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Corruption rapid exposure incites 911 Syria WW III to get minds off satanic trivia on to NWO

Corporate Conspiracy
ACADEMIC Anonymous Corporate Appropriators Due Evil-angel-ist Media Imperialist Capitalist If only we had constitutionally legal courts could have stopped long ago but now I lay me down to sleep .. Constitution Act, 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the

equal protection

equal benefit
of the law

without discrimination
and, in particular,

without discrimination
based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. Docket 13

Illegal Legal Aid

6th Amendment assistance of counsel for defence

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Bob Hurt <> wrote:

US Constitution 6th Amendment:

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and

by an impartial jury of the State and district

to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

The following was published on the web Legal Associates | Everyone Deserves Equal Justice We give Everyone Equal Access Etched above the doors of the US Supreme Court are the words "Equal Justice Under Law." It's one of the basic principles of democracy. Unfortunately, in reality we receive about as much justice as we can afford. The wealthiest ten percent can afford to have a lawyer on retainer, and are accustomed to consulting with one before making decisions. On the other hand, the bottom ten percent has access to public aid. But what about the rest of us? For most people, the idea of calling a lawyer before taking legal action or making an important decision just isn't an option -- either because we think we don't need one or because it would simply cost too much. But there is a solution. Legal Associates is currently serving the legal needs of well over one million families for less than a dollar a day! Content copyright 2009. Legal Associates. All rights reserved.

So I sent them an e-mail

From: Frank Gallagher [] Sent: October-22-09 2:31 PM To: 'Jesse Magee' Subject: RE: Legal Associates | Feldman, Kramer & Monico Obviously any lawyer is in the business to cash in on the illegal administration and enforcement of purported to be democratic governments that demands equality and they publicly proclaim it, but do not enforce it, whereas private sector lawyers are set up to debate the non-debatable permitted by the obvious criminal frauds as you people admit on your site as I am well aware that a person can buy or rent all the rights they can afford, with the legal profession profiting from the woes of society that the legal system responsible to deal with it refuse to do so. The root of societys woes is the illegitimate legal system as CanLaw a Canadian national Lawyer referral service states on their front page that the Law Society cannot be trusted as they protect their members not the consumer. I went on to read more published on their site that gave me the crazy idea that they would help me in exposing the illegitimate legal system and they confirmed that I was a wild and crazy guy It is time to change to a legitimate government legal system that protects every individuals equality democratic rights internally as financed by the taxpayer to do so. I am Frank Gallagher Director/Operations Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc. federally incorporated to Solicit Victims of Crime for Class Action Suits against Government Personnel whereas the majorities are victims 80 percent as you publish. We are operating under company name 1 LIFE www.1life.cC and have the site being professionally developed to sell membership and C-Note certificates for the express purpose to organize the majority providing them the democratic voice they are entitled to with equality, an entity every individual of the majority desires but not a probability unless equally supported to ensure the governments consistently enforce it. The Law Society is going down and abrupt change is eminent, not having a leg to stand on in an informed populace. I am considering attempting to bring a Law Firm on side with us though seemingly a venture into futility but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I provide you the opportunity to scrutinize my sites for consideration and eagerly await your response, though well aware of the depth of thought required to do an about face and the length of time it will take to study the evidence to be coherent to the validity and firmness of the rationale that can only conclude with the collapse of the present government legal systems once the public become informed. Please acknowledge receipt and your intention whether or not to consider 3

Thank you Frank I published on my Scribd site and not long after


their web site was gone

Not much longer "Double Poof"

the document along with 250 others on my Scribd site were gone Ya Ok Impartial jury of the geographical locality (of the State and District) wherein the crime committed and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence

Whats Legal Aid all about?

Pick your Knows Former Canadian Defense Minister Informs

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