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R = Role (Whose perspective are they writing from? Are they a student? A character? An inanimate object?) A = Audience (Who are they writing to?) F = Format (Is it an essay? A letter? A brochure?) T = Topic (What are they writing about?) S = Strong Verb (use a strong verb such as examine, convince, etc. to explain the purpose) Role Brainstorm some possible choices: Audience Format Topic Strong Verb

Complete these sentences: I am a ____________________ writing a ____________________ to ___________________________ about (role) (format) (audience) _______________________________________________________________________________________. (topic) My purpose for writing is to _________________________________________________________________ .
(Expand on topic using a strong verb ie. convince, persuade, examine) Encyclopedia entry Essay Eulogy Fact sheet Fairy tale Historical account Interview Invitation Job description Journal entry Lab report Memo Monologue Myth News Story Pamphlet Petition Poem Resume Review Science fiction Skit Slogan Song Tape Telegram Warning Will Debate Yearbook Possible formats: Advertisement Advice Column Application Biographical sketch Bumper sticker Brochure Caption Cartoon Case study Commentary Commercial Debate notes/outline Dialogues Directions Editorial

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