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Did you mean z^2 = 4(1 + x^2 + y^2)?

Then, here it is...
z^2 = 4(1 + x^2 + y^2) ==> z^2 - 4(1 + x^2 + y^2) =0
(x0,y0,z0) = (2,2,6)
fx = -4(2x) = -8x ==> fx (x0,y0,z0) = -16
fy = -4(2y) = -8y ==> fy (x0,y0,z0) = -16
fz = 2z ==> fz (x0,y0,z0) = 12
DF = (fx,fy,fz) = (-16,-16,12)
Equation of tangent plane: (x-x0) fx(x0,y0,z0) + (y-y0) fy(x0,y0,z0) + (z-z0) fz
(x0,y0,z0) = 0
-16 (x-2) - 16 (y-2) + 12 (z-6) = 0
4(x-2)+4(y-2)-3(z-6) = 0
4x + 4y -3z +2 = 0
Equation of normal line: R = P + t DF
= (2,2,6) + t(-16,-16,18)
==> (x-2)/4 = (y-2)/4 = (6-z)/3
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assuming that D and D' represent partial derivatives with respect to x and y res
Homogeneous solution:
Since D^2 - 6DD' + 5D'^2 = (D - 5D')(D - D'), the homogeneous solution is
z = f(y + 5x) + g(y + x) for some arbitrary functions f and g.
Particular integral:
We need to find [1/((D - 5D')(D - D'))] (e^x sinh y + xy).
First, find a solution to (D - D') u = e^x sinh y + xy.
==> u = ? [e^x sinh(a-x) + x(a-x)] dx
..........= ? [(1/2) e^x (e^(a-x) - e^(-a+x)) + (ax - x^2)] dx
..........= ? [(1/2) e^a - (1/2) e^(-a+2x) + ax - x^2] dx
..........= (1/2) xe^a - (1/4) e^(-a+2x) + ax^2/2 - x^3/3
..........= (1/2) xe^(x+y) - (1/4) e^(x-y) + (x+y)x^2/2 - x^3/3, replacing a wit
h y+x for a particular integral
..........= (1/2) xe^(x+y) - (1/4) e^(x-y) + yx^2/2 + x^3/6.
Finally, we find a solution to
(D - 5D') z = (1/2) xe^(x+y) - (1/4) e^(x-y) + yx^2/2 + x^3/6.
==> z = ? [(1/2) xe^(x+ a-5x) - (1/4) e^(x-(a-5x)) + (a-5x)x^2/2 + x^3/6] dx
..........= ? [(1/2)e^a xe^(-4x) - (1/4) e^(6x-a) + ax^2/2 - 7x^3/3] dx
..........= (1/2)e^a * (-1/16)e^(-4x)(4x+1) - (1/24) e^(6x-a) + ax^3/6 - 7x^4/12
..........= (-1/32) (4x+1) e^(-4x+a) - (1/24) e^(6x-a) + ax^3/6 - 7x^4/12
..........= (-1/32) (4x+1) e^(-4x+y+5x) - (1/24) e^(6x-(y+5x)) + (y+5x)x^3/6 - 7
x^4/12, replacing a with y+5x
..........= (-1/32) (4x+1) e^(x+y) - (1/24) e^(x-y) + yx^3/6 + x^4/4

----------------------Hence, the general solution is

z = f(y + 5x) + g(y + x) + [(-1/32) (4x+1) e^(x+y) - (1/24) e^(x-y) + yx^3/6 + x

since L(e3t)=1/s-3
therefore L(t3e3t)=(-1)3 d3/ds3 (1/s-3)
= -1 d2/ds2 (-1/s-3)2
= d2/ds2 (1/s-3)2
=-2d/ds (1/s-3)3
= 6 /(s-3)4

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