CH 30 Quantum Physics

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CH 30 Quantum Physics

Subject Relevant Equations Relationships

Wien's Displacement blackbody: a system that gives off
Law: ƒpeak= (5.88 x electromagnetic radiation. An ideal blackbody
1010s-1•L-1)T S.I.=Hz =s- absorbs all the light that is incident on it.
•Distribution of energy on the blackbody is NOT
Quantized Energy: dependent on the material.
Blackbody En=nhf n=0,1,2,3… •It is ONLY affected by temperature.
Radiation & Planck's Constant, h: •Direct connection between temperature of an
Planck's h=6.63 x 10-34 J•s object and the frequency of radiation it emits
Theory S.I. = J •s strongly.
Energy of a Photon
with Frequency, ƒ
S.I= J
Work function, Φ : photons: bundles of energy work function:
Kmax=E-W0 minimum amount of energy necessary to eject an
Photons and Cutoff Frequency: electron from a particular metal
the ƒ0=W0/h cutoff frequency: the minimum frequency to eject
Photoelectric S.I= Hz = s-1 electrons. If cutoff frequency is not reached,
Effect Kmax= hƒ-W0 intensity will have no effect on electron emission.
Rest Mass of a Photon:
Momentum of Photon:
Mass/Moment p= (hf/c) = (h/λ) also
um of Photon (E/c)
Compton Shift
S.I.= m
Compton wavelength
of an electron, (h/mec) •Energy Conservation: energy of incident
Compton = photon=energy of scattered photon + final kinetic
Effect: 2.43 x 10-12 m energy of electron.
•Light can exhibit particle like behavior, then an
electron, should exhibit wave like behavior.
•The greater the particle's momentum, the
de Broglie Wavelength: smaller the de Broglie wavelength.
λ= (h/p) •If the difference in path lengths is ½ a lambda,
S.I.= m then destructive interference occurs. If the
Diffraction of X-rays difference is 1λ, then constructive interference
de Broglie and particles by occurs.
Hypothesis & Crystals: Wave-particle duality: Light having particle like
Wave-Particle 2dsinΘ =mλ properties and particles exhibiting wave like
Duality m=1,2,3... properties
Dark Fringe:
Momentum and
Heisenberg Position: ΔpyΔy ≥ h/2π
Uncertainty Energy and Time: •It is impossible to predict exactly where that one
Principle ΔEΔt ≥ h/2π electron will land on the screen.

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