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Nerri Morecho BSN IV-I

Being the head of Preschool Committee makes me realized that life is so simple for children, you can easily influence their minds and hearts, if you want to be at peace with the community you should first get the hearts of children, because they are the apple of their eyes. At first I was hesitant if, I can be a good committee head because I know that preschool is the biggest population in Barangay Masaya, I saw it as a threat meaning there is more responsibilities, there is more heads to guide and influence. But as time goes by in the community my prejudgments and believes fade, being a preschool head, I saw it as a good chance to influence and direct children in wellness and healthy lifestyle, that is why I fully grasp the chance to influence all the children within a month by setting as a good role model, having a right conduct and moral beliefs. We also taught them proper hygiene such as proper tooth brushing, hand washing, proper wound cleaning, proper bathing and basic food group. I saw in the children`s eye that they were listening attentively to us, there eyes speaks a lot of happiness, especially when it comes to recitations, return demos and games. My committee was so busy the entire month in rendering seminars on various places, we doesnt have any problem in getting audiences because all the children where actively participating in the teachings. But we have this event entitled Little Mr. and Ms. Valentine`s that really drained us physically, mentally and spiritually. I realized here that it was so hard to organize an event especially if the time span is so little, only a week of preparation was given to us. It is so hard to look for contestants, some will back-out on the last minute, it is time consuming to run errands at Bayan to buy prizes, and designs for the stage. But all these hardships where replaced when our event was nothing but successful and meet its goal and that is to enhanced the self confidence of children and instilled value of camaraderie in them. My overall CIP immersion experienced was awesome, memorable and worth cherishing, not mentioning the issues made by some of my alcohol drinkers batch mates in barangay Masaya, blessed them God. May they realize the effect of what they had done. Here I able to met my second family, they are very hospitable and kind hearted. I will surely be back at Masaya.

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