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( In partial fulfillment of MBA Degree )

Submitted To : Submitted By :

Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Dalbir Singh

Jaskeerat Singh


We are very thankful to our Project guide Mr. Sanjeev Kumar faculty

member (lecturer)RIMT-IMCT, for his valuable guidance, deep-rooted

interest, inspiration and continuous encouragement through out the

period of project.

We also thank the respondents for their cooperation and spending

precious time in responding to the Questionnaire.


i. Summary

ii. Introduction

iii. Snapshot of Tooth paste Brands

iv. Review of Literature

v. Research Work

vi. Conclusions

vii. Suggestions

viii. Bibliography
Chapter I


This project titled ‘ Image Profile Analysis of Leading Brands of

Tooth paste amongst consumers ‘ is a study which seek to define the

image of 2 tooth paste brands in which HLL have two products –

Close Up & Pepsodent and Colgate–Palmolive have Colgate in terms

of 6 attributes , Healthy tooth & gums , Long lasting freshness ,

Prevention of tooth decay ,Whiteness , Use of Natural herbs , Good



A survey was conducted on 50 people living in and around the

city of PATIALA to elicit their responses, on which the results and

findings of this study are based.

It tells the method used for data collected. It then gives the

description of the sample based on various parameters as Gender, Age ,



1) To know about Brand awareness.

2) To know about Brand preference.

3) To know about the product/alternatives which consumers might

prefer to brush their teeth other than a tooth paste.

4) To know about the factors that influence the consumers decision to

buy a particular brand of tooth paste.

5) To know about the attributes that consumers look for in a tooth

paste brand , when he/she buys for himself/herself..

6) To know about the possible reasons that lead to brand switch over.

7) Image profile analysis of 2 important tooth paste brands.

Chapter II


In these days of technology parity, it does not take long to duplicates.

Moreover, with the availability of increasing number of brands, the

consumers has little patience or the wit to swift through and judge the

uniqueness of features claimed by each of the brands. So, how does one

ensure that one is seen and heard in overcrowded market place.

The answer lies in brand positioning, one of the most powerful concepts

in the marketing world, which enables the seller to win the marketing

battles by influencing the consumer’s mind set.

Brand Positioning

Positioning a brand in the consumer's mind is critical to brand success.

In an age sameness, a brand must tout a variety of product or brand

features and benefits, by drawing attention to them and promoting their

value to the consumer.

The act of developing certain brand characteristics and promoting them

is one of the few ways a brand can be differentiated. Your own market

is probably saturated with products that all look similar and offer the

same benefits. Since most products or brands have a variety of features,

such as speed, accuracy, size, functionality, cost, style, specs, and more,

each of these can be emphasized if they are truly critical to a segment of

the consumer market. If you want your brand to be known for a subset of

the potential features and benefits it offers, then you are fixing or

positioning the product brand in consumer's minds as being about those

attributes. You position a brand in order to establish your product as a

superior choice to competitors.

What's important to know is that many of your competitors will position

their products and brands the same way you intend to. That's when brand

credibility comes into play. If you can communicate your brand

positioning better, then consumer's will view yours as the most attractive

or most credible. The credibility factor might only be delivered via the

style of your brand communications.

At this level of brand strategy where products are very similar, it takes

experience and expertise to fashion a strategy that gives you an

advantage.At Brand Identity Guru, we analyze your brand assets and

determine which features and benefits need to be in your brand or

products value proposition to the customer. We'll use and describe these

assets in a way that makes them more attractive and compelling than

your competitors. Where there is no discernible brand advantage, we'll

find one or create one and get your product effectively differentiated and


Positioning has 4 components:

The 1st component is the product class or product category in which the

brand is to operate. To give a specific name to such a category is not

always easy since boundaries are fluid

e.g A moisturizing lotion may decide to position itself in the cold cream

market .

The 2nd component is consumer segmentation. It is impossible to think

for a brand without , at the same time, considering the segment for

which it offers benefits that other brands don’t. Positioning and

segmentation are like two sides of a coin, inseparable and integrated.

The 3rd component is perceptual mapping, an essential tool to measure

where brands are located in the perceptual space of target consumer.

Brand benefits and attributes make up the 4th component of positioning,

a consumer can allot a position in his mind only to a brand whose

benefits are meaningful to him. He compares and places bands in

relation to these desirable benefits. The concept of perceptual space

forms the theoretical basis for brand positioning. The consumer’s mind

is regarded as the geometric perceptual space, with product categories

and brands occupying different points in that space. The search for

vacant positions in the market be conducted with reference to the

preferred benefits and the preferred importance of such benefits. These

preferences are portrayed in the form of preference maps.

