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written when you want to express your opinion about a topic that is of interest to the general public, to show your agreement or disagreement, or to discuss a problem and suggest solutions is a formal piece of writing, written in formal style

Read the letter below and, on the right column, write the content of each paragraph:
11 Bucium Street Cluj Napoca January 23, 2007 Washington Post 84 Calderon Bvd. Washington D.C. Dear Editor, As a consequence of your editorial, which appeared in Washington Post last week, about one of Benettons most controversial ads, I decided to write this letter. I would like to express my humble opinion about that and its critics. In the next lines I would develop three aspects about the advertising of the Italian company. First of all, I am sure that the ill man and his family gave their agreement for using that photo. This action could have two different reasons: a financial aspect (because the treatment for AIDS requires lots of money) and a moral one (the dying man wanted to sensitize the public opinion about that awkward malady of the last century). His intention was to give a hope to the others who were found HIV positive. I am absolutely convinced that he prayed in his last moments for a quantum leap in the fight against AIDS. Secondly, I want to remind everybody that Benetton has run for fifteen years a campaign called Food for Life in partnership with United Nations. It has the purpose to help the poorest regions of Asia and Africa. People from these parts of the world have faced many social problems, including AIDS. The presentation of that touching photo in the advertising campaign could be an important step in the attempt to prevent AIDS spread and reduce its consequences. The ad has obviously shocked the viewers and might have changed their outlook on life, their attitude and conduct. The third aspect related to this photo and the reactions against it is censorship. It is well known that the Italian company has brought in front of consumers many shocking images. The photo that started this debate took the man from his bad physical state and gave him a different connotation. The background is a positive one. The ambivalent campaign for selling products and charity respects, in my opinion, the dignity of the ill person and the good sense. I greatly appreciate your editorials and your work for educating people. I sincerely hope our society will be able to concentrate its efforts on the real problems. I would be so glad if that kind of ads managed to make a difference upon the AIDS issue worldwide by changing the perspective and the attitude! Respectfully, Emil Chidean, Officer Cluj Napoca, Romania


BODY Paragraphs 2 41

CONCLUSION Paragraph 5

number of paragraphs may vary, depending on the topic and the task

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