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To the
National Federations
UCI Teams

Aigle, 1st May 2009

Réf: Road Department / PC / sgf

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In a previous letter, our technical adviser, Jean Wauthier, called the attention of the National Federations
and UCI teams to non-compliance with Article 1.3.024 of the technical regulation on bicycles.

In order to regularize the situation, a technical meeting was held at the UCI headquarters on 9 April last;
representatives of the AIGCP and of the manufacturers were present and provided their assistance.
The immediate controversial issue was the curvature of the handlebars fitted on time trial bicycles which
are non-complaint with this rule 1.3.024.

It was decided that the controversial handlebars must be replaced by compliant handlebars for
competition use no later than by 1 July 2009. On the other hand, for all the bicycle components (apart
from the wheels which are governed by Article 1.3.018) and, in particular, the seat post, an extension of
the time limit until 1 January 2010 has been allowed.

We wish to call your attention to the fact that our international commissaires will be intransigent in
applying the regulation.

A document will be published by the UCI to facilitate the implementation of these provisions of the
technical regulation. It will be available on our internet site next June.

We remain at your entire disposal. If necessary, you may contact the “equipment” unit at the following

Yours sincerely,

Philippe Chevallier
Manager Road Department

Copy : UCI International Commissaires

CH - 1860 Aigle / Suisse

)+41 24 468 58 11 fax +41 24 468 58 12

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