The 1st purpose of Preference Mapping is to measure the gap if any

between the position of the brands as actually perceived and the

preferred or ideal position of its target segment.

The 2nd purpose is to discover holes or vacant positions in the market

because they represent opportunities for new products.

Positioning is the pursuit of differential advantage. It is placing your

product in a certain distinct and preferably unique ways in the

consumers mind. Strategy is how to get to that positioning.

Brand Image

Brand image describes a products personality beyond its physical

characteristics and positioning in building brand image. Like brand

personality, brand image is not something you have or you don't! A

brand is unlikely to have one brand image, but several, though one or

two may predominate. The key in brand image research is to identify or

develop the most powerful images and reinforce them through

subsequent brand communications. The term "brand image" gained

popularity as evidence began to grow that the feelings and images

associated with a brand were powerful purchase influencers, though

brand recognition, recall and brand identity. It is based on the

proposition that consumers buy not only a product (commodity), but also

the image associations of the product, such as power, wealth,

sophistication, and most importantly identification and association with

other users of the brand. In a consumer led world, people tend to define

themselves and their Jungian "persona" by their possessions. According

to Sigmund Freud, the ego and superego control to a large extent the

image and personality that people would like others to have of them.

Good brand images are instantly evoked, are positive, and are almost

always unique among competitive brands.

Brand image can be reinforced by brand communications such as

packaging, advertising, promotion, and customer service, word-of-

mouth and other aspects of the brand experience.

Brand images are usually evoked by asking consumers the first

words/images that come to their mind when a certain brand is mentioned

(sometimes called "top of mind"). When responses are highly variable,

non-forthcoming, or refer to non-image attributes such as cost, it is an

indicator of a weak brand image.

Chapter III


Today’s companies are operating in macro environment forces. They are

facing the toughest competition ever. So, all the companies are involved

in winning customers and out performing competition. Indian tooth

paste industry is one of the country largest market. The Indian tooth

paste market is very big. Large numbers of manufacturers are present.

They are trying to go at top most position.

Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) is India's largest fast moving consumer

goods company with leadership in Home & Personal Care Products and

Foods & Beverages. HLL's brands spread across 20 distinct consumer

categories, touch the lives of two out of three Indians.

If Hindustan Lever straddles the Indian corporate world, it is because of

being single-minded in identifying itself with Indian aspirations and

needs in every walk of life.

Close-up, a HLL product is the original youth brand in India – the first

brand targeting youth in the oral care market. Ever since its launch in

1975, Close-up has broken every rule in the book on how toothpastes

should behave! Close-up was the first gel toothpaste to be launched in

India and has led the gel toothpaste segment ever since.

In 2004, Close-up was relaunched with a bang. And this time it was

packed with the power of Vitamin Fluoride System – a powerful mix of

Vitamins, Fluoride, Mouthwash and Micro whiteners, the perfect

combination of ingredients for fresher breath and stronger, whiter teeth.

Close-up is now the first Gel toothpaste with Fluoride in the Indian

Close-up also includes toothbrushes.

Pepsodent, a HLL product launched in 1993, was the first toothpaste

with a unique anti-bacterial agent to address the consumer need of

checking germs even hours after brushing.

Pepsodent packs included a Germ Indicator in February-May 2002,

which allowed consumers to see the efficacy in fighting germs for

themselves. As a follow-up, in October 2002, Pepsodent offered Dental

Insurance to all its consumers to demonstrate the confidence the

company has in the technical superiority of the product.

Pepsodent connects directly with kids and their parents. Pepsodent has

always worked in the direction of an overall awareness of dental health.

The relaunch campaign in October 2003 widened the context to "sweet

and sticky" food and leveraged the truth that children do not rinse their

mouths every time they eat, demonstrating that this makes their teeth

vulnerable to germ attack. Pepsodent's most recent campaign aims at

educating consumers on the need for germ protection through the night.

Pepsodent also includes a range of toothbrushes. INTERNATIONAL


COLGATE is the product of Colgate-Palmolive ( India ) ltd. Its product

line includes Colgate Gel, Colgate Calciguard, Colgate Total, Colgate

Sensation, Colgate Simple and others. Colgate Calciguard being shown

as an effectively decay premitive, dentifrice and Colgate double

protection, which is scientifically proven, provides better protection

against plaque and gum disease. Its key ingredients are Calcium

carbonate, Silica, and Triclosan. Indian Dental Association also

approves it.

