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CKV Project Movies By Robert Ramsodit and Damian Binda HV4TTO

Introduction Type of movies Four frames Perspectives The Montage Film Genres And off course Examples & Assignments At the End of this Lesson, youll get the answers

From every type of art is film the youngest. Youve got 3 types of film Public film tries to go with the taste of the big audience Blockbusters have a lot of promotional campaigns, always in cinemas Artfilms are used with the artistic experiment as to shape and content, generally in Art houses instead of cinemas

A. Explain in your own words what the definition Film means. B. Try to answer the question what is the goal of a film C. make a word web with anything that can relate to a movie D. Tell us what the main thing is, in order to make a (Good, Successful) movie

In the next slide youll see 4 different pictures each picture (Frame) has a special name. The 4 Options are: Total Shot Medium Shot Close-up Extreme Close-up

The same thing as before but now with the perspective instead of the Frames. This time you also got 4 Options: Bird Perspective Frog Perspective Neutral Perspective And Subjective Perspective

If you want to make a movie, you need a Script, were you can record shots, after these shots, scenes will be created. A montage is the order of scenes determined by the Director together with his editor. The storyline always differs within its order.

Annually there will be made thousands of movies, all different types and story lines off course. You can sort films by their genres, subjects, goals and age categories. There are 4 Main Genres Comedy, Melodrama, Western and thriller.

Comedy is the most popular one, in silent movies, it was hard to explain, so they used body language, perfect example is The Dictator In comedy, love comedy is the funniest because then you see, a love story thats actually funny. Melodrama is more focused on the emotions of the characters, sentiment of people, a good example is The Titanic.

In Western, its all about moral rules, good guys, bad guys ; Hero Villain. You can picture a cowboy story for Western movies, with the sheriff, horses and fights. In a thriller the main character is in a frightening situation, he gets threatened by an assassin, just like a horrorfilm

Next to image, a normal movie also has sound, not only voices but specifically the background in scary situations. A voice that has been recorded out of the picture (Just like in Ted) is called a voiceover, leaving a message out of the picture.

An animation film is build up by series of drawn images put together of objects. The best example are cartoons by Disney Studios, Snow White, The Lion King, popular. Nowadays they use computer animation. A documentary is a movie about reality, with knowledge and a history before them, with a lot of information and details.

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