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Democracy and Capitalism:

A Comparative Study of the United States and the Republic of India

Course Objective:
The purpose of this course is to gain a deeper understanding of modern democracy
and capitalism by studying two of the world’s most significant nations, the Republic
of India and the United States. Due to the many similarities and differences in their
development, these countries are particularly well suited for the comparative
approach. For example, both nations started their modern histories as British
colonies. Differences in geography, demographics and religion help to explain their
unique paths to political and economic stability, and influence on the world stage.
Understanding these similarities and differences will enhance student knowledge of
their own country, as well as the modern world.

Tentative Topics:

1. Colonial Period and Independence

a. Motives for colonization
i. Economic
ii.Religious and Political Freedom
b. Colonizer’s view of themselves relative to England
i. Factors that contributed or inhibited the creation of a
separate colonial identity
c. Philosophical justification of independence
d. Support for independence

2. Influence of Geography
a. United States – Turner’s Frontier Thesis / Manifest Destiny
b. India – relations with Pakistan and China

3. Development of Democratic/Capitalistic systems

a. Parliamentary versus Presidential systems
b. Development of political parties
c. Movement from agrarian to modern economy
i. Modern Economy
1. 19th versus 20th centuries
1. Governmental role
2. Private role
1. Farmers
2. Workers
3. Owners

4. Fight for Inclusion in Democratic System

a. Methods
i. Civil Disobedience versus Violence
ii.Thoreau / Gandhi / King Jr.
b. Effected groups
i. Women
iii.Racial and Religious minorities
iv.Lower classes / castes

5. Status as a World Power

a. Nuclear power
b. Economic power

6. Art / Culture / Religion

a. Great Books
i. Huckleberry Finn / ????
b. Hollywood versus Bollywood
c. Immigrant culture versus established culture
i. Jazz
d. Influence of dominant religion - Christianity versus Hinduism

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