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Customer Training Material

Table of Contents

ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 13.0 December 2010


ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

Table of Contents
Introduction 1. Nonlinear Overview A. What is nonlinear behavior? B. Types of nonlinearities C. Nonlinear Solutions using linear solvers D G D. General l Nonlinear N li Issues I General Nonlinear Procedures A. Building a Nonlinear Model B. Analysis Settings C. Reviewing Nonlinear Results Workshops 2A & 2B Element Technology Basic Contact A. Definitions B. Formulations C. Stiffness and Penetration D. Workshop 3A E. Pinball F. Symmetric vs Asymmetric G. Contact Results H. Workshop 3B Advanced Contact A. Body Types in Contact B. Auto Contact Detection Options C. Interface Treatments D. Contact Tool F. Workshop 4A G. Frictional Contact H. Workshop 4B Advanced Contact via MAPDL Metal Plasticity A. Overview B. Yield Criteria C. Hardening Rules 6A 6B 7. 5. 5A 5B 6. Metal Plasticity (Contd) D. Material Data Input E. Workshops 5A and 5B Nonlinear Kinematic with Chaboche Modeling Gaskets Creep A. Background B. Definition of terms C. General Creep Equation D. Available Models E. Material Input F. Solution Procedure G. Reviewing Creep Results H H. Workshop 6A Creep Curve Fitting in MAPDL Viscoplasticity with ANAND Model Hyperelasticity A. Background on Elastomers B. Background on Hyperelasticity C C. C Curve-Fitting Fitti D. Workshop 7A Hyperelasticity Supplement Stabilization A. Background B. Nonlinear Stabilization C C. Controlling Stabilization Force D. Stabilization Input E. Reviewing Results F. Workshops 8Aand 8B Nonlinear Diagnostics A. Solution Information B. Monitoring the Solution C. Newton-Raphson Residuals D. Example Cases E. Tips on Solving the Model F. Workshops 9A and 9B

Customer Training Material


2A 3.

7A 8.



4A 5.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


Release 13.0 December 2010

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