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EQUIPMENT DOWNTIME / INCIDENT REPORT ITMS Reference #: Plant Name : BC-140313 vmpp Prepared By : Machine Identifier : S joshi Bcs


Machine Operable in degraded Mode or Fully Down? (Explain) Fully down. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2012-08-07 Local Time (HH:MM) 19:55

Start Of Downtime / Degradation Problem Resolved? If YES, end of downtime/degradation If NO, estimated time of resolution

YES Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2012-08-07

NO Local Time (HH:MM) 22:05

Brief, yet concise description of the problem (Including symptoms, steps taken to resolve, cause of problem. Constant jams in the Ldu. Feeder pickoff erratic. Lots of mail going to overflow. Lots of Errors showing Pe 18 & Pe 18a (in the Ldu) jams on the monitor. Replaced the photocell 18 & 18a no improvement. Replaced the motor controller to fix the erratic pickoff problem. Voltage to photocells in the Ldu show only 2.6V instead of 5V. Cranked up voltage to max at about 4.6V in Power supply PS1. Ran mail passage detector test. Report shows failure in lots of PEs in LDU (e.g. PE 4, 10, 15 etc). Replaced another photocell RO Bolp in the LDU. All OK now. Status of Preventive Maintenance completion on machine. (Explain) NA Spare Parts Availability Problem? If Yes, please explain (Code 1, etc) YES NO

National Equipment Engineering

Has 3rd level Engineering Support been requested? YES NO

National Equipment Engineering

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