Acc. To I.D.A - Colgate dental cream is an effective decay preventive

dentifrice that can be of significant value when used as directed in a

conscientiously applied program of oral hygiene and regular

professional care as directed by registered dental surgeons.

Chapter IV

Review of Literature

Six Levels of Brand’s Meanings

Attributes : Features associates with a brand.

Benefits : Functional and emotional benefits associated with


Values : Producer’s values that gets associated with


Culture : Represents the culture values of the place from

where the brand originates.

Personality : Image of the brand as perceived by the user.

User : Kind of consumer who buys or uses the product.

Given the six levels of a brand’s meanings, marketers must decide

at which level(s) to deeply anchor the brand’s identity. The most

enduring meaning of a brand is its values, culture and personality. They

define the brand’s essence.

Brand varies in the amount of power and value they have in the

market place. At one extreme are brands that are not known by most

buyers in the market place. Then there are brands for which buyers have

a fairly high degree of BRAND AWARENESS. Beyond this are brands

with high degree of BRAND ACCEPTABILITY i.e. brands that most

customers would not resist buying. Then there are brands that enjoy a

high degree of BRAND PREFERENCE. These are the brands that are

selected over the other. Finally there are brands that command a high

degree of BRAND LOYALITY. This is where the acid test for a brand


Brand becomes known through the products they create and bring

on to the market. Whenever a brand innovates, it generates “me-too-

ism”. The role of brand name is to protect the innovation – it creates a

mental patent. The brand name makes the innovation exclusive and

protects it against imitations.

The sources of a brand’s identity include: The product, the name,

brand characters and symbols, Geographic and Historic roots of the

brand and the content and form of advertising used for the brand. Based

on all these factors, a brand’s identity evolves over a period of time.

The brand identity platform has four components:

1. The product class in which the brand is to operate.

2. The targeted consumer segment.

3. Brand location in the perceptual space of the target consumer.

4. Benefits and Attributes with the brand by the consumer.

As brands tend become physically similar, the brand manages falls back

more and more on Non-functional factors to distinguish his brands. This

is called Brand Positioning. A brand manager has various strategies

available to himself. These strategies revolve around four aspects of the

brand, which can be expressed as four questions.

WHO AM I ?_____ This question deals with the origins of the brand,

its parentage. A brand can be positioned with reference to its corporate

identity or as an extension of a well established brand.

WHAT AM I ?____ This question relates to the capabilities of the

brand and can be further broken up as:

(a) Category related positioning: By choosing the product category

in which the position our brand, we are defining its composition.

Similar brands can be differentiated by positioning them in different


(b) Benefit related Positioning: That particular benefit is

selected, which will give the brand the greatest competitive

advantage. We get the flexibility in differentiating a functionally

similar product by emphasizing a benefit which the competitor

has not exploited.

(c) Positioning by usage occasion: This strategy enables us to

dominate a particular usage. It also enables us to distinguish

similar products by identifying our brand with one or two

usages that competition has neglected.

(d) Price-Quality Positioning: The consumer looks at the

products in a category at different levels of price, offering

different standing of quality and decides which price cum-

quality level is most suitable for a given need.

FOR WHOM AM I ?____ This is the strategy of positioning a

brand for a carefully chosen target segment, where it is the best fit and

has competitive advantage. Such segments can be divided in the basis of

Demographic, Behavioral, Benefit seeking and Psychographic factors.

WHY ME ?____ All the above strategies enables a marketer to create

a distinct and persuasive perception of the brand. Aggressive marketing

companies try to add to their brand a clinic ling advantage through some

unique features. It gives consumer a reason to why he or she should

select one brand in preference to another. Positioning by competitors and

positioning by a unique attribute can be the two strategies in this case.

So much consumer loyalty and goodwill surrounds a successful brand

name that it is seen as the direct source of much of the owner company’s

profit. This is what is brand equity i.e. the incremental value of a

business above the value of its physical assets due to the market position

achieved by its brand and the extension potential of the brand. Drawing

upon this concept of brand equity, marketers have extended the names of
successful brands to several new products in several categories.

But the extension need not be a trap. They can be effectively managed

by matching three criteria.

1st , the category chosen for the brand extension must be compatible

with the nature of the parent brand and the expertise it represents. There

must be a fit.

