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Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

Hello, friends this is Deep, to day Ill discuss a little advance (just kidding :P) topic called ARP Poisoning Attack or Man in the Middle Attack In this article we use a packet sniffer called Wireshark to capture the packets ie coockie. Here we will see how Wireshark sniffs the packets and finally captured facebooks authentication coockie and replaced the victims authentication coockie with our own authentication coockie allow us to compromise a facebook account easily. In this post we will see how we can hack a facebook account over a LAN with ARP Poisoning or MitMA

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Core Concept::::::::> So here we areour main victim is LAN But remember if you are sniffing on a local area network,make sure that your network card is in the promiscuous mode..if not then use this cmd netsh int UR IP set global taskoffload=disable

Now letz begin the main part of this topic. we can classify our topic into three main part 1=> ARP Poisoningin order to poison victims ARP Cache 2=> With Wireshark we will sniff the coockie 3=> Finally we will replace the victims authentication coockie with our coockies and deploy the victims account..:P

Before we start we need some tools like :::::::: 1) Cain & Abel

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

2) Wireshark 3) Coockie Manager Plus (A firefox Addon)

Step1::::::::::: ARP Poisoning i) download Cain & Abel from their official site ii) now turn on the sniffer by clicking green button where I indicate with red circle, after starting Sniffer now press + button to scan all MAC address available in our

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

LAN like this pic..

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

Once you have scanned all MAC address and ip ,itz time to perform MitMA, to start that click on ARP tab at the bottom and click on the white area to turn + sign in blue. Next click on + sign and a list of host will appear to which you will like to sniff the this pic..

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

Now click Sniffer button which I mar in the will start poisoning the router in short of time and you will start capturing packets from your victims..:D

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

Now see this image it will clear that ARP Poisoning and routing..

So till now we done ARP Poisonig on victims ARP cache,now we will use wireshark to trace the packets (ie Sniffing) now we will start Wireshark to capture packets

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

so open wireshark and click on the interfaces like this image..

Now choose the right interface and click on start button.. and continue sniffing around 15 min to capture all packets and stop after capturing.. Next set the filter string as http.coockie contains datr as we know that datr is the facebook authentication cookie:P

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

Now right click on ->copy->bytes->printable text only and copy the all data to Notepad . Now we will use the Coockie Manager (firefox addon) open it on firefox ..first of all open and aopen coockie manager ..and on coockie manager click on add button

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

After clicking add button it will pop up a box like this and fill all the data as bellow.. name: use value: the value of the coockie that was capture..(see note pad) host: now save it..and refresh the page ..and you will see the magic :P

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

After refreshing I got

Compromise Any facebook Account via ARP Poisoning

So my mates thats all ..from me if there any Mistake by me please correct it.. and give me further suggestion

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