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Bulacan State University College of Engineering City of Malolos, Bulacan MIDTERM EXAM Electric Circuit Analysis II

Kung paano ang pintuan ay pumipihit sa kaniyang bisagra, gayon ang tamad sa kaniyang higaan. Mga Kawikaan 26:14 (Ang Biblia)

1. The current in a 20mH inductor is known to be 7 (15Sin140t 35Cos140t )e 20t mA for

t 0. (a) At what instant of time is the voltage across the inductor is maximum? (b) What is the maximum voltage?

2. Calculate the energy in each capacitor if voltage across points a and b is 15V.

3. Let V1 8Sin100 t volts and V2 6Sin99 t volts. Calculate the average and RMS value of V V1 V2 .

4. Find the R.M.S. value of the half-wave rectified sinusoidal voltage as shown.

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