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1170 The Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, was murdered in Cant.

Cathedral as a consequence of his refusal to accept the Constitution of Clarendon. 1215 John Lackland was forced to sign Magna Charta. 1337-1453 A series of conflicts known as the Hundred Years War were fought between England and France. 1381 The Paesants Revolt broke out because of heavy taxation. 1455-1485 The rival families of Lancaster and York started a bloody feud, the Wars of Roses. 1485 Henry VII became the first king of the Tudor dinasty. 1509 Henry VIII succeeded his father on the throne. 1534 With the Act of Supremacy Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church in England. 1603 James I started the Stuart dynasty. 1605 The Gunpowder Plot: a group of Catholics planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament during the official opening session, but it was discovered in time. 1620 The Pilgrim Fathers left England for America on the Mayflower. 1628 Charles I signed the Petition Of Rights wich denied the King the right to impose taxes without Parliaments consent, or to imprison without trial. 1642 Civil War broke out. 1660 Parliament invited Charles II to return to his kingdom from his exile in France and the republic was over. 1665 London was struck by the bubonic plague. 1666 A fire destroyed most od the City in four days. 1707 The Act Union: Scotland lost its independent Parliament but could sit in the House of Lords anfd House of Commons.

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