CH 13 Oscillations About Equilibrium

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CH 13 Oscillations About Equilibrium

Subject Equations Relationships

T •Defined as motion that repeats itself T=time required to

S.I=s complete one cycle of periodic motion.
ƒ=1/T •Frequency tells us how frequent/rapid an oscillation takes place.
S.I.= 1/s or s-1 •The more rapid the oscillation the higher the frequency.
Periodic kHz=103 Hz or
Motion MHz 1 MHz=106Hz
•Defined as a spring that exerts a restoring force that is
Position vs. Time proportional to the displacement from equilibrium.
x=Acos(2π/T)t •A spring fully extended = mass is at maximum positive value of
S.I.= m x. Velocity = 0. Exerts the opposite force to the left.
•A spring with velocity either compressing/stretching left or
right = mass at equilibrium position, force exerted by the spring
is 0.
•A spring compressed = mass at maximum negative
displacement. Velocity is also 0 here. Amplitude is 1/2 total range
of motion . +A + -A


Position Velocity Acceleration

Position of Shadow as a S.I.=m/s Acp=rω2
function of time: vmax=Aω Acceleration in
b/t Uniform x=Acos(2π/Tt) simple harmonic
Circular S.I.=m motion
Motion and ω= 2πƒ= 2π/T a=-Aω2cos(ωt)
Simple S.I.=rad/s = s-1 amax=Aω2
Harmonic Position is greatest a=-ω2x
Motion when speed is 0.

•Relationship between motion of mass on the spring and mass, k,
and amplitude are as follows:
S.I.= s (i) Increasing k will increase frequency.
(ii) Increasing mass will decrease frequency.
(iii) Increasing both mass and k by the same factor yields no
change in motion.
(iv) Changing the amplitude also has no effect on frequency.
Period of
Mass on a

•Maximum potential energy of a mass spring system is the same

Energy Total Energy as the maximum kinetic energy of the mass.
Conservatio E=½kA2 •So if the maximum potential energy of a system is 0 then the
n in PE=U=½kx2 mass has its maximum kinetic energy.
Oscillatory KE=K=½mv2
CH 13 Oscillations About Equilibrium

T=2π√(L/g ) •Simple pendulum has stable equilibrium when its mass is

S.I.= s suspended directly below the pendulum.
Pendulum U=mgL(1-cosΘ) •Stable equilibrium corresponds to minimum potential energy.

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