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Final test in modal verbs

I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same; use the words in capital letters without altering them in any way! (20 pts.) 1. He used to spend a lot of cash on cigars when he was young. WOULD 2. The young man challenged his adversary to a duel the next morning. DARED 3. It is not imperative that you wake up so early in the morning. HAVE 4. It is impossible that she should have been lying to us all along. CANT 5. You can go home now if you have done your job here. MAY 6. Maybe he was trying to drag her out of the house on fire that night. COULD 7. I am quite positive that this person was used as bait and nothing more. MUST 8. Perhaps they will be spending their winter holidays at a hut in the heart of the mountains. MAY 9. It is possible that the student forgot his portfolio at home. CAN 10. Perhaps she is sleeping though it is noon. CAN II. Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning as shown without altering the meaning! (20 pts.) 1. It is rude of him to keep calling her names. He 2. It wasnt necessary for him to open the limos door for the lady and he didnt. He 3. It is advisable for your little boy to start taking swimming lessons this season. Your 4. Books dont have to be returned earlier than expected. Books 5. I am sure the two of them got engaged. The two 6. I really dont know Toms whereabouts. I 7. Although they tried hard, they couldnt find a solution to this problem. Try 8. Although shes getting better, she is still weak. She 9. They have probably reconciled; thats why they are kissing. They 10. I find it hard to believe that she changed her babys paternity test. She III. Choose the best option: (50 pts.) 1. I imagine they will be just in time for lunch. a) would b) should c) shall d) could 2. You me that you werent coming to the party! a) might b) should c) could d) would 3. It have been better! a) wouldnt b) might not c) couldnt d) shouldnt 4. You at least tell me what was on the agenda at yesterdays meeting! a) should b) may c) could d) might 5. They live opposite our street but we hardly ever see them. a) may b) should c) will d) would 6. You not like it when they tell they are going to get married. a) should b) would c)could d) might 7. Whats that noise? It my neighbor hammering the walls again. a) can b) may c) should d) must 8. He insisted he phoned her before 10 p.m. if he had had a good reason. a) would have b) should have c) might have d) could have 9. If I were him I do that. a) may not b) wouldnt c) shouldnt d) oughtnt to 10. They said they be here for a long time. a) shouldnt b) couldnt c) oughtnt to d) wouldnt 11. They be there yet as they have phoned to let us know that they are stuck in traffic. a) wont b) cant c) shant d) may not 12. I suggest that the girl see a shrink. a) will b) should c) would d) might 13. You have been at the office two hours ago. a) ought to b) shall c) must d) may 14. The woman let the man in unless he identifies himself. a) shant b) may not c) wont d) oughtnt to 15. They arrive at the hut until dusk; I know this. a) shant b) cant c) wont d) couldnt 16. All the participants in the contest put down their names on this list. a) will b) may c) can d) shall 17. What we do now that they are all gone? a) shall b) will c) can d) must


I agree more, my darling! a) cant b) couldnt c) mustnt d) shouldnt 19. This family spend their Easter vacation abroad this year as they are rather short of money. a) shouldnt b) cant c) shall not d) may not 20. The girl be very educated but she is very down-to-earth. a) cant b) may not c) mustnt d) doesnt have to 21. She woken up yet as it is Sunday and she enjoys staying late in bed. a) cant b) mustnt have c) may not have d) shouldnt have 22. In the end he do my way as I wont have it otherwise. a) will b) should c) shall d) could 23. They take their shoes off when entering the museum. a) must b) have to c) should d) can 24. The tourists noticed the sign when they entered the forest. a) may not have b) could not have c) should not have d) cant have 25. Mark wake up at six tomorrow morning as hes got an important meeting. a) must b) has to c) has got to d) doesnt have to 26. You been driving so fast last night as it was slippery. a) couldnt have b) shouldnt have c) may not have d) cant have 27. She be willing to help you finish your homework if you do something for her in return. a) should b) ought to c) shall d) might 28. I told you I would succeed and I ! a) shall b) should c) would d) could 29. You come to this course if you really dont want to. a) dont have to b) dont need to c) neednt d) mustnt 30. When entering this institution you carry a special ID. a) dont have to b) neednt c) will not need d)mustnt 31. We really get together sometime. a) can b) could c) must d) might 32. How far is Paris from London? I say. a) cant b) mustnt c) couldnt d) dont have to 33. This man be asking for me as nobody knows my present address. a) mustnt b) shant c) couldnt d) shouldnt 34. You trim the hedge today as it hasnt overgrown. a) mustnt b) need not c) cant d) dont need to 35. The hedges be trimmed today but Ill find you something else to do. a) neednt b) dont have to c) mustnt d) cant 36. Its typically American to say: You be kidding me! a) ought to b) should c) have to d) have got to 37. She to see a doctor for years. a) didnt have b) hasnt have c) hasnt been having d) hasnt must 38. We to be there till twelve oclock tomorrow. a) hasnt needed b) dont have to c) mustnt d) cant 39. I come so early this morning but I did. a) didnt have to b) didnt need to c) neednt have d) mustnt 40. She looks very relaxed; she have had a very nice holiday. a) can b) must c) should d) could 41. You have brought me flowers; its very kind of you. a) couldnt b) cant c) mustnt d) shouldnt 42. They have been so late for their appointment with the doctor as I drove them there. a) cant b) shouldnt c) mustnt d) may not 43. She worry; shell be fine as they will tae good care of her. a) cant b) mustnt c) may not d) shant 44. I let them take me for a fool, she said. a) must not b) should not c) shall not d) cannot 45. In order to have been accepted by the gang, you proven yourself to be trustworthy. a) should have b) can have c) could have d) must have 46. She said she come with us to the mountains. a) might b) should c) mustnt d) can 47. He have published several books, but this doesnt mean hes the best writer. a) must b) may c) can d) ought to 48. All passengers proceed to Gate 9 immediately. a) should b) can c) may d) will 49. We suppose that they will be grateful for what we did for them.


a) might b) may c) should d) could There be trouble if you go on skipping courses. a) must b) could c) should d) ought to

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