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1LT - Busy Ants - Weekly Newsletter!

Whats on this week? Monday

No swimming Student led conferences start at 3:15

Student-led conferences- no school

Year one and two house fest- come in P.E. uniform.

Last weeks news: The Ants have been working very hard to nish their iBooks about their personal history in order to have them ready for the student-led conferences. They have also been practicing for the conferences so that they can show you what they have been doing over the past few months. Please remember to check your appointment time and arrive early!

Last day of school- half day

The week after: school holidays!!! It has been fantastic teaching the Ants this year. Each and every one of them have grown in many ways. I look forward to seeing them being condent year twos! Have a lovely and safe holiday and remember to keep reading with your children.

Reminders: Student-led conferences are for the children to show you and celebrate with you, their amazing achievements. Please do not use this time to consult with the teacher. All snuggle up books need to be back. All library books need to be back. P.E. uniform on Thursday for House Fest. Please remember to collect your childs books and things in their black drawer at the conference.

Mrs. Leigh Thomas- - Year One Teacher - Room 112

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