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Jacosalem, J.P.M., Guiam, C.R., & Ybiernas, R.A.S. (March 2013).

Solid Waste Profiling in Philippine Science High School Main Campus. Research Paper, Philippine Science High School Main Campus.

ABSTRACT This project focuses on the creation of a waste profile for the Philippine Science High School Main Campus. Waste management is one of the main concerns of establishments. In order for waste management programs to be effective, waste characterization or profiling must first be done. Several waste management schemes have been used in the Philippine Science High School Main Campus (PSHS- MC) without first conducting waste profiling. This projects objective is to create a waste profile for the Philippine Science High School Main Campus (PSHS MC) which will be used to improve the current waste management programs used by the school. The project was done over the course of three months. Wastes that were brought to the Materials Recovery Facility of PSHS MC were segregated by source. They were segregated into their types aluminum cans, paper, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, glass, and plastics. Wastes that were not segregated were classified under unsegregated waste. Wastes were weighed using a modified bathroom weighing scale daily and the results were collected. Weekly and monthly collation of the results was done. Observations determined what factors affected the waste output of PSHS MC. Results showed spikes in unsegregated waste during school events. Unsegregated waste composed the majority of the waste stream followed by PET bottles. The data gathered from the project will be used to make the proper recommendations to the Environmental Protection and Waste Management (EPWM) committee so that waste management programs employed or that will be employed may be improved.

Keywords: waste segregation, waste management, materials recovery facility, waste profile

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