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Nomes: Carla Gmez Dominga Cofr Sebastian Zaror Carlos Serka Level: IIIB Teacher: Nelson Alvarez Date: 8/06/2011


In the last seven years the overweight in chilean population increased from 37,8 % to 39,3 %, and the obesity from 23,2 to 25,1.
In the commune Puente Alto 51 % of the children between 6 and 10 years have problems of obesity.c

Junk Food:
It contains high places levels of fats, salt, spices or sugars (that stimulate the appetite and the thirst) and numerous food additives.

The bent big one of food scrap: Hamburger double with cheese, you eat fried, drinks and dessert: it can contain 2200 kcal Which would need a marathon to be burnt.

The consumption of food is in the habit of relating garbage to the obesity: The diseases of The heart. The diabetes. The caries . The cellulite. The food scrap offers to him to the consumer fats, cholesterol, azcares

A real food must provide: Fibers Proteins Carbohydrates Vitamins Minerals Necessary for the performance of the body.

If they are so harmful for our body and we know what they can cause in great consumption, why continue consuming them?

This type of food is very popular for the simple of his production and conservation, his relatively cheap price, his wide commercial distribution that makes her very easily accessible and the pressure of the advertising. Also because it is not in the habit of needing any type of preparation on the part of the final consumer or this one is scanty, is comfortable of consuming and has a great diversity of flavors.

Table of calories:

Law Super 8:

The super 8 law prohibits the sale junk food in schools, including the basic education. Is possible that this law change and prohibe the junk food to superior education. This is to prevent diferent diseases.

Law Super 8:

The high levels of over weight that we have, it's because we still have no culture of healthy food. Since we are childrens we see mc donald's, burger king and a lot of places whit fast food. All the fault is because big companies engage in advertising to fast food, encourage children to eat fast food with Happy Meals, but it never shows the high percentage of fat, sugar etc. they are killing children.

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