2nd , for successful brand extension, one should ensure that there is

consistency in the value perception of the brand in the new category as

compared to its parent brand.

3rd , the brand name should have some in built advantage that gives it

competitive strength against established brands in the new category.


The first task of the brand manager when he considers his

positioning strategy is to form a reasonably good idea of the market

structure in which his brand will be a player. Research can help him to

define these sub-structures, tell him different brands are positioned as

judged by consumers, and thus give him a better idea of the specific

product market in which he must complete. Research will tell him, by

defining such market sub-structures, as to which brands are likely to be

close competitors and which a more distant threat.

Perceptual Mapping techniques help us to understand such

market structures and sub-structures.

Techniques for Perceptual Mapping

1. Image Profile Analysis

This is probably the oldest and most widely used technique for

measuring consumer perception of competitive brands, services or

companies. The starting point for this analysis is the measurement of

perceptions of each brand on a 5 or 7 points scale against a series of

pre-selected functional and psychological attributes. The individual

scores are then average obtains a composite mean score for each

brand on different attributes.

An examination of the chart provides a profile of competitive

brands and their perceived strength and weakness. A further

improvement on this chart could be achieved by superimposing the

profile of the ideal brand for each attribute. An observation of this

type of chart provides useful insights about which brand is competing

against whom, and on what attribute or attributes, and to what extent

they are close to or away from the ideal image.

However, image-profile analysis has its limitations. It is difficult

to plot all the brands in a single chart when the number of competitive

brands is large. Moreover, all the attributes consider for image

perceptions may not be equally important or independent of each

other. In other words, some of the attributes may be highly correlated

and thereby represents basically the same dimension ( or factors ).

2. Factor Analysis

The brand image data may be collected on all variables, which

could possibly have some relevance to the objective of the study.

Initially, a large set of variables (attributes) is considered.

Its prime objective is to reduce the initial set of variables and

express them as a linear combination of the smallest set of

independent “ factors “ or dimensions. The input data in all

factors analysis procedures are the correlation coefficients

between all possible pairs of original variables. A satisfactory

solution is the one, which will yield the minimum number of

“factors” that conveys all the essential information contained in

the original set of variables. Statistically speaking, the objective


1. To reproduce as best as possible the observed correlations

2. among the Original variables; and

3. To extract the maximum variation.

The factors thus derived will be uncorrelated to each other, hence

independent. Moreover, since all variables can be expressed as linear

combinations of extracted factors, the coefficients of various factors are

called Factor Loading. From this, the analysis ultimately aims to

determine the weights associated with each factor. This enables us not

only to calculate the importance of each factor but also to determine the

Factor Axes corresponding to clusters of points including the positions

of individual brands.

3. Cluster Analysis

The objective behind this procedure is to separate brands into

groups such that each brand in a group is more like the other brands in

its group falling outside the group.

In any cluster analysis procedure a measure of inter-object

(between brands or objects) similarity or dissimilarity has to be used.

Chapter V


Indian tooth paste industry is one of the country largest consumer

market. The Indian tooth paste market is psuedo-mature. It is amazingly

complex being segmented not only on the basis of prices and benefits

but even range of emotions with in that outlining framework. With in

over 10-15 brands in the market, this segment of the consumer product

offers a tremendous to study the concept of brand positioning, specially

when tooth paste is a fairly intimate product and consumer prefers a

brand which reflects his self image or fits in with this fantasies. The

focus of this study about tooth paste is consumer perception of the

various brand are available.

Objectives: -

1. To know about brand awareness.

2. To know about brand preference.

3. To know about the product/alternatives which consumers might

4. prefer to brush their teeth other than a tooth paste.

5. To know about the factors that influence the consumers decision to

6. buy a particular brand of tooth paste.

7. To know about the attributes that a consumers look for in a tooth

pate brand, when he buys for himself.

8. To know about the possibility reasons that lead to brand switch


9. Image profile analysis of important tooth paste brands.


Administering a questionnaire on 50 customers residing collected the

data in and around Patiala, to know about consumers preferences and

perception regarding various aspects related a tooth paste such as factor

which influence the consumers most when he bought tooth paste,

attribute that he look for while buying a tooth paste, reasons for brands

switch over etc. This data was then tabulated to make calculations on

analysis, which from the basis of the results, and findings of the study. A

copy of questionnaire is given in appendices.


