First Intermediate Period

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GraecoPredynastic Early Old First Middle Second New Third Roman period Dynastic Kingdom Intermediate Kingdom Intermediate

Kingdom Intermediate period

Late period

First Intermediate Period

Dynasties Seven and Eight (O.C. 2181 - 2161 B.C) Neterkare Menkare Neferkare Neferkare neby Djedkamaare Nefer-kakhendure Merenhor Sneferka Wadjetkare Qakare Iby Dynasties Nine and Ten - Herakleopolitan( O.C. 2160 - 2040) Meryibre Khety Merykare Kaneferre Nebkaure Akhtoy

The first four members of the Eleventh Dynasty are also considered to have ruled during the First Intermediate Period. The last four rulers are placed in the Middle Kingdom. Dynasty Eleven - Theban (O.C. 2134 - 1991) Montuhotep I (Tepy-a) Intef I (Sehertawy) Intef II (Wahankh) Intef III (Nakhtnebtepnefer) Mentuhotep II (Nebhetepre) Mentuhotep III (Sankhkare) Mentuhotep IV (Nebtawyre)

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