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A thesis study the decreasing demands on Filipino made products Chapter 4 Table 1 1. Do you buy products made from other country?

Choice Always Sometimes Never Seldom Total

Frequency percentage 8 26.67% 12 6 4 30 40% 20% 13.33% 100%

rank 2 1 3 4

Table 2 1. Do you think that the products from other country have better quality than our own products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Strongly 13 43.33 Agree Agree 2 6.67 Strongly 1 3.33 Disagree Disagree 11 36.67 Maybe 3 10 Total 30 100

RANK 1 4 5 2 3

Table 3 3. Do you think the teenagers wants Filipino made products than imported products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RANK Always 8 26.67 2 Sometimes 15 50 1 Never 4 13.33 3 Seldom 3 10 4 Total 30 100

Table 4 4. In choosing for products, do you prefer imported products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RANK Always 4 13.33 3 Sometimes 16 53.33 1 Never 8 26.67 2 Seldom 2 6.67 4 Total 30 100

Table 5 5. How often do you use countrys products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RANK Always 7 23.33 2 Sometimes 15 50 1 Never 5 16.67 3 Seldom 3 10 4 Total 30 100

Table 6 6. Do you feel proud when you possess other country products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RANK Always 8 26.67 2 Sometimes 15 50 1 Never 3 10 4 Seldom 4 13.33 3 Total 30 100

Table 7 7. Are you buying our own products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RANK Always 9 30 2 Sometimes 13 43.33 1 Never 2 6.67 4 Seldom 6 20 3 Total 30 100

Table 8 8. How often do your friends affect you to choose/ buy imported products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RANK Always 6 20 2 Sometimes 15 50 1 Never 4 13.33 4 Seldom 5 16.67 3 Total 30 100

Table 9 9. Do you believe that our own products are of low quality?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Strongly 5 16.67 Agree Agree 7 23.33 Strongly 4 13.33 Disagree Disagree 12 40 Maybe 2 6.67 Total 30 100

RANK 3 2 4 1 5

Table 10 10. How regular do you use our own products?

CHOICE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RANK Always 12 40 2 Sometimes 13 43.33 1 Never 2 6.67 4 Seldom 3 10 3 Total 30 100

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