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Performance & Tunning

Programao em ABAP/4

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Assuntos abordados
Performance e Tunning
Acesso a Banco de Dados Manipulao de Strings Manipulao de Tabelas Internas Tipos de Campos Outros

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Select + Check X Select...Where

select * from sbook. check: sbook-carrid = LH and sbook-connid = 0400. endselect. select * from sbook where carrid = LH and connid = 0400. endselect.

79.508 s

54.395 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Select usando ndice

select * from t100 where arbgb = 00 and msgnr = 999. endselect. select * from t002. select * from t100 where sprsl = t002-spras and arbgb = 00 and msgnr = 999. endselect. endselect.

46.565.368 s

987.930 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Select...Endselect X Select Single

select * from scarr where carrid = LH. endselect. select single * from scarr where carrid = LH.

29.477 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

28.409 s

Select + Append X Select into table

refresh x006. select * from t006 into x006. append x006. endselect. select * from t006 into table x006.

58.864 s

17.962 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Select...Endselect X Loop
select * from t006. endselect. select * from t006 into table x006. loop at x006. endloop.

42.985 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

23.385 s

Operaes automticas do SGBD

c4a = 000. select * from t100 where sprsl = D and arbgb = 00. check: t100-msgnr > c4a. c4a = t100-msgnr. endselect. select max(msgnr)from t100 into c4a where sprsl = D and arbgb = 00.

2.187.488 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

167.781 s

Select utilizando Views

select * from dd01l where domname like CHAR% and as4local = A. select single * from dd01t where domname = dd01l-domname and as4local = A and as4vers = dd01l-as4vers and ddlanguage = sy-langu. endselect. select * from dd01v where domname like CHAR% and ddlanguage = sy-langu. Endselect.

12.372.996 s

3.890.100 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Select com For all entries

select * from t002. select * from t100 where sprsl = t002-spras and arbgb = 00 and msgnr = 999. endselect. endselect. select * from t002 into table t_t002. select * from t100 into table t_t100 for all entries in t_t002 where sprsl = t_t002-spras and arbgb = 00 and msgnr = 999.

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

For all entries X Inner Join

select matnr mfrnr into table t_mara from mara. select lifnr into from for where name1 table t_lfa1 lfa1 all entries in t_mara lifnr = t_mara-mrfnr. select m~matnr m~mrfnr l~name1 into table t_result from mara as m inner join lfa1 as l on m~mrfnr = l~lifnr.

clear t_result. refresh t_result.

loop at t_mara. read table t_lfa1 with key lifnr = t_mara-mrfnr binary search. check sy-subrc is initial. move: t_mara-matnr to t_result-matnr, t_mara-mrfnr to t_result-mrfnr, t_lfa1-name1 to t_result-name1. append t_result. endloop.

140.000 s

114.000 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

For all entries X Letf Outer Join

select matnr mfrnr into table t_mara from mara. select lifnr name1 into table t_lfa1 from lfa1 for all entries in t_mara where lifnr = t_mara-mrfnr. clear t_result. refresh t_result. loop at t_mara. read table t_lfa1 with key lifnr = t_mara-mrfnr binary search. if sy-subrc is initial. move: t_mara-matnr to t_result-matnr, t_mara-mrfnr to t_result-mrfnr, t_lfa1-name1 to t_result-name1. append t_result. else. move: t_mara-matnr to t_result-matnr, t_mara-mrfnr to t_result-mrfnr. clear t_result-name1. append t_result. endloop. select m~matnr m~mrfnr l~name1 into table t_result from mara as m left outer join lfa1 as l on m~mrfnr = l~lifnr.

143.000 s
Performance & Tunning

125.000 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Select de colunas especficas

select * from dd01l where domname like CHAR% and as4local = A. endselect. select domname from dd01l into dd01l-domname where domname like CHAR% and as4local = A. endselect.

1.645.070 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

266.631 s

Select de tabelas bufferizadas

select single * from t100 bypassing buffer where sprsl = D and arbgb = 00 and msgnr = 999. select single where and and * from t100 sprsl = D arbgb = 00 msgnr = 999.

32.273 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

2.037 s

Resumo de Acesso a BD
Sempre que utilizar o comando SELECT procure:
No utilizar o comando GET Evitar o operador LIKE Acessar a tabela por ndice Carregar a tabela numa tabela interna Utilizar Views Especificar as colunas Utilizar bufferizao Utilizar o automatismo do SGBD
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

Atualizao Por Linha X Por Bloco

loop at tab. insert into customers values tab. Endloop. insert customers from table tab.

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Update Por Linha X Por Coluna

select * from sflight. subtract 1 from sflght-seatsocc. update sflight. endloop. update sflight set seatsocc = seatsocc - 1.

260.952 s

56.595 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Resumo de Atualizao
Sempre que utilizar comandos de atualizao de BD procure:
Executar os comandos para blocos de linhas Executar os comandos para o menor nmero de colunas possvel

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Operadores para Strings

assign cha(1) to <c>. do 200 times. if <c> = ( or <c> = ). ... exit. endif. assign <c>+1 to <c>. enddo. if cha(200) ca (). ... endif.

8.413 s

607 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Funes X Comandos para Strings

call function string_concatenate_3 exporting string1 = t100-arbgb string2 = t100-msgnr string3 = t100-text importing string = cla exceptions too_small = 01. concatenate t100-arbgb t100-msgnr t100-text into cla.

1.468 s

117 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Algoritmos X Comandos para Strings

move Jos to cma. move Silva to cmb. move So Paulo to cmc. i1 = strlen(cma). i2 = strlen(cmb). i3 = strlen(cmc). move move i1 = move i1 = move i1 = move Sr. to cma to i1 + 5. cmb to i1 + i2 + de to i1 + 3. cmc to cha. cha+4. cha+i1. 1. cha+i1. cha+i1. move Jos to cma. move Silva to cmb. move So Paulo to cmc. concatenate Sr. cma cmb de cmc into cha separated by spaces.

Sr. Jos Silva de So Paulo o valor final de CHA.

Sr. Jos Silva de So Paulo o valor final de CHA.

638 s


Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Resumo Sobre Strings

Sempre que tiver que manipular strings procure:
Utilizar operadores especficos do ABAP/4 Utilizar comandos especficos do ABAP/4

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Criando uma Tabela Condensada

loop at tab_src. read table tab_dest with key k = tab_scr-k binary search. if sy-subrc is initial. add: tab_src-val1 to tab_dest-val1, tab_src-val2 to tab_dest-val2. modify tab_dest index sy-tabix. else. insert tab_src into tab_dest index sy-tabix. endif. endloop. loop at tab_src. collect tab_src into tab_dest. endloop. sort tab_dest by k.

9.324.565 s

270.060 s

Programao em ABAP/4

Performance & Tunning

Criando Tabela Sem Duplicidades

refresh tab_dest. loop at tab_src. read table tab_dest with key k = tab_scr-k binary search. if not sy-subrc is initial. insert tab_src into tab_dest index sy-tabix. endif. endloop. loop at tab_src. Append tab_src to tab_dest. endloop. sort tab_dest by k. delete adjacent duplicates from tab_dest comparing k.

335.602 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

257.364 s

Busca Linear X Binria

read table tab with key k = X. read table tab with key k = X binary search.

10.604 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

206 s

Chave Implcita X Explcita

move space to tab. tab-k = X. read table tab bynary search. read table tab with key k = X binary search.

331 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

148 s

Busca Linear X ndice Secundrio

read table tab with key date = sy-datum. if sy-subrc is initial. ... endif. read table tab_index with key date = sy-datum binary search. if sy-subrc is initial. read table tab index tab_index-indx. ... endif.

5.576 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

281 s

Loop + Check X Loop...Where

loop at tab. check tab-k = kval. ... endloop. loop at tab where k = kval. ... endloop.

9.091 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

3.284 s

Movimentao Explcita X Automtica

tab = tab_wa. append tab. append tab_wa to tab.

134 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

95 s

Cpia de Tabelas Internas

refresh tab_dest. loop at tab_src into tab_dest. append tab_dest. endloop. tab_dest[] = tab_src[].

8.554 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

2.446 s

Comparao de Tabelas Internas

describe table: tab1 lines l1, tab2 lines l2. if l1 <> l2. tab_dif = X. else. clear tab_dif. loop at tab1. read table tab2 index sy-tabix. if tab1 <> tab2. tab_dif = X. exit. endif. endloop. endif. if not tab_dif is initial. ... endif. if tab1[] <> tab2[]. ... endif.

14.292 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

5.506 s

Join de Tabelas Internas

loop at tab1. read table tab2 with key k = tab1-k binary search. if sy-subrc is initial. ... endif. endloop. i2 = 1. loop at tab1. read table tab2 index i2. if not sy-subrc is initial. exit. endif. if tab2-k = tab1-k. ... endif. endloop.

234.312 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

83.260 s

Loops Aninhados de Tabelas Internas

loop at tab1. loop at tab2 where k = tab1-k. ... endloop. endloop. i2 = 1. loop at tab1. loop at tab2 from i2. if tab2-k <> tab1-k. I2 = sy-tabix. exit. endif. ... endloop. endloop.

3.026.439 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

76.059 s

Modificao de Tabelas Internas

tab-date = sy-datum. do 500 times. modify tab index sy-index. enddo. tab-date = sy-datum. do 500 times. modify tab index sy-index transporting date. enddo.

50.234 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

27.735 s

Incluso ao Final de Tabelas Internas

loop at tab_src. append tab_src to tab_dest. endloop. append lines of tab_src to tab_dest.

49.025 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

16.397 s

Incluso no Meio de Tabelas Internas

idx = 250. loop at tab_src. insert tab_src into tab_dest index idx. add 1 to idx. endloop. idx = 250. insert lines of tab_src into tab_dest index idx.

179.852 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

18.204 s

Eliminao de Linhas Duplicadas

read table tab_dest index 1 into prev_line. loop at tab_dest from 2. if tab_dest = prev_line. delete tab_dest. else. prev_line = tab_dest. endif. endloop. delete adjacent duplicates from tab_dest comparing k.

239.180 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

37.750 s

Eliminao de Linhas em Sequncia

do 101 times. delete tab_dest index 450. enddo. delete tab_dest from 450 to 550.

23.068 s
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

906 s

Resumo Sobre Tabelas Internas

Sempre que tiver que manipular tabelas internas procure:
Utilizar comandos especficos do ABAP/4 Utilizar clusulas que melhorem a performance (WHERE, FROM, etc) Utilizar a busca binria ao invs da linear Utilizar algoritmos previamente desenvolvidos e testados Utilizar manipulao em blocos
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

Tipos de Campos
Para melhorar a performance:
Especifique os tipos de qualquer campo; Utiliza campos tipo I como ndices de tabelas internas; Faa movimentao entre campos de tipos diferentes s se no existir alternativa; No utilize tipos N para realizar clculos; Faa clculos entre campos de tipos diferentes s se no existir alternativa.
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

Outras Observaes
Para melhorar a performance:
O comando CASE melhor que o IF; O comando WHILE melhor que o DO, quando se aplicar; O MOVE e a atribuio direta so equivalentes; O ADD/SUBTRACT/COMPUTE e a atribuio direta com clculo so equivalentes; O IF e o CHECK so equivalentes.
Programao em ABAP/4 Performance & Tunning

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