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The Art of Manipulation

Persuasive Techniques in Advertising

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The Art of Manipulation

Persuasive Techniques in Advertising

An advertisement is, essentially, a persuasive argument. The advertiser proposes a need (or problem), which may or may not have existed prior to the ad, and then proposes a solution to that problem. Often, consumers accept the solution as a result of unfair, illogical, or intentionally misleading advertising techniques.

Parts of an Argument
ISSUE - problem or controversy about which people disagree CLAIM - the position on the issue SUPPORT - reasons and evidence that the claim is reasonable and should be accepted

Unfair Emotional Appeals

Unrealistic Claim A cologne ad claiming their product will make the wearer irresistible to women. False Authority Michael Jordan selling underwear. Catherine Zeta-Jones selling cell phones Association a cigarette advertisement featuring a scenic waterfall, or healthy people engaged in rugged physical activity. A fast food ad featuring an attractive model inexplicably spraying water on herself.

Unfair Emotional Appeals

Appeal to Common Folk an ad showing a product being used in an average household a politician suggesting he is like everyone else Ad Hominem - attack on the person rather than his/her viewpoint Join the Crowd (Bandwagon) Cmon, everyone else is doing it!

Errors in Logical Reasoning

invalidate arguments or render them flawed.

(commonly called logical fallacies)

Female police officers should not be sent to crime scenes because apprehending criminals is a mans job.

Hasty Generalization (Conclusion derived

from insufficient evidence)

Because one apple is sour, all of them in the bowl must be sour.

Errors in Logical Reasoning

Non Sequitur (It Does Not Follow)
My doctor is young; Im sure shell be a good doctor.

False Cause
Because I opened the umbrella when I tripped on the sidewalk, the umbrella must have caused me to trip.

Either-Or Fallacy (Unnecessary Dichotomy)

Youre either with me, or youre against me.

Errors in Logical Reasoning

False Analogy
To prevent shoplifting, we ought to ban kids under eighteen from shopping. There are hardly any children in retirement communities, and shoplifting rarely occurs there. Loaded Language (Emotionally charged or biased) Even good kids can be influenced negatively by those dirty little punks who live across the street.

Limited Sample

Skaters always wear their hats backward; my friend is a skater and thats what he does.

Which persuasive tactic is being used?

Come early so you wont have to stand in line because everyone knows you can make a deal with Dave and save.
Bandwagon / Appeal to Common Folk

As a test pilot, Susan Gibbs knows performance. Thats why I drive a Chevy.
False Authority

Olsons pizzas are lower in fat and calories. Other pizza makers dont care about your health.
Ad Hominem / Emotionally Charged Language

We work magic with your children, says Eileen of Eileens Day Care. Call us, and your childrens dreams will come true.
Unrealistic Claim

Liberty Bell Airlines flies anywhere in this great land, from sea to shining sea.
Loaded Language / Association

Candidate Alan Wilson knows how to put in a good, honest days work. His father worked in a coal mine for over 40 years.
Appeal to Common Folk / Non-Sequitur / Loaded Language

Review of Terms
Stereotyping Join the Crowd False Analogy Loaded Language

Ad Hominem
Appeal to Common Folk Association

Limited Sample
Non Sequitur False Cause Either-Or Fallacy Hasty Generalization

False Authority
Unrealistic Claim

And where I work its the USA!!! People who smoke other brands should go live in Canada!

Just a typical day in my life.

Choose the brand that Santa smokes. And dont be left on the naughty list.

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