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1 3 mins : (Linh) -Introduction -Geography (Picture) -Language (Chart) 2 3-4 mins : -Religion (Short + Picture) -Family (Short) -Marriage

(short + divorce chart) -Namaste + Touching of the feet (Picture) 3 5 mins : -Festival of India : Tap trung vao 2 cai sau , bo qua nhung cai khac +Diwali (Picture) ( +Holi (Picture) . Neu can se co them clip dai 1 phut cho Holi . ( -Food : + Cutlery : phong cach an = tay . (Neu can se co them clip 1 phut cho cai right hand rule ) ( +Main dishes : cac mon chinh (Short + Picture minh hoa la chinh ) -Music : Short + Picture ( -Cinema : Bollywood (Short) ( -Architecture + Sightseeing +Taj Mahal ( +Victoria Terminus ( -Ending

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