1. Gender Wise :-

Male 30
Female 20

2. Age Wise :-

Age Male Female Total

Up to 25 14 10 24
26 - 35 7 3 10
Above 35 9 7 16
3. Status Wise :-

Students 23
Professionals 14

House wives 8

Businessmen 5

Agewise and Gender Distribution of Samples ( Column Type )

20 male
15 female
10 total

upto 25 26-35 above 35
Pie Chart


upto 25
above 35


upto 25
above 35
Status Wise Distribution of Sample ( Cone type )

15 Professionals
10 House wives
5 Businessmen


Pie Chart


Students Professionals House wives Businessmen


Image Profile Analysis

1. Which Tooth paste do you like most?

Most Liked Tooth paste


Close up : 21

Pepsodent : 12

Colgate : 17


The respondents were asked to list the name of Tooth Paste that
they like most. After research it was found that 42% people like
Close-up, 24% Pepsodent, 34% Colgate. The main reason behind
the liking of Close-up is that the young generation mostly likes the
advertisement featuring various models , flavours , colours and
long lasting freshness.

2. Number of tooth pastes used by people in a month?

No. of tooth paste No. of Families
1 : 9
2 : 30
3 : 11

After survey it was found that most of the families used 2 tooth
pastes on a average basis per month. Some big joint families used
3 tooth pastes per month.




15 No. of toothpaste
No. of Families

1 2 3

3. Which are the factors that influence you the most when you buy a
tooth paste?
Price 367

Colour 385

Advertisement 310

Packing 230

Scheme 256

Availability 326

Taste 417

Liking 326

After survey it was found that most of the people preferred that tooth

paste whose taste they liked. Colour stood second in their preference.

Price was third. There was a tie between Availability & Liking.

Advertisement stood sixth. Scheme ranked seventh and last but not the

least was packing. All the points given to factors that influence

customers to buy tooth paste are based on Rank System. It was a

combined survey of both males & females.

Procedure of Ranking.

Rank - Points
1 - 10
2 - 9
3 - 8
4 - 7
5 - 6
6 - 5
7 - 4
8 - 3
4. Which attribute do look for when you buy a tooth paste?

Healthy Tooth and Gums - 199

Long lasting Freshness - 216

Prevention of Tooth Decay - 135

Whiteness - 70

Use of Natural Herbs - 189

Good Foam - 140


It was found out that the people preferred that tooth paste the most

which provided them with Long Lasting Freshness. The tooth paste

giving the quality of Healthy tooth & gums was ranked second. Third in

the race was tooth paste with Natural herbs. The fourth ranking was

given to tooth paste giving Whiteness to their teeth. Fifth ranking goes to

paste providing Good Foam and the least preferred was the paste which

boasted of prevention of tooth decay. All the points given to attributes

that influence customers to buy tooth paste are based on Rank System.

It was a combined survey of both males & females.

Procedure of Ranking

Rank - Points
1 - 6
2 - 5
3 - 4
4 - 3
5 - 2
6 - 1

5. The tooth paste advertisement that they like most of:


Close-up - 11 12 23

Pepsodent - 5 7 12

Colgate - 4 11 15

Most liked Advertisement

15 Close-up
10 Pepsodent
5 Colgate

6. I would switch to another brand, possibility for one or more of the
following reasons:

Price rise of my current brand 19

Better packaging of another brand 6

Scheme with another brand 15

Advertisement impact 14

When my brand is not available 28

To try new option 23

Influence by others 5
The main reason behind brand switch over was when the preferred brand

of people choice was not available. People strongly agreed to try new

option just for the sake of exploring and tasting the new brands available

in the market. Price rise was also a major factor for brand switch over.

Schemes with other brands also shifted loyalty of people from their

preferred brands. Advertisements with attractive models were also one

of the reasons for brand switch over. Few people also preferred

packaging of other brands and influence by others. It was a combined

survey on both males & females.

7. Which brand do you like most?

HLL - 32


Most Liked Brand




Most of the people preferred the HLL brand, which includes Close-up

and Pepsodent. Thirty-two people preferred HLL brand, which targets

the youth segment, and eighteen people preferred Colgate-Palmolive

brand. It was a joint survey of both males & females.

Ratings given to these brands are out of fifty.

Chapter VI


The findings based on the data collected give a fairly good idea
about the various aspects of some important popular brands such
as Pepsodent, Close-up and Colgate.

1. In terms of awareness, people are aware of both the brands. But

they have their own likings and disliking.

2. Most of the people like the advertisement of Close-up. The

reason behind this is
that they target the youth segment by using young and attractive

3. People liked the HLL brand the most as compared to Colgate-


4. After survey it was found that most of the families used 2 tooth
pastes on a average basis per month. Some big joint families
used 3 tooth pastes per month.

5. After research it was found that 42% people like Close-up,

24% Pepsodent, 34% Colgate. The main reason behind the
liking of Close-up is that the young generation mostly likes the
advertisement featuring various models , flavours , colours and
long lasting freshness.
Price : 367

Colour : 385

Advertisement : 310

Packing : 230

Scheme : 256

Availability : 326

Taste : 417

Liking : 326

Most of the people preferred that tooth paste whose taste they liked.
Colour stood second in their preference. Price was third. There was a tie
between Availability & Liking. Advertisement stood sixth. Scheme
ranked seventh and last but not the least was packing.


Healthy Tooth and Gums - 199

Long lasting Freshness - 216

Prevention of Tooth Decay - 135

Whiteness - 170

Use of Natural Herbs - 189

Good Foam - 140

It was found out that people preferred that tooth paste the most that
provided them with Long Lasting Freshness. The tooth paste giving the
quality of Healthy tooth & gums was ranked second. Third in the race
was tooth paste with Natural herbs. The fourth ranking was given to
tooth paste giving Whiteness to their teeth. Fifth ranking goes to paste
providing Good Foam and the least preferred was the paste which
boasted of prevention of tooth decay.

Price rise of my current brand - 19

Better packaging of another brand - 6

Scheme with another brand - 15

Advertisement impact - 14

When my brand is not available - 28

To try new option - 23

Influence by others - 5

The main reason behind brand switch over was when the preferred brand
of people choice was not available. People strongly agreed to try new
option just for the sake of exploring and tasting the new brands available
in the market. Price rise was also a major factor for brand switch over.
Schemes with other brands also shifted loyalty of people from their
preferred brands. Advertisements with attractive models were also one
of the reasons for brand switch over. Few people also preferred
packaging of other brands and influence by others.
Chapter VII


1) Colgate-Palmolive should try to target the youth segment by using

Celebrities in their advertisements. It is good thing that they mostly
use Dentists to attract the customers but as compared to HLL, they
always use models and young people in their advertisements.
Celebrities attract today’s youth more.

2) Colgate-Palmolive should try to introduce a variety of attractive

flavours in their tooth pastes.

3) They should bring about some changes in their packaging &


4) They should cut down their prices up to some extent because some
tooth pastes of Colgate are quite expensive as compared to Close-
up & Pepsodent.

5) Close-up is less popular amongst senior citizens as compared to

Colgate. Close have already established a brand name in Youth
segment but they should also concentrate on targeting other classes
of people.

6) Colgate stresses on Strong & Healthy teeth, Prevention of tooth

decay, Use
a. of Natural herbs while HLL products believe in 24hrs
protection from germs,
b. long lasting freshness and Whiteness of teeth’s.

7) In the Tooth Brush segment people prefer Colgate brushes more

than HLL toothbrushes because there is large variety and shapes of
Colgate Tooth brushes available in the market.

8) Both HLL and Colgate-Palmolive should try to explore the rural

areas also because both these brands are not very popular amongst
the rural people.

1. Name ________________________________

2. Age ________ , Gender _______ , Contact No. ____________________

3. Which Tooth Paste do you like most?

Close up Pepsodent Colgate

4. Status : Student Professional House Wife Businessman

5. Number of Tooth Pastes used per month ______

6. Which Brand do you like most ?

HLL Colgate-Palmolive

7. Which are the factors that influence you the most when you buy a tooth paste?(Give Ratings 1-8 )

a) Price b) Colour c) Advertisement d) Packing

e) Scheme f) Availability g) Taste h) Liking

8. Which attribute do you look for, when you buy a tooth paste?
( Rank in order of preference from 1 - 6 , the brand which has these attributes )

a) Healthy tooth & gums b) Long lasting freshness c) Prevention of tooth decay

d) Whiteness e) Use of Natural herbs f) Good foam

9. The tooth paste advertisement that like most is of


10. I would switch to another brand, possibility for one or more of the following reasons :

a) Price rise of my current brand

b) Better packing of another brand

c) Scheme with another brand

d) Advertisement impact

e) When my brand is not available

f) To try new option

g) Influence by other


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