Question:-Cript Question-Life Saving System

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1) What is the use of life saving system in ships? a. To rescue life b. For pleasure c. For fishing d.

All of the above

2) On which year onwards regulations made it compulsory to have life boats at ships? a. 1930 b. 1931 c. 1914 d. 1929

3) What is the biggest difficulty in launching life boats? a. When sea is rough and vessel have heel b. When sea is calm c. When ship have trim d. None of these

4) What is the advantage of modern life boats? a. They are big b. They are totally enclosed c. No advantage d. All of the above

5) What is the main disadvantage of life rafts? a. Their size b. Chance of getting inflation c. Difficult to launch

d. All of the above

6) What is the reason of passengers in life raft get inflated? a. They contain some high pressure gases b. Have less space c. Due to the waves d. No chance of inflation

7) As per which organization that all merchant ships require life rafts on each side of the ship? a. IMO b. MARPOL c. SOLAS d. ISO

8) Free fall life boats are heavier than normal life boats. Why? a. To easily drop b. To carry more passengers c. To get more speed d. To survive the impact with water

9) Which is the special type of life boats used in tankers? a. Fire proof life boats b. Free fall life boats c. Life rafts d. Hyper baric life boats


Which type of life boat is used in vessels that has saturation divers?

a. b. c. d.

Fire proof life boats Free fall life boats Life rafts Hyper baric life boats

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