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Lesson Plan:5.10 Main Topic: Major Ship Design Features credits= 2 No. of hours= 8 5.10.1.Machinery and Electrical Generation Systems Electrical Distribution System,Piping SystemsAir conditioning and Ventilation &Fuel system (.5) 5.10.2.Marine pollution & Cathodic Protection(.5) 5.10.3.Cargo handling & replenishment of provisions(.5) 5.10.4.Boats & Davits & 5.10.5.Weapons systems(.5) General awareness of diesel generator varies pipes used in ships and purpose of varies pipes Need of air conditioning Different cargoes arrived in vessel know about the design parameters of electrical generation and distribution system ship piping systems to provide circulation of cooling water, the supply of fuel to onboard aircraft air conditioning is the simultaneous process of heating and cooling of air. includes air circulation, air filteration. it also includes humidity control. The comfort air conditioning level is from 23 to 26.5 degree celcius PPT on airconditioning PPT on electrical systems google,youtube wikipedia what is the function of air conditioners cycle of operation of electrical systems what are the steps involved electrical generation system

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