minimum(mild, slow)); Rule 5 and Rule 6: low <= maximum( minimum(warm, slow), minimum(warm, moderate)); Rule 7 and Rule 8: very_ low <= maximum( minimum(hot, slow), minimum(hot, fast));

After the output grade of each rule has been determined, the next step is to combine all the output grades into a single value that can be used to control the heater operation. In the defuzzifier process, Center-of-Gravity (COG) [8, 9, 10] deffuzifiction technique will be used to obtain the final system output. In this application, singleton variables are used as the output membership functions. Defuzzification involves taking the weighted average of all the fuzzy outputs. Each fuzzy output is multiplied by its corresponding singleton value, then the sum of these products divided by the sum of all the fuzzy outputs to obtain the final single output variable. The following pseudo-code illustrates the procedure of this defuzzification process: Defuzzification(): Set n = number of output membership function; Set s = array of singleton of output membership function; Set f = array of result of all rule evaluations; Set sum = 0 For i = 1 to n do begin product = (s(i) f(i)) + product; sum = f[i] + sum; end for loop; output = product / sum;

The design of a typical fuzzy logic controller using VHDL is presented in this paper. Once the basic design of the fuzzy logic control system has been defined, the implementation of the fuzzy logic controller is very straight forward by coding each component of the fuzzy inference system in VHDL according to the design specifications. The availability of different synthesis tools for the programmable logic devices such as FPGA and CPLD have made it easier for the designers to experiment their design capabilities. By simply changing some parameters in the codes and design constraint on the specific synthesis tool, one can experiment with different design circuitry to get the best result in order to satisfy the system requirement.

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