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NAME: ___________________________ PERIOD: ________


1.) Frederick Griffith discovered that there was something that __________________, or
changed the bacteria that he was trying to grow.

a. grew and multiplied

b. ate
c. transformed
d. scrambled

2.) Freddy Griffith took heat-killed virulent/avirulent bacteria and mixed it with live
virulent/avirulent bacteria and somehow, to his surprise, ended up with a dead mouse.
(circle one/or the other)

3.) These two fellows were the ones who, in 1953, solved the mystery of the DNA helix.

_______________________________ & ________________________________.

4.) Chargaff’s rules mean that:

A = ________, G = ________, T =_________, and C =___________.

5.) The hydrogen bonds between certain bases are special - they can ONLY bond with
their complementary bases. Show me why. Or draw it for me. (Hint- think how many
hydrogen bonds they might have…)

6.) Rosalind Franklin suggested that the DNA molecule

a. has four bases

b. is helix shaped
c. can be replicated with X-rays
d. had three strands

7.) One model of a helix shape is

a. a tree trunk
b. a spiral staircase
c. chopsticks
d. a beach ball
8.) Label the blank DNA molecule